Wo arc making a clearance of broken lines in boots, shoes and all leather goods. We also have specially priced our tennis and running shoes for a quick clearance during this footwear event. All leather goods prices arc advancing so do not miss this opportunity to save. Women's and Children's One-Strap Running Men's Special built White Canvas Oxfords, cu- Shoee, waterproof uppers; colors, blue and shlon insoles and heels, heavy crepe rubber pink; genuine crepe rubber soles which will non-slip soles. The shoe that will stand rough outwear any other rubber on the market-- wear and give comfort Q1 J.Q Slses CO Sizes Qn Sizes ntZn All sires 5tolOD llto05'1' 3to7 Men's Black and Tan Dress Shoes, medium and wide toes, solid leather, all sizes. Special prices Women's White Canvas Oxfords and Straps, CO1C GOO? CQQC heavy non-slip crepe rubber soles, specially t?fftt)j $2Oy tJ)u) built to fit Instep to Insure comfort. Prices RQp to St 9? Men's Work Boots, flexible leather uppers, Panco OU ?X4U soles and heels, all sizes Q() nr ' To clear :. ANOTHER WEEK-END SELLING EVENT Men s LecUe chrome Upper Work Boots, solid Of Ladies' Fine Dress Shoes, Pumps. Etc. all leather throughout, sewn and standard screw styles and colors grouped together, good range soles, rubber or leather heels QQ C of sizes; regular $355 QO QQ Our price ?0UD Special ?AUOtJ (Leckle name stamped on soles CUT RATE SHOE STORE Don't Forget 0 0 0 Tuesday Is the Last Day of Our Sale It will pay you to shop now! o O 0 Kaien Hardware Smith Mock Phone 3 Notice, Rupture Sufferers!! All Ruptures Yield To the InHatable Air Pressure Treatment by Beasley, the Famous British Expert Complete Comfortable Control Guaranteed This great British invention has the approval of the medical profession everywhere. It Is accepted as standard by leading hospitals. Once Used Always Approved Write -Beasleys- (Canada) 544 Burrard St. Vancouver, B.C ' Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,0 0 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding (0-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repivlred and Overhauled riBNswswsawsaawswawssawaswMawM Get quirk reu't with a want ad SALMON FISHERMEN'S STRIKE NOW ENDED ASTORIA, Ore., June 5: Ca- nadlan Press i Representa- tives of the Columbia fisher. men early Sunday unanimous- ly agreed to accept the offer of the packers of 8c per pound for blue back salmon until August 4 and four cents from then to ' August. 20. thus ending the ' strike which has been on since May 1. Naval Graduates Get Certificates President Franklin D. Roosevelt Officiated at Ceremony At Annapolis ANNAPOLIS. June 5 President Franklin D. Roosevelt was Here late last week to present certificates to 432 graduates of Annapolis Naval College. In view of the cutting down of the number o active naval officers, about hal of the graduates were. Instead presertod with degrees as Bachelors of Science. ROAST LION IS LATEST Parisians Find Meat Tender as Veal and Uvwr Delicate as Venison PARIS. June 5: ' CP i Roast lion was served at a banquet in Paris arranged by the managing which !has been running gr some time. And 'the guests at tHe "lion feed" included several town councillors. Journalists, actors and circus performers. The lion in question waa not a victim of big game hunting in Af-iea. He was Sultan, the blind lion of a well known French menagerie As the oetttttU who had been consulted were unable to restore the animal's sight, his owner decided to destroy him. The execution was performed gently In the pretence of a member of the Hoctety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Nnhnals For two days the Hon s carcass. wRh a piece of parsley in his royal mouth, adorned a butcher's window One of the guests who took part In the feast declared the lion's meat was as white and tender as veal and that It had a delicate flavor of venison. UTILI IE THE TOILER" CROWNING ; OF QUEEN Tlinus.-tnl Persons Attended Color mi Ceremony in i.sniDiuon Hall Saturday Night Highly successful and enjoyable were the dance and other festivities at the Exhibition Hall Saturday night in connection with the crowning of Miss Lydla Pettenuao of Annunciation School as Queen of the May for 1933 In Prince Rupert. No less than five hundred adults were present and as many more children. The attendance was actually a good deal larger than last year. Of course, the feature of the proceedings was the crowning of Miss Pettenuzo a Queen of the May by last year's Queen. Miss Lillian Johnson, the. ceremony being, as usual, colorful and attractive. Oeorge Mitchell, exalted ruler of the Elks' Lodge, was chairman and the speakers "f the evening were City Commissioner V J. Alder and Very Rev. James B. Olbson. Taking part In the court ceremonies, all being beautifully costumed, were the following: May Queen Miss Lydla Pettenu-so. Maids of Honor Misses Mickey Casey and Rosle Smith. Past Queen Miss Lillian Johnson. Past Maid of Honor Miss Alice Hallbarg. Flower O Iris Misses Charlotte Balagno, Pearl Menstos, Bleanor Clapp and Betty Miller. Train bearers Misses Fay Ingram and Helen Balagno. Pianist Miss Marie Balagno. There were dancing numbers by Misses Atleen Malr. Betty Brown. Clara Dahl. Margaret 8mlth. Kathleen Murray, Vera Morse. Joyce Oawthome and Marie Boulter, pupils of Miss Beanor Tit, with Mrs J. S. Black acting as accompanist. Made for the public dancing which followed was by Balagno'f orch6eira In J drawing for a round trip to Vancouver or $25 In cash the pr tie -winner was Copley Bennett, the lsfcy ticket being drawn by th May Queen. Prior to the crowning ceremony, there was' a parade from the Elks' Home to the Exhibition Hall in which the court. Boys' Band. Sea Cadets, Old Ouides. Boy Scouts Elks' patrol team na many chtl-lren parttdpufd The flag-raising ceremony, distribution of free peanuts and let cream and sports program, postponed from last Saturday on account of unfavorable weather, wll' take place next Saturday after noon, it is annoaoosd. with a dano In the evening In the Bks' Hum when presentation of certain sports prises will be made. J. D. Forsythe. Vancouver aduitor who la here In connection with the ilfalrs of the Big Bay Lumber Co which Is closing up Its sawmill here Arrived on Saturday from the south VJHAT.' BRE MIH?irIH fe ll U Vl Ll k. a f . . r venvtat. rx.'ksri 'dmk .vn vf i sn tr , -tt CSlVC (, HIM A II OUT OP a i mrxjVt ' - T. A 1. ME U -THAT" I A LdTTA mrOAPORK PttBAPPLE UNOAPORE PUrHArPLE-2't grated. S tins . oOTATOff -Igfrs per sack Experience is a Dear Teacher II aT6f TUB HfcTs vfw?. o bono? iciiiJ wrzrmsh c, A "Tax" on Mac 3 VAiH A.T Qlt vt l , m.. PAGE FOUR TDE DAILY NEWS Monday, jUM j STOCK-TAKING SALE DRAMATIC FILM HERE Emotional Conflict Featured "Bill of Divorcement" ; In A conflict between the urglngs of love and the call of duty Is the underlying dramatic theme of "A Bill of Divorcement," first of this week picture at the Capitol Theatre. John Barry mo re, in the starring role, is supported by the beautiful Mile Burke and by an exotic newcomer to the screen, Katharine Hepburn. Other players of prominence share cast honors, among them Paul Cavanagh. one of the most popular of the younger romantic leading men. David Manners. Herry Stephenson Elizabeth Patterson and Oeorge Evers are m -lurtt l In tin cast j . The Home Buyer Is The Home Builder Why not buy it here and help the Northern Province. Buying Urge quantities enables us to give you the lowest prices. A trial order will convince you. DUTTER 14-16. box DUTCH C11BB8E Whole per lb j, Cut per lb. aOROOOTEOLA CHEBgB-- per lb. . . , IMPORTED HOQU8FORT CM88MC, per lb. VKLVKBTA CHHBHB l'a per lb. DRIED ATPl.gR -Fancy quality. 2 lbs. 40c 45c! 50c 75c 33c 25c ORANULATED 80OAR QQ CC 00.00 M-la. sack ALBERTA ROg FLOUR Q-f Or 4s. per sack 000 ABHCROfT KKTOHUP-la-os, bottle.. each .... S3.35 19c 29c S1.35 Fresh Fruits At VetttablesarrKlnt every boat. Sperhl price on quantities of good MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 117-19 Third Avenue Wesl P.O. Box 57$ Phone 11 ut of town orders rrrelve prompt Mention. Send us a (rill order MONDAY & TUESDAY TWO SIIOWS7 Si 3 p.m. Feature Starts 7:50 & 9:50 J 2g 11 IlltlsUwsV ' TU T ICJkarm C, U- Imtu, Ou. Pimples On Face Wednesday & rhttr7, "IU f'llv,,.,' '"it snd " HIE INWItlTTtv. TIIL1 r'ltL'IT CT1II fin lwiah ..... . l .. ......... ui oinut, Artii SCREEN JOHN BARRYMORE In the Touching, Romantic Drama "A Bill of Divorcement" FOUR STAR PICTURE With KATIIERINE HKI'IR R itmu . " David Manners. A R.K.O. Relea, rnniK.lv "Tllll MAW 1 1 1 1 1 II A I 1 K't -i . . , ...... . . . . . a. . .. ..... . ...... .. N I 1 i .11 itirai' Miini.i. n rAH.iii mi. ii.ikii Knv. lu Hni.D,..H . - iiir.T-- ATTV A Dreadful Sigh ! nu lien, 8k., wri'. . wi c-oTerH truh p.,. ksteil to l fr: i v d'. u a HrMdful I C"t rlif . who h4i ktd k m in a Ssniortt H n.t ftr 1 Ul Ukrn t '" ; : CM ''if 1 I SB UMT tfl uv n. '. .. .7 elMrod f U pimpl.' ButfwtarW ht U (41 U pw t The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famom "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily llj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PHINCK ItUPRKT. Il.C. HOLIDAY RESORTS When Coming lo Terrace Make ArraniemenU With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To (Ireet You. We meet all trains. Freight As passenger service anytiere Lakelar Lake and Lodge, new boat II A. S.i now in service on the lake. Fare anywhre on the lake, one adult. M.00; SI.M per head additional. No rrod too biff. No Job too small. picnic parties i:vf.ry SUNDAY IM D TWAH ooo; 1, i THE DUNES Bathing, Hunting Fishing Modern Cenvemrn 1 No Klios, No Mosquitooi Home Cooking Par Ti rnnt tUM IV r Wr k Children und i i ' MADA.MK It A J AIT TlelL Q. C hlands By Westover, r&&66 At cfd.b Ti I CCKiStS OUT OUT CF. CF, VVAOII 0 W "TlUt-13 CAM'T O vr JU.- II I