77 - TAXI - 77 (TOMMY'S) Stand, Capitol Theatre Block Day and Night Service 7 -Passenger Chrysler Car FISH BOAT V IN WRECK Oct 10: tCIM Tht mi Swan of Seattle wm, ii ine OuU of Alaska on o advises rsjoetved here -, of iar was rescued 1 :el lialro and taken toi . ! ihe hallbutter Yukon hull of the Swan and YakuUl. All the ma-.i gone ancouver . a u Stocks Yaneouver V v.url. new stack. .40 aek ! U ldver Com. Jl. - oold. 1 11. River. 66 . BUr. JsV ' n .36. Hon. M. - ill Stiver, jgtfg, rive. .on. 'rellle. .16. ' Insho. jM. ' i 1 03. 18 akfi. ' "H 07. B4 rest, j6f, '"if. .40. iiy. .02. Oils mi .004. - - 1.10. & .75. imlrt, 07. !' Cuia . .15, "in. .01. Pacific. Jl taekeet). Toronto "i"irln. .18, ' Patricia. 11. Lake OoW, 31. "Mi.i 33.00. "mm .88. Nirk. 18.80. I'l.i. .84. 92. 143 Halibut Arrival? Aii, r, A' Nummary ' 183.000 pounds, 0 and " wd 6c. MIJ'-n None. American W.ooo. Atlln, 8c and 6c, "" 33.000. Pacific. 8.4c and 3VO00. rtovnl 30.000. Cold Storage. BJo of nation into victors ana van- be eternalised." nnrnAOO. Oct 16: -Surgeons Ul tllliw -'.000. Booth. 8.5c and 0c. last three year She ciraan. President ent trader. r Wmln ere- r 1 T Y Rt Hon Walter Run-1 tflSilOP IS Home of the Board of, . r Trade, reviewing Oreat Britain's financial come-back m an address here. "We have been able to place our national finances upon a foun dation almost as secure as before the world he said, that itv nwiw war." it, ik: win. adding nuunig Mill! position as a world Amy Johnson to Leave Hospital NEW YORK. Oct. 16: (CP-M, Amy Johnson Molllson, famous Bri tish avlatrtx. Is in Hospital here for a week's rest following her recent aerial adventures. She receives friends at tea every aftrnoon and expects to leave the Institution early tills week. MARTIAL LAW BANGKOK, 81am. Oct. 16: Mar- from the United States and abroad jttal law lias have reported to the American milage of Surgeons that 13,746 cases . havo been cured In the been proclaimed in Bangkok after two country regi ment mutinied and seised the Don-muaag headquarters of the royal aeronautical service. After Lengthy for a couple of months visiting In the diocese and also paying a brief ulsle tt TVitwnln aat at. tarly this Week ' "Ta TXi T J spent In a tour of the churches in - ; the Peace River country. . Asked as to the Peace River this season, the Bishop said that an the Polyclinic wr,Jr ,rost nad In4ured the grain hiw nuu nutiui uw same ume snow had fallen and beaten the crop down, thus accentuating the injury It was the first Ume In the history of the district that the' crops had been so badly injured. Today's Weather TerraoeCloudjr, sjalm. 36. Aiyanah-Clear, aoulh wind. .40. Anyox Clear, calm, 33. Stewart-Cloudy, aouth wind. 41 Haaelton -Cloudy, calm, 40. Tomorrow's Tides High n:54 am. 20.7 ft. Low .. 5: a.m. 57 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 18:16 pm. 4.7 ft. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, OC TOBER 16, 1933 To Try Again For Stratosphere Altitude Record I week. Councillors include T. H. Johnson, president of the Prince I ' Rupert Chamber of Commerce and ! m a m rwii at iun ovumgc I our to the hast: "? Personal freedom I , of bringing Canada out of the de Ti,i. This yMp Year hv by Frost and c..... Snow, First Time In History enterprise and individual Initiative. OBSTACLES FOR TRADE Commerce Clambers Recommend Plans to Encourage Canada-II. S. Business OTTAWA. Oct. 16: Recommendations for the removal of obstacles to trade between Canada and the United States, reflected in Irritating departmental regulations not uniformly applied in both countries, were contained In the report of the Joint International committee of the Chambers of Commerce of the two countries presented to the Ca-nudiiin body at its eighth annual j convention. it Im hnnMl It 1 nlaniufl tn Minllnna Z underground work on the property 1-1. . , n, i ber of Commerce at its annual eon- I program of development on the I company's holdings being eatima- j isome $3S.ueo II. L. Batten M E. of Vancouver. th pomnanv'n unnatiltlns 1 general manager of the Oftnadlan hv Uu rw. n'Z ' n.k l. o. -j ' . ..... pression by Floyd F. Chambers, edt- w . i tor of the Financial Post, in ad- VIlHiilP rlressiriD thp Panarlian Rtumlwr nf i Bishop 0 K. IUx arrived home commerce here He stressed the Saturday night after being away imnnr.nn. ..,. Stakes At Newmarket PRICE: FIVE CENTS ARMAMENT CONFERENCE ADJOURNS TIME FOR PCirgmOLDECLARES MACKENZIE KING Geneva Parley Refuses To Accept Reason from Berlin for Withdrawal Gathering W ill Go Into Session Again on Octolicr 26 dermany Claims Other Nations Refuse to Disarm While Refusing Her Defence KN'KVA, Oct. 16: (CP) The world disarmament vnee adjourned today until October 26 after deelin-accept Germany's reason for withdrawal that the 1 towers were unwilling to reduce their armaments v fusing Germany the right to arm herself with io- weapons. It is admittedly one of the mort eerious hcrtata el titer the League of Nations or the disarmament conference have faced. The Cardinal Question" BBftLIN. Oct. 10 CP O.-rtridi, Tontfb Minister von Neuratli txi.i i tununaxtaeri the cardinal of swan of Seattle Towed to Uon" current international pob V.knl.i M..l,ln,r linn, t mi um MW" uivumii Crew U Sale MET WITH DISASTER Far lUpremed lor Safety of AKka Mail Beats Crew and Two Ihmian Stientists SliWAIll). Ateka. (4. 16: (CP) Fear h etpreaed for the safety of two llutan seienlkts and their reseoers Hh tlte discovery at the end of lite week of the rapsiscd mail ImmI Good Hope In shoals eleht mHea north of Cape Prince of Walea bland. Alaka. Tin seJentktt were reeued by the nxH boat after they had been shlpwreekrd on little Diomnte l4and, only to be shipwrecked stain when the GhkI Hope turned oyw in the shoaU off North Cape. Mariners believe that the maH boat was driven into the sneak when the motor failed in a storm. Former Ladysmith City Clerk Given Five Years in Pen NANAIMO. Oct 16 (CP-C. J. Callln. former city clerk of Lady-amlth. who was convicted at the Supreme Court Assises here last week on a charge of theft of $3940 Of Civk- funds, was tvntencad to five ytan' imprisonment by Chief Justice Aulay Morrison. Loula Poulaln of Ladysmith. convicted of manslaughter by a Jury here in connection with Uw fatal stabblnK of Robert 8yme on a atreet at Ladysmith on September 7, was sentenced to two years1 Imprisonment by Hi Lordship. Many Thousands of Cancer Cases Cured Continent and Surswma on Thh Abroad ISeporl SurteoM Lieut -Commands: T u W Sc .. uvu .:.! a. uio unv. p a .i svo;m attempt to reach the stratosphere from Uk Chu-aK" world l.n: n. ,w eflor: to surmount the height record of 11 miles, 1.406 yards 1 63,335 feen set o three Russian scientists. Prof. Oeo. Prololiev Brnet Biinbaimi and C. D. Oodnnow. The new mark of the Russians is more tt-u. a au- higher than the rfincc attained In the flight of Prof. Auguste Ptccard. BeJgten scienUst. ana the first nun to reach the stratosphere Settle's first attempt ended when Um balloon failed to keep altitude. BRITAIN IN COME-BACK Inundation Today Almost as Strong As Ilefore War, Says lluneiman ST. IVBS. Bnc Oct. 16: "By U1G INCKLASK IN CANADIAN TKADi; OTTAWA. Oct. 16: (CP Canadian exports Increased by $16J00.ew in September this 4 , year. Imports by S3.7SO.000 and 1 revenue eolleeMons by HMO,- 000. It Is announced by the De- ; MMinii with ibsi uhMi u uau. uarUtient of National Revenue. ; LOCAL MAN ON COUNCIL Commerce Restrictions On Trade Cannot Continue Says Liberal Party Leader Urges. Three Federal Constituencies in By-Elections to Express Dissatisfaction With Bennett GovernmentWould Do Much to Help L'ASSOMPTION, Que., Oct 16: :(CP)-An appeal to the electors of the three Dominion constituencies of Resti-gouche-Madawaska, N.B., Yamaska, Que., and Mackenzie, bask., to express dissatisfaction with the restrictions piaced on Canadian trade by the government of Prime Minister Bennett was made here Sunday by Rt, Hon. W. m- Mackenzie King, leader of the rrTTTiT n Tin "oerai I" " speaking at uuudll ur MINE CREW Work to Continue Throughout Winter on Columario With Thirty Men Employed 'Mill in Spring Development Program Costing $35. j 1 000 to Precede Selection Of Site Fifteen men are now employed I In development work on the Colum-! ; arlo mine on OoM Creek near Usk ! ! and In the near future It Is planned : to double this erew. stated John Wtllman, manager of the company, who left at the week-end on j his return to the interior after a brief visit to the city. Camp accommodation for the additional men is now being arranged for. As a result of this development work, it will be possible to determine the ultable site for the t ii int,vn n...i i f. i.;nW8t concen- Of Oinarfian Than, W f I traUn mU1 whteh Panned i to almost on the financial rocks, we ' fordKvans fa Kvans . of or m, Winnipeg Winnipeg . ; wa wa elected elected throiurhoilt Ulrouhout m 1 1 n .1 have now attained the position of being the strongest financial coun try in the world 'Id with with the the moat most ere dit," declared rally In honor of P. A. Seguin, MJ. for 1'AsaompUon. who was celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of his entry into political life. "Your verdict will not put the government oat of office." safcd Mr. King, "but It will go a lent; way to fern the government to change Its poUdea In a way that win help the country. The time has come when the tonmtimv tteJRRe. parttcu-larly in connection with trade and commerce, must be changed or the government itself must be chant ed" NEW HEAD OF CHURCH Rev. J. 51. McGUUvray Named BX. Presbyterian Moderator VANCOUVER, Oct. 16: (CD-Rev J. M. McOiUrvray has been elected moderator of the British Columbia synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada. n .I it . , hiatal on the property Work on the j DeigiaDS iieaVieSl mill will be started by next spring. i . , oy nigm on nn rerarn soutn roi- ' lowinB a vlalt tn th nrniMln hut l and personal t1 tn ho hanlr m Ot om.ir.rl responsibility to the state were de- i , ; i Ui ihm kwu ur il. , , , , Bnaiand was also regaining, bit by I'm re River Crops Hadlj Injured . . M tne most means three weeks. bit. her old Urmkers ot beer People of Great Britain Come Second In Consumption of Beverage LONDON. Oct. 16 The Belgians re the heaviest consumers of beer '1 the world, statistics made public reveal. The people of Oreat Britain are second. LOST HIS WAY HOME Klngstord-Smith Lands 1000 Miles From Destination In Australia Medieval KnUht Winner of Great t SYDNEY. Oct. HU-Wing Corn-British Race jmander Sir Charles Kingsford- Smith, following his record break- NEW MARKET. Bng.. Oct. 16 J ' rng flight from Bogland. hopped off A Dewar's Medieval Knight won 1 from Wyndham. Australia, for this the Middle Stakes, one of England's city, but lost his way and alighted areaiesi races ror two-year olds, at Camooweal. Queensland. over the six furlong course by a length over the Aga Khan's Mrs. Rustom. Sir Alfred Butt's Flying Coot was third. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Oct. 16: CP Wheat was quoted at 63 Vc on the local exchange Friday and dropped to 31cc Saturday. Winnipeg October, .60. November. .60V4. December, .59T. May, .644. more than one thousand miles from his goal. University of New York Gives Honor Former Governor NJSW YORK. Oct. 18: -The honorary degree of LL.B has been conferred upon Former Governor A. E. Smith. He has received similar honors from a number of other