PAGE FOUR REV. CLARKE IS SPEAKER Universal Week of Prayer Meeting In First 1'resbyterian Church First Presbyterian Church was comfortably filled last evening, the occasion being the third meeting of four being held in connection with the Universal Week of Prayer. Devotions were conducted bv the Das- tor, Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth, assisted by Rev. Dr. F. W. Dafoe. Rev. C. D. Clarke of First United Church preached on "Christian Citizenship," stressing; the resDon- sibllity of Christians in the present world order. Painting an accurate picture of prevalent conditions, the speaker emphasized the need of Christians discovering afresh" the life and teachings of Jesus and applying them to present-day problems. "There is no other sure way out," he declared. The final meeting in the series will be held tonight in First Baptist Church when Dean Gibson will preach upon "Christian Fellowship." Washington Man Killed Yesterday John D. Bird of Snohomish, Political Aspirant, Loses His Life When Car Skids Near Tacoma TACOMA, January 6Wohn D. Bird', aged 54, of SnohomUh, Washington, was killed near Tacoma yesterday wT.en his car-skidded on the slippery road while he was on his way to Seattle to confer with business associates. Bird was an unsuccessful candidate for political honors in the Republican prima-' ries prior to the November election- Todays Weather Prince Rupert Raining, strong southeast wind; barometer, 29.50; temperature, 36; sea rough. Triple Island Overcast, light southeast wind; heavy swell. Langlra Island Overcast, moderate southeast wind; heavy swell. Dead Tree Point Raining, southeast gale; barometer, 2954; temperature, 33) sea rough. .Terrace 'Snowing, calm, 32 above. ilj-:' Hazelton Cloudy, calm. 16 above. - . ,r " Smithers . Cloudy, calm,. 20 above. , Burns Lake Cloudy, calm 20 above Mail Schedule For the East-Monday and Friday 8 Wednesday S From the Lasv Tuesday, Thursday and day Tor Vancouver- Tuesday 12:30 pjn Thursday Friday January 20 From VancouTer Wednesday Friday January Id For Stewart aiS Anyox aundsv,,..... Wednesday 30 am :30 ajii. 8atur-8 pjn. 6 pm 11 p.m. ., pjn 9:30 am pjn. 7 p.m 3 p.m, FUNERAL AT HOME (Continued from Page 1) ing was decreed by President Hoover. The United States capital mourned the former president today In such sorrow that it remained sha- iken out of its routine and slow to I take up the threads of ordinary af- rairs. President Herbert Hoover, his cabinet and chosen members of Congress have made preparations to go to Northampton tomorrow for Mr. Coolldge's funeral. Countless public buildings with their half-staffed flags indicated the mourning period declared by President Hoover. Although the death of President Coolidge removed the last surviv ing former president, six widows of chief executives are still living. They are the widows of Presidents Harrison, Cleveland, Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson and Coolidge. Seattle's Tribute SEATTLE, Jan. 6: Flags of all Seattle public buildings were low ered to half-staff yesterday on receipt of the news of the death of Former President Calvin Coolidge. A memorial meeting out of respect to the memory of the former chief executive Is being arranged for next Thursday. Mr. Coolidge paid his last visit to Seattle In 1922 on his wav east after attending a convention of the American Bar Association in California. 'Lozanne' Music Is Very Popular New Song "Dark Haired Marie" Is Taking Old Country by Storm; On Screen and Radio Word comes from England that the new song "Dark Haired Marie." composed by Lozanne, daughter of Mrs. Russell M. Smith of this city, Is enjoying much popularity in the Old Country where, in addition to enjoying wide sale cf sheet music. It has been adapted on the screen and radio. Lozanne recently accompanied Tittertou, "The Caruso of England,) when he sang this song at Park Lane, London. Hritish Pound and Canadian Dollar on New York Exchange NEW YORK. Jan. 6 The British pound sterling closed at $3.24 9-16 on the local foreign exchange yesterday. The Canadian dollar closed at 88ic. Insist on "GRANTS BEST PROCURABLE" The Original For Sale at Vrndara or direct froni "Mall Order Dept." Liquor Control Board. 817 Heatty St . Vancouver best procurable n SCOTCH WHISKY yJSL, RICHEST IN FINEST M HIGHLAND MALT tU3tQJf BotUmi and runnlm! hy Willi im atfX CiMl Su limited GlrnMdich M E-TI m Blvita-ili.livtt IXKtillrrw. IuJ. KHaBBaBaBBBBaBaBaBafl . i : . ..... ... . . . nits auviniMtneiu not iui)liliel or displayed lv the i.iUir Control Board or the Government o( British Columbia. By Westover. FISHERIES WORK DONE AT STATION Experiments Conducted by Staff of Scientists are Beginning to Bring Good Results IMOVAJ HHAT'S THE MVTTfcfT VAJITH MAC HE'S AU-Tt X. 1 WAVE OUT HIM By blending pilchard oil with oil from the livers of dogfish or sharks an oil has been secured containing au the vitamin potency of cod liver oil and at about half the expense. This oil has been named "Marinol" and it is expected It will be largely used for human consumption, according to H. N. Brocklesby. associate chemist at the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, who addressed, the Rotary Club yesterday on the" work of the station here during the past year. . Mr. Brocklesby also told how a cooking fat equal in all respects to Crisco has been manufactured out of flh oil which it was thought would prove a valuable food oroduct and would provide a valuable outlet for fish oils. This fat Is now being demonstrated at Vancouver) and good results are expected. J The station has been studying the ' process of decay In fish and the chemical reactions with the result' that today the scientists can open a 1 can of salmon and, by analyzing a spoonful of the oil at the top, can i tell how long the fish was out of ' water before it was canned, what variety of fish it was and whether It was caught In the Skeena or Fraser watersheds. The breaking up of the fats has given a clue to the breaking up of the proteins. It has been found that the fish commenced to change chemically just as soon as taken out of thA ratr al- though the change Is delayed by keeping the fish In ice. Experiments have been conducted in connection with jcold storage problems, particularly jri connection. with the drying out of fish, which is the chl$f cause of deterioration of frozen fish foods. Railway refricera- tion and IrtmsDortatlon is also De link dealt A been built at the station Ifor :the purpose of testing ne. method of refrigeration. , '' One important result of tests made at the station on canned salmon has' been fhe proof that canned salmon contains the vitamin D which is essential to growth and which makes it an excellent food for irowine children It tini ilcn hwn shown that there Is just as much vitamin in the lower grades of salmon as In the expensive sockeye. Mr. Brocklesby explained that a great deal of time had to be snent at first In getting basic information which was being, used now in carrying out further experiments. While the local station has suffered from cutting of government grants yet it has been found possible by stringent economy to carry on all the work kid out. The investigations have all been with a rtew to helping the fishing industry as in the case of the marketing of the halibut livers which brought the fishermen of Prince Rupert during the year the sum of $34300. At the close the speaker was thanked by Paul Armour, who presided in the absence of George Woodland the president, who was absent from the ritv. r A-V AX. I C3UESll HE'S Ti?yw iuizt to BOSS i THE DAILY NEWS Friday, January g, Arizona Beauty .BBVSSBBBPt rXaBBBBBBBBKm.,. v NLaBBBBuSBBBa;'' Saw BaVOSaBBHl aw bh f vbbk jrW Arizona's prettiest. Eleanor Arthur gets the palm from students at the University of Arizona also the title "Miss Arizona" LOCAL MEN INST0RM A. Prince and J. Klnslor Make Perilous Trip From Nootka to Victoria in Violet V. '.The Victoria Colonist of recent date tells of a perilous voyage nude tfown the West Coast of Vancouver Island to Victoria of the small lretfhter Vjjiet P., owned by A fnnce or Victoria and formerly of Prince Rupert and having aboard J. Klnslor of Prince Rupert who is working on the boat. The article describes the seas as running thirty to forty feet high, the worst seas being encountered between Pachena and Victoria The Violet P. Li 62 feet in length and Is powered with a 22 horseoower delsel engine and has been freighting on the West Coast of Vancouver Island for the p ist three years JONES' Family Meat Market Shoulder Pork, 4 lbs. ApfUSS, 3 JDS, Leg of Pork 4 lbs. JPork Chops, 2 lbs. Apples, 2 lbs. Round Steak. 2 lbs. . Onions. 4 lbs Sirloin Steak. 2 lbs. Onions, 4 lbs Rump Roast of Beef - 6 lbs T-Borx- Roast, 4 lbs. Bi .iid's Tea, 1 lb Pi im Rib Rolled - 4 lbs. Pork Sausage 2 lbs 8hTd Baron 2 lbs 957 Phone 9.17 1X3 VOU MCAM TO TET-l. MP MAC MA U-O-ST THAT '-l 100- 1 Cvxve jU"& 3' 50c 50c 35c 50c 50c 75c 75c 75c 25c 35c COMEDY IS PRESENTED Hert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey in Uproarious Football Farce at Capitol Theatre Here An entire prison Is given a colle-f uw air with bands, cheering sec- i ons and an enthusiastic alumni wuh quaint and original methods of obtaining new gridiron talent in the comedy farce "Hold 'em Jail," 'starring Bert Wheeler and Robert i Woolsey, which is the week-end feature offering on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here. Edna May Oliver and Roscoe Ates also have important parts in the laugh riot. The vehicle is a happy selection for Wheeler and Woolsey. The picture is delightful nonsense of the type to which this comedy team is best suited. Wheeler and Woolsey land in Biaemore penitentiary when they boast of their imaginary football prows in a tough dive where the .couts for Bidemore are looking for talent. The action and dialogue races through the field of slapstick. Then, of course, there U the big game scene In which the 1 pair have ample scope tor their Many famous ail-American stars appear in the picture. Visitors Pleased With Reception At Port Simpson The Young People's Advancement Club of Kethikan. Alaska, members of which were in the city yesterday afternoon, asked the Daily News to express to the people of Port simp- ton appreciation of the splendid reception given them and the hospitality extended during their four days' visit to the British Columbia village. The party came here to clear the customs and left eaitv this nxrninf for Ketchikan in the gasboat A "Tick-in-Time" t52rvrrrrr VOU HEARD7 U1H MST UOT IT THE MlCTHT OFTHf 1 T?- C-e SALES Every Month in the Year 1J38 Sales Dates January at February U March II AprU It May i June July tS August tt September M October M November 11 December tl Special Bales Held 00 Request of Shippers Advances Win Bt Made as Usual When Requested. Transferred by Telegraph if Desired. THE SEATTLE FUR EXCHANGE lObe Western Avenue Seattle, U.8.A. JX jmilBillBISIll 7i Friday & Salurdav I g LAlHillS - SCKKAMS TWO SHOWS -1 and 0 5 m. Feature Starts at 7:30 & 1 5J AD.MISSIO.1 - I5c 4 so, SATURDAY MATINLE at ii Feature Starts 3:20 l3C & j SHRIEKS Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey Norway Pino Syrup BUY in "HOLD 'EM JAIL" Willi F.D.NA MAY OLIVEIt, KOSCO ATES, EDGAR KENXtDY A Radio Picture Here's a chance to louder than you ever lauthed before Novelty "Murder In the Pullman" and "Free and l..t-..-MICKEY MOUSE In "Mickey in Arabia" Metro Xcs ONE GRAND PROGRAM R Mnn Tiim "lllinrrp in the Familr" & "Roar of ih lir, . uti eixb tv m t m u tn 11 ii mfM ufinrajitsau -i:i: i.V, Dr. Wood's Cold Settled In Chest Caused Racking Cough Mr, fl E. Wood, ElniwooH, II. n w . . "Soot Uom f0 I " raid h : .4 ia my ekttt earning aoea a racinag rough it. . ..j to tear M to plaeas. I aa4 read aboat Dr. Wood's Norw I- -4 Syrup, to I eidd ts giv It a trial Kt'-firtt dM I felt raliaf, uU win UM licit k vu flaiaM ay eovfk was attrely goat" Triea SAc a bottla; largo family iM A.V . Kt n drag aad gaatral atorfa; put p oaly by 'U x Milbara Ob , Ltd., Toromto, Oat. Bulkley Valley COAL THE HETTEIt COAL A Local Product The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED m apv JLrUX h WD - Prepared Dally Uy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. H.C DEPRESSION PRICES Ekk Coals, per Ion $11.00 & si 1 .50 (Not Nut Coal) Lump Coal, per Ion $12,:0 Loose Coal, $1.00 per Ion less All Coals arc in a dry shed. Don't buy water, buy coal HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Kccausc it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. "TIUJE THE TOILER" JO