Watch For Announcement of (he New Chevrolet Six KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Chevrolet Sales Si Service She Tomorrow's Tides High 0:43 a.m. 17.3 ft. 12:15 pm. 20 Jb ft. Low 6:21 ajn. 10.1 ft. rhone 32 and Black 319 g NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 19:13 p.m. 3.6 ft. V.i XXIV.. No. 6- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MjONDAY, JANUARY 9, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENT3 RIOT W DORCHESTER PENITENTIARY FIRE OCCURS AT LE HAVRE ON ANOTHER FRENCH LINER " Penal Institution of Maritime Provinces Bears Little Normal Appearance Following Uprising SITES ARE EXAMINED Kumor .Still Itlfe In Regard to Proposed New Cold Storage j I'lant Here J A curding to waterfront toaaip v.'. lor the rumored nw cold tor-plant at Prince Rupert nave ' r it rx imlned recently. One of Mies u said to be between j"..,'i coal dock and thej i ii.n National wharf and an-i.f.r the old cannery at Sea! ( vn The latter stt la known to be ihoae being contemplated by r .new Mllleid for hta : salmon cannery here GUARD FOR HIS GRAVE' Post llurlal Tribute Paid to former rreniUent Coolldce at Hi Native YUUte of Plymouth PLYMOUTH. Vermont, Jan. 9. -Tr i of the National Owrd wtll n; imi.dn a gMtd of boner over the of Former PreaMant Calvin .".iuIkc at this village throughout o.r coming week. Y'-tirntay weather waa much im-pi .vrri over Saturday, whan the !..inxr chief estecuUve was laid at '' ' lierr amid a rain and hall-''"n and thousands of New Hhg-: .:!(! .Tit vtsltad the newly made Ui.ive A memorial amice waa held yea-'tfi;iv morning in the Tillage 1 inirrh hers for Plymouth's areat- r t son . Mrv Cooiidga, who came here . preventative BuUer oi Oregon pan-"h her husband s body, has re- ltd nway here on Saturday. Suf-' ' ned to her home In Northamp-' faring from Bright! Disease, he i. ii had been stricken with pneumonia while attending the session of first tram Bast under the new Congress here and had been In '"no tuMc on the Canadian Natlo- i Railways, todays train will vr at 9 M tonight First train In ''"rter the new Ume-table wO be' Mt arriving at 10:18 tomorrow "tht tram the Fkut Five Prisoners Sustained Gunshot Wounds and Two (Juards Received Minor Injuries Three Hundred Convicts and Forty Officials Clashed Saturday DORCHESTER, N.B., Jan. chester Penitentiary, penal institution for the Maritime Provinces, bore little of its normal appearance today as the debris was being cleared away from the scene of a five and a half-hour Iwttle between three hundred convicts and forty guards. Five prisoners are recovering from gunshot KvwincU lusUlned during thr rebel INAUGURATION ON WEDNESDAY 'Clarence I). Martin to Awumt Of fice ai Governor of Washington D. Martin will toe lnauguraied aa OwmMr of tha aute of Wash- Jlngton on Wednesday of this week - noon at wiucn ume ue nam Democratic administration of the state wUl Uke office The Inau gural reception and ball will Uke oiace the same evening Many outstanding Republican laglslatori of long standing will 'not be here on this occasion, hav-; tag been eliminated In the Demo-jcratte landslide which swept thr stale last Novemoer SOLON HAS SUCCUMBED Representative Huller of Orrson rawea Away in Wahlniton After lxnt Illness WASHINGTON. DO . Jan. -Re hospital for several weeks before, his death. During Ue last few days te bad been unconscious RelaUves of Mr Butler were call- ed to Washington some weeks ago and were at his bedside at the end. VOTE FOR- ; f Ex-Ald. M. M. STEPHENS for Mayor For Aldermen: EX-MAYOR HARRY B. ROCHESTER EX-ALD. JOHN CURRIE EX-AM). VICTOR IIASSO-BERT FRED WESCH Who will serve, If elected, without pay 9: (Canadian Press) Dor lion Saturday afternoon and rve- nlng. Two guards, named Bowes and Field, received minor Injuries j when (truck by flying missiles. The rioting started a few rain-' utea after four o'clock in Uie after- J noon and touted until 9:90 pjn I when all prisms ri were under lock and key. At tfee kttat I the con (Met at 6-iun. the vrwon wo Utc Hta mtm jn uprising has not been ascertained The fighting broke out when most of the men had gathered inside the prison proper and refused to go to their SEASON OPENS FEBRUARY 1 The local Dominion Fisheries office has received a telegram stating that halibut fishing opens this year on February 1 and next year and thereafter until further notice the opening date will be March 1. RIOTING IN OLD DUBLIN Sliillrlahs I ly on Sunday as Political lUllj in O'Connell Street 1st Attempted i Canadian Press.) DUBLIN. Irtoli Free State, Jan. 9: Itlottng broke out yesterday on U'Oonnell Street here when a wll-Ucal rally was attempted. Women as wall as men mixed freely In the street battle after the conclusion of which three dosen persons were trusted In hospitals for injuries, none of which were serious. The Interrupted meeting was to have been In support of Former President William Cosgrave. Prof. Picard Lands In New York Today NHW YORK. Jan. O-Prof. Au gust Picard, Swiss scientist and ex ptorcr of the stratosphere, landed hdfe today from Europe. He will make a lecture tour of the United State and will visit with a bro-titer who la a chemist at Wilmington, Delaware- Next summer Prof. Picwrd Intends to direct a balloon flight Into the stratosphere over Hudson Bay. Candidate For Mayoralty mmBmmmmBmmV ' BmBmBmBmBmBmPBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmH .fllmBmV ' Bx-Ald. M. M. Stephcn-s. w!... u- payers As' Two Candidates Aspire For Mayoralty Office During Ex-AId. Stephens, Heading Ratepayers' Ticket, and Ex Aid. Perry, Opposed to Receivership, in Field-Other Nominations Today Ex-Aid. M. M. Stephens, who heads the ticket of thej Yince Rupert Ratepayers' Association, and Ex-AId. R. F. I Perry, the princiiMtl plank tion to a coinmissioncrship for Prince Ruiwrt, arc this city's candidates for the mayoralty in 1U38, it was disclosed when nominations for civie office closed at the office of jthe city clerk this afternoon. Both" Mr. Stephens and Mr. Perry have ! had lone exoerienee In municlDal office atthoui neither have before been mayor except, possibly. In an acting capacity. Mr. Stephens his been a candidate previously fur the chief magistracy but it is Mr. Perry's first bid for the office. For four vacancies on the alder-manic board, there are six candidate In the persons of Kx-Mayor II.' B. Hoe heater, Bx-Ald. Victor Basso-Bert, Ex-AId. John Currie and F. W. Wesch nominees of the Prince Rupert Ratepayers' Association. T. J. Shenton and Bx-Ald. R. A. McLeod. These caitdidatea are In the field for aldcrruautc seats vacated by Aid. S. D. Macdonakl. AM. P. II. Linzey. Aid. Theo Oollart and Aid. W. J. McCutcheon whose terms of office uow expire. The continuing aldermen are J. II. Pillsbury, G. B. Oasey, Q. W. Iludderham and James Black . D. C. Schubert, 3. D. Johnston and II. A. Breon are elected by aeclama tion to Uiree seats on the board of school trustees vacated by the re tiring trustees- W. J. Greer. J. J. OlliU and D. C. Schubert. The continuing trustees are Arthur Brooks-bank and W. O. Fulton. The election will take plaee on Thursday. .. v Pi in Rupert Rate- - k lati iii ; Ensuing Year of whose platform is onnosi lit! f Nomination Ttlr complete list of nomination is as follows: FOR M.WOIt Roger F. Perry, contractor, pro posed by O. B. Casey, seconded b7 (Continued on page three) Pensions Board In Session Here Major l-ee Ward of Winnipeg Pre-sldinr at Hearings Today Only Three Cases Coming Dp Major Leo Ward of Winnipeg, member of the Board of Tensions Commissioners of Canada, is pre-skiing over a pensions tribunal which is being held here today. It is understood there are but three cases to come before the trloanal. Major Ward arrived In the rawjui v v niu ea a s ru ss mv VIRJ city 'on Saturday n'ghU train from the Bast, accompanied by Major Day- r Y"' wwl ooura. anu &. o. Keeung oi Vancouver, pensions advocate. Major Ward and Major Day kin wtll return Bast on tonight's train while Mr. Keeling wtll proceed to Van - , oouvar on the oardena tomorrow afternoon. Plot Against All Big Steamers of Country Is Seen in Incident Conflagration Yesterday Aboard Transatlantic Ship Paris While Moored at Her Dock Extinguished Before j Extensive Damage Done , LE HAVRE, France, Jan. 9: With the outbreak of flames on the transatlantic liner France at her dock here at 2:30 yesterday morning, strength was added to the suspicion that a plot exists to destroy all first class vessels of the French merchant marine. The conflagration on the Paris followed the virtual destruction of the steamer 'Kl'Anlantlque in the English Chan- Tfin inel k1 weei ana lnc Ioss ot I I II I fC H i Georges PhiHlpar in the Red Sea A WAV some month! ago. All T t f f f-iri The fire on the Parts broke out in IIVViM I IHh the first class quarters of the ym- V Mil Ad.ol sc2 thlo Washlntton Shocked at Death of Cbnrressman Kendall, for Tears Pennsylvania Representative WASHINGTON. DC, Jan. 9:-W ashing ton was shocked yesterday at news of the suicide of Representative Samuel Austin Kendall. Republican congressman from Pennsylvania for fourteen vpar who was found dead in his office with a ! revolver by his side. He left a mes- jsage saying that he had been un- able to get over the recent death of his wife. Represents tire Kendall was one of the "lame duck" mem bers of Congress, having been de feated at the tNrrieS;rs! but this defeat have Influenced him In. ending tils j own life. I Born In Somerset County, Perm-! sylvanla. November 1. 1859. Repre-. sentatlve Kendall was 73 years ofproTln.ul he m S. 'rc Mirarra Mount union College in Alliance. Ohio, and In 1883 was married to Edith Wiley of Lipscomb, Iowa. : Engaged in the lumber business at Pittsburg atnoe 1890, Represen tative Kendall was vice-president of the Kendall Lumber Co. of Pittsburg and of the Kendall Lumber vofPoratroo " twurg. ore. He, trial by Stipendiary Magistrate waa alao prominently identified with ; George h MUburn of Prince the Cttlwttt' National Bank of lOeorge. has elected for speedy trial Myeredaie, Penn and was president . which has been set for Wednesday of the Alexander and Kastern Rail- or this wek before Judge If A. T Robertson of Prince Oeorge. Representative Kendall entered ' , public Ufe in 18M when he was elected a member of the Pennsylvania IlOHke of Representatives, holding his seat there for four years. In 1019 he waa elected a member of the SIxty-Stxth Congress for the 23rd. Pennsylvania district, holding his seat In Congress unUl last November when he wan defeated In the Democratic landslide which swept the country. Representative Kendall was a member of the Lutheran Church and a Mason. Knight Templar and ' Shrlner. lie hart his home at Myers-dale. Penn.. although his most Important Interests were at Pittsburg. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. Jan. 9: (Canadian nr , , iiat. on Uie local exchange today. Mr and Mrs. B. E. VaWe return ed Saturday from a holiday spent in Winnipeg. Chief M. O. McKay of Kltselas came In on the train Saturday tuiougi. which it spread quickly. However, the flames were discovered soon after the outbieak and In about two hours were completely extinguished before any great da-tirwgerd'berrrrtthe'slilp; ; Since thXlre aboard the rAntsn-tkjue it has been learned that ine atmosphere aboard that vessel had been disquieting for ume time arid that there had been a number of anonymous threats of the ship aesirucuon Communists were blamed by soma for the fire on the Georges Phlllipar. Man Committed at Prmce George on Charge of Perjury niuinni h.,w,r.r. r uivLwri that Ralnh nitr, h,. (um. committed for trial at Prince George on a charge of- perjury. It is alleged that Otto, as a defence witness, gave false evidence recently In a case of supplying liquor to a minor and also In a case of taking liquor In a pubHc place. Otto, who was committed for' ORDER IS CONFIRMED Ottawa Rules That Thomas Murphy Mt Leave This Country Thomas WUnam Murphy, secretary of the local Unemployed Association, has been notified through his counsel that his appeal agalnsk a deportation order has not bean granted and that he will be deported In Uie near future-Murphy has been unemployed for the latt two years and was an aci Uve member or the association, bo-ing secretary for the last year. The oentral committee of the Na tional Unemployed Workers' Association is appealing for donations from sympathizers and friends to provide him with any neceaslUes on his was home to Bngland. Murphy could have recourse to one further appeal It Is stated, but has d raided not to avail himself night ami Is murrnng home Uiaof It He la a ship's cook by regular 'evening. 'occupation.