9 Van Tomorrow's Tides . Lrvulhan Robbery INSV- ITY. MO. Aug :-menu here report ' men la connection c f a registered mall 'iilirl ..: ii.k mum In lUlUn nd from the steamer ' ri month mo RUSSIA IN-' I MANCHURIA" i ta t Or MalUr of Time Before Sc Ut Bo omes Involved, Says I i n'flr-: Deleistc to Tariff it- 'roes involved m the ' mbrogUo. coirver Vancouver 1 IS. ' W'. : :i Silver. M. ' '. jOS. ' 'over. 44 Vg, ).. M-: .n ; "t ( d. 1M. aUt). IS " 05 sk. "4 V 4 Km,;. 09W. ' r I'l'.vin,.- JB1H. Stocks '1 ".. Toronto ' -ke Ooli, M i.'" " M. JI.7I. F'"" 118 8,,! Antonio. 1 04 .,r. 1 oiu 2 r f "n . 27. To- ;"","ii is llBy AND VOVVVM - KW YORK MART 1 1 3A'.n asa i. . m Vmmnn. Aug Orer the of the gram growing areas of Western Canada cutting and Uuwahtaf are progressing rapidly aaoept where heavy rains have temporarily delayed operaUona, according to the last weekly crop report of the department of agrt-csjttart. Canadian National Railways. Some southern areaa report eatting eompktUd and thrwahtng varytog from SS to 7S com- The outran of wheat, oau barley shows great varuuon ai only between dtatrtcU but between farms ta the aame dlotrtet. As the season progressei and as Uirtahinc procsedi northward out- wttl be heavier and show more In Southern and Central Manl- cutUng is almost oampirwm land threahtng. until the heavy rains t the last few days, waa proreeo- tne -antdlv In the Dauphin-Bwan jUver terrttortes weather at the be- atuilng of the week was warm u fcsevy rain on weaneaoay owpp sjaerattons for the balance of the waafc. Wheat cutting Is almost eom- BjSjIad and binding of coarse grains L ander way Yield ary but It to auMrally MnaMered that the outran will be higher than an average user. " .1 ImI. II Mrtf A fairly genenu "" pautharn Saskatchewan was wel-aaasad by many of the drought dia- trteta. PreriP"110" c,uar " to be " - of nv material benefit except & aa rwrive burnt up paswiioo Vfc dust for fall plowing. Rata haw also been spotty over uw (he central and Northern " hewao and have delayed aB harvest operation All aubdlvlKlons on the Prince Albert dtvlalon which showed so much IKomlsc early in the season have tad badly and only a fair to average from thU crop i expected wide area tn the park belt. H Alfcwt Along the Drumheller. Oyen. ,-,,l.r Three HHU Red Deer suo "ly and copter at dlvlMonx In Albert.. wether (Continued on Pg f""'1 She LONDON, Aur. 25: (CP) The world wheat conference sen ire cornet Take t today finally reached an agreement A last minute hitch ..wT J concerning the French translation delayed the signing but it was hoped to have it signed by this evening. The agreement sets a maximum of 500,000,000 bushels for exjiort from the chief xMrting nation and fixes a tentative HARVEST IN FULL SWING heat Cutting and Threthinc New Freeeedlnr Rapidly on Prairie North Is Best Aug IS: A Chin- lie Pacific ulattmil SasUtehewan Crp h Acain decstiaa tt kt appointing Peace Hirer Is M of UaM before e-1 Promt has four moo In average worm price at which the chief exporting nations will undertake to reduce their cue- Matter ftfre than some of the ex - parttoc countries like. The agree ment means the Canadian fanner will be assured of a reasonable Mice, the Canadian Press was In formed kn authoraUve circles Brief Honeymoon of Heiress and Prince Ends in Separation NEW YORK, August 3S - The New York American aays that the five-day -old honeymoon of the termer Janet Snowaen. heiress to oil millions, ard Prince Don Cera-viu of Italy has ended In the separation of the couple. Jury is Selected In Lamson Trial SAN JOSE. Cal . Aug M After four days, empanellment of a Jury constating of seven men and five women was finally completed yesterday In the trial of David A. Lamson. charged with the murder of his wife In June last After selection of the Jury had been completed, the trial was adjourned until next Monday, the Jury being ordered kept In confinement tn the Ancient Relics of Central America Tart of I)lnoaur and Carvrd Altec Sionei Are Brouiht To New Orleans NEW ORLEANS. August 25 A UeeHy-two pound fossil teed bone, believed to be the first portion or a dtaeaaur ever found in Central America, and crudeky-oarved Artec stones of an unchartered pttod have been brought here by an ex-pedHton headed bjr Oregery Maaon of the University of Pennsylvania museum. Dustle.U not Industry, nor Is Im- Ki.nna rWlimtli wva -a - j jyurtiV't I BusireM at United Chnrrh Sessions Here. Lartefy of Routine Nature Reports Received and Flans Discussed Today's Weather 4:00 ajn. 18.5 ft. Higi' WTO p m. 205 (t. 10:15 ajn. 5.8 ft Prince Rupert Clear, light Low 23:02 pjn. 5.0 ft. southeast wind; barometer. 30.30; temperature. 65; sea smooth. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER No 1M. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1933 PRICE: KIVK TI1 D I i He lost a pound a cay lor 21 cUvi Mahatma Gandhi, hero of India's UntourniKe !nilli(n$. photographed before starting his Us, task He arrived an ordel which doclors had predicted would be fatal tomi duUea. Thla world price level. "" U be attained before Importing. rfS PRESBYTERY EXTRADITE CenaeTfin rend or mATIHr! Uenty cent above the prevaJustgi prise. Prime Minister R B. Bennett Of Oaned observed that It Is a CONCLUDES MACHAD0 Deposition Arainst Former President of Cuba is Beinr Considered by Court Today 1 HAVANA, Aug A aaposttson Business ot the seasloni of seeking the extradition of Oerardo Prtree Ropert Presbytery of the Macfaado. deposed president of United Church of Canada heJfl Cuba, from the Bahama far trial Wednesday afternoon, thai even- on charges lancshg from murder Ing and yesterday mornrng waa to marfeaaance m office la to be largely of a routine nature. The passed upon today by the criminal meetings are now eoaKlaaed and section of the Cuban Supreme clergy who attended returned to Court, their various posts In the district yesterday. j Vancouver Wheat Rev. S V. K. Redman of Haaerton secretary and Rev. R. J. Love. Port Summary Simpson treaaorer. The business AjnefaUk-4Mjaa poaamv Jc comprised largely the presentation and 4c. of reports on the work of the peat Canadian M.0W pound, S ite year and dlscuston of plana for ami 4 He. the coming year. Seven Farmers Lose Lives in Crash on Grade LUMBER TON. North Carolina. August Seven persons wereltJSc American Pioneer. 37.000, and Tannins, Stat. Cold Storage, lac and 4c Arctic t.ooo. Royal. Ue and 4c Narrona. M.000, Royal, 6Jc and 4c. Reliance L 10.000, and Wave. 4,-000. Pacific. 1.5c and 4c. Canadian Copper II. 1.000. A tan, ft Tie and killed here when a truck carrying: Joe Baker. 6.000: Relief. StOOO: twelve farmers crasheo Into the Prosperity A.. M.000: Lysakll, 4A. aide of a Seaboard Airline train at and Pair of Jacks. 14.080. Qoftg Stor-a grade crossrng here. 1 age. 5 75c and 4 J5r. Wheat Pool Bringing More Grain to Local Elevator; Lease Renewal Reported Announcement today that 500,000 bushels of wheat is about to be moved from the prairies bv the Alberta Wheat Pool into the Prince Rupert elevator is taken as an indication that the Wheat Pool has made some arrangement to again take over the local grain handling plant, tho five-year lease on which expired at the end of last month. Although no information is available from local Pool officials, the report is current that the Pool has renewod the lease for another year. Movement of the new lot of wheat to the elevator, which has been practically empty for some months, will start shortly, it is learned in railway tuarters. CHICAG0ANS HAVECRASH Four Easterners Unhurt as Plane Is Forced Down In Peace River District DAWSON CREEK. Aug 3ft: (CP) Fears for the safety of four Chicago persona, led by Phot C. A. Simmons, who bad been overdue since Monday on a flight to the upper Halfway country In the Peace Rrver. were allayed last night with the receipt of news that all were safe f allowing the crash of j their monoplane 100 miles west of here. I In addition to Capt. C. A. Sim mons, the pilot, the party cotuwsted af John Bonnet. Herman Hatfield and Alton Semans. Two other mem bers of the party had remained behind here. Mother of Stan Mrs. Melvina Morin Had Been Resident of Vancouver Since Before Great Fire Stan Morin of thla city received he sad announcement this morning of the death last night ta a Vancouver hospital of his mother. Mrs. Jsrlvtna Morin. who had been a resident of the southern city since before the Q rest Fire. The late Mrs. Morin, who was 07 years of see and i native of Quebec, had been seriously Ul for the past two or three months and of late her recovery had been despaired of. The funeral will take place In Vancouver. Besldea her aged widower. Nels Morin. and the local son. deceased Is survived by another ton ta Van-rouver. Howard Morta. She asm had brother. Alfred Roy. ta Vancouver as well as other relatives In Quebec. NO SALE YESTERDAY No boats being tn with catches. there was no sale of halibut on the local Fish Exchange thla morning The M. M Christopher arrived In port In the afternoon with 8.060 pounds which went on the board this morning CENTS 7 AGREEMENT REACHED DAMAGE DONE BY FOREST FIRES ON LOWER MAINLAND London Conference Agrees To Peg Grain Price At 91 l-2c. Per Bushel; Canada to Benefit ' ARREST FOR MAIL THEFT prrrt Men ' lat Minute Hitch Develops Over French Translation But Pact is Expected to be Signed at London by Tonight; Export Quota of 560,000,000 Bushels Gandhi Lost a Pound a Day Mill Properties and ! Timber Stands Suffer I Over $200,000 Loss Conflagrations Rage JSear Port Haney, on Weaver River, Along Banks of Frascr and East of Agassiz VANCOUVER, Aug. 25: (CP) Forest fires which swept through widely separated districts on the lower mainland yesterday caused damage estimated at more rhan $200,000. Big conflagrations were still raging today i hrough valuable timber limits of the Commercial Lum-er Co. Ltd., one near Port Haney and another on the Weaver River near Chela is Lake. twenty miles north of Chunwack. Fire In the Bush-MlBer shingle mill at the outskirts of Vancouver on the Fraser River yesterday destroyed the planing and shingle mills as well as the boiler bouse and wood bin with loss of $160,006. At Harrison Mills, ten mites esvst of Agassi, names destroyed the dry Mftn of tn Abbotsferd Lumber On.' together wtth the power house, ahtngle machinery and ehmgtes with a loss of $50,000 IS KILLED AT ATLIN Karl Unto Lindstrom. Formerly of This City. Loses His Life in Mine Accident Word has bsan received in the ,-etffTd rlwaaTlanaVent at a mine in the Atttn amtrict m which Karl Hugo U-.dstram.form-exty of Prinee Rupert and well known for a Dumber of years as a Uesaaker ta the central interior, lost his Ufe lnsta-cry as a result of a powder blast. The funeral was held at Atlln. The late Mr. Iinstram had Wft Prince Rupert only hut April for the Atlta district. He had resided tn Prince Rupert far Ittree years, bavirg come hare from the interior Born In Jamtlanrl Province. Sweden, on February 2. legs, he lived ta Canada for seven years ard was a naturalised Canadian He was a single man and hi survived by a brother. Ole Llndstnmv of Usk. and a sister. Mrs. E Korth. tn California. An aged mother as well as other brothers and sisters of deceased reside in Sweden. Sleeping Sickness Claims Fifteenth St. Louis Victim ST. LOUTS. Aug. 25 The sleep! Mnvin iiitrr.kc Prevalent this summer. claim ; ed 1U fifteenth victim this week. Three Women and Two Children Are Dead at Crossing CaiBBlUtlON. Indiana, August tft Three women and two children, residents of Western Canada, were tnsta Uy killeo when their automobile was struck on a level crossing near here. National Recovery Act is Condemned Spanish War Veterans of United States Chooe Pittsburg For Convention Next Year LOS ANOBJB. Aug. tS - Svjan- llah War veterans of the United States, in annual oonvenUon hare yesterday, ehose Pittsburg as the venue for next, year's ronvstttftaa. Ammi eaanlutkm hv th convention was one condemn? the National Recovery Act for cw tini; veterans' pcnitiunv