THE WEATHER Twenty-four hours ending 5 a, m., THE DAILY NEW ursday, a.m, Ot of une 26 IN. RA: California. .... wg wn 29789 , o ee Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist A ? 7 ra ate AY ee. es — ———————— a : Ra a - — ~ ————. $$ OL. Il, NO. 142 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., Monpay, Junge 26, 1911. Price FIvE CENTS THREE MONTHS OLD FRENCH MINISTRY RES! APT. D. H. JARVIS KILLS .--Qld Alaskan Pioneer and General Manager of the North need Fisheries Company, Was Well Known Here. When the ‘aptain D Jarvis, general} body found. Captain Jarvis lay A gaping | cate nager of the Nae stern Fish-| on the bed fully clothed. financed the great s Company, Coronation night at Seattle. wn in the whole of this district, | bureau told the story. the time of his death. bh had many friends in Prince “Tired and worn out —that's | ert. He visited this city about all, "' was the penciled farewell | summer with the | me ssage written by Captain Jarvis | Pheer a of Coionei Koosevelt. Friend of Roosevelt's time last bh Shift party the news of his tragic death | hock to his business of financiers,|on a scrap of paper. Has Been Notable Figure |ago, while in the revenue service aS AS af ds and the old timers here, Shot Himself at Club committed suicide | ting. He |was established for the | States | Jarvis. government was staying in| This was when he was a captain | the Seattle Athletic/in the revenue service. For his ver night on the 22nd. On| pioneer work in the frozen north, | the hall-boy could | Congress voted him a gold medal, unswer when he knocked to | and when he quit the government | Ave. N., Seattle. the captain At open and the | we re offered him. Captain Jarvis was noon | service, scores of important posts | r was broke op Jaren America’s richest woman. REE PORTLAND FIREMEN een BURIED BENEATH RUINS. See eo WILL BE A_ RACE | Roy: il left the wharf this morning Co.’s Plant Caught Fire This Morning and Gasoline Tank Blew Up s De spatch) jsouthbound. The City of Seattle t anadi Pre | | | ) a big brick wall fell in close to the|had gor clear before she cast off. and it is supposed|Some of the folk on the under-| think there | between the Mertland, June 26.—Fire Chief| gasoline tank, wharf {f his men are | the x dead in the} neath t the Union Oil Fiames Still Raging Beet eT lhey have not It has been impossible to get th of | close to the wreckage, as the fire PRINCESS MAY ‘ ollapse unfortunate men are would be a race boats. k wall early mheir fate j this morning,|Started up again with a second looked upon as}2Xplosion at eight o'clock. The | ! |whole of the plant is on fire and Were Close By hen last seen the three men Celebrated King's Coronation by Decorations and by Firing a Royal Salute. nothing can save it. The whols lof the Portland Fire Brigade, lassisted by a fireboat are busy} g clos : ne tar] Nie e to a big trying to combat the spreading of ich exploded with | | Taku Glacier, Alaska, June 24. {While steaming along early on Lot. 24 Block 27, Section 7, | Thursday morning in American for $287 cash. Ask Uncle Jerry. | waters opposite the Taku Glacier, O YOUNG MUSICIANS ARE io vo ON A SIGHT-SEEING TRIP ‘is! wnt! the flames. ae fo oe flame. In the excite- ! | Ol the explosion they were Immediately stele! | steamer Princess Coronation | jof King George v, by decorating HIMSELF AT SEATTLE ‘red and Worn Out---That’s All” He Said in a Farewell Letter Guggenheim syndi- North- committed suicide} wound, just over the left ear, a| western Fisheries Company, Cap- $2-calibre revolver with one empty /tain Jarvis was appointed general tain Jarvis was very well|chamber, and a brief note on the|manager, a position he held at| Captain Jarvis was a close friend | Some years | Captain Jarvis was active in pro- WORK ON C. N. R. | The first custom house in Alaska} tecting the vast interests of the United |Guggenheims. He was _ investi- by Captain| gated by Congress for his part in this trouble, but was vindicated. about 65 years old and is survived by a widow and several children. The} Jarvis home is at 1122 Harvard Mrs. Jarvis is a niece of Hetty Just five hundred yards ahead | gs Chief Campbell is Among the Victims—Union Oil |°! the City of Seattle, the Princess GOOD BOOST FOR waited till her fleet footed rival | HONORED DAY KING AND QUEEN HELD SECOND BIG PROCESSION | Colonial and Indian Troops Were Prominent In It---Canadians Were Cheered All Along the Line---N. W. Mounted Police Were Most Popular---Naval Review at Spithead poned on account of rain. (Canadian Press Despatch) all the afternoon. The King and} In addition to the British men of New York 3, Washington 2 London, June 26.—Their Ma-| Queen and Prince of Wales several | war there were foreign vessels 3, Was ‘ ; . : , : Detroit 4, Cleveland 2. jjesties made another triumphant times appeared on the balcony | representing seventeen nations here Boston 7, 6; Philadélphia 3, 4. | progress through the streets of and waved their hands. to do honor the to newly crwoned National League the capital today and were given Cheered by Crowds King. All were brillinatly il- Pittsburg 4, Chicago 3. |a wonderful reception by the great} The enthusiasum of the people iuminated and decorated. Philadelphia 1, Boston 0. |masses of people. A cavalcade|each time was given vent to in Fireworks at Night Brooklyn 1, New York 0. |more britiiant even than on Cor-|a great roar of cheers. There} Never before has Spithead, where Cincinnati 6, St. Louis 7. ;onation Day, composed of colonial was a great dinner at the Foreign] the vessels anchored seen such a este jand Indian contingents led the|Offices at night. Sir Edward] beautiful and wonderful spectacle. | way over the seven miles route. Grey, foreign minister, entertained | Thousands of visitors came to see in state the King and members the ships. With fireworks hissing at|of the Royal family, all visiting|from every vessel and every part royal personages and special rep-|of the city the scene was a never resentatives to the Coronation. to be forgotten one. The Great Naval Review | BASEBALL SCORES fpr rere terme Northwestern League Vancouver 6, Victoria 4. Seattle 3, Spokane 2. Portland 5, Tacoma 4. Pacific Coast League Oakland 4, Portland 1. San Francisco 8, Vernon 4. Sacramento 4, Los Angeles 2 American League St. Louis-Chicago game post-} IS NOW HELD UP ore sent |sunset brought bitter disappoint- Railway Comihission Stops | ment on the previous day to Work on Mountain Section | |hordes of people bent upon cele- ar at Close to the G. T. P. Line. | brat (Canadian Press Despatch) Indoor Baseball —— | the royal progress of King George| Portsmouth, Eng., June 24.—| Printers vs. The Royal Blue (Canadian Press Despatch) jand Queen Mary. Despite the| Notwithstanding the dismal rain| Ribbons, at the Auditorium Tues- Winnipeg, June. 26.—The Rail- | weather, however, a great and|which fell tonight the scene along|day evening, June 27th. Game way Commission have held up the | constantly changing throng re-|the waterfront at Spithead was|called at 8.30 sharp: Admission C. N. R. construction work +(e Buckingham Palace |a galaxy of brilliance and beauty. |25c. Skating after the game. 2t |the mountains on a section near ting the day as the climax to cap i dna FRENEN camer #e5:%S| CTE AMIBOAT CAMP PROVED pany has been Ih ilding close to| the G. T. P. ling. Hundreds of | Premier Monis Defeated After a Pr) TO BE DISAPPOINTMENT seen Three Months’ Tenure of | et Office. Canadian Press Despatch | i oe 7 Press (espatcl) ¢| Shareholedrs of Steamboat Gold Mines Ltd. Call a Meeting to Discuss the Situation—Original lof office of a little more than three | PRINCE RUPERT Se ants Discoveries Have Disappeared Imen are idle many contractors are ;to great expense. | | months and a half, the Cabinet lof Premier Monis was defeated on | la vote of confidence in the cham-| lber .of deputies today. Shortly} (Canadian Press Despatch) property. Work has been done Vancouver, June 26.—A report}on the vein with the result that i teetIR Talk tate tendered | Has been received here to the/the vein has been found bared leffect that the Steamboat mining | beneath the surface. The original News Staff Saw to It. camp has fp. 'tered out, and that} discoveries at the Steamboat camp - Seats the Steamboat Gold Mines, Ltd.,|are said to have disappeared mon- grows hourly » BIG PRICES FOR | will call a meeting of shareholders ths ago. situation. The Sale of Stock Stopped li Si SS the STATE CONCERT o.oo called for tonight, when Recent unfavorable reports led | some disclosures as to the failure .|of the camp are expected to be|to the shareholders being called Pictures of First Passenger Tra-| in Pulling out Appear in the| Canadian and American Press Live Member of the Daily Y | their re signations to the House. i | Prince Rupert importance in the eyes of th ne} world. The important stride taken | by the city towards its goal as| jone of the great. railway and| '$5,000 a ans 2 is Oalsing Paid— nt a, x Dec : pe Patra vine Calgary Woman Gets a Spe- | made. together. Suspicions being aroused | the st regula assenge z : : : . ei at : | niiled ‘cut for CommeoCiny has cial Reserved Seat. Vein Disappears that the company was not meeting ce The discovery of high gold|with success in its property, the been appreciated to the full by | the outside press. | | (Canadian Press Despatch) | values last July led to the sup-|sales of stock stopped. The share- Photographs, and | special ar-| London, June 26.—As high as} | position that a bonanza vein’ had | holders will meet tonight, and fully ‘ Od . | t an ars re been discovered on the compan discuss > situati | ticles descriptive of the occasion | five thousand dollars has been | Ss ad pany’s|discuss the situation. | were fiveoded at Sshbdaitciiae| | paid for the state performance at} led dere in Canada and. the| Convent Garden Theatre tonight | BIG PARTY OF TOURISTS | United States, by a wide- awake | Which will begim. the Wart. ane ae she Daily Neues ated. llesser Coronation festivities | et in Wedn sday’s Seattle Post- The King ‘and Queen sna DELIGHTED ITED WITH RUPERT A special seat : | the main deck aid seven men of] Intelligencer an enlarged cut of| Yesterday resting. i es Cassie Hiller and Grace i indaay Making Novel | the ship’s crew fired a Royal} the fire’ train steatitlie out, with lis reserved for * woman from | State of California Landed a Bevy o! a Bevy of Lively Excursion- our of the Coast Cities. May Give Recital Here salute with Winchester rifles. Fol-| full size reproduction of the first cee 7 ho by —— bast a ists Who Besieged the City : a ai “ . irenear ° . ® é a she ‘chase | the eon ites of Alsen [SCORES HURT AT |Sxehe terrane Rupert, is given te most prom a eee foame in last night and berthed |and the harbor. : aad Mi eee GELES The C P R. arranged a similar Canadian newspapers — not George M. Shirley went north| Jat the whart a party of same sixty : Tell Friends to Comp ew “race Lindsay LOS AN : stratic o ‘| i coil Is all behind their Amerioan feats injon the State of California to} *° eighty Atgerias Setirsionitts ; Contatiny oer Sending tout Portland and Seattle res- peel demonstration ere ae ae oe oe ‘ i pe e Sa Atlid; on ‘business: and: pleasure| came ashore for a little sight- ist parties here in the summer ely, arrived on the State of|Santa Monica Flyer Collided ager-the. world: lg ig ap 3 el in ta bent, seeing tour of the town: C Sntre [Sree eS rey sate nt extra-bans 7 mia yesterday, ert oat Sexset Cab ee Rae Na @ wer oe ee oe te os Sa aaa | street and the business section quet of beauty which our friends young ladies who are both COMBINATION GOV- err res a Pa ae having {CUNNINGHAM COAL CLAIMS | |presentéd a lively appearance as from the south evidently appre- lished musicians avn: teint (Canadian Press Despatch) ERNMENT a as a = ee . : the party besieged the city, and ciate. Don ‘t miss coming here ited from. colk th Soa ey papi cine Ba teas ea uve ws weet ad reget Me ee ee the drug stores which happened this summer,"’ was the sentence et spending a brief iahedheas ‘oir Se, eh passengers were Probable Plan dheko in For- eee ee wae All roe a Svls Ordered ! to be open benefited considerably most frequently used ing PCs sts of Captain Biases antitiea Gruen the Santa Monica mation of French Cabinet ii a aL anee arse ay ee oe trade i et mee te friends in the southern » £overnment steamer Flyer collided with an Arlington wt i te nha iti as Cani Liz P ae Des i tch) { POSE a SPEER, OR Te- | CRntren. FT, are now on sight-seeing| Heights car this morning. All (Canadian Press Despatch) ( ann lan Press mer om freshments. Under thy chaperonage a ee i the city were} Paris, June 26.—President Fal- Stewart Man Hurt Washington, June 26. Cancet- | Charmed with City Where to Go | lle ruahed to the goene and are now, lieries has asked Joseph Calleaux,} While Jim Brennan was mount- lation of all Cunningham coal) A¢ the close of a beautiful day Y have letiers of introduction Satan a thtured to the hos-| Minister of Finance in recent] jing his horse outside the Northern | claims in” Alaska was: ae Prince Rupert was looking her SresEn Pat Clarke, and are highly | pitals The police say several will Monis government, to form Athotel, on Wednesday afternoon, today by ‘ feeronrn ae very best for the visitors, and the ee eae Ave," ded for thes musical prow: | die a : cabinet. It is likely that he will] his foot slipped through the stirrup nett. This is a vietory or Gif Ord.| caaet aver the mountains was ane : ptt De : Duris & their stay-over in , rea ae form a combination government) frightening the animal which ran Pingnes ~~ ven es the | of those magnificent ones to which Ee Bier Ave; Rupert they will arrange| THE SEAMEN’S STRIKE that will have the support 3 the away dragging him with it for a pps a ghe rhs gaciee” cea - residents here have grown pos- ‘vaiaiil er dea ‘ «ie ~* Musical recital for the wild majority favoring electoral reform, distance of about 50 yeards. He| action was taken some months ago. |itively accustomed. But all was ating 8 ene tne A ~e gt Fi k t Hull ————_—___—_—— . was picked up unconscious and — -——— new and strange and lovely to re Dom, ve Thousand ea? Vancouver Leads taken ‘to the General Hospital Besides her consignment of Am-}the ladies of the American party, BASEBALL, Printers vs. Royal Hotel Here You kee «te obansediais Vancouver,” June 26.—Spokane where he now lies suffering from erican Youth and beauty en route; They wrote numerous P. P. C.'s ro pani Gisth Ave., 4 Well made suit Rudnick} Hull, 2 Five thou-|and Tacoma have both dropped |@ broken rib and internal in-|porth, the State of California|in enthusiastic praise of the ocettla ie Seer Cit Hall, tonight “er Bros, are the cane ow a eae » June ae roe today|games and the Beavers did not|juries.—Portland Canal Miner. landed over a thousand bales of| ness of Prince Rupert, and com- 8p, . y nm long 80n Block Basement, 6th cent enuti ee iscrcanieing all|play. Vancouver is now three hay and twenty tons of vegetables pared notes with each other t0| ATHLETIC MEETING in old Presby- the work in the port. games lead in Nor thwestern league.| Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, 'Phone 4/ and fruit from Seattle. find terms rich enough to describe! terian Church, tonight, 8 p.m, | eee * asp