Monday, January 0, 1933 1 1 LOGAfc IIEWS NOTES ,.,,nr arityMl City 10. ' ' 1 ii ,i January 1;,pr.on price;. Egg fflti& ,., til .50 per ton. saoxW, tjry. , $1.00 per ton logs. Hyde :,siT. Phone S80, j v vinclal dotutatio Harold It'ay-refurneB to Inc city on tbe , nu yesterday arwrrioen frojn ! f trip to Vancouver on ecort ;, h C Written, M. L A. lor na was h week-end business i in town. He arrived horn linn on Saturday everting n and will leave tonight on hU i:n to the interior a 'Hither enjoyable dance was s turday night by the Cana-l ::bor Defence Lea jus in the i. Hill hi tnr Fxehange Block. Vlni a eoodty number In at-tn- Music was furnished by -.fx rs of the League. y Toner well known Vancov- mniini' cnflneer. who hju beet .nun nit propars oa Porcher : rt owned by Frank; Patterson. ., kn n Porcne' mlrie locator. .I'd m the city Saturday after-,s (I will sail tomorrow aftcr- on the Oardena for Vancou- Dull Headaches Gone Simple Remedy Does It '! i 'tich caused by constipation ;ftci one done of Adlerllu his .ill prison oat of BOTH 1 1 (1 lower bowels. Otm bet-. .i i mis nervousness. Ortnes : : .is wJ'OJ day and nfelit Taxi rr. vice Phone 32. II OaftaoHah LeWn Monthly meet-lng, Wednesday. Jan 11, 8 p.m. 8 An bur Alberta coals now tn dry shed, $11.00 per ton. Alberta tr (Mr.Caffery tf m i.i am m mj fhildreh's Colds fsWl Checked without UU31U. rtUD OTI ftoose. Women of the Moose and their friends are Invited to a so cial evening In Moose Hall. Tuesday. Jan 10. al 930 ! Bringing north an exceptionally !lgh'. lis! of paivngers. Union as. Cardena, Capt. A. E Dickson, arrived in port at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon front fc rifeth and filled it e p,tn. for A!, Stewart and other northern pdtntf, whence she will return bare tomorrow eh-route south. This to ttieiaft of the Qardenas Mas of toe Vabeouver-Prlnce Rupert-Anyox - Stewart route on which she has bate reltev-tnt during the past three months while the steamer Catata. which will return to service on the nekt voyage, has been receiving overhaul following a boiler breakdown Next week the Cardena will revert to her regular run on the Vancouver - Bella Ooola - Skeena River-PrtniA Rupert route for one month after which she will withdrawn from service for annual A Service Valued For Its Dependability The prescriiLfon your doctor writes for you is your ticket to health. It should be filled with fresh, full rtrottffth driijp by pharmacist who know their profession. That is the reason, nine times out of ten, your dctor will advise you to come here with prescriptions. Ormes Ltd. ZfiiA Pioneer Druqtjiats THK CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED tKUIllRITMII COM Mill ManuUrtum of ELEPHANT IWand rniMiru. II.RTILIIHS Pr-xltirrm A RWincra 1 I TADANAC Rrsnd iir.nKoi.VTic A.M.MUMUM rilOSrilATE SUl.rilATC OF tkitle surritriiosriiATF. I.r-I).7.INC CAnMlUM-niSMUTII UNION STEAMSHIPS LlSlITED Sitmtrs lTt Ptuk Bupn fr Vncouv T-S.R CAFiDENA KVIIKV TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Vn Omui riUU hAd r)poinv.. rrit l Mi Vanocniwr ThUMAty Prrnooe. T.S.S. VI'-NTLKi: F.VMIY TIIUKSD AY MlDNinilT. ATiviits Vaiicqum BvituUv i omlnf. Wfki MUliif lo Port attapaen. Ailcv Arm. Anyw. Stewsrt tnd Mm nirrf jwtntt. BuDitay. (tm. SPECIAL WINTF.II FCWR510N HATE. ItOUNII TKIP, ritlNCE ittVF.rtT to vAscoi'M:rt. st. On Mir 10 lo I'rb tR. rrlurn limit March SI. 1M3- , t'lnhrr tntornialloo rcrlln Q tattlrga and ticket at i'HOCK kll'tUt A(il.M't: SMDd Attain. rbona 88, CANADIAN PACIFIC T Vam)iYr via Orfn TVa HU Wat Pn PHINCEaB ADtCLAIDS rrldaya. 10 P.M To Vanrouwi dlrtr niNCt NORAH Pk IS, Jan 3. t.iw r,tii: itotMthuir rmnit rNft H-ioVH t( vANrnt vr.n. Tlrartt on aalf otmbrr 10 tn rbruar t. 19M. rtnai return limit Man li Slat. l33 Firr Information raJl or writ- . W. I. ruTI'.. drnrral Afnt. lrlnr Itiirwrl. IVf, Toohibs Radio MMskes of ttatlto Work r.uarai((f'fd Phone: niucOOi RtipertR&'dio nepalrs to Any Make of rtADto SET 6ut-oit-town buslnes; solicited iWniiic'p . frince,nppe,,Hg;... .H. Ws.MRlS ! IeV Atil f First Baptist Church LleTtsOffrcers For Year 1933 Meeting at the noise of Mrs. J. A. Undra'y, Park Avenue, at the' end of the wk. the Ladies' Aid of First Baptist Church elected officers, as follows lor 1933: 'President, airs. Frank Morris. Vice-President. Mr:.. Bert Morgan. Secretary, Mrs. Bid HambUn. Treasurer, Mrs. P. T. Linaey. Press Correspondent. Mrs. Oeorge Hibbard. Announcer, Mrs. A. Ivaradn. i After the election ot officers, a presentation of china was made to the retiring president, aire. James Hampton, by the incoming president A social hour waa enjoyed and refreshment were served. The Baptist Ladies' Aid will bold its first tea of the season on Thursday of this week In the church parlors and Is looking forward to a successful year. TWO C,Nf!j.tKS ASI'ME rim myoillty ofi'ice (Continued from Page l A. Mackenale. Mehrln McKay Stephens, broker, proposed by James H. Thompson, seconded by Arthur Brookabank. FOIl ALDURMEN Pour to He Eivrtad Thomas James Shcnton. mining nglneer. proposed by O W. Rudder-ham, seconded by J. R Mortn Victor Baaao-Bert. contractor, proposed by Wilfrid Oratton, aecun-ded by Thonus Trader and M. P. McCaffery. John Carrie, contractor, proposed by 8. E. Parker, seconded by Robert Gordon Harry B. Rochester, hotel proprie-'or proposed by W. T Krrgin. se-rnded by John Preece. R A McLeod. carpenter, propoeed by A. MacKenzie, second rd by W. H Montomery. Pred William Wassh. laundry me. , naacr. propoaed by L. W Patmore. rronded by D-O. Stewart 11)11 SCHOOL ItQAItl) I Three lo Ite'CMUd Dudley CharVs SrSnV ft teletra-I oher. prnpnatat by 1kjn ' Jtirtec. teanded by Charlr.t V ?nt i Harry Albert Brecn accountant, 'proposed by James H Thompfion. KTconded by O A Bnant. Sydney D Johnston, insurance broker, proposed by John Preece. seconded by W T Kertrln. RED WINGS GO STRONG DETROIT. Jan 9: (Canadian Press i- Displaying a surprising burst of speed, the Detroit Red Wings vanquished the Toronto Maple Leafs by a crushing score at Toronto Saturday night and. on their home Ice last night, decisively defeated the Boston Bruins. As a result, the Detroit rs overtook the ftaatonlans, who had been enacon-sed in second place, and went Into g tie for first place tn the American "Division of the National Hockey "League with the New York Ranters Who. In an Inter-club contest at New York laat night, played an overtime draw wtth the Americana. There were no other changes tn "standings as a result of the follow ing scores over the week-end: Sunday Sreres Boston I. Detroit 3. Montreal S. Chicago 4. New York Americana 1 Rangers t fUei. Saturday Scores Detroit 6, Toronto l. Ottawa 0. Canadlens 1. Hotel Arrivals PKIN'CE ltlTERT J. F Tener. A N Daykin and. E. H Keeling Vancouver; O. 11 Ty-cho, Jasper; N Sherwood and Dr. Stanley Mills. Terrace; Major Leo Ward and W O. Simonda. Wlnnl- It. W. Sinclair. Inverness, Dr r:; C. Wrlnch. Ilaaelton. FreSh iWilk and Cream Daily VAlMlN DAIRY P!t6nc i57 THE DAILY NEWS paos nam TURRET CIGARETTE NEW Weekly Contests I $350-103 CASH PRIZES EVERY WEEK! U25 First Prize $50 Second Prize 525 Third Prize 50 Prizes of $2 Each 50 Prizes of $1 Each O. E. Ouli:k. Wal manager o; the 8wif t-Canad: in Co . sailed las, night on the Care ma to make thf -ound irtp .o A:r.ox and Stewart on company business. -Kuild a C. Payrolls" A Steady Purpose Sit No New Year resolutions have been made. We have nothing new upon which to resolve for the course laid down Is like the path of a steady purpose. To be always the beat possible, to keep quality ever at the peak that always has been and now Is the purpose of Pacific Milk. Pacific Milk '160 a C. Owned and Controlled" rLANT AT AltnOTSFOItl) . AFTER XMAS When tho appetite is somewhat jaded Try Andrew's PoVkPie Thpy Will teihpt when other thiifgs fall Andrew's Gate Third Amufe Announcements Oddfellows' January to Old Time Dance Baglea' Balloon Dance Friday. Jan. 90. Refreshments. Oent.'s Mc Ladles. 39c. Legion Novelty Dance Jan. 37. Boys' Band ttcottti Dance Feb. lo Annual St. Valentine's dance. Cambral Chapter. l.OlJ.K . Feo. 14 I Moose Valehiine Dance F '. 17 WHY PAY MORE? Our Prices Are Always Lower Singapore Pineapple Qp J's. per tin Hedlund's Lunch Tongue I's Peanut Butter Bulk Cft:n an. for (please brine your own palls) Table Olupter Raisins 1 Qp I s. to clear Economy Brand Coffee The best value, freshly 9 ftp ground, per lb. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Stoire 317-19 Third P.O. Box 575 Avenue West Phone IS Ym Health ts MoVc Important than anything else Consult W. C. ASPINALL D C. (Chiropractor) Green 2,11 Phones Oref'n 519 Jfrfhangeftotl. v , i $2000-118 CASH PRIZES FOR SEASON'S TOTALS! 51000 FirstPrize 5250 Second Prize 5100 Third Prize 15 Prizes of $10 Ea ch 100 Prizes of $5 Each EACH ENTRY FORM COVERS BOTH TWO CHANCES TO WIN WITH EVERY ENTRY THE WEEKLY CONT ESTS Every week, starting with the evk nlin(? Januar 2Kl. 1 03 PriiM totalling $350 will lie awarded to the ointetants plimalin; correctly, or nearest lo, iheoirrect nunilier of goals by each team in" the National llirkey Ijedxue lunn each week. Only entries that 1kw the oorrpct tolal of all goab scorwl in the week will I teHle. To qualify, our entries mini be received, or nrtat-fharkeil. not later tlian the Saturday preceding the wee (Str'which estimate U lioinp made. and SEASON'S tONTESt-For this new Season's Turret Hockey Contest you estimate the total number of goals scored by each team in the National Hockey league during the entire Stjajon which started Noyemler lOtJi, 932, and ends March 23rd, 1933. The winners will be tliose who estimate correctly, or nearest to, the correct number orrjal.i sowed by each of the tiioe teams. As a guide for contestants the goals scored by teams last year are shown on the entry forms. Send in an many etliimlfs a you with. Only one front from any sfse pirre(.CJjrarffe package, trifft mrtlan of excise ttanlp at'tachnl. or one of tlie roucjier. from a tin ofSQor 100 must accompany fach double entry form. Secure the red and white dotuJe entry forms from your dealer. Each erilry firm include Uilh nmteits and gire you Iwo thances to win one of the weekly prize and itne of the season's prizes. REMEMBER estimates for the Weekly Contests are judged weekly estimates for the Season's Contest are held until the close of the sea Classified FOR SALE "FOR SALE Cary safe In excellent condition Apply Daujvjiews. tf VOR RENT i modem $rrpm snk. Phone Pal-mer AjsalianenU. Red ifl. U ; VsttNOK Apar orients, 139 Seconft Avenne. Hodpekeealng rooma , newly renovated Phone Red 431 , U PAINTERS PAINTINO and Paperhanglng MoUtr. Phone Red 82. NOTICE NOT1CK IS BBtaffiT OIVEN that an wpiicaooti wtn b atMk u taw IsgH-UMy Aawnbiy or tbc Provlaef Of Br-Uah Ooiumbte at IU nen SMlon on be-tmtt ot mm corporation of Um Ctjy o' Prinof Runrt Mr an Act to aowm thl Ctty ot Prince Rupert Bylaw Vajlo , tlon Act. !" In th miin follow-1 lnt. to proTtd by auch amendment the I tollowlnt nower. that la to aay I 1 To anwnd BtcUon Five of the aWr Act ao aa to provide that the Cotmett may be at liberty to apply any of the nuutleo received trom the PowerOor-uuratkui of CwiMuts. Umned. under tht Agreemmt vsilteted by the acid Ae for the pwwm of paylni any t tM intent and principal of falllnn due In an Tear. Itadtlmaa outasmndlnt of tht Oarpatm-Mon. In rtWDect of the aaaeU aco wired by the aatd Company under Um aald Acreerottit lrreenertlve of the yewra In which vhey nay bacooM due. Bollcltoc for a. p ot Prince. season i. HOCKEY CONTESTS Now On ! thousands of Dollars will be Given Away ! Complete particulars and rules are printed on Red and White Entry Forms obtainable from your deaTeV Season's Contest 1 Ads ifckNSFEnS CAMERON'S Tfhxf er Wood, Coal, i mojlng. ch&lrs tar lent. . tt 'a i a FOUND MEWLY Renovated modern flat, FOUND-Five kes oft rlnfe. Own Rand Block. Max Itsllbroner. U STORE for Rent. Third Avenu. adlobHtc Wrathalll low rental. FOR sWrr-an..wll.hir4hh4t.' may have same by calling at Daily Jftws and paying for this -i xVRDRESSR( debontwrea vfrtlntttw JON B6. the Wtr applloaats loaats lperV RUI CMy A new electrical "divining toil" has been developed to locate patches of soil that cause corroaton, Used to protect underground pipe RldDLETTE" Prmar1erit Wavlni -Finger WavhHdir Cutting. Jaaaty Shop'pe-, pian6 tuning PIANOS Tuned $ Walker's M'l sic. Store. . . U CLEANING & PRESSING PRICES Third News. reasonable. Ave., next door Benkendorf. to Dally TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta rhone 331 The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping St General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me 'go. xpaWJs Phone Illark 129