PAGB fOUB chool Opening Specials teea to give satisfaction. Try a ton ot No. 1 BulMey Valley. Wt also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Darley, Prince Rupert Feed Co. SS Phones (51 TRAINS for the East-Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays 9:30 pin. From the East-Tuesdays Si Thursdays 10:20 pjn. Mondays it Saturdays 2:15 p.m. The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating- -Wrapping It General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me Phone IMack 120 GEO. J. DAWES This Store is Showing Complete Lines of High Quality Footwear for SCHOOL WEAR by Packard, Leckic, Sisman, Aird, Hewitsons, Etc. SENSATIONAL LOW PRICES WILL PREVAIL Leckie's Boys' and Youths' Sturdy Solid Leather Boots for real hard wear Special Price CITY Transfer Phone 950 Hemlock and Spruce per cord, delivered Early Ad. Copy is appreciated S6 COAL FOR SALE Furniture and Ha no Moving QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SHINGLES Tho Best Made No. 1 5x, per thousand $1.35 No. 1 3x, per thousand $3.83 Green Shingles, Air Dried Retaining All the Cedar Oil HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 ?275; $295 Boys' and Girls' Goodrich, Fleet Foot and Miner Tennis Boots and Oxfords will sell at below wholesale cost. SEE THE PRICES. BUY NOW. Growing Girls' College Oxfords and Strap Slippers, in calfskin or patent; real values Q-i QC to Q) QCT Now priced at yVO QA.VO Children's and Misses' School Day Oxfords & Straps, QQptoC-l QC real wear in every pair OOx ?JLjO WE ALWAYS SELL FOR LESS Cut Rate Shoe Store COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaran j Special For Few Days CLEANING Children's Clothes For Boys and Girls Under It Boys' Suits- ejAp Cleaned and pressed'1'' Olrls" Dresses tZfln Cleaned and pressed"'' Ideal Cleaners Second St. Phone 858 MI LADY BEAUTY ' SHOPPE SPECIALS FOH AUGUST Steam Oil Permanent Wave $3.00 and $3.00 Marcrlle & Curl with Hair Cut $1.00 Shampoo and Finger Wave 75c rilONE 53 Oet quick result with a want ad "TILLIE THE TOILER" THB DAILY HETTS WILL HOLD CONGRESS Flags, Drums, Concertinas Salvation Army at the Many delegates are in the city to attend the annual native congress being held by the Salvation Army today, tomorrow and Sunday. They have come from points up the Naas and Skeena Rivers and elsewhere to receive Instruction and guidance In material and spiritual things. The delegates are welcoming their ! congress leaders, Major ana Airs. Dalzlel, who have come from Vancouver to conduct the special meetings. The first public meeting is to be held Saturday night. Their divi sional commander. Staff Captain Joseph Acton from Wrantell. Alaska, will also be present. Sunday the program will include a public holiness meeting with mu HARVEST IN FULL SWING "'onflnwl frm page on been warm with some good rains which will Improve feed and pasture conditions. Heavy hail visited parts of the Three Hills and Stet-tler subdivisions and caused consid erable damage. Cutting Is well ad vanced and threshing is expected to begin in a day or so. Wheat grading well but outruns show no uniformity. North Central Alberta reports weather warm and dry and t he Camroae. Vegreville subdivision expect yields of from 16 to 35 bushels to the acre. In the Peace River country harvesting has started and since commencement weather has been fine and warm with only a few showers in some districts. All crops are in good condition and no damage 1 reported from hail, drought or insects. The liquidation of cattle from drought areas in southern parts of Saskatchewan and Manitoba has depressed prices. All classes exrept good quality, grass fed butcher cattle showing considerable kill are lower than a week ago. The outlet for these thin cattle Is limited and many of them are going to the packers as carmen. Lowered receipts of hops has strengthened the price and this strength should continue for some little time. Steamer Anyox is j Back in Vancouver, ' Arctic Trading Vessel Reaches Southern Tort After Adventurous Trip to Arctic ! ' VANCOUVER. Aug. 35: 'CP-' The steamer Anyox, under charter . to the Hudson Bay Co. for Arctic ! trading puroosea, arrived bark here yesterday following an adventurous trip to the Arctic Ocean in the course of which she was almost lost In the Ice floes off Point Dsrrow last month Interior Weather Terrace -Clear, east wind. W. Anyox Clear, calm, 56. Stewart--Clear, calm. 48. Haaelton clear, ealm, 53. Smlthers- Clear, ealm. SO. Darns Lake Ciesr, ealm, 50. Cohen and Kelly Picture is Here George Sidney and Charlie Murray Teamed Up Again in Comedy at Capitol Theatre . The fire department had a call to a chimney fire at ttO l ast night at the West End Cafe at the corner of Third Avenue and Eighth Street. No damage was done 1 40J 1URNS Mi Fill pm MvW mi, urn ml Am 1 1 pr ApM m kn M 17,. . M i, w pimm imaniof frosts V fymz of wiicS THK WEATHER IS JUST KIGIIT For Outdoor PAINTING It may be the last this year Touch Up the House and keep it in good condition. Use Our Moderately Priced Paint at $3.00 Per Gallon Kaien Hardware Smith Mock Phone 3 PRINTING Office Supplies Kose, Cowan & Latta rhone 334 Laid Up For Repairs 1 ; 1 1 -i- L FRIDAY and SATURDAY IIMMtttMMff SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 at 2 30 numuMon is, i YO-IIO - A SHIP-LOAD OF LAUGHS GEORGE SYDNEY and CHARLIE MfUUAY "The Cohens and Kellys in Troubll . ... . . - I With MAUREEN O SULL1VAN and Great Cast A Can. Universal u 1 1 In the picture "Cohens and Kellys Cohfn aml Key Unjie with motor boats, Splendid jscm sic and song, and Biblical addresses!, muth ay uum Aiajur aiiu nitm. miniri. There will be meetings morning, afternoon and evening. The Prince Rupert Boys' Band will render several selections. Thite will be street parades this week-end. All day Monday, the Native people will gather for Instruction and guidance from their leaders: Monday night, there will be a final meeting as a climax to the congress. in Trouble," which Is being featured this week-end on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here, Oeorge Sid-; ney and Charlie Murray, that hilar ious comedy team, appear In a fresh background and in different kinds of parts than ever before. Sidney plays the part of a merchant who has always wanted to go to sea, making a -ridiculous figure in pea Jacket and striped sweater.' while Murray Is a tug-boat captain , For the first time, the pair are presented without wives. 8tdney being a bachelor and Murray a grass widower. Throughout the picture Sidney and Murray gallivant In their sea- a night club. the yacht, a restaurant which they wreck In pasaae. a rum boat, a couple of speed boats and a little seaside cottage Those having prominent supporting parts include Maureen O Sullivan. Andy Derine. Jobyna Howland and Frank mm vtaaBkaiaiatk MICK1Y MOUil These Psr.T. Msskt Aft VOU AJ.I. I'M A- coxy ullll uril.t unm.n "lu" Comedy "WRONGORILLA" MKTRn musical in U.V.II.1IIU1.U1 .iwikiiii.ik.i r.Ai-ijsriir MONDAY and TUESDAY "ZOO IN BUDAPEST rill iweep the country with their popularity. It's the newest, smartest, most sensations! novelty in years. They'll give grown-ups hesps of fun at parties, masquerades and for movie playlets. All the kid. dies sre crarjr about them. Yet you get them FREE ! Your grocer will supply HERE. YOU AHE PoiK GET A FAMOUS Pad. Mask of Minnie! OQME FREE If a a fact I You cang i-Ktt a lifo-slzo ma of Mickey or Minn Mouse with every pu cnaso of two pactag or quaker Puffed Rii or Wheat... the dain aencious cereals th aro "shot from guru.1 Look for these mat at your grocer's I your masks of Mickey or AT NEW LOW PRICCSI Puffed Wheat-Puffed Ric Mad Jo Canada by THE QUAKER OATS COMPAQ OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the Fbhermsn, Loer. Miner IIOOMS-S10 per month. M per neek. 50c per nljht SIIOWKR IJATHS Third Avenue phone M JIM.MIK CICCONE Minnie. If by sny chance.Be hssn't yet received hit Ktfj you can get your mask hj mailing two psckit tqv ibou ing iht arrw, of Qsiltr Puffed 'nt o -puffed Rice, with your nsrsj sad address, to The Qeiku Oats Company, SasUuca, Saskstchcwsn. NEW ROYJ HOTEL J. Zarelll, T "A HOME A IV AT m HOME Rates I1CJ t? 50 Rooms. Hot k f prince R z T Phone 381 r HOLIDAY RESORTS When Coming to Terrace Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Oreet You. We meet all trains. Freight Si paatettfer service anywhere. La k else Lake and Lodie, new boat (II. A. 8.i now In service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult, 53.00; $1.50 per head additional. No crowd too blr. No Job too small. riCNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY LAKELSE HO Springs Lodge An Ideal Plsre to ll!'J,ri Hnest of flv Hshinj hantil bathlnr and bcatinr Arrante (or If-r.Tport1'4 with W. II. Uurndt, Tfrria IIC I-ode Intludlnr beat W1'' One nil til I. 13.00: och iA tlonsl adult, St.5-Write or Wire W.II. HI KNKTT We Look After Yisr By Westover.