AOX TWO THE DAUT NTWB Monday, June 5 i,;j ' -v d amnaraarasf THE DAILY NEWS. The Letter Box mm PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published -Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Pally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - --Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES v City delivery, by mall orcarrter. yearly period, paid- In advance For lesser periods, paid in advance per week By mall to all part? of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year . By.mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion ' wiaif ted advertising, per Insertion, per word Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line ., Loral readers, per insertion, per line Contract rates un application, -Editor and Reporters' Telephone , Advertising and Circulation Telepbone DAtLY EDITION Mrmbtr I Audit Purrau of Circulations oat 11.00 10; Mor.dsy. June 5. 1933 plane had made stops on the way , up the coast at Victoria, Alert Bay ,and Butedale and cleared from here tor Ketchikan. The plane, a large machine, Is etfutpped with a Pratt-Whitney ep- gtne. One of the Roal Canadian Air Force FairehUd seaplanes, which Is cqgaaed in aerial photography and mapping work out of Queen Charlotte City, was also here yesterday for a few hours frqm the islands, having on board the school teacher from Queen Charlotte city OVERCOMING HANDICAPS Editor, Daily News: Allow me a brie! comment on your editorial "Overcome Handicap." That line f thought Is very appropriate and to the point lor those who are in business and are in .a position to do something, fe-r those 3.00 who are in possession of the means 9.00 of production and do not go the limit of their paasiMUty. It Win line 1 1,40 with the thoughts expressed by but BJ commissioner. We must capitalise ,15 and exploit all our asset. It isour 2a first duty. But what about the 3Hwt mass of ar tinojwnioyedv To zpett that things will rigs theranerres aaternatfcally is lost a dream. If thing are on the mend it 4a Am o the action of Roosevelt. To expect that the little individual action sufficient to break he vicious circle of unemployment GETTING FACTS TO FORE wWeh is our greatest problem is. Some interesting facts have come to light in regard to fa,laoiOM-local merchandising since City : Commissioner W. J. Alder JSZV'S Started talking about the large volume of trade which lo- TnTS? JVtZ cal business folk have been permitting the big rnSil order das can bring a change. Trade Houses, particularly of Vancouver and Winnipeg, to per. with toe outside world is uaiw-sistently take away from them. The local merchants now tlon Canad inter-oammsan point out, incidentally as the Daily News has done often, tndt yu that they are actually meeting these outside prices but ad- STtTSJ? tnit that the delusion has been allowed to take firm hold past are inadequate u oat with that these outside houses are beating them jn the matter the present situation, pf prices. So persistent indeed has this delusion become, it what to necessary is to think in is stated by some of the business people themselves, that terrnaafnatsonsacc-operattoti,osu -It is now an accented f not anion p mnnv iwnn1 thnt tn Vmv b tDe P0011 of all tb eniritaal i In P,mJ . i 1c . , k 0 ' ' A i " ' and and material nriai P-inc v resowees of the ' " w "UA c V"i' try oan this sitaation be ovei mere is one sure and elective means of clearing up the The 't rrrrHrTramn arr delusion and it is very simple too but the longer the taking 1. An aggressive policy of awMtc of the cure is delayed the more deep-seated is the ailment work 10 atsuoymant at a de-going to become. The cure that is immediately open to the cent to local merchants is to use the Daily News, with its large 2JK and intensive coverage of the people not only of the city JJZL. but of the district, to convey to the people by aggressive, They wtu restore the luiritnaim. .persistent and judicial advertising the fact that they are pw the masses that, in turn, offering prices that compare favorably with those of the wm g"1' eanaamp-larger cities. The mail order houses, with their well known tlon ifhfSLBad rMU,w "" advertising methods, are constantly keeping their prices jStoTL before tha people of this city and district, So'long as the 5 xitLT sat f mme-j local merchants indifferently fail to resist this penetra- 3 iWmediate nasouatkm af a tion In a field that is rightfully theirs, so long will they recipwetty treaty with the unnad continue to Jose large volumes of business. states to enable western Canada to Our commissioner tells us that there Is already suffic- dl8po lu " the tmt- jent business in this immediate district to support a city the mall order houses have found a fertile field in this part the Mc touwau of the aaat Of the country. The merchants say that it is a delusion that 4. The creation of a terhnologi-they are not meeting the mailorder houses in the matter i advisory board to study an crae-of price. Why not start at ohce disillusioning the public prtaminR 10 national .co-when the means of doing so is no further removed than the witnr tlt- nt t telephone? If something is not done about it, the delusion TuZISt ViSZ is not only going to persist but it is going to .gain ground, of the Dominion do not live exclti-The Daily New$, which through thick and thin has 1or p1-'-championetl the cause of the local merchant as against the i1- in11 l w11 thn mail owler house and has often incurred considerable cri- ?at conomle frwH,om br' t? 'T HUbliC in,d0! nlSTeduT a sure and effective service to offer in regard to this mat- veors. it u tune u realize that politer. We invite the local merchants to avail themselves ,,c' enfranchisement without eco- more extensively of this service than thfiv have bepn An. nomlc security Is detrimental to so- injjand to help u? in helping them. Those who are to stay in Imsmess will eventually do so: Why not start the campaign now for business that is'but waiting to be grasped? Why not bring the actual facts in regard to Prince Ru-pert'e prices to the fore when it oan be so easily done? Forty-Six Lose Lives as Result of Mine Exnlbsion SASEQO. ianan. June . flknaV'' PLANE HERE FOR JUNEAU William Strong's Ship rwt On Way North dian PwsKi -Party-six w Siwta jvefesV, kmed and thirty erioul Wlurad-I.v'cfe iu way to Junaau out of which tn a coal mine explosion near titulnnr it tun iw niauut n on Saturday SOFTBALL June C Nhj vs. .ait. June R Knler va. CXHA. June 11 En prose vs. Oratto. Jline 11 -Elks it. Navy. June 13 C.NJI.A. vs. Empress. . ' uVth SUklne and Taku River mln-: ' i dwritts by iu purchaser. Capt WUha -Btront. a suc-passenger itelcar ;U1n boat, piloted by L F Ban. tended here at 8:45 hut everting from Seattle, eonUnuing its , fWHiwartl nuyht at ll:18 thlu mnrnmg. Barr'x mechanlr wuh H ,'MeOoflley and pftssengers on board .thp ship were H P Timbley of Au.s tnHa,-L A. E. Oeorge of Macleofl Owen FUher sailed Saturday A" M!ls A Itey1 of Vletorla and Right on the Prince Rupert ijuslness trip to Vancouver. for a TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Jlcnt Rose, Cowan Latta rhoneXM Miss L. A. Robblns of Seattle The cial and political stability. Bqual dvHe yes but also equal economic rights are necessary. V. BAMO-BEBT. Baseball Scores Pacific Coast Ieague MlsUonk 4 Saf nin.onto 2. Portlund 7. Li AiiRples 2. Huli.v v.oj. :t Oakland 1 BIG AUTOMATIC BOOKLET ssvJlLT at I ! W Xfl 1 f -fl ssWAJ-L3T M. M 1 af T aj T1ytB MORE USED THAN ALL OTHERS COMBINED COAL! COAL! Our Famous Ed son, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. l Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay. When! Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. at I'lionei SSI imMjHmm-rpr,rmrwm rTwimrwTstT'wvwrnTMTWrsrrwrTWY-wTWi miwtzMimra-xaimsM'smsmiimKm---; 7, 7-, t g , SOLID MAN JN SPORTS Late .William Juldton Important Factor in Development of Modern, nqxlix ttulc Fought'Rickarfl llesptMlble lrTunne (icttin- His, TJlle Chain Om c iVs VrttUug Cliaiuaiitn WisHom Muldpoii wiux oralh niauBswl os dsajwuuy ji Vut, . ju. Nw Vask. was Uuk bnx3u, the arliest dy QfMrUM ui Quron bury baxtag wMb the piemen : Hi became known a tar ' bOhd man af ssMM-t by hk laarhiii( .ji th Nw York State Athkth ( m.atis akm. one af Hie mast iwuvi tal re-aulaUAg afsantstiou ti. Uic box-tac world. lie was aapssnsed u ih coinswk sion in mi. ivfeen an btcuwe iaaal again in Mae state unot r tfc Walter law. an he sarii wm w Um hand, sevasal times as abaii man. always a rioMinssina factor Un mf than a daafti fsats. A big mui, proud of feis hoc atsll ataMst aaiflKy tuin thaday wfean he ruled as world 0HaRo-an wreaUiBc ahasapian. Xfiridoan was a Uriet dlsetpMaanaa. He wrote mles of the eowimlwton. bow espied in almost every state where hoxsst i legal; he tareed OaMers. maaaaars sad pruawters la stay withan the cede and fought eaany a haid battle wtth the tote Tex Rk-katd wtian that prosaater was balid-it a saanapoly for kUdiaan Baaare Oardaa. He stood as a reek ag-auwt Rle-hand's effort to pfaaate a mateh beawean Jack Zetasjr and the ne-gfo, Harry WUk, to lHa, aad was hartrasaawtal in tossing the m-Mster to 0ve Oeste Taaaay Ms jstk ataoee. His triandsbip far Tuaaef . and the encouragement he gave the yosmg OgMer. seasapted Oane to set up the "Maloeaa-TaMoey' hearywelsht tcophr when, ia 19H. he retired as the undefeated hsa-pion ' Maldooa's remaykahle baaMti d4d not fall until 1M1. wJtan he was K yaan aid. and than It took a (all fswa a hoKon MtM acre "health farm" at PurchaM. K..Y, to lay him low. He never fully movarad (wan an am Insury that naraiyied the nerves. In April, lttt. Multfoon who never married, announced tha he had adopted WssecseUff, Idas atargar-et Parrell. who wa4S years old. and had named her hair to his estate asstinali d then at saare than tl.-0QOGG0 in vasoe Aside from his outstanding work oq f boxing eornmisaton. MuMoon was known as the arigtaater af the "hfialth farm' idea wheieby hosl-aeas and prafessional aaen ware pet Uwoaeh hard phystaal rowtsne In the aeen te overceHM the effects at sedentary pursuit uasoan's ea-tabMshmeot attraeted some af the moat peamtaent men In the country among then two presMsnts Theo-dore Roosevelt uial WMlpm Howard Taft MuMoon was a farmer's sap. porn at Belfast, N.Y., May , IfltS. When Lincoln called the north to arms, Muldoon went as a dweuner boy. After the war he worked nt a var-11 iy 01 humble oceuaUaQS in Iftw Y'rk then aa an appotrttment to 1 he police force. There his wrestling talent cme to the front, lie became physical Inst 1 tic tor of the force and director of it- gymnasium, than branahad out mto professional wrealttog He dis-pof -d of all Oreco-Romarsaaplrants in th country, one ot his matches going sevan hours, calmed the world championship arid made the claim good by invading distant lands, including Japan, and defeating all who disputed Ws supremacy He retired a undefeated title-holder, then added to his fame by lamina John L. SulJlvan and training "the Boston strong boy" for the teUar's vleiariauK bout with Jake Kllraln Out of this axpsrlenoo grew the health farm idea, friendship with noted men riches and finally his place on the New York boxlnR com.mlii.slon Preparing For Cricket Season sassasafsR f"-,"'lHE iSti V V VH KsflbBL VssasV fsu2aj insBaVsktBaKbuBaBBMHs ' stsC "aBlBsaHssasaKtr sf FQiyTlfjjjBiPSil? sT yyssMwtrlsBsllP Member of thi 8ussex Com -v i tusc i .utj nt :.; :Utu lust prac-uec 1oi the run. 41 ui season at Hue gruuiuis Jihu Lattgridae is shown at turning practice BOXING FOR SOFTBALL UNEMPLOYED EXCITING liilemtlng Card Staged Under La- Three Games liayett lletwrrn lUIn luir lirfrner League Auspice hheiers Yetterday A disfHsy af hawing, baid in the Oanadsan Laaor Defense League Hall last Friday svaaJm was well patranMed by devotees of the cauliflower art Several evenU preceded the stain bout and the talent displayed showed great promise and the trainers deaervf credit Donald Moctaesarry and Bat art Woods, both aae I? years, weight to pounds, were first on the program Weans was the more ajajigesive and made It btteresUng far aim opponent. Charles Osiniaton and Billy Bono, age It. weight e poanda, put a three lively imr pirn" rounds, finishing up full of fight Bhane Murray ana geesrsna Do-mlnato. II peart, lot pownda. ware fairly evenly masoned in a three ane-ssinute rosmd fichu Damaaato had the advantage of height, bat Merray set the aaee and the beM st the end of the last marked the etl-max to a round of unparalleled for-eeity Pete Chenoski and Darrow Oojaea. II years, weight 119 pounds, mixed it up for three rounds of two minutes sach. Assart fell thaawsh the ropes in the first round but was baek la the ring. Oinrhes were numerous and the referee was Kept busy Both parties got equal punishment and were fall of pap w Use finish A barrel fight provoked conwd-arahle amusement. Battle - Ae Marshy getting the decision aver Kill-em-Deed Jones This was more s game af ehanee than skill. Use winner upsetting bis opponent three time The WUuMotg fight was a battle royal and the referee was aapt buoy Utainstrtt the vanquittoed Aan as they hit the canvass There ware five contestants Billy B4sna. Chane Murray. 8 Currie, Ralph Smith and C Kvans O. Bwennaon and C Bvans. from the grain ship "Sacramento VaUejr," sUged an exhlbHion bout at EsigHafc boxing which was s novelty to most In the audience and was btffhly appreciated The fight started slow but gained tn Intensity towards the end. Evans was rmuUderably over-towered by Bwennaon but both were keen Ninu Ourvich 1M pounds' and Oeorge Hewe la pflundsi went in tlte ring for the main bout of the evenlni- in fpur Vwo-mjnute rouujns Doth were in kooI form iinrt were ubout eiitMiiy mstchad Thewd at Softball on Sunday proved very exciting three y antes being played LockUy. Canaduui National rUcrea-lion Association won the first game from the Xaiens with the close score of I to 1 The Orctto won the second game from the Empress 4-0. and mat the third game to the Hafrms with a score of I to I. as a nsalt of s fielding blow-up In one tnntng Anumetli. playing centre field for the am press, tamed in a good as also did tatajwaae. thisd man for the Kakens Baseball Scores SUNDAY SCHI A merle n leegee Philadelphia l-d. New York 3-6 Boston I. Washmrton 4 DetraH 1-4. Cleveland 1-3 Chirago IS-10 St Lnsjls -J XathHMl Leatoe St Ixteis 4 1 Cinrlnnati 1-6 New York J-6 Brooklyn 0-1 Phibtdeiphia 1-6. Boston o Pittshi'f a-i. Chicago I SATURDAY SCOKIIS American League roiladalphla 11 New York 17 CbJcajo 11. Detroit Cleveland B. St Uiuis g. Boston I Washington I. Valmnal League Cbwinosti nttehorg 5-4 BaaoWr 1-1 Boston 3-2 New York 4-1. HMsdelphla 7-0 St. Louis 6. Chicago g. SPORT CHAT Owing to the raid and showery weather, the opening of the baseball season has keen nosttionsd from to season baa keen postponed from te-when Bks and Boas af Canada wtil tangle in the first of their ntne-gaaat rh8 for peseeesuyr of the Orme Onp. which is embiemaUe of Itg league ahampionshln. the fourth round found no sign of weakening In either and the bout proved iateresttag from sUrt to finish Pete Laporte was a aefMble ref-ree arid A Rushford was premeter and manaaer Ring paranhernalla. gloves, etc were contributed hy Nlnn Ourvich Owen Ptaher and Rol D.inirts of the O K Barber 8hop riocveds-WMt tn ti t unemployed HIGH WINS FROM BOOTH Kinf Edward Hteh N i, ted the first defeat nt n,. icbadujr of the Jum., ; Mi K.Hurdtfy on B-ui' A'lttftfi whn ji woj l" a 7ti"in wu.v v-f. .' hetwi '-n the u- m c. a... i-i:er .it ukns. , i :i .iii-cs ar.c , ''' the iuck I": u Will tijV a 'jU.(1 ull Ui Sj., '4' u-w turrit and Lmd n. ul n inters that e: dirfiruJty Then It kJ k'o anil M ictkiitsid pt. ahr up with a shut from t. a atii.wie Oay had in v Stop -i daticrrous one staakni ss n the Booth d : 8hrwk'..i" an easy eliai.n veft Qurr" f long ceatre p ,, tin Bad vrr, mlere&tint.' and Rlidtie anMoinati' 1., 1 Ul tfi: . b.. M. in if., t and Ja and Matausaut c... DoaaB. Qaaipeeli got a : from Lindsay ' centre .,1. after. Lindsay added a 11. the bah shrmld have t . eleseed by Ne4son The aasood naif wa v r . . MrMeakin er w Hi: and then Ui.u . . Is ejasjple of chances :' Bd. Oaaaeron's eetrtre jum -the aprlfht with the Hin wal aaat'n MacOoruid andAnaxalry had lo save ir , Meekin Booth was v:-.i other jaal tit Alt. fliuir . iwst wff yfay saund at brt t ftstrdawaa ,sh. taa Cur: than Owsfbei, wMh ar. .a:.. if U. t iv H 4Jahnssan araad Xathse and'O. Uanro wer .. Highfsnetiajr; CMos A R ehle; chjesta, Bdgsr : n Mf. jahainB, Oasaaoei. 8i. BtmSh 'Oar; Nelson. Bub R. . MaliumaH. Bhf. MeOrn) t -tem fltfcwbte. MaaftoiMk v . WsUeetia- lliah was Drat served by H: . Oahtwt. Naj4ar. Oorrte I i Jnhnion ami fpiagatsll Fw B Oaf.laishli. Boy, MaiMuv u MeMeekin were gtid The league standing so f Baosh High Burden THE PLEASURE of having a on your boat summer wW W D L F .4 0 1 f) 3 0? ' pi gadw K mwre M than repay thee of installation. Battery type, all wave receivers can now be designed and built to meet yew Individual requirements. Out of town service calls made. LOOK FOIt THE TOWER Superior , Radio Service 330 Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 I. O. Box 133 A O BARTLETT C II INSULA NDER