June S, 1933 'Gliild VToo(hHruf!h and Sponge-Hall Bath for 'FREE! i THK CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING I COMPANY OK CANADA, LIMITED tr ul-tIihitimi mu mm r'f'c'DiJ; AMMONIUM, IIIOSNI ATE MT ELEPHA1N 1 SUITHATE OF AMMONIA liftiad III Mil M ir.KTILUI.MO mi-era a ReinT of TADANAC um ki ii.rrir Fresh Milk and ? I Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY' Phone 657 nvi ... a For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Ran Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Pricei W. C. ASPINALL D.C. 'Chiropractor) f'ffenztl Phones Green Eschange .Block TUii.e S(iri:iti'iiosi'iiATf: LE.M.JtINC (lAl'MIUM.ItlHMtrTII Summer Price on STOVE COAL $11.00 a ton HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 ,EREE! The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping M General PurnHure Repairs Lfart your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES fhene Black IN A DOllAR'5 WORTH t Up tWt eaut a4 mU M whs Mr a sit tW trial tim(i a TllE CHRISTIAN SaBNCB MONITOR rWia If Tl OnHnup itfw" Swtt MSN. MmXlWilt. 0. a A. it. n m is W If Mh IX m il w wrtl tr W Hl M SajlM nil to i - - . . . a . - i . ttu Will sittw was m ti I UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Btner. lf. rnoo BuKfl lr Hl"C-TSS. CAT A LA EVERY Tl'li$PAY, 1U0 :' i' Vancouver Tliursday p'. TS CAR DEN A EVERY FIIIUAY .MIRMOIIT. !'ue Vancouver Monday a.A fckir MUtngi to Port Simpson Xllo Ana Anysi. atrt im Nsm ' Her infortnMtun rtgsrdtoa-sil utuas u Prince Rupert Aieneyt Soeond Avenue. fliooe 5 now open: Ideal Cleaners Very latest methods In Dry Cleaning and Djlng Second St., Phone 858 19.C iVi paekaRCioMO Facclle Tissue tllandkcrchlcfs. with J a 50-cent Hottlc Vapurc Result of lOur Spool (Guessing Contest Fir Phee Mrs. J. N. Balden. 2943 BrtoH Pite-C. llokWuorth. Prrmier. 27J2 Oatreet number of spouts. 3M QrmesLtd. ,Tli Rcaall Store Phone : 81 82 SCIENTISTS IN SESSION (Continued from Page I. :mi ' Mongols, some drifting to Ms nMn and the wooded seottans of the weat stud east, others scat- .erhx along the fringe of the Ara-t?aan- Mc, JTflday their descendants ar tfce Bsttlrao of the north anc ibe Mhui of tfe south. Votaanees in Canada nave net lean active tor snore than a cea- try, the Paeaftc 6eece Cangreei ' was hifwmed by Dr. Oearae ttec sen af She Canadian Geategisat i Survey The last vohawes to be i aettve we Britten CahimMs and Yukon. Oahar speakers at today's sea-4ea were Zr. T. J. Alaeck of the earth movements tfartag earth-who sfxrte w id sad atac nstn- ang t Canada; Petar 3. Seasaldt mC the Aaatav af BeJenees af ttw4 lotted SUtes of Soviet Bapubttci, wiwse sajaioat was the ftaheriea af the Pacific Ocean, aad Dr. William RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter McRAE BROSm LTD. TRAIN SERVICE EASTIlOUNR L. Prince Rupert .0 .m. L. rw llaarllun 3.28 a.m. Smtthrn S.40 a.m.' Lt. Ilurni IVe - 11.47 p.m.' Lt. VaoJrrliuvf - 4.H p.H' l.. Prior ie"nr ?4S p.m.' VESTItOUM) L. Prluca Cvorgv 1.30 a.tu Lt. Vapdrrhoof 4.S1 a.ru L. Iluraia Laka T.St a.m. Lt. Mmlthera II. 10 p. m Lt. New Haaelton 3.01 p.ra Arr. Prince Rupert 10-ISp.m.t iUwiUa, Srl ISlb. Hk ia4a, n.aae-Bi.i (., Wl.rrL ITm.. Tkat.. IUt. r mfipnaHuii i-aU ct a-riie fit TlrVH Oirir. St Ircl Tar Huprrt. W CANADIAN NATIONAL .W CattY JWrfB ifAQI TKRT2 LOCALMWS Far day and night Taxi aer vice Phone 32. tl Women's Labor League meeting at CLDX. Hall June 0d pjn. Sllversides Broi. for .WaUpaperKj Glass, Paint and Muresoo. Mm. R O KelseyendrMW satted Sjtuiday night m the Prince Ru, pert for the south. Mrs. Kersey win A. E. 'Partow, district larester, will be Um speaker tomorrow aU the regwar weekly luncheon olj the Prince Rapert Gyro Clvb. Urn will dlseuas -proWeoM of Ms de nartment during the Nee hazard Two JuveBfle-boyt.-vbo bad beerJ jharged wMh theft from Letoar roeenf. were leaaed ayMagto- ttateMetSiyaiaBt'tn eetyyaaee court Ms marainc. Teejr matured the ataglateate af t&ttr latere aood be- UTior 3apt. Jane MeKeman. Vaaean ver. having came north ta allot the steamer SaemraentavValley eat to sea after aavteg loaded a cargo af grain here for the UnKed Kiagdoal ar Oantinent ataed by the Prince Rupert Sataeday night an Ms re- tHfii soaah. Oiof Hanson. US', for Skeena. rinui af ta Saitad ataiM i has antvad at Ssitthers fiosn Ot- Und geodeUc surrey who dlscnssrd Ukwa 'o104" recast praio-,GerapMoal Sarvay of Canada. Mm ' itla anil (m Uansuwi aiul f a san I lav Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, calm. 90. Aiyanah Cloudy, south wand, at. Anyox Cloudy, calm. 47 Stewart Caoady saath wted, 41. Hacelton Cloudy, calm. 45 Smlthers Cloudy calm. 44. Bams LakeSnowery. calm. 44. OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the ritherman, Lagcrr. Miner ROOMS $10 per month, $ per week, Wc aer nitht SIIOWIU RATHS Third Avenue Phone 8441 JIMMIE CICCONE aJ ami wa- siaiavau am aaanaaay are taking ap reside ace at tbeir aaauaer tame at lake Kathlyn but are expected to be in town Briagteg north a fair-alsec list of passiatara, Union steamer Ca-tahv.Qaat A. E. Dickson, arrived in port at jB 'abok last evenlngf (ram the aoatt and sailed at 8 p av for Anyax. Stewart and ather1 northern points wtsmee -she wW return here tomwraw morning and sail at 1:M pja. for Vaaeetfver and way points. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rufert 1 C A MeLean. Smhe; J. D. Korsyth. Vancouver: Mrs. J. Clyde Hant Port Esslrgton. Constable sad Mrs Devlm. Trtegraph Cm-k I A. B Lawson. Betmnrm Cannery: B. H Ounnlng. Vancoarar I Central ' J. Iladitd. pana River: Mr. ana Mrs, D. Wester. ON.; Mrs L. Ol- isan. Vaaaavvar; Mrs. J. Hefider-iaan, ,ian. w Vaaeauver; Mr. A. Beasen. it; Savoy 8mHb, atty: Wing Lang Huey, eity. i i Royal ; Roy Labo. C. N R Mr. and Mrs F prenaVgast. Victoria;; L. F lllarr, Seattle; H. P Luney, An-iatraUa; A E. George. MeLeod, ,Alta : A. Royal. Seattle; L A. Ro bins. Victoria: H B Klncaid. Rev- eistoke; W J Selig Ketchikan. C.N.R. Trains tar the East Mondays' Wednesdayi and Pri days -.0:30 pjn from Ute i East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays - .lOjia pjn Announcements Mooas Eunte June 9. Canadian Legion Island, June ill. 10. Picnic, Dlgbj Moose Plenle. Dlgby Island. Jul'- Eaglss' picnic July 40. follows: D. Oregr, as$tnt district lusL visit with rehUvM indudtrag ben monies. parent. Mr. end MM.'R.. AHen, at Nelson. Mine Workers Have Concert EnJoyaWe Affair &U red in C. 'L. D. U Hall A very enjoyable vocal and in etrumental program, .given -under the aiwpiees of the Mine Workers Union of Canada, wac heard by a I large and appreciative audience mi Garden Earth, Manure, Phonei the Canadian Labor.Derence League 303, Casey Cartage, '.Prompt , SeM Hall latt night The program was at vice. forester, sailed Saturday night on the Prince Rupert-for a trip to the Ocean Fails district on official du- ties. Mrs Annette Woo, who has-beest hT for aeverul week in connection vk"h her ieeal buameas. sailed try th lrinee Rapeu Betatday nlfM or. her rtm to Vancouver Piano accordion solo, Mike Co- bong, TtaatRoma,wttbgaitar!ac companiraent by Julius Welle, Songs and dances, Charleston Wright, guitar aocotnpantaent by Julius Welle Virata sio, H Porslnnd. pianist, Rudolph Aawen. Russian polka dance. Violast Michel uk i aged six. Finnish melodies. voeaii. Mrs. H KangM. The Pkuaaa Stein Orehetra four pieces) NmOaeea rejections. Owe) Watte was master si cere- WHIFPIETS From the Waterfront Arter Qtoe years service there. 8hef Tnoatran has reanqtHshed his fi duties as catetaker for the Prince Rapert Rawtaf it Yacht Ctub. Fredf neau s tin shop and he fiunrtiB, ufeo has veileved Shef n various occa steal in the east, has been appointed at au successor. Candten Airways Limited has again been awarded a contract for Uarial patrol of the fisheries in this district this summer. With Pilot E. P. H Weils, formerly at Barns Lake, in charge and two Boeing boats in use. the planes will go into service about June 25 with bases at Swan-ten Bay and Prince Ruoert "Build a C. Payrolls" Pacific Whips So Nicely Hundreds Use It. Clean tt press Dresses Plain D!"eae Fancy IfPf I rwwmrn There comes down a story tram the mine that the misara are having whipped cream made of Pacific MUk. Haadrads af women Inew bow beautifully it whips and ase it constantly Our recipe will be reprinted Monday Pacific Milk 100 R C. Owned and Controlled- PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD Why? Spend the Money For a good suit or a beautiful dress and fall to have it appear at its very best? Phone 649 And have your clothes restored to original sparkle and loveliness by our modern process. Our special.price still on LADIES" and GENTS' Suit or Tapooat- SI. 00 $1.00 $1.25,S1.50 LING - Tailor The High Class Tailor and Reliable Cleaner Chi Serve fmr the rens Supper You couldn,tkfive them anything tbeyTl like belter than Kellogg's Corn Flakes with milk ar cream -and frail Soood for children too. Rich in energy. Eary to digest. The kind of food that invites .restful sleep. Oven-fresh in teded inside "waxtite bag. MiJe by Kellogg in London, OnL CORN FLAKES a -on f 11 Classif ied Ads JORSALE FOR BALE good ofUce safe. Can be teen at Daily News. tt FOR SALE 18 Up. Marine engine with equipment Bargain. Phone 358 or write-P.O. Box 1700. 1301 TORRENT HOUSES P. W. Hart. rtrfamkla THSOtXMW CAWSQK. ptaMHrt. 'tJ4aa (Mditorl, tt VEWLY Renovated modern flat; Rand Block. Max Heilbroner. tf 10DERN HOUSE, five rooms and Bath, with Range, $18.00. Phone 83. tf FOR RENT Furnished apart ments. Phone Red .444. 134 WE8THOLME Rooms under 'new management. Rooms by day. week or month. Reasonable rates. 132) FOR RENT Store on Third Avenue In centre of business section. Win renovate to suit tenant Thomas McClymont tf FURNISHED CABINS on Laketoe Lake Shore, dose to Mineral Baths. For particulars apply V. So-kClc. Terrace, B.C. lm NOTirt: or stir, nv mikkiit at A.T TO tllK -IVMTtEICIX n a- la Ibe Hnprraie C"urt si lrltl pRBurst' rrncxNOK gold wmsoI QOMPANT UMJTHJ Tttrtaat iJvasBtaat Drbtr-. Punvatot o dx arr ot the Hon-ounUr. tto.Ovfcf Jvwltc of tha S- orame Oom t BrVUaa OBtmnaa toad beretn oa tbe Sua a tt Uy JlD 1613 J I wtu afler Itr aJ acrt paoeeeo ta ftru pea of at pabUe tucttoc ax th Siwrin's offle Id tha tfeujt Mouaa. Prlnc bu-Mrt . Brttuh Olaajhav. on Tve(lT. tii taten tfca udrment Debtor. Premier Ex-t em ton Odd uuttaa Co. Umued. antoa lth day of Oeabf. AX) . IMS. tor tM mm ot Sia.USSO and taxed eoata Id tfca uro of 17V SO, avbllng a toUJ of 111 taiOC and Inleraat thefon at 6 pet aasaum froao tha date of aald Judgment awd eoata ot aalc prceaadlnga. th said JaddBient behif rrflatered -1o tba land Hagtatry OfTio at the City ot PVtae Rupert, in tha Province of Bntlah Ooi luotbU on the Slat da of ber. A, O. 1SJ a No. 613 DMerlntlon of nmueita: AU nliwnlai t preeloua and baaa. aare coal. peOoleunl and wlural t under those oartakn Mlnaral Qaka: Lot 4119 known '-Ruby SUm Mo. 1" Mineral Claim: Lot 4Z0 known aa "Ruby Btlrer No 2 .Mineral Ctalrs: Let 4133 known aa "Rub ' BU ver' Mineral Claim: Lot 4194 known aa "Vanoovtee Nu 3" MliireVl Otaim: iLot S11S known aa Vancouver No 3" I VUnerai cSoaa: Let 41M known aa "XX Practton Mineral Claim Thxea on taM Mineral CAaana ara paid except IMS taxea wtttoa amount to t4a.nn Tha oharjei pprartnc on tna Resuv. tar aeuia tna lanoa None TVrxna of aale Oaah DATtCD at Prince Rupert. tumbiv Ma 13th oay of May. Bupart. BrltlMi Co- AD 19)3. B A NICKBtSOtf Bberttf Ot tha County ot Prtnca WANTED WANTED Good strong sailboat, schooner or sloop, about 40 feet. Ocean going. State fuS partlc-lars and price. H. E. Beyer, Port Albernl. 113 FOUND FOUND Two keys on chain. Finder may have same by cUipg,. at Daily News and paying for this ad. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Furniture moving. Bottle bought. Chairs for rent Wood for sale- PAINTERS 'AINTINO and Psperbanglnf. Moller. Phone Red 801 CLEANING & PRESSING PRICES reasonable Benktndorf, Third Ave., next door to Dally News. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! eoir $30. -RlnrHtte" 55.M. Nelson's Beauty Shoaae TIMIiF.R IX MMM . J SaUfS twder. wUl b H4ti& 'Jjr ta SttnMir of Land at Vtctarta. BfL nr: later than noan an ta tnt daV of JH itl. for iha caaxaaw T U-cwk to rut MoMD UH it Sprite oaar. Kvmlcek and BOmaa on tn um MtttXiad am mtan Iniat. Kana . Oaaat XaM CNattlat. Two yeara wl ba attawad for ra- 4 acftber isth day of Juaa. AD ltss. at the rurtbar particular o( tba Chief Fr bvur m ttrrrn n wn in uae iorttmon, aoar tkbiw u l or trw bereundar Haartbe4 property 4ur ittm BMpan. KC. attfy ra Ixrtaont obUJna! y TmTTTTrr " JuOiBKWt Ocrdltor. Tnaokira Oarlen at PIANO TUNING PIANOS Tuned $3.00. WalkerU Ma sic Store. lit panwto or traota of laurl h tha CMV... , ' atar Dlatrtet te the Prince rMpeet Land JOHN EtXIS MORRIS. ItaeMraUan ttatrlot. In the Frorlnoe MiD,tM A aril rru lot loa- IMS I,M nrSian Oolumbta. beta more i " laHv daaerrhad aa foHoa: - Uft (ill un known Known aa x rraewen" LAX1 ACT Not Ire of Intention to apply ta Leaw Laad In JfMtkw ttupert Land Reoordtfif Dta-trie of Queen Charlotte lalaata, and anuUe fronttBg Lot 899. QjQL Tafca nottea that J. E. SlerrU of Prince ttupert. occupation aalMtnaa, U taods to apply tar a laaaa of tba tat-loving drccYbed tanda- OMnmenctng at a poat ptaatad at tha outh-waat aorner of Lot 999, Q 01. tbeoca itSS ohataa to tha Ouutb-aaat: toenot 1Z ohatna to tha aoOAh-areat: the bo 10 obaku o tha Kerfb.arart and along hith water mark to pot at ox oommanoerneat. and oontaierag M ao LAMl ACT Notlre af Intention ta Apply ta rvrrhaaa Land In Prtnca Rupert Land Recording District of R&nea Four Coast Dlatrtet. and situate about ftva esaea tmea. U mouth of the Khutae River on tha aat Pork. Tska MUea that I. waaaa Ugrsasa outxrt trt of of Vancouver Vancouver i.e.. o Ulna Operator attend to sppiv far tar permtnlon So purrbaaa drarrtbed tanda j Dated AprU nth. 1933, oaropsvioA im lonewii ng Oommenotaf at a post pi toted one toet drttaat from tba Wttnam peat of Ih Weat aide of Lot 173: thenoe westerly 90 chains: thanca aasttbariy 34 chains: thence aaaterty SO ehalaa; thenoa northerly 10 chalna. and aa U In leg 100 arrea. mora or leaa. WILLIAM LAORAMag OU-BCBT. i a