3 ey yo * ~ . alee ee ee a ee a 2 aos ae Pe ae ae. po 7) ry a Te eee The Daily New Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES—DAILy, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance, WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. OuTsIDE CANADA— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. Contract rates HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co, LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square, “The newspaper, with the law, should assume the accused innocent until proven guilty; should be the friend, not the enemy of the general public; the defender, not the invader of private life and the assailant of personal character. It should be, as it were, a keeper of the public conscienco.*’—Henry Watterson. age WHAT OTHER CITIES ARE DOING MONDAY, JUNE 26 DAILY EDITION. There is nothing quite so helpful as to know what others are doing. This applies to cities as much as to individuals. The results of municipal electric lighting projects in British cities have already been referred to here. Municipal street railways are quite as interesting. At the annual conference of the British Municipal Tramways’ Association, held at Bradford last month, a highly interesting paper was read by Alderman Flint, chairman of the Leicester Corporation Tramway’s Committee, on Ten Years of Municipe! Tramway Work- ing. The assertion has been made by opponents of public ownership that this principle is falling into disfavor in Great Britain. It is entirely without foundation; indeed, the exact contrary is the truth. This is strikingly shown by the remarkable expansion in municipal street railways during the petiod from 1899 to 1909. The number of mun- icipal undertakings increased from 6 to 82, the track mileage from 53 to 2422 and the number of passengers carried from 38,432,470 to 1,933,118,206. The capital invested rose from about $3,500,000 to £200,000,000, the annual income from $895,000 to $43,000,000, and che net profits from $160,000 to $4,800,000. During the same decade the amount placed in the reserve fund totaled $21,000,000 and the sum at credit of the sinking fund $33,- 000,000. In addition $12,000,000 was handed over in relief of rates. Not only this, but the wages of all classes of employes were substan- tailly increased and from 11 to 15 hours taken off the week’s labor. The hours are now 54 for drivers and conductors and 48 for cleaners. These remarkable results were effected, too, from rates averaging less than two cents per passenger. the taking over of the old street car company in 1897, and the insti- tution of a municipal system. Not only have the hours of the men been reduced from about 17 per day to about half that amount, the service quickened, modernised and cheapened, but the service has become a revenue maker for the city. “ The recently published annual report shows that the gross profits for last year were in excess of $962,000. Of this amount, $550,000 was used for the sinking fund, and repayment of loans and interest, leaving a net profit of $412,000. Of this amount $265,000 was placed to reserve account and $137,000 went directly to reduction of taxes. Since the city took over the street railway system in 1897, $2,- 500,000 has gone to reserve, renewal and depreciation account; $3,- 589,000 has been sct aside for sinking fund and redemption of debt, while the city has received $1,174,852 for reduction of taxes. It will be observed that the sinking fund will take care of the indebtedness and in time wipe it out, giving Liverpool her street car system free from incumberance; while the ample sum charged to the reserve, renewal and drepreciation account will give a con- tinually improved system—a property of ever-growing value. Municipal ownership has certainly paid in the city of Liverpool. WE - HAVE - FOR - SALE (CROWN GRANTED) NECHACO VALLEY PRICE:—$15.00 PER ACRE, EASY TERMS Section 9 Township 1 This is an excellent section anc was one of the first to be staked in the Valley. Samuel Harrison & Co. Brokers and Financial Agents, Prince Rupert tonight in the old Presbyterian Church to discuss the formation of an athletic club in the city. All those who are sports, whether they are athletes themselves or not, are asked to attend. by some of the Scotchrnen of the city to play a team of Canadians at football at Metlakatla. understood that the challenge has been accepted. It's All Right to Go Picnicing night on ‘Sabbath Disregard”’ Rev. F. W. Kerr expalined that if! people who went picnicing and on excursions could do so and still realize the spirit of the day then In the city of Liverpool, some quite startling results followed] jit is all right for them to do so. very strong Christians to be able to do these things and still observe the spirit.” mandment ‘‘Remember the Sabb- ath Day to keep it holy.” manager of the Jovita Land Company which $396,000 by the sale of lots alleged to be almost wotrhless, townsite of Jovita Heights situ- ated on a hilltop several miles from Tacoma, surrendered to the police today. advertising manager have already been held for the federal grand jury on charges of fraud. THE DAILY NEWS RUPERT'S STEAMER FLEET Continually Growing. British Empire is Latest Addition to Boats Calling. The Northern Steamship Com- pany’s new steamer British Em- pire which came off the Wallace North Vanvoucer ways the other day after completing her long voyage from Grangemouth, is now on her first voyage in the service of the company. The British Empire is on a special trip to the West coast of Vancouver Island. Upon her re- turn she will be placed on the Prince Rupert route, alternating with the steamer Cetriana. Cap- tain Kerr previously pilot of the Cetriana is in command of the new steamer. ATHLETIC CLUB Meeting Tonight—Challenge From Scotchmen There is going to be a meeting interested in A challenge has been thrown out It is “SABBATH DISREGARD" If— FRE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE : : For all kinds waiters, dishwashers, hotel por- ters, all kinds of laborers or me- chanics, call up Phone No, 178 or call at the Grand Hotel Free Employment Office Headquarters for cooks & waiters of help, cooks, Tamil NEW WELLINGT ON COAL SHINGLES, LATH, BLACKSMITH COAL ROGERS & BLACK Phone 116 SAVOY HOTEL Fraser and Fifth Street. The only hotel in town with hot and coid water in rooms. Best furnished house north of Vancouver. s 50¢ up. Phone 37; P.O. Box 129 PRUDHOMME & FISHER - Proprietors FRANK D. KEELEY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST Phone No. 200 P. 0. Box 580 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. $SSSSObSSSS S444 bbb bb064 weeererrrrTTTTTTrTeee ee W. J. McCUTCHEON Carries complete stock of Drugs. Special attention paid to filling prescriptions. Theatre Block Puone No. 79 Second Ave. bb dbbdbd- bhoSbdbd SL ddd db bbe SSO SS SS TST TTT TTT TS es b65444444.5 POSTS TTT TS bboSessss Yell | aaa et a MONROE In a thoughtful sermon last | | j | | ‘But,”’ he said, ‘‘they must be He spoke largely on the com-| } REAL ESTATE | MAN IN TROUBLE R. E. Glass of Seattle, is under | Arrest—Sold $396.000 of Wor- | thless Lots. | (Canadian Press Despatch) Seattle, June 26.—R. E. Glass, Heights took in | in the The president and At the Fountain Ice Cream Cones 5c, Ice Cream Sodas 10c, Sundaes 15¢ and 20ce, Ice Cream 25c pint, 50¢ quart. — C. H. Orme, Pioneer Druggist, Phone 82. Gasoline Launches, Re; Boss For Hire by Hour or Day ~BOATS BUILT AND REPAIRED— H. Johnston Cow Creek P.O. Box 187 PHONE 259 GREEN ns — 1 BARGAINS —IN- LYNCH BROS, {\ scx ctr ° Stoves Glassware ~ Enamel ore Cutle General Merchandise A i‘ Largest Stock Blinds wer Baby peedee Curtains Screens Quilts Pictures Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. oe eeeiass baie rr? er etic ie ~~ cos Read The Daily News Ostermoor Mattresses Every Description of House Furnishings. The Big BIG FURNITURE Store Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. F. W. HART & COMPANY And Get All the News PHONE 62 rN eT ata) “ COAL ee | aes ae del) a FOR SALE Lots 5 and 6, Block 28, Section 1. $3000, 25 per cent. cash, balance 1, 2, 3 years, 7 per cent, GEO. W. MORROW 1076 Nelson St., Vancouver, B.C. BILLIARDS and POOL A good exer- Ladies every be- BOWLING, 4 Alleys, 7 Tables. ctse. Acilean sport, afternoon. Newman Block, tween 6th and 7th Sts. TED MORRISON, Proprietor and Manager REAL ESTATE Kitsumkalum Land For Sale KITSUMKALUM - B. C. ‘Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. NO. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. G. 8. JOHNSTONE, N.G. H. MORTON, Secretary. S. O. E. B.S. The Prince Rupert Lodge, No. 318, Sons of England, meets the first and third Tuesdays in each month in the Carpenters Hall, at 8 p.m. F, V. CLARK, Sec., P. O. Box 612, Prince Rupert ies NEWS Ags Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS G.T.P. WHARF LINDSAY'S “storace G. T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. OFFICE—H. B, Rochester, Centre St. Phone 68, THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards Twelve Tables SECOND Ave. SPSS STITT | thence west 31 chain | “LAND PURCHASE NOTICE — seein ; nd District—District of Coast Range 5 orate "Sones that I, Frank Hicks of Port Be- sington, occupation merchant, intend to apply er. o purchase the following deseribe ta ‘Gommeiel at a post planted on the south bank of tie ‘Exehuteed ka River and about four miles from its confluenve with the Skeena River, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east, thence south 80 chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres mo or less Dated April 21, 1911. FRANK HICKS Pub. April 29 Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Take notice that William MeTavish of Vancou- ver, B. ©. oceupation physician, intends to apply for eer to purchase the following deserbed lands _ Commencing at a post planted at the southwes corner, 40 chains north and 40 chains east of the | northeast corner of Lot 1116, Harvey's Survey, Coast District, Range 5, thence 60 chains east thence 60 chains north, thence 60 chains west, thence 60 chains south to post commencement containing 360 acres more or lesa, Dated May 2, 1911. WILLIAM A. McTAVISH Pub. May 6. Fred W. Bobler, Agent 1 | Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Range 6 ‘Take notice that Lettie McTavish of Vancou ver, B. C., occupation married woman, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the north- west corner 100 chains east and 20 chains north from the northeast corner of Lot 1116, Harvey's Survey, Coast District,Range 5,thence 20 chains | south, thence 80 chains @ast, thence 80 chains | north, thence 40 chains west, thence 60 chains south, thence 40 chains west to post of commen- | cement, containing 400 acres more or less, Dated May 2, 1911. LOTTIE MeTAVISH Pub. May 6. Fred W. Bohler, Agent | Skeena Land District — District of Ceast Range 6 Take notice that I, Alexander Clacher, of Dear- horn, Manitoba, occupation farmer, intend to apply for Aye a to purebase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the south west corner of lot 3065, district of Coast, Range 5, situated about 5 1-2 milesina south easterly di- rection from Breckenridge Landing, marked A. C., north west corner; thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 60 chains more or leas to south east eorner of lot S062, | thence west 40 chains more or less to scuth west | corner of lot 8062, thence north 2 ciiains more | or less to south east corner of lot 3065, thence west 40 chains more or less to point of commence- | ment, containing 660 acres more or leas. i ALEXANDER CLACHER | Donald Clacher, Agent | Date June 2nd, 1911 | Pub, June 24th, 1911 | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 6 Take notice that Eldon 8. Detwiler of Berlin, | Ont." occupation doctor, intends to apply for | a jon to purchase the following ibed | lam 3 Commencing at a post planted at the south- | west corner Lot 1928, thence east 30 chains | more or less, thence south 45 chains more or less, | thence west 30 chains more or less, thence north | 45 chains more or jess to point of commencement | containing 140 acres more or less. | Dated March 31,1911 ELVDON S&S. DETWILER | Pub. April 16° John Campbell, Agent | siesena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 | | Take notice that Mrs. L. C. Putnam of St | | Paul, Minnesota, occupation married woman | intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing ats post planted at the southwest corner of Lot No. 1733 marked Mrs. L. C. Putnam's | northeast corner, thence west 40 chains, thence ; south 80 chains tnonce east 40 chains, thence | | north 80 chains to post of commencement, con taining 320 acres more or less. | Dated March 20 1911. MRS. L. C. PUTNAM Pub. April 15. Geo. KR. Putnam Agen | Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Range 5 Take notice that |, Clara May Little of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation spinster, intend to | apply tor permission to purchase the following | described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the north west corner of Lot 1735, ange &, Coast District | thence east 40 chains, thence north 25 chains thence north 20 chains thence west 10 chains, thence south 45 chains to point of commencement, containing 112 acres more or less. Dated April 4, 1911, CLARA MAY LITTLE Pub. April 15. Skeena Land District — District of Cassiar Take notice that 1, Isaac O'Brien Forbes of Prince Kupert, B. C., occupation carpenter, intend to apply ie permiasion to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about fiv milese south and one mile west of the forks of theWhite |aud Flat rivers, thence north 80 chains, thence west 50 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains. Dated April 18, i911. ISAAC O'BRIEN FORBES | commencement, containing 820 acre more or | Rupert, b. ¢ Pub. May 18. Francis 8S. Preston, Agent Skeena Land District-—District of Coast Range 5 ‘Take notice that Grace McTavish, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation married woman, intends to apply eee to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southwes corner 100 chains east and 20 chains north of the northeast corner of Lot 1116, Harvey's Survey Coast District, Range 5, thence 40 chains east thence 50 chains north, thence 40 chains west, thence 80 chains south to post of commencement containing 320 acres more or leas. Dated May 2, 1911 GRACE MecTAVISH Pub. May 6. Fred W. Bohler, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar Take notice that I, Charles M. Knouse o Prince Rupert, bb. C., occupation farmer, intend to apply for mission to purchase the following deseri landa: Commencing at a post planted about (3) three miles south and (2)two miles west of the forks of White river and Fiat river, thence south 80 chains, thence west 50 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 50 chains. CHARLES M. KNOUSE Dated April 20, 1911. Pub. May 13. Francis 5S. Preston, Agent Skeena Land District-—-District o Coast Range 6 Take not ce that Murdock MeKae of Vancouver B. C., occupation real estate broker, intends to apply for permission 12 purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a vost planted op the sou.h bank of Exchumsiks river about five miles from its confluence with the Skeena river, thence 40 | chains west, thence 20 chains north, thence 40 | chains west, thence 40 chains worth, thence 40 | chains east, thence 20 chains south, thence 40 chains east, thence 40 chains south to point of | commencement, containing 320 acres more or leas | Dated April 21, 1911. MURDOCK McRAE Pub. May 13. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 | Take notice that I, Charlee A, Vaughan of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation merchant, intend | to apply for permission to purchase the following | deseribed lands: | Commencing at a post planted on the south | bank of Exchumsiks River and about four miles from its confluence with the Skeena River, thence 80 chains east, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains south to point of | commencement, containing 640 acres more or less Dated April 21,1911 CHARLES A. VAUGHAN Pub. April 29. } Skeena Ls.nd District District of Cassiar Take notice that i, Swan Hallen of Stewart, B. C., occupation carpenter, intend to apply | ad permuanen to purchase the following described | lands: Commencing at a post planted about (5) miles | south and one(1) mile west of the forks of the White ; and Flat rivers, thence 60 chains south, thence 80 | chains east, thence 60 chains north, thence 80 chains west. SWAN HALLEN | Dated April 18, 1911. Pub. May 15. Francis 8. Preston, Agent Skeena Land District-—District of Queen Charlotte Islands ai Take notice that George W. Arnott of Prince peer’ is - gonnpetsen real estate broker, tends apply for permission to jh following described lands: er oer Commencing at « port planted about seven | miles and one-half mile west and one mile south | from the mouth of Stanly Creek, Nuden Harbor, | thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, | thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, | Dated March 17, 1911, GEO. W, ARNOTT Pub. April 22. Numa Demera, Agent Skeena Land District—Distriet of C Take notice that I, Alice M, ee ne Ravers, , Cc. emanation married woman, intend apply for permission t eh, on or © purehase the following Commencing at @ post planted at | south and two miles want of the Sacer ‘ot White | aad 7 pres fuenee north 80 chains, thence | wins, thence th case 32 hain. ee south 60 chains, thence Dated Apel 191i. ALICE M. : pared Apel M. KNOUSE Francis 8. Preston, Agent Stikine Land Distriet—Datrier of C. Take notice that Sydney Hodghinenn al Tele. graph Creek, B. C., occupation clerk, intends to Bpoky, for ‘portal to purchase the following Commencing at @ post planted ab mile north east from Glacier Iiltie und on (haere bank of Btikine Hiver, thence east 20 chaing thenee north 40 chains, thence west 20 ehaing, thence south 40 chains to point of commencement | and containing 80 acres Dated Feb. 11, 1911. ve ole. DNEY HODGK Pub, April C4, Serves dene Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 6 LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land District—District of Const Range 6 Take notice that Mary Beaton Gildersleeve of Victoria, B. C., occupation ete intends to apply for mission to purchase the following descri! lands: Sommencing at a post planted at the southwest mh of ot B6, Weeae 6, Coast District,thence 80 chains south thence 40 chains east, thence 80 ehains north, Ged by oy SS re | acres ir ’ ae BEA ON GLLDERSLEEVE | Dated April 17, 1911. Pub. May 6. Skee: nd Distriet—District of Coast Take ao Rag Fred W. mean of ee. | kalu occupation farmer, intends to apply for permisalon to purchase the following decribed | ands; Commencing at a post wes at the north- | east corner of A. Mcl.eod's preemption, thence 20 chains south, thence 10 chains east, thence 20 | chains north, thence 10 ep weit to — of | commencement containing 20 acres more Or less. | Dated April 10, 1911. FRIEDRICH W. BOHLER | Pub. April 22. Fred Hampton, Agent Skeena Land District-—District of Coast Range 6 | Take notice that 1, Lauchlan John Shanahan of Victoria, B. C., occupation teacher, intend to | apply for per jon to purchase the following | described lands: | Commencing at a post planted 65 chains south | from the southeast corner of Lot 3060, thence 40 chains south, thence 40 chains west, thence 40 chains north, thence 40 chains east to point of cummencement, containing 160 acres more or leas. LAUCHLAN JOHN SHANAHAN | Dated April 17, 1911. Pub. May 6 Skeena Land District— District of Cassiar Take notice that |, John L. Mitchell of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation bookkeeper, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: | Commeneing at/a post ted about (5) five | miles south and (1) one mile west of the forks of the White and Flat ri thence north 80 chains thence east 50 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 50 chains. Dated April 18, 1911. JOHN L. MITCHELL Pub. May 13 rr S. Preston, Agent Skeena Land Distriet— District of Cassiar Take notice that | Francis S. Preston of Prince Rupert, B. C., oeeupation prospector, intend to apply jor perm: m to purehase the following described lands: Commencing at « post planted about three miles south and two miles west of the forks of the White and Flat rivers, thence south 80 ebains thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 Dated April 20,1911. FRANCIS 8. PRESTON Pub May 18 . ‘Take aseene I, Joe aes of soe nett ©. occupa’ carpenter, intend to apply for gat, B. ©. occupation Clectrioing Pringe Re Pply for permission to Purchase the ten dewer i anda: mane the ‘follow wih ommencing at a post Planted at x " jes woth of the forks of the Whine (2), th Vere, thence 80 chains south, thon? 0d Pat east, thence 80 chains norih.’ ion 50 chy een, ’ *eRGe 8 Chang pated April 18, 1911 ALFR ub. May 13. Francis ‘hitie KY TR "By Agent . Skeena Land Distr) %—D Take wotiee that 1, J ; jeaatiar Stewart, B. C., occupation Johnston y apply for permission wo py i, tntend tg described lands; ; = f the fo lowing Commencing at a po north from the Naas ri above the torks of the Naas 4. chains, thence west sy ine cha chains, thence east 50 ; aed ace a hi puta ment, containing 640 acres . ty Arad omnmenay i JAMES Mii! yi) | Dated Mareh 24, iyi Frank ANSTON Pub, May i7 Y Wright, Ag i» Skeens Land District —| ite ,, Take notice that 1, Hortie Lu” Caatlar Stewart, B. C., occupation piuni. SMe d apply {or permission to , dae ct, tend ty described lands : ame Se following Commencing at a post 2 north of the Naas river 4 one mi above the forks of th: F even miley thence north 80 chains T Upate thence south 80 chains, | west ten | point of commencems ning gins te more or leu. Mining 640 ecny BERTIE ‘ Dated March 23, 1911, | a WIN BADGER Pub, May 17, Maney Wright, Ag Skeena Land District —[j, Take aotice that 1, Lion Ast Range § ver, B. C., occupat: ‘lateas ae for permission to purcha» Ma apply lands: WING Geseride Commencing at a post pla ed near th west corner of Lot 992, any ‘ * South thence west 40 ehains, Ui me ustnit thence east 40 chains, thence por wet CO chains point of commencement 9 chains ty Dated March 24, 1911 LIO KINGsrp Pub, April 22. manny Skeena Land District — District of ( oast I Take not ce that 1, John lvan Penne! Rupert, i. C., cceupat on clerk intend Ar for permicsion to purchase the following demas] Commencing at a post plant ut t one-half miles distant. na eer ae as from @ blind slough from Obser vator liens the same touches the [, tia Resers ene) west 80 chains, thence o 80 chain ee east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains tf et commencement, containing 640 acres men eral Dated April 14, 1911 JOHN IVAN PETEM Pub, May 18. re on Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range ¥ Take notice that |, J. | MacLare | Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation real estate d intends to apply for permis pends ngre following described lands a Commen-ing at a post planted and 8 chains south of u houn' aa lot 1788, vicinity of Lakelse Lake, and maried | L. MacLaren’s nortwest ner, thence eas § chains, thence south 40 chains, thence out ‘ chains, thence north 4 t of cm mencement, containing n w lene I EM “ ty ' Date May 81, 1911 Pub, June 16, 1911 Skeena Land District — Dist f Const Range} Coast Take notice that W occupation ( P for permission to 4 " * ed lands Commencing at a 5 ‘ve and 120 chains soutt we ari | No 1783, range 6 coa arked Wm Leda | N.W, corner, ther ‘7 ww chaina, thence n on chains to post of co taining acre) more of ices wM E I ‘ Ag Dated March 2th, 1911 Pub, April 29th, 1911 Skeena Land Mistriet—Dutr Quee las Take notice that Geo. ce Rapa, B. C,, oveupation r apay i permission to purchas wing lands: Commencing at a post planted about west a oe ’ of Stanly Cree Na He chains, thence w ‘ ‘ chains, thence east 40 Dated Mareh 17, 1911 GEO. EL Pub. April 22. d a Dene, Skeena Land Listrict Distr { Coss Take notice that Annie » Occupati to apply fcr permissi described lands Commeneng at a post planted at ap southwest corner, 6 r of Lot 1116, Harvey's Range 6, thence east 20 chains, the thence west 40 cha chains, thence east 2 shains to point of comme acres more or icas Dated May 8, 1911 Pub. May 13 Skeena Land Dist | Take notice that | Prince Rup I for permis ane apply | described lands: Commencing at a ; anted about 0 south of the forks of , a - thence novth 80 cha thence south 50 cra Dated April 18, 1911 Pub. May 13 Skeena Laod Dist: { east 60 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence west j | 20 chains to Hell's Gate slough, thence along | slough southerly to point of commencement, con- | taining 160 acres more or leas. Dated April 6, 1911 WILLIAM MELVILLE CORLEY Pub. April 29. Take notice that |, ‘ art B. C., oecupats for mission to purche lands Commencing at a | south and one 5 and Flat rivers, | east 80 chains, the Skeena Land Distriet-—District of Queen Charlotte Islands ni Take notice that J. H. Murphy,of Vancouver, B. C., occupation commercial traveller, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following deseri lands: | Commencing at a post planted about seven miles west and one mile south from the mouth of Stanly Creek, Naden Harbor, thence nerth 80 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence south 60) chains, thence east 40 ¢ ins. Dated March 17, 1911. J. H. MURPHY Pub. April 22. Numes Demers, Agent | 80 chains, the | chains, thence Skeena Land District—District of Casslar Take notice that I, Thomas Macgovern of j Stewart, B. C., occupation miner,intend to apply | ioe permiadon to purchase the following described | ands: Commencing at a post planted on the mat bank of the Naas river shout four miles above the forks of the Naas river, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or \. THOMAS MACGOVERN Dated March 26, 1911. Sidney Frank Wright, Agt Pub. May 17, | Skeene Land Distriet—Distriet of Cassiar Take notice that William Frederick Cameron of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation carpenter, ntends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a planted about three miles south of the forks of the White and Flat rivers, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains. WILLIAM FREDERICK CAMERON Dated April 18, 1911. Pub. May 18, Franels 8. Preston, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar Take notice that I, Brenton Jordon Moore of Prinee Rupert, B, C., occupation contractor, intend to apply pe permlenion to purchase the following Commencing at a post planted about (3) three miles south and (2) two miles west of the forks of White and Flat rivers, thence 80 chains south thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains ot. r RENTON JORDON MOORE Dated April 20, 1911, Francis 8. Pres Pub. May 18. vom AR Skeena Land Distriet—District of Cassiar Take notice that I, James Webster Esplin of Serer, BC, pogepation austionser, intend to pply for perm n to purchase the described lands: “ oe Commencing at a post planted on th ht bank of the Naas river about nine ie tee the forks of the Naas river, thence south 80 chains, thence moe yin, thence porth 80 chains, nee chains to nt Sentalolon ele screamo ot 9 commencement, 28 WEBSTER ESPLIN Dated Mareh 24, 1911. Frank Sid. Pub Men tr, ran idney Wright, Agt [Skeena Land Distriet— District of Cassiar Take notice that I, Sydney Fitegerald of Stewart, B. C., oveupation cook, intend to apply for per- mission to purehase the followin deserved lands Commencing at a post planted about five mile south and one mile of the forks of White and Flat rivers, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, tnenece east 60 chains. Dated April 18, 1911. SYDNEY FITZGBRALD Pub. May 18, Francis 8. Preston, Agent of Prince Kupert, intend to apply | following deseribed miles south of ¢ re rivers, theney 80 chain ® 4 west, thence 50 chan’ Dated April 18, 191! Pub, May 14. SO chains Dated April 20, | | Pub. May 15, Skeena Land Distr Take notice that | Rupert, B. C., o apply for perm es deser bed lands Commencing at « one-half miles d sta from a blind sk the same touche mencement, cor taining ’ D Dated Apr | 14, 19! sub Skeena Land | Take notice that | Rupert, B, C., 0 for permasion ( lands Commencing at @ south and 2) tw White and Flat r thence east 80 « thence weat 50 « Dated Apr | 20, 1911 Pub. May 18 Skeena Land Distr Take not ce I Rupert, B, C., oceus to apply for permis described lands Commengimg et & one-half miles dists from a blind sloug the sane touches the | 80 chains, thenc t chains, thence mencement, conta! Dated Apri 14, iv)! Pub, May 15. Skeena Land Di Take notice that | of Stewart, b. ( apply for permission 4 described lands olanted oo OS Commencing #! ® PO’ vig nll bank of the as about mouth & forks of the Naas river, (hel cab a thence west 50 ¢! come thence east 50 che Oe containing 640 acr Mt URLES F ue Dated Mareh 25, | Mv righ Pub. May 17. Frat ey Skeena Land Take notice that Prince Rupert, i. to apply for permite described lands anted Commencing at ® por’ hr corner of Lot S065, iss south 20 chains, ehenc north 20 chains, hen t ai of commencement, on ; 1am JOHN? {LL freughlet iurchase © pistriet Di C obp J a ing Dated Aprils, 191! Pub. April 29. ‘ District Om Skeena Land Distress iy Take notice that |, Commencing &! * he p BERK ALFRED Be ici 5 Mi Land) Lovie ee) TO bl Menci; West ap Or |e a Mee, Abr 4, 1 Bulking 1, © NOticg . eupat lawion MLeng| no a W the Side of a chain, . © chaing ence rm, Feb, Beil 7,