1033 YUM DAILY KWi XOCAt NEWS JWTES Riley s Annettes' Clock :t'pr day and night Taxi sr- Sllversldes Bros, for Wallpaper. tV Phone tt t Glass, Paint and Muresco. 25c bags Gardenia Tak and Puff 50c value for 59c JVJentboJ Shaving Cream apd jtplkup Rule -63c For Hv Jiwyt Kites., Etc. Ask For GYPSY CREAM ( V Soothing and Healing Lotion) a i 1 1 '' " i Ormes ltd. Jilt Pioricpr Drut&iats Xbt KjLi Phones: II h IX "For Sinners Only" Ui the. A. Cjtalcl By Major A. E. Dalziel X v iij . A ollsrtton Only With which made Prince Rupert Famous (( Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD - l'rcptred Daily Br Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. IMttXCE KUPEUT. B.C CANADIAN PACIFIC Wairr i, u r,.inte lptrt fo Vancouver via Ocean Falls and . . Way Voxtt'. tl.s rtclaide. Tridays I0:M p.m. rVroum direct: l i,"1 " " nu,,f- Ar 26th, SepL 7th. "WCIUKis WIMNCUA, JllM'.Al' ami SKAdWAV. rrnr inulse. Aug. Uth, 2lt, Sept. tml. 1 Or lraswt U-. mm.A laarnrmatli.fi " ATI.S. Hcneral Agent, .frlnce Jtupert, B.C. IMON STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Tt 8 ,nfi Itstt Mix nupr lor Vwf- fim v-A K EVIIlY TUESDAY, 1:30 Ml. tv" '"v,r Thursday pn. ti!.CvA.,!NA EV" iridav MU)M;nr. HU,I!!' ,v"r f,onla txn- ""'"Is f BUnpaon. Alio Ann. Anioi. 8Uwn tp r.-. t.-Mcy: second Avenue. rnonc sc U ilocsn't ay to ndvcrtl.se poor products Itnoein nn i,. 1 11 t iil 1 1.11 iiiiv iiiiwiv hi ii'i 11m ii - .a- i 'M aillif'V ra-.- ,C. Q. S.. MaJaeplna, which U en- Softball qhamploruhip play-offs gajed p fisheries patrol service, Sunday at 5:30, Tuesday and was tn port ttjia mottling, moored at Thursday at 6:60. ' 200 the Canadian National wharf. j I The" Commercial ard Music i lf4. Juam Farouhar Jeft yea- relasses df St. Ooseph's Academy tday ,Jar urf .Point to Join her 'will re-open .on"Tuasday 'Septem-husband who ,U .amploved the re.-'toer . hey ,w4U make their .fcume on - PoK&r XUtKl. i Mc. JamejB rpugh of .Smlthera .. jarfiwed -,ln the ,;tyrf)n Jast aiJght'a A" VlctprU and .Master .Gordon rn ''QP4- 4nU?i1or for a brief .Stamford, children of Mr. and tMrs. , wt t i10'"- ,yv ..eawmiord.of DJgby Island, left thto,nwnlng to spend a Jew days .at Wkelse Lake. .Peter y. Bom -of San Francisco X(P deliver a .kotute on ChrlaUsn Jefcmoe tn rooms in ,Benec,BkGk on anjval of Princess Louise $turdey afternoon. Everybody welcome. C P R. steapwJPttiwAdelaide. ta w a . . .CJartftn S gcou. which is epnvoy- fair I .Ha uaakl TaamU. am a ' Rev. Pnutc BvatUkW of Anyox sa.l)s by Ue PtJoee Xtoorte this af-lemopn qn his eun 4o .the mmI-ter tou aXter atteading i assigns of Prtee Rupert Presbytery of the 1 Vntted tiuwh of Canada here this jjwek. ' M. T JUrr ,)f avaiy Jn the Bum iLafce cNstsjat is reoaverina; from . Jeaswt severe attack of lopd otonlng -She s the 1fe of I Rayner. im mgOt of jSavary. aad mother of P. M. Ray. I rar tis ettr MaaUMctte WcOtjuwont in city (poNor aourt jUU nrfused .n applteattprt ,f ite eeovn asking UontlMasjlDn of he r ff Leo Mneen who .M tonvWtd an J iMway an a charge of -Uqttor 4oJrKUfM, JDr A. S. Lamb, tsaveWns; pro-J vinriat offtetr and ctteat specialist. In contlnuat)pn of (hi tour of Jiie d4s4fkt ior the purpose ton a Her spendlnc several davaJ here. Dance tenvaM, Moose !(alL Rhythm Vendors Orchestra makej their final apjearanee. Do not mlasi ous toppojgiuntty far heartng and dancing t their exeeWewt music. First twelve ladles admitted f(re 8tarts 10 jmuxifftto Sac. ladles 8t. Buffet supper. F. W AUn asstved In the city on the Prince Oeorae this inorntne. from Vancouver to nay a vtslt to his home he. Mr. .Attn was fosm- eriy identlftad wvth the staff of Edward Ipsett Ltd. here but or the past year or so has been tn , Vsnreuver. Announcements Salvation Army Annual Congress, Aug. .26, 37. 2. . rrMbytetian tea September 7. Hth Anniversary Supper United Church September 11. Catholic Baiaar 0jtotx.r 19. I ow siiiimier fares Xo points jfu Eaatern CaitatU mul U.S.A. o Tor intorntl, pll or writa Cltjr TNct Ottlre. MS Ird .. Jrln( ltu-t. Jl C. y4t4t A .charge of atjppijrtng Jiauor aglnt Fjanlc,Bejrry .has been Jur- 1th v ajjjpurned Jto August Zflincity LPQfBte.CVrt. T4iose who ae desirous pf ob-tafcUQg .advertising .space tn the new teJenhqn directory, wqIcJi Is In course of preparation, phone ai. rfTASSSTiSaSffl 2HSSHL f J "? fSS.ffvS. tW"e" Lilian impress N.tkmal Co.. and tum to Vancouver and ypolnU. I!pe$mendent B A from i Th. n... .IZT. wJ PdmoutOT. arrjyed In the city on ! MH.-ir,l. Uut erenws train tn the course of an inapsctlojp topr .and are sailing n7 ii wI7.r. JT k " . i Afternoon ot the .Ptfne suppUea. v AnvflT arwi tv-a a ikma. i j VancouTer tomorrow evening. The -Baby's Ow n" Beauty JJath iBsok "tUoninsr out " of an eve- jasm hath with 4he lux- lajy f.Biiraiit .Babv's 0?i . foUewm bv a pom shower. Jeaves yau rested . . refreshed torellar. The lavish silken lather, rich tn nourtthlac .oils. Denetrates,tbe oores leaves them cleansed and toned removes all traee ef penfrtraUon. softens and smooth the elstn. The delicate, dlstinetlve flower iraira nee dings daintily for hours Canada's choice of a toilet and nursery soap Jar over Ave generapons. On sale evesmshew. "Best for you apd.JBaby too" 7 10-32 ftiu Mn MacQt. beauty spec- (nppiytil ialiat. win return to Up ejtjr m tte ikatJua (sutmwt eTtUH, and wavpolnt. Mr ,;n' Irs. and eJBBd. who from Vftncoayer, sail on ihe; Prince John tonight fpr Orescent 1 Inlet. Qveen Charlotte Iatands. where they wfll take up residence : RARE Opportunity For Finest Tailor-Made Suits We all are Uted of cheap clothes, now tunes are better and depression Jbas come to the end. We take this opportunity to offer to the better-dreseed public our lineal Kntllsh Worsted, Jndigp .Serge, Blarney. HeatherhlU and Fox-iliqund 1eels, Flannels, Ktc. At a htgger saving than ever was experienced in Prince Ru pert. Reg. $10 SUIT Special for Jtrg. $15 SUIT Special for Keg. $18 SUIT Special for Keg. $00 SUIT Sneolal for $32 j $37 j $39 $42 (EJxtra Tra.users. $10) This frlce gqod lor SO days only LING Tailor The hlah class tailor and reliable dry cleaner Second Ave. Sear r.pst Office I HAT8 To clear HOSE-To clear were Mrs. C. V. Evltt. Mrs. W. C. Union steamer Cjardejwi. .Capi- AsplnaJl. Mrs. Robert Bsrtiett. Mrs Brnest Oeortenon Li reported doe 0 J- Dawes and Mrs S. A. KWbk lp port about 9 o'clock UUs venlty ; The home coo Mag table was in from the south and win sail at M charge of Mrs. F. A MarCaUnm and ,.f kiai ' - -n winnaiii.un nrr iTtura w iwi .,a-aa. 'wiw jDud Dunng aeeept aeeeptable the afternoon were were Oearg e Webster' piano seieetsene by Miss arrived recently i Ruth Nelson Ur'on freighter Chntwack, Capt. V W Mounre Is conwng up the coa.it on another voyage knd wtH load further salmon cargoes from Sjseena and Naas R4ver canneries Tte vessel left Vancouvfr Wednesday night and. onvipg rtorih wljl !tli at Xitlmaat She is due In northern waters earlv next week and may make a brief call at Prince iRupert Miss Nellie Lawrence Teacher of VIOLIN and THEORY Phone 177 245 Second Avenue West Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 937 Phone 957 Prime Mb Host per lb Rump Roast per jo Good Pot Roast per lb. Boneless Stew Beet 3 Hw. for Round Steak S 1U. for Leg of Veal -I per lb. Loin of Veal , per lb. . I Leg of Lamb l per lb Fowl-each Frying Ohicken per lb. . Veal Chepa 2 lbs. for Pork Chops 2 lbs. for Leg of Pork per lb. Hamberger Steak S lbs for 15c 15c 10c 25c 50c 18c 18c 25c 65c 30c 35c 35c 15c 25c SATURDAY 2 to 4 25e 25c Sell 3KJRTS--7 ONlV Special 1 ONLY FUR TRIMMED SUIT -Regular value $19.50, Special DRESSES-(12 Only) ., Special 20 HOUSE DRESSES Special '. $4.95 8 PAIRS' ONLY SHOES Small sizes 29c $1.50 69c I 12 HOUSE DRESSES (Extra Large, 4452) 4 AA -1 -Speciai" . r. t .4 QKLV iFUR FABRIC iACKETS Special SOCKEES Extra Special 2 to 4 SATURDAY Annette Ladies' Wear Company Limited THE STORE OF THE BETTER DRESSED FOR LESS $1.00 S5.95 95c Tea and Sale Is Successful Affair Held Yesterday by St Andrew's Woman's Auxiliary at Home of Mr. J. II. McLeod The tea and sale of home cooking bctd .by the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral at the .home of Mrs J. H McLeod. Tefltti venue and Bacon Street, yesterday afternoon was a very suocernffll falr. Weather was aus-piolcMs and,Haayi(adta called during .the aHegpoqp. The ooms were tastaf m ideaatatcd wtsh seasonal flow1. Mai. MaLaad .was aasjated in re ceiving the osiaHiifey Mrs . f. fi. Otb-son. wife ol HijDWijdIta.To-mas Andrew, vica president ( ahe AnxiUary. Mrs. O. A. Rtjt u4 Mrs. (Oeorae Rorte poured and servtteurs Moose Dance Drew season an summer schedule. C. N. R. Very Big Crowd pSIaggasd was a joHy master of ceremonies. Dancing continued uninterrupted until 2: am., delicious refreshment being served at mtdrljht. Another successful dance had been iheld Monday nlant in connection with the warship's visit steamer Prince Oeorge, Oapt. H. E. Nedden. arrive din port at 12 noon today from Vancouver. Powell River One of the largest crowds in and Ocean Falls and sails at 3 attended the dance held to o'clock this afternoon for Anyox ftfce Moose Hall on Wednesday and scewart wnence sne win return arM as a fareweii to the men of bare tomorrow evening southbound. H.MS Dragon prior to their de- , ... mcture foUowtnc a six-day vtslt of the warship to port. WeQ over three hundred persons were in attendance. ' Sole old music for dancing .was kttmfehed by the Rhythm Vendors OroheeUa of Vancouver and Joe IT'S LIVER THAT MAKES YOU FEEL SO WRETCHED Wake up your Liter BUe No Calomel necessary Tot yo to M bkk uS Umr, row Inr MM poor two uiuiid l Etptn feiU if ante, vrarjr dy wiltan tttt DO. (MMbicMMt. Puor i I Kin in Sam ifclMiHil Haw a Ton ntrt to tlai as m nwalioa fk Ml t'Unly wild mm kmkl Mu. a. nnl nur. kiatrra aaaSy t nH nm. ai lutlifi? Tkay Mt a fow Crar. YWa m4 Ckut-i Uttb Iicr PBS. Panlr ntuki. Safe. (aok 4 amf fmlU- Ak br Om br mm. Rrotwa wteaicua. SSo. t aS dniuiau. M Saturdavll Specials back BEEF 1 Rn!ft(yn;, RAfON BulklevVallev DOIOgHa 4Vl.VVyll Round Bone 1(r lb I SI. ICED 77- SLICED 25C PRIME RIB Cc 1 o 17c per,b I PIECE piftf PIECE on 14c iHC 2Qc RUMP JBc lb. lp lb. -rmTisT- rniwi "ibHLiLiVIbbsVssMbIVLVHB ESEflLBESSC L A aAI VEAL dominion ?r lEGS rump 1Sc DTTTTCD ibE 25 iUl lUti SHOt'LDEK J5c STEW J0c iuc , tP lb. STFJU.INO STERLING ft, 75c PORK TEA , n.33' Bl"rrs 15c i V 15a HAMS " Sr Veal Loaf p" 12c ,,er 10c' slltfcl 17c ' C 11 c lb lb. Per lb A Snap BEDROOM SUITE Bed Walnut Dresser Walnut Vanity Walnut Chiffonier Walnut Bench Upholstered Price $91.50 Mackenzie's Furniture Phone 775 For Your Health Chiropractic Cltra Violet Rays Intra Red ,Rays Masssgc All t Reasonable Prices W. C. ASP1NALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 rhones Green 5t Exchange Block Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone G57