1 Friday. K fnx two THE DAnNEWB 1923 3 SURGERY FOR 'BRAVES IN ! mm THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA jubllahed Jtrery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PUI.T.F.N - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid In advance For letter periods, paid in advance, per week By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year . By mail to all other countries, per year ....... ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lnch4 per insertion Classified advertising, per word, per insertion - Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line Local readers, per Insertion, per line Contract rates on application. DAILY EDITION Friday. August 25, 1933 PEACE RIVER I UGH WAY Wn nrp tint nViWtincr tn thft hililrlinff nf n hlffhwnv intni J)r. A. S.Mmb TflUoturylub of jfationajs. Continue Wlniiins; Some of .MetlMids of Treating Sreak-rChlcajo Cubs Advance Patients Suffering From . . to Tnird P)ace Disease BOSTON, Aug. 25: ' CP Boston Telling how. through modern me-'-Bra168 continue their winning dteul science, the doctors were able WH In VhaNfltJanal League -yes-to give , the .Jung .a rast and 4hu;tetfy noBttW ?ut lne st- Lmrt Cardinals in a dose contest, thus enable them to recover from tuber-1 cular disease. ;Dr. A. S. Lmb. who I reducing the margin of supremacy has been conducting a tuberculosis oi the ldle New York Giants to six Mini, in th ritv ovn mnt in. Ml games. The idleness of the terestln address before the Rotarvjpittbur8 plrQt gabled the Chi- ; Club at its luncheon yesterday af-ternoon In the Commodore Cafe, Dr. W. T. Kergln presiding. The visitor told how. In some cases, .a needje wasjvassed between. Hie two sacs enclosing tne lungs and air was pumped in which had the effect of collapsing the lung er I a part of it and thus enabling it to 5J)0Irwt while at the same time retain-10jlng the blood circulation. Recovery i commenced Immediately and the ?PQj patient no longer was a source of 900 . Infection toothers. I The doctor said It had been dls-1.40 , covered that clhijate was not as 02 ! imoortant In rjjoyexy as was at 15t first thought. -Patients could re-2s , cover in Prince $upert If the rules laid down were -Jpllowed. Some recovered even w.hjrn breaking the rules. The ase,nA!als were fresh fUr rest and. In $qroe cases, surgirul treatment. HIGHWAY MOST IMPORTANT i Another ioUS statemcr The most important thing for Prince Rupert just now made was ut powtbanies of is highway construction. For two years nothing has been 1 "eUln Mwtep t-mav ,bne although during the same period much public money has been expended. Pretty soon the people of the north. nd been lowered untune rate m .will become frantic and will do something rash if no relief ; Bmih cotnmbia. ,tn aoit of mar . Comes. dlsadvaraee. wa almost as low Some of the southern writers and so-called economists : as in the pther Rjpvtnre have been pointing to the cost of the Terrace bridge, 'JnffZl Prince Rupert Court House, the Hazelton bridge as i ex-J --SSS JS'-travagances. They might better have employed their time;, aiwavs had two ehncf He pointing to the neglected opportunities for employment min -et. the eerms or he miht ,on the central Pacific highway between Prince Rupert not V he ot the germs he miht or,,l lnena novttmilavUr thnt nxrt hotu-PPn Prfnpo Rimprt tnen nt 4'iease or he mleht ailU V t&J,A fJWJ. blVUlUllJ feast w J'Mi v vv"--" - - - - - and Hazelton. CHEAPER FERRY RATES Another very important matter is the auto fare between Prmno T?nnort nnrl fVilnrvnlp nn the railwav. The chartre just-now is prohibitive and, as a result, the CaniIdiahaNa-p tional Railway is losing money mat it migni earn u it i would give a rate that would meet with the public demand. 1 We are told that for a similar distance a rate of .$7.00 has been ordered by the railway board in the south. A rate of $10,000 would be reasonable here. Then everybody would use the railway for transporting cars to and fromi the interior and the people traveling would a wo quy uc kets for -themselves and the rest of the party. not If he rot the rllse he mleht recover or he mleht not and. if he tailed to recover, he still had two chances. Baseball Scores National League Cincinnati 0-3. Brooklyn 2-2. Chicago 5-9. Philadelphia 0-0. St. Louis 3. Boston 4. American. League Boston ,$'-6. Chicago 1-7. New Yotk 10. Ctaytland 1. Wahiqton 8. Dejsolt 6. Philadelphia .6-4. St. Luis 7-3. L rruJ Mr. and Mrs. Barrymore. better iUn V T);.. t Tl,ot ,.,i1l iv.c iuuuim. u '"h,ow, as John Barrymore and north and south must be connected by highway but wo Dolores costeiio. and their youm? .claim that in Prince Rupert we have priority of right to family, seemed to like prtnre Ru- highway work. Horse People, on Narcotic Charges, : Released on Bail real estate as surety, seven race hore osmers. managers and trac!: pmplDyeei. 1 dieted last week for Illegal jxsuesfikon of nar.-ottas. twve been released on bail Mrs. Tiipo Cul i.n t . who has been spending the past couple of months in Vancouver anrl Victoria, returned CHICAU.' Aim U5 Po l: .yf ,, tl.r city Iroin iht south on the approxlmv Si (. ow .!& o Pmiic- Gcorcf 'l.i- nirnin. sWt A z m v. i n igBlJliJigial MASAMUNE ctrr t . Cool m":'i; .in ltrrrt . . tr Uilt oe Mmmrum 1 o n. dimwit rm 1 tiv... puvettru tuetr. IfWMC o RuhS lr wn nd oo.ii 'nto gIMt m: tth tiuh mu ii "$ rniMird W Kfain oil Istn gUk Uforf i.id'rv ind .M VMM tAxcomi HUl a .All (ttMIKO CU LIU iiiioiui. a c This dvt. Is not published or displayed by the l.iquur ontroi w Board or by the Government of UrltUh Columbia. . pcrt s sunshine. cgo Cubs to creep up Into third place by virtue qf. winning bqth.ends of a double-header from the Phillies at Philadelphia. In the American League, the Washington Senators defeated the Jpetroit Tigers at Detroit and maintained an eigbt-game lead .over .the New York Yankees who hud an easy viotory over the Indians at They say Mr Bowser is v-ry much encouraged over the result of the Novn Scotia election Why Active, enereetic cliilJren ... forever on tlie go. They agree onKellogg'sPErnrsnFIaLe. Alwsyi criiji nil full of flavor. Delicious with Lealthful milk or cream. The flavor of Pep u famous. Toasted wheat it eaiy to di grjt. Nouriliinp. Plus enough iran to 1 PEP mildly laxative. Buy these belter bran flakei from your grocer. Enjov PEP often. Majeby Kellogg in London, Ontario. DIAMOND T SPECIALS! Friday and Saturday LEG VEAL ROAST ROASTING CHICKENS 22c 28c p,rlb FRYING CHICKENS ROILING FOWL 30c 22c LOIN ROAST VEAL SHOULDER 22C ROAST VEAL perlb- ZZZ jo-c COTTAGE ROLI per lb 4-pef ib. 18q PORK TKNDEKLOINS 25C RIH ROAST HEEF p ROLLED ' - 4Q0 COOKED MEAT Pr lb . J-P SPECIAL LARD P.URE "am. lb 40c f ap Wetners, lb. 20c per lb. XU2 Luncheon Loaf, lb 20c Bologne. Ib. 174c Cambridge SAUSAGE Baked Lunch Loaf. Jb 20c Jellied Tongue, tin 38c per lb. Headcheese, tin 20c Sec X)wr AVjndowJS For Other Diamond F Specials Phone 0fjfo m Service p w fryplO V It's BETTER ana You Can Prove It Here is a . . . Pellcious Dessert you will want to Try! Surprise the (amity tonijfit with this new delicious pudding. It is simple to rrwke nd we will 9U4unle that every member of the umily will like it. 1 H cup St CWi Milk 3 tn yol.i, bln 1 H cupt wlr I (p Utr 1 Uttpeon njl 2 Ublttpoonvj'inul.ltd ftUUnt H Iwpoon ull 3 ) wKilt, stiffly bttttn Dilutt piifk with wttcr, tU jtUlinc nd Itt 0k in milk ttlttn minulM to so'lcn. TKtfl twin) lh milk to Kldin point Add iu) nd slt to 5 yoflii, pour riot mrfk tlowTy otr mlf, tminjlo blend. Rttum to doublt boiltr nd cook until slijKlly iKitttntd AddxiwIU. Ff edy IS ''. bttn stiff, pour not cutU'd ovtr Iht m, btm) comUnlly. Pftut into IndividiMl molds, first. dipped in coldxur. Chill ind snc with )miih of whipped crtm nd mHMhino chtnits. This is just one of the many recipes contained In our FREE cook book "The Good Provider". Send in jhs jtUchtd coupon nd we will send you a copy, showing you how to mkc over 100 new delightful dishes and make them better man you ever dreamed possible. ST. CHARLES . MILK UNSWEETENED EVAPORATED Simplicity and economical operation of this set. Superior JRadio Service 134 Second Avenue, fhone Blue ,320 p. o. iioi m A. O. BARTLETT C. II. INSULANUEK THf SOKKN COMFAXV UMTTCD. 50 tW,ll St. Vn. ( C CMk. fM t4 M or W vi ftiC muk Wat TV. Ga hmtn". t"'i .... AMttu Have us install qne of our new sets In your boat No B or C Batteries requlr-"d, .operates tdlrqcly off any tlx volt lighting or Ignition system. A demonstration our shop will con vince you of at i the f XA 1 IU NEWLY Renovated moorrn flat GOOD Location tor small bnstmsM In centre of the new bueinest district. Third Avenue. Will renovate to suit tenant. Rent only $20 a month NfcOlvmont. If BBBBBBBBBBhaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa TRANSFERS CAMERON'S TRANSFER Furniture moving, wood, coal, chairs for rent. tf W'tir.n NOTirK TAKE NOTICE that i. D. WuMlinrnh, MltMMi 8847 .Foltit .Oray KoVd, VftOogM-vr. B.C, will tppljr for a lnjeniia UUU nd uc 900 u. R. par ameaxt. tad atore 100.000 or r-t out ( Ouor take Into Burf Iniart. Thla briae t rreommionlrm of eotximonal wa'ar ii-ctw 176-s. TrtU wtr will ba tuxsl tor K),r purport Thu noVe waa pnnid .mi th ground on tha UMrnnonSfi d; of Jun. 1033 a opj of ttu no-tr nj n applirrttlon purauant Mr. 'c and to trw "Wlr Aaf" will ba tllad In tha otflof of IfMi waUr trvordtr at Prlne riupert. OUW4low to tha as. plkon may ba fit! wh tha 2Vi tr reoordrr or with Uia OuntMf)rr WMVawr Riguu, p.rtimat n4lilni. Vttorl, no., within tMrty dara ar&r th firt ,appnainc pt Ua mUn in local nawwpntmr. T data Of Ova flrrt rmutowtlon U thto tmk U July 17, J. fi. Wft9DWQIlTH. Applicant KissiBSSBesBesBesBesBesBsrsvv L W I IT4! O M Hunt M urncd in the I Prince Rhpert Wednesday after' .spending mo weeJu in Vancouver I and elsewhere in the south Lawn Mowers Ground Made lo Cut Like JS'cw Star Welding Phone 3J3 Classified Ads for sale CIIRY&LEH Sedan, food condition Walker's Music Store. IIAIHDUKSSKH rt'HMANKNT W,V!M -Oil- Kit. 'Klnftte, 1JM NfNon's Iteatstr Mhnppe -"" -" .A,NTE.1S HOU8B. S rooms with bath, near Kbool. rent. M. Phone Green paiTIKo' and Pap. . , ttotter. Phone Reo 803 FIVE-Tube pentode all electric radio, walnut console. tMJM csseh Apply Box m. DaUy News, isai A SACRIFICE In Victoria rt-tir bungalow and s woneWful garden of choice flower lloul-vorded sueet. best locality In Foul Bay Price $3,300. Terras. PetoV Black 202. Ml FPU RENT HOUSE F W Hart. I BUSLNE8S girl has room to rent or tuite to share. Central leeMon. Phone Green 414 after 6 pjn. Writf p.o. Box m. Mmrr, rnutiin vimi tu.i.:r.A.,ri wmci ts KHumY m'-t parwm havnc rlasm u of rharSva fariHIi lormu in h SMvmr of Brl'j- who dwd uii t'w Siti ' art rmw,i g, or 4orr i of 8(trmbrr ltS Ui Srl.-by Hpali lir fwn ) thlr rlaliiu duly vnrwl tai. nii'rrr cxiupany a, . it llu rl'- f hr Mid C t IK nnw see Wf- I HIrrwl Vinonivfi fcr I AND TAKE NOTIrE lti- .' j lut mn'!fiird ejSe thr Ai ' 1" ETor 10 wWrtteuta th 'h DonsMrrl ameat a ) Utll Utmtn. hSVIDC frf' 'lw iim nl which Ti hll hMl IMH;c DATED t Vancouver B Sa of July ISSS ROBRftTBON DOtHSI AS 5 ' 0 rVndar Mlrrwt Wal. V': ollrltori for Tha 8- Tniat OampotiT "tu: tMir.n rllitiii Mum I hrrrby ottrt tat Mir earlain boat si faat lo"' ln-hi in bread Ui and Vt- t'fhr in dapth and dnh WfHiWniiiatar. JltstUh l7J In which U iiiaiKi ' Ian taaaMna aistttt IS HP ' hlfli bout i, ,Mn M tr,r f, ,. f'lc Salvairr Company tini::. w-.tarfrvnt. Triiife HtWr' 11 a rired by rnj bill f " ynnni undrr my olw"'-raiidar. wUI ba nrrvlvad by hi' lrr r WaUlarrn. Mtii. n Harvry. Prllirr. Buprrl. BA 'M ..ii Wmnraday Ma -" viiriim I9SS. tha Mm rt a i.!!tr,rUir aorniaJ DATED at ITInoe Runri' B 1th day of AucihSt, 1BSS M WIU VU HI Uy front the dat lttn-,l In . ...... . .AT r-4 ,t : a :'. 1 1 ' S' M iff IAHT nitMi: MIM.KAI. f.siM OrtKliulr nf lii(irofmrnil TAKE NOTICE that I. W HfS IM milKW'a MIIU.U kin i7B III!' " i Mining itfooroar i" ra f t'Tuvrorrmant for via i lfPT . uwtwHMia; a cniwn miu AM) undar I RUM tai osMaa d ).far befira Pltat ucti cWTksta uf ImDrovf tt Sard J&j, m guat U rnrtsra Vh fft I of ta Mi" . 1 1 W i4"