fkQl TWO Qfciialf&d OAH4T "EDRTOr wmmcrnu amarrf THE "DAILY NEWS. Omfir Bras. Umtteo. Third Aksm K. F. FCXXSX - - perl Local teaaeta, per maarUon. per Bae it 3fa aaiextaan. per aach per rates b PlbUi fCttcrrt sxsBscKirnos rates CKy deanery, by mS or earner, yearly petted. paid tn siTrsce SJM Y leafer parka. paB la adiw per , By Ml fl aB "parts of smash Cotambm. tbe Britten Sanntre and MMBaUt. pW atnare. yo-far - . Mb By natf to aJI cmer ccmntra per year SjBQ )OsYtsnilflB RATES MfnWf ! AadM Barcaa af Otnbtms y. B jRHaammm - anBBHpaaak-. 1. BamBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmammB . .. 1 1 . TAKE Vfeeo tii are ci li. t;:td, eihaed or saffennr. from n-e t-: vour body ts at its weakest, axJ rkat is wbea germs have their best chance to attack yoa. Wacacicr oe fed that SCsKING FEELING take a cap x Bovril tkeeoaceatrafed . niiii MM 0 prime beef. Boerfl has ab baaooc poirer of rev.riag the nod east ale i afthclxxh. BOVRiL and prevent that Sinking Feelino; (. 25 BENNETT IS RIGHT W are raciineo to think that Premier Bennett fft$t in refusing to fina-'ice a oVal with Russia by which aa ex-chanfe of Canadian cattk was proposed to be atap for Russian ofl. If the exchange is a proper otoe. &Mr is no ed for tile state :o intervene but. if Russia wishes to sel her ofl for cash and get kmg term credit on taetattie, Mr. Burnett is correct in his refusal to hafce atqrtMng to do wSk it We would do well to trade with Russia or anv other eornv long m the trading is on a fair basts. Any other kind 01 trade is obnoxious. LEADERSHIP ErBRYTHIXfG LtM.Liiliip seems to be everything in this world. The sneeeas of a cane feems to depeitd upon how well it is led. In Italy there was Mussolini, in Russia, Lenin ; in Germany. Hfcfcr foeuawd attention on tbe FasdMs of that enmitrv. and. m Ireland, de Valera enthused a large eetSon of the Thornton Purkis. writing in Saturday Night, raaaarks Ibfitv if Hitter had happened to lead the Communists m-?t'ed of the Fascist? in Germany, there would haw been reMBon there. Premier jfaeDonald of Britain has been the most sg-fioaavv fcreB auinister the country has 'had for ages and has given a great impetus to the peaceful settlement of mternatkmal dispotes. In Canada Bemtttt has led the MgaiUj to a pobcv of protection and has been a strong Xofce m brfnging about an Empire agreement u. regard to fiscal matters. Mackenzie King is organizing and lead- Uaf a freer trade crusade. PattuOo ts onajuestMne of thepbjtmi to tbe present prormeial at and Ids leadership is erervthin?. Without k TjBde would stand a good chance of being returned to mser after the next election. Jht now Russia has a trone leader but China lacks one. Hiad&nhtii g is a leader and is leadmg in Germany. Since has had a !earier at the beton tbe countrv has progress Almost everythnm ueneiag- he is a leaiier he know how to choose his there i ar. a'rw-no- of friction. Mav heaven wise and strong ieaders .n thi? country! govein- Premier 7Ae leflfcf fee i VvtLrLY TV -fSERT Bdttor, Duty Beam. I wis M aa ataeh concerned m eriUehang FasrJsm a m ,.aurj mil an error in raapcrt to yrxks& at erhaatrd by SBr. lh-Berv twattbK tab thrones o?&w ckstv. jpd vmma irtfclii at a look reftajr. h intfttmaal fmavieatjan of aiaat ia) edm NarpBHn state " r-P$ae szstft it rcxr.rc: :ert. adtbemrea thai the (tee a nam TtxBaa sroArrs who two acre known ukeatte tans not fey their will bat f ah tat af lore haw ramped to maitimme new and at as eaftha- jts his The Itaiaut aoctm Are tnjoyai raami fiteduui mofci.r l hkiu-tfam'Joc aaudst piesry hems aa at the aaaatten yea rs plan weald eatie on to eojoy. Tbe aear a x-Uwr of sa - eaaptayaa i coaatry autre aaxmir.xil vtLi: 0nre piaporDaBau!T Ujapu ' bav baj taebr parehasiBt ed of necessity can l fee to the saaaU load eaa lare are eaaaQr laOated Tbe la- j creaae of tazattOa to satet tbe ab-i Ma frrasm saaxar aaaamt oatia lamt raemi ! a to of banbtab aa at the aaUfavi :&Pmt e" 1 hli iibiiii it Tl ki li 11 ' ! poaw TvDne n nanr aoraiai aa enTiraaaarm of bar arpaaaed only by the a of the dark acea. rdte by txrm workers m 8oaCherr iuly aad Sacfiy cveataalrr larcair tbe Date to take a band aad eaaar aa tarreaar hi their aaaam. Thb as eccooask way to aire the Dace that worken eaa ataat jot. ociy to a eertais Ibar vtuerfc they aoaid rebel 1 Mareoco. or catafev xherae m aad TT-i type of nan. atry. j bAve ac jbietijaut to offer Bat fi it different asth He am.- a idetaBaX oce tbae aad m b 1 aad tha oataJoc at hba 1 m r:jn.txs aa the ItaSaa vbo re as boob lay other baa at Waamhfii anu rrca?d daatnk the march oe Roaar. br ideated bmueff at the northern bar der ready to faaap rr. tarn the msiehers were raated tl aaa the betrayal af the Ita&ac yi the reasoaal aathury daaL who eneoaraard the n aastad of carrytsf oat their de-.j Rt arareat approach to a mare rattlmas aad war with what he aaa creating a tot of How Mt nimn-eVrV do not try cat Bomherbaa for Jiia coaatry, a gaee birth ta Bamtarrtma hi aaamt ek aot exiat here, aaat sfler alLand Wbether yaa Bb B or aot. the a cal mmM caadfttta -raune the imifcay af let me art! ya that X hope a wtB twt aae aay taaxbaa here Bat a there h a chaaee far -the Mack, or red aharta I red one and take the COAU COAL! Oar Pa mint Sdaoo. Amerta aad natkhy Valley CmUa are gaaraa-tead ta grve aatmtactma Try a aaa af Ha. 1 BaEkary Vahay. We Bay. Wbea Monday Jhn- THE DAILY NEWS gtBtRf RBj ma" B I B .S BIB iBJBi.HAi atB?Bja Q PPCPPUCtmm fctiKtll TKtaTIBtBrnJ.Ba'a' j News f The Sport World BASKETBALL TIME-TABLE SriMeV fWWrf IUM ! Zi4X n ts iinmaai 1 it January Kueaa n. C K. Trim v muner. Aatolfm Ciflkavic raawu v lartaste. Tiixij ta. laerrnuiis. Ooaaru . Iroai Rupert tor the iajt few jears. w jt xtr.t- Vfestots loevr rv ipSBHe Xi- Tbe til tSyi. 'ooOrrer fc bf ' td s. port Siupw A: zx'jgkl ia fan toe to e Uu: tbe tide t jnd Mrs MrcUk. jaaabry 3S- lUJnu t Grotto fhina1 Tbe gaaat bmaji Aa X-ray upraise aaleh re- -j. a. 4rftw ' Wrnors fa. alerebaau Cardbtab together Merrtunu firtt Hafe la- pirm a rj-er of 150 yJ j il wnen es. Ooaaesi. acwsa aoven. terabedxate wtnaers and Wirwo t.!h tr prof. :-e racist: m wi'". asmM.V K R r Kaaraa hard arkm team of to oat 'Jot eaaro ot oat 1 mwn eoJ puyed Utu ewadu iTwO a. ffejfaors. Aaaaaaas es baafae tat brat deeaJoaeO ta CUttorrJv a .1 Mamxry wtatstta a. c x a. j 3Uaoas: Japaae m Orats CaamlmamammbW h wamBBaf eaalMe la aadha aofi fl8WefaalJ'ry XaaWry J RM at Orattoc Wrrbba vs. !OttrhaBt. tkntaub r. OoaaMa itowe?9 ea Iftetecm 1 C B. Va Kueo: raxat a. Warram: aaSinan n. is. iBReon vi uiatu a c wl: Tt fa k aanfeaau. Boaaeu a aa. Bmera. u s Orotta. l C. tin Kaieoa: maanen ea. r. Meteorv 19- -Orouo rj C" M X.: Mru. Cooks wm. $"'- n Japanear. r Zl Kaans ti Gratta: aa af'rrhaBU GutimuM aV voo tv Boeen. M- Kaie nC X K. ea Warners. Iiain am. Skcuu v Meiean. av-c x r ta ea C. X ai iSerehaau: ,a. GaaaKt. aoren va OcaaBa. btaieb rc. a a. ea Kaleaac, ! March n Otatto a C a a: note ea llufhiali: O aarta va. j March M- Kaiem va. Warrton r aferehaau a Ooaaet Roaert r? Ueteora j BASKETBALL CLUB DANCE: rcarr bbslwjto.h ju r-sMi ajayabje daaae aaa freea m mains Band Ban here hm Thaw-, my oajht a&der the aaapacas af Ska ort taabitna ni withal CJma.. fbere aaa a bhj csawd aad aB apv, uecialad the i""aBM 1 oTmmma mOmfi Cbm at the ar-i .anawiina A. taalimm, A. Bbamart, -at T. Caama hBb an mmrt tt--TiMnitftiilii aaiif!iflii ' .vaUaaal Antheaa after the bmaw waJtz. : The elected eanccrs at flat Tmt1 jaarraiary Tniaiia. Tai aid. 1 iuyi m am, mma mar. jadcml r wimmln. f. Brvsm aajd r I j cribbAOe ! j IsauMs j SPORT CHAT un. -anli ar aUyC at zi "toe Mloetn jOalOaV Mr tt XjtUkiait THe aaalh elelkabr CANADA TO COMPETE IV OAVaS CIT tTAY A Grotto Basketball Team is Off North k'Jtiii : the hoop take aui . MOerTSK. At -" tSsnsdUn Ute,lA o- T.fJrtft M,w -e be:!! acUbn ftsrcf. an Op,, j rkun anndbacea aasarcay T Wf that. a fnuWe 4 " (4 team raft he otfcunM. Gipaii ' ft alB be trpmeoiri 1r rth WW T&r Ten'chi At Pert 6tatp coed ban of :tr baaretaaH am- w a atefban B.U Aaerteaa. aaae Dattttuo ten- The Orotto Snuor l C. f rfi" xid CMJLA. ain-jV at play UUa year Thr aua kKbaU team left at II o nan at the 2 rat half at the iaaal foar ptaytn o teak put la aboarel tav Por u te taufc aoce play MrGaiatu u jw mstMSt winrtrrhM f all b. a .it u aw aw ftl A " aaavaamaa bbbu v aui 11. am ciBKEim. ax tb- , ay; ,1 1 w earn TIKE a mBaaadk maadimiaAa i cmny pjmavariat as ers Eveiy Storm itifj that pltiHBf4 safely ihrattfjt )tJHbiBl of Camamftm Isavf foood that, erett !r tavwes of rOfrtet advmmtv, Lste IiniHrr offers vhe oareit ,vrolectfom. rlnci arc V'cfk fnfo1et. TW fmtmtir ft rvnvstftadv dkieardeil. Caruider yowr orn life Iniurafe the fcurft)-wldrh h fires yoa and your family. Can ymi thioL of am ouW mveatment which 4ad hv yon M uh1) TTt tltHW at 7ro? Twtf efW cooM you elftltri the !ame pre'leclttm ahaimtt Mnryrtaite? Yoa can rely t$t LfTfj Tilfftra'hdr h4p yttu wrrther every t4erm. Cotutilt a Life Iiuuranrc rcpree4atiTc lib advice autl counsel may prove extremely valuable Etc Insurance 'trmce amiaaj 'titemrWI r Life lasaeeaee Campanfn , I s. i. 0.0 r rnnc unpen rcca wo. oresto s it rhos Jit 1 BBu rs Uasteteeri J