THE DAILY NEWS. FRINGE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Pu&llshed ETfy Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert " ' Dally News. Limited, Thjrd Avenue DAILY EDITION H. F. POLLEN - ELEPHANT lli-aud c iiuirt M uritiztus Hru-iuotm Si iU'.Deri of TADANAC Brand U.M1UOI.VTIC AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping ft PAl rptnlture Repair, List your goods with pie P ione Blsrlf, 12 GEO. J. DAWES Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall'or carrier, yearly period paid in advance . For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week .. By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year , ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch per insertion Classified advertising, per word, per insertion 1 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Local readers, per insertion, per line Contract rate on supination. Advertising and Circulation, Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone . Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Mr 9 U AMMONIUM I'llOKPIIATK SULPHATK OF AMMONIA TltlFLK SUPKIlPIIOSPUAT Lp.D.ZINV CAUU-M-UlSMUTM $3.00 . .10 .25 Monday. Oct. 16.' 1933 CQiNFIDJXQE IN COUNTRY When a recent Dominion loan was floated in Eneland WHJFFLETS From the Waterfront Pijncess IniHe Karlj Rt turning Officer to ItlndsSaiuon, Fishing' rafllug Off Ahead of her regular time despite I having had a heavy freight 3.00 cargo to (charge at S&agway and 9.00 also In spile of waiting a large i party of employees of the White ' 1.40 Paw ii Yukon route from White-.02 ; aorse coming out to spend the wln-.15 ', tar to the south, C. P. R. steamer Princes Louise arrived here at 1 :30 this alteropn instead of three ox put. bfix regularly scheduled tme. southbound to Vancouver toom u regular voyage to Alaska. Cant. WUUam PaHaer u la command of ihe steamer this trip In place of e regular skipper- Gap. Arthur 8 later The Louise sailed at 3 yjn. it was suhscrihed in a few minutes, indicating the rnnfi- Twli 9- 9- Wtynilnf the British people had in Canada. Naw we find a1 SrJB-'lm large refunding loan floated in Canada ant closing ahead nw n"" t-. of time because it is over-subscribed. Evidently neither iottaj, m fu mftwwnW t the B.ntfsh neople nor the people of Canajta expect the!1! U Wn of Mnrvian nhilnennhv tn ho nut into nrnntir in this nnrrv!,JoU service boat P. H. 4 4 v 4 A - in the near future. Phligpn, ip copMpaod ' of Captain "HandAjftne J,tojT Morrison, left here an SaUird&E. The vessal will REST GOVERNMENT EVER HAD 1 smm inlet and other T. D. Pattullo is telling the people of Southern British sout WW W " Columbia that he plans to give British Columbia the best SlLHSJS! .Hf-S! government the province ever had. That is the sort of talk - wm art cv ve like to hear. If; he does not make good it will be for the . people of the province ta reject him when he asks f or a t tftn steamer Princees continuation of their confidence. One thing is sure. Mr. ? u PatfullQ will not sit back "and let nature take its course." !1hVop iumbia .coast and recently purchased by WAS NO SIGNATURE sioiysl a a, ta.'tnffn salterx'wbJch We have a nicely typed letter signed 4 -A Resident Voter" wei$ aajupe on Copper island ox which wnicn is is evidently evidently intended intended for lor publication pupncation but out there there is is ym w wvw Phatotte group p v in a nothing to indicate who is the writer. We do net publish rtor jsgjr Sl1 letters, unless we know who are the writers and, in this LJIIliJu cates the trend of local opinion. The Letter Box CLOSKS WEDNESDAY Editor Daily News As Wednesday. October 18, Is tip final day for the campaign of collecting clothes, we would request Ujat those vjjhp tfah to doga do so before that date. City Commissioner was tug particular case, the writer should sign his name for pub- Bella BHe su toJWway. There lication. ! seems to be aome doubt as to the .possibility, of Ube ffciil bjtng sal- WUY NOT RUDDERUAM? I"1 m open "I don't think Rudderham is a Red and I woud have jr. ffjf f uich iu.i nun ix 11c lutu tunic urn. 49 an imiccmisjiii. muui htr iftntti i b at Jedwav in the candidate but not as a C. C. F. I have no. use for Marxian putting up of chum The socialism." That was an expression of opinion given bv a stndtag oenund ob tke Vmb local citizen in regard to the present political situation. wrtWW It is the view expressed by a great many people who had PT" ? i ' 1 , - i i. p,i,ii,nm i i ston. Great Brttatn. tn 107 for the voted for Mr Rudderham as an alderman. CaU1Un u ai me weeK-enu one oi our muepenueni cmzens iook a 105 ut long. 36 feet beam and Vi Namu cannecy to the central area is still in operation but it Is expected that it will close in about a week or ten dajrs with the ending of the uiF run run of ahum enusn salmon sauaon on on the ine rVf r I s Ui DiirnabY is Uut supn chrioit ulmnd whh - pb-pt is epgaged la packing. A Jap- at)?c salteiy at Jedway Is also putting up Queen Charlotte Island John Bennett Loses Ills Job Fol- ffrnrjn The run on the Islands is lowing tmiry into uecuon reposed to, be good with a satls-Fi.hl Succfwr Named factory escspmept of fish to the spawning streams. A few boats are S&U1 gill - netting cohoe at Rivers VANCOUVER. Oct. 18: iCPJ Inlet. Bella Coola and on the W also request those who are lp John Bennett, who was nominated okeejof Rer but theU operations need of clothes ladles.' men's or as an Independent Non-Partisan ap being hampered by unfavorable children's to leave a list of their candidate for Vancouver-Burrs rd feather and they are reported to retirements at once with the pas- rtdtng in the provincial elocUon. hp agwkiog UtUe better than unall Ufff-ehureh or the Sahra- has been noUfled erf the canoeus- wages. Namv capnery U Uking the Army. tion of his appointment as com- ftfrers Iqlet nd Bella Coola fish It U ow'tble that we mat not m listener of Bomaby. John W. Ma- 4pd the CaAadlan Pish (t Cold he able to fill aH of these reQUlre- honey, former government agent in mragc Co. and the Prince Rupert menu but we will dp. the beat we Vancouver. Is his successor. fresh fish njarfcet the production can with what we have. 0 few qeena bpaU. Oyro CommUtec lor Used Clothe I Campaign. M p. MoCaffery will be the Ac tJXci Clapperton. for S. J JABOUR. speaker at the regular weekly tun- U years assistant wharfinger at W. D GRANT HOLUNQORTH. chedn of the frlnc Rupert pjrrp the Oovernraent Wharf, one of C. W DAWSCN. ' Club in the Boston Cafe tomorrow. Pxlnce Rupert's most popular plo- peer clilaeps and waterfront figure TIIK CONSOLIDATED MFNING & SMELTING COMPANY QF C ANpA MWTK.P UMutieturrrt of rTii--umii com mum Vmi wnorp mere is none better or more favpramy known, will be retiring from his duties at the end of this month. It Js announced. He has not been ip the best of health during the past year, having suffered a great deal from asthma, and this s one of the reasons for his retirement. I Us many friends will Join In hoping that it will be possible for him to take the necessary steps to bring about relief if not complete recovery and that he will be spared for many years to epjoy at leisure such of his hobbles as sport and music in bpth of which circles he has for so lovg been b, prominent nCl A I f CC A I I 'nC rtwmd He amply wVrV.l-i VVr-iJ deserving, after many years of Our famous Ztam, Alberta, and Bulkley Valley Coals arc guaranteed to gv aia,ctlon. Try a ton of No 1 Bulkley Valley. t also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley Prince Rupert Feed Co. 51 Phone -r SSI iHithful and aflflapt service, of the rest he I about to tke. He will Uke MP ratlae aUr his retirement at Cfdarvle with Mr. and I Mrs Rohert Wt Wllm Adan. well known wireless operator of the steamer Princes Adelaide. U entirely re- hpcu.,lble for un ut tractive in tie ra- THE DAILY NEWS ' 1 1 X. ..-L - Tells Whole TruAb To Benefit Women H you are troubled with headaches, back-aches, pains In the side, bladder weakness, t burning, itching sensattog) a bloated, "bearing dpwn" fedwg with hot Hustie. nervousness, desire to cry. palpitation, Itstleesnass. write for a 10 DAY FREE TRIAL TREATMENT designed (or cttoditloos like ypus. Aceprdjqg to ste'K'd suternffits. these safe, simple and pleasantly used home trt jnenu for various ailments from which so many women suffer, hare brought untold blesalnas to tbousantU of Canadian women outd your case be aiy different? Rememb. r all correspondence is strictly confidential and the 10-day trial treatment does not cost you a atnalr penny So. don't delay, but write today, it may save you years of needless suffering! VANPKUIQOF f CO. LUUTEIA Box 311, pept Wtndaor.' Ontario trio bulletin newspaper which is issued each evening that the popular coast liner is at sea In addiUn to receiving and editing the news bulletin. Mr. Adams doe the mimeographing work and also make the woodcuts with which the neat little publication la Illustrated News bulletins are Issued by rr.u;t of the coast steamer now .but the Princess Adelaide's u one oi toe neat-et and Mr. Adams b deserviog nt much credit for b taste and ds-crtroioaUoo. Armour Salvage Co s service boat ulnnenuc with Capt Paul Armour m command, raturned to port at S o'clock yesterdsyr afternoon tram a voyage to Port Futngton, Cax-toa. Butedale. Kstlgoaat. Ooat llajr-or. Bishop Bay god other points down the coast wtlh E T Kenney. Uhgral candidate (or Skeena. and Odof aUoaoo M Pe on board. They have been on an ejection raipafcn tow. Mr. Kenney will leave by this afternoon's train on his return to his hjoene at Terrace. 1$c Watts came in on the Cai last evening from Bella where he left the Oaaunan it ttft Bertha a. wtUfh hM begn apwuaa irom uw wueen unsr- !otte Islands to Namu Ca. nery. Th Bertha Q . of which Capt. R. G la bel at two to one that Pattullo would have twice as many feet in depth Her gross tonnage t ma to oon later ' Tl.--lJ-.l mi . j 1 a i.. .-if .. . votes as Rudderham. That was a danne bet but it indi- pet tosuuge un Paying his final pusioees visit of the season to town. Boh Johnston, manager of Inverness cannery tyA dean of Skeena River salmon een-nery operators, u in the city today, hiving arrived by cannery tender this morning and return Ins to the river by train this afternoon. He Is accompanied by Howard Chamber, accountant of the cannery. Mr. and Mrs Johnston. Mr. Chambers and some sixteen Oriental employees of the cannery will be leaving for the -uth tomorrow the steamer Ca-tala making a srvcial call at Inver-nes in the afternoon after leaving here to pick thn up. Activities of the Prince Rupert Dry Dock Model Yacht Club are described to an lntepatio article from the pen of Jack Frew of this city which appears ha the latest Issue of the Canadian National Railways Maaaalne jock Olbson. A J Oroxford. Charles McKeown. Malcolm Lamb. C I. Taylor. Albert Palmer. Alex Wylle and D. Ross a among the prominent members of the club who are mentioned. The club is nlannlne to enter the model vacht Kla-Ora in the annual Ocean Falls championships for the handsome cup donated by the Pacific Mills. The .rttclf i.s Illustrated wtth an attractive picture showing the Alpha. an.. Nonesuch under sail In the harbor off the dry dock. Artvertn. tn t.h Dally News Va MORE USED THAN ALL OTHERSi COMBINED, BIG AUTOMATIC BOOKLET S UL -1 UJ .- BADMINTON ! IS OPENED Mis Elite Davis and William Tobey Vlunjrs of Tounintthl Miss Bkle Davis and WUUam D. Tobey were successful, after several har4 fouj( batUes. In vgfQ thfmsflves as fUst team and n-rUag couple In the American tqgr-nament at the Dienlng even, of the Canadian National Recreation AssoftMten Badjilntoii Club for m 1033-34 season yesterday whUe Xites Ruth Gin lea and R Feeeu earned second place Below was the tandng of'eaeh Veam atyr pa vuas cenpjptt: Mb me DvU a&a W Q. Tobejr. iW: Miss Ruth OUUes ssid P rVterT sen. 130. Mov X H. Uottoci ud Y M Davis. 139: Miss re Beruer and, ). Convadio. lfl: Kts W. Bns and W P MclntOHh. 1: Mrs. T. M. enfeMii u mm m- Vjpv XI- Lamb aud I A. jg. 4; Mis f A Roger and M Vb 47-RehuMU W sfllfd under the ukon of fiL F. ki. Davis. Mte guth qp x4 Mrs w m. Lamb. Lg of Lamb per lb, Shoulder Lamb ' m I(Ud livjieless-per lb. . t Pot Roast ' Jbs. , U Prinze llp RolU-f ', per lb. r. Sew Meat Hamburger 3 lbs. Foflf Ctyps per lb. Veal CuUeU- ' per lb. . ' Lamh Ch,ops 2 lbs rs OfGlpwCuR &taUa rUr tA 9i ?J Two to Vy Sajuri 1tu I'er QLASOOV,'. Opt W; Rangers acfealed Clyde twp t nil oq Qli CQuntry Sqccer i.TVUU. i.WllJi Second Ultulon ' Albion 8. EoiobMrgh 1 AUp 1. Moptrow 3 AiNpath 1 LfHh 1 nwbMtoc a, Uftst W Baai lUgttngahlrc 1. stenltoswe oauk i St. Bernards id, xiartop 1. Second Dlvbion Bradford 6. Mamheetr 1. nurnley 2. miham 1. Bary 2. Blackpool i. Grimsby J, Plymouth I. Hull 1. Southampton ft Lincoln 0, Bradford OKy 1 MJUwaU Q. Portvalg 1 Noutpthgm 0. West J am 1. OMham 1. UranUaid f Prestpn i riaUw 1. Swansea I. Notts . UOUNU UlAT IU1.HM) BI.fA8T. IW, Opt S: (QPj-Englan1 defeated tXf hy a score, of three to nil tn tpvernatlonal soccer before 40.000 sprctaUirs on SUMMIT CASH m 10c 12ic 12ic 25c 25c 18c 18c 25c PROMPT SERVICE AS8URLTJ We Deliver Phone CG6 P UCRTiV w,tjfTyary,ygi! Manure For Safe SI.00 a Load Pcvma DOMINION 1 DAIRY try " 1 PERFORMANCE APPEARANCE . AND PROGRAMS VICTOR What you're dl) ' k ift a rsdio is csbtfiei bcamv tmJ ffogumj.' An J ilut what this Victur uilctt . . sai oadung cuje but! Of course it has ' double-efficiency tuho smatnatic vuluine antral . . ( lav H in it for Mil on Putpnii' Tn givr i Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 637 TYPEWRITERS fc For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latin 'hone ail I TTTT 1 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Dorks Tot I eseaelty 29.010 tons Shipbuilders and gblp Itepslren for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and Itraas Casting JletWe apd AcetjlD Weldlog toB Derrick for Htavy LlfU Bswmlll and MlnlncMsrhlnery Repaired and Oferhaaled ini-. ktioo . . . visosl volume mdHsii-r sad tone ensued - hut ll those air fngnmt . . snJ make rt like em Come in an4 jodje far yoursci. Easy C. N. R. Trains Mooaya. Wednesdays and Tr-Ur IM pm I torn the Iatt Tuesdays. Thuradavs and Saturdays 10 p m Hunters! Sportsmen! IplVO your trophies mounted hjr an expert. Bear rugs moun -test In any style. Oaotte heads a specialty All work guaranteed first class FURS MADE UP Write IVr ITtee K. Dix, Taxidermist Terraee, lie vinoajAnfo i - o Pi W J3l v B-r-r-r!! What a draught coming through - hat door! A few ct ni -on wesUhtM fve you hi"' on the coal ii tr. Get the new Ozite Strip for window -mobile in Kaien Hardware PHONE' 3 mm KFFICIKNT AM) RKLIA1U 1 SKRVICK Phone Hltie .12" The most 1 1 service Is the n. eeonomleal. On. equipment Is (h est In eervUii.K surtng you the I ' work. Why not havr urojier aeiial. K taataa an antem. 1 Installations ch fully given. Superior Radio Service 339 Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 O. Bo 13? A Q. DARTLETT C. . I,NSUUNpE Oct quick reiulU vf 1