flj SAtS 1WP THE DAILY NEWS Thiirsd , , . lh , H .. .. .. , :yr I . ! I pripf News and Views of Sport I For fishing boats, tugi, freight, passenger and W lft fl pleasure boats, saw mills, woodworlonq plants, grist iMBBBMBWMBHMBHBMBMBBBMMMMBBMBBMMWBBBMBWBBMBBIWMWP! j f" Ift mills, mines, lighting and general industrial purposes. I AjMMI.J'4.gj.l..HI.MII..IUJlM BASKETBALL Congratohtions Are In OrJer MAX BAER SALES I IfMMMTJJPMTCT AT TERRACE gwft m DIVORCED I Mi Kurihel SBMBmBi HP! fleW W lift THE DAILY NEWS. " Flail iL """STi I PKIM I KUPBK1 BRITISH OI.I MHIA . . .al m TERRACE Oct 5 The unnuu mwr J ,rM ? B MDi KM 2 I 4 JmmMW ., , . Bar m her ! S fcn ' flL ' JAl'Rt MexM-ti ( fi A Me- meeuriK or trie t le"ace h A ? Published Fvery Afternoon Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert HMKftoaij ' iPM. fc ' 1 ' V Xtean divorce wax grunted here Club was held in the Terrace Hotel W Dally News Limited Third Aver.ue i i flflfl yesterday on the grounds of n, l uiuar, i: Mondav evening of last week. I t HfrWm A ' MAW . . . ' . Mm kin. HF. PULLET. ManaRtng-Edltor Officers elected for the ensuing WMJ TJ Stability to Mm Dorottiy Bar M.r.hli yMt Jf . agalnv. her husband Mux Baei the April u . . , . & wfcu,' Bfl X jHr., S 1 fuiiK'i, nt boxer "la President Rev B Burchel SUBSCRIPTION KATES mWmV '"" I ... Vice-president. S R McLeod It . JmmW f jL Jul M City delivery by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.01., . 1 secretary-treasurer. Duncan K 11. CI D J For lesser periods paid in advance, per week icw Hi ik A M ' J A. YKPfna UdUIlllIllUIl KAnHllllliin i s' " I PaltS COlUmb'a ,h' BrlU3h EmPlre ' V Mfr A J,. , Bi,rlTll 7 D O. Little was elected as bu.l- United States, paid in advance, per year F- t C ub P SoOll uZZZ I e mana,- tO aV i VlUU IU I IdV JUUll By mall to all othe, countries, uer ye.., 80, It tn, nUentlon of the club to ft fW V 1 JmL M ADVF.UTISIM. RATES , Vk aHl B men s teams and v Transient display advertising, pe; inch, per Insertion 1 40 three senior girls' teams on the lY f W Jk I Heawn'. Anivii.rs . I opru To Advance. Wil n- M. Classified advertising Der word, per In.se-tion 02 floor this seaaon and It is to be B LV JV n.chl .r Tomorrow W.u, oi Uunl W Legal notice- n. pei at..- 15 . PSVV; Ikial salurdai hoped that games can be arranged a owning Memhei of AtiUil Bureau oi (mulaiinns , with outside centres before the end Mt H i Till h ' 7TI i UK " ot the season fe 'HV The Skeen.. Brlmiiiton Club has J i v, ,, , .. DAILY EDITION Thursday. Oct 5. 193.1 1 WM ompleted preparatloiu of Its P P, 1 i, r- couruat the 1.0 O. I Hail lur the I surprise Visit dv METHOD IS CURIOUS I . . . ,. , I Th n Moose Ladies Upon ; , I candidates wen n on a general socialist platform and u K aaeti JM I .r seriea election was almost comple Men Last LvenUlg mnk nvru vm-e I held to decide on I defini:, platform to ,,!;, lH.f,re the S I II L D I It is planned to keep control of the party by the present la,t '". members of the Moose rrflSiin0n Gefs DOCK WinterGarmenb committee of nine With headquarters at Vancouver. There 2" B " DiisnY FWmI NOW! ei-1 Sri In Series Picture By CubsXt- While the old party machBies aie being criticized thelaarrMi aad.Mri n s k p ' S 1 J" I foundation for the new party machine is much more com 1 ansr the man iwd aerved deiiciou? Ksinfi ( n rr iismir 1J Season SfTlPR n nn I plete than anything hitherto dreamt of hv the old parties. 're,rMhm- LfZilllliy vJIUilO 1 OUQ I brought by the ladies, there was a i O e I 1 program of humorous readings and I TMIKI( VHIirT 1 WK fHICAOO October & Chlca., It i, s detchTs that President Rnose-ZT "P " m" Nri"hUV2 f Fwr t0 " S& '3SIWF velt is thinking aboui the road to Alaska That is splendid I .Nothlllf Uftj hitehill Held c Vorkem . J,.,. JJ"'r " I 1 It i Fomi thin thai must precedi actio, matter s he- Kndaml ,f,a(s N,,r ;" Ml ,a of Ideal Cleaners I U(; I-"- K tNi. U r,. i, ft Kar, WhUehiJ "l could get Premier Bennett to think about Northern Bri- London October s-cncia..d ,ul World Serii LOCAL NEWS tish Columliia min6 ture twiax tie s-nut out the New ork (iiants four to and its highway, crossing the province be- by a eore of four i tween Jasper and Prinn If he would onlv think to f ln mtrnatlonal , notJ,nf ,".th' th,"i of tl"' worl( championship baseball Mtall ollvp Munni.nd Mu, mMno TVPTVPITHKl he would immediately see the value to the country of this w 7"u: 1 :" Senat" ; their bats working loudly for sailed Je.lv tZ 1 "tWKl 1 tW trunk both " the first tmie. ( lesident Franklin D. KiMisevplt was u..- 1 " B artery from an economic ind utilitarian view-1 amonu on Prince owrg. t, a..x point and would get the unemployed i on it foi CITR IPTT Tfl ' real wagee Possifij Mr. Bennett maj follow Roosevelt's dUDjLL 1 1 U L bvifaJirJ.ner SffSnfa ZTV"" o "f ' "r U' or HeBt I example and get to thinking one of these days. rADVDirUT ,; " Ha,nf Stared through u. . r I ijtb I LUriKlbril 1 f AGREE WITH ('. C. F. n'l,i M" le niw t0 dtacn, rhI zm Thero n.u point anions a numlier on which w, ai; re.- KeMaurani owner Musi i'ax i.e ''"wroteY "'aled Th r Pw Ip m t nwf m c Looiae Qapi At with the ( . ( . I" and that is in theii policy of abolishing the fn' M Thy Tu'" "' Kad," I him -n. ' 't' .me'" , ,,mhhlMrr fnr lF,'"Jmm'n'' ? SSLi"?,? " Cl.Uf Pfl ' 8 "M Cknadutn We look on ;it as a useless appendage not ' M aoth f.eideo bniuy, l!,!:; m JTpS'Z rTl . M servino a sntt iciently useful purpose to justify It- e.i- M!,;,,,t " !l" of Senators , roller by Crita but Manager Tern Vancouver Manure Fl. P Sflrf H tenee. h ranks along with the grand juries that recently ottawa oci s .cp.. Everv 'ini churgau with IflOUUIC I Vi H havel n abolishefTboth in Canada and ; "Mrtu" 7"' owner who of the,..,,. i,vered I in his radio whli- a l.Bi 'd off r u r British piemovi ' V:L but ""I"" when TtHma "! 7IC.7 Av ap IMIMII DOMINION D K lowly they are leave, hiauaif open to payment of senatm i ! y-JB convinced of the need tif a change they move surely. copyright fe. . bv ti. . ro counten na uw optaasj , i ci;.RKTn-. pm'krs " 1 "IB ... I Io' imm rommlssloner of frame HfKm raclruj Ii n . ,A ;1 '" -gB i-i lh seroii. innlnc two hits ae- national iiport B31 flLVaBaVPyfll I BPI 1731 I I in I'pKbffjk Ul rBy'L 1 1 JH immmi mi iiiiiaiiii-ii Coming Athletes' Pitching Star WLJttudm f W 111 Jl urt Kr f k Ww mtM BBJ N" w ' I M Bi.i.k fl lf IjI PbV b1 'im itoi.u,. LX 7 1 1 jAfll bIbBBBBBRBBBBBBh HbBBf BMBBBh 'f)a I IfiHftB The Dally New can be p.ir JB WB j p.. IT PAVQ TO . jt&jbbbI BfiV I Oranvllle St Vancouver B BBfl " 11 Hi J 1U MjWBBB I R Wt I fiHit -JiBBD9Ea Kar Anders, n Prince t4 HBfew K , . 3 1 rv, fl I BBK I f,L oeorge. BC DI A V IMIHO fflBTr ABWBI H W Riley Terrace. BC I l,J I S SO lMtMlBKl Zm'jSL General more Anvnx BBBBflB ii JWilBBBBBP Bmlthera nrug Htnr- lk F JMMMW Q( BE s ibr BjjjjpjIflBJjBJliBj , BiSeSallHfilBn tjr Badminton I Intua von oi tin fjki H bfa El i ii'' v"" ff BBBiBSS553B8BBHsfl jBF Suppliers "Vl ffl I ' PEACE BEYOND PRICE fiS&fSSto! S?fr fi.ient , V5r BBk. pool I 1 1 Paocaof rrand L l.k. th. qu.et ol a moonl.t B If 1 ( KITS lok., beyond pnc. I, b.tong, ,o tho.e rg : ffiT fP" Mi i . .,- ernlMd with - h. . I whooreproedagoinitmergncy. An ' - r J.fe ittM '"" 1 onomlcal two v..' f fl adequole Saving. Ai count givct thit pro " d&lPj? Wfll mm' W H taction; it provide! o ratarva of r.ady C I H) Bh tA V co,h, accusing o, compound im frv V jf Drop in Sometime SuOerior nM TH! 11 healinf Cream JT ej . ., veteran mananer ol the Phllad-lphla Athl 1 PJ XprVlCf fl - - I I 1 Kad, n erYI ROYAL BANK ftenfhoatum Kaien Hardware . I ,x Miff ls already build , his tSSU for next NMoll mid 3.11 Seeand Avenar J MM OF CANADA e in A U A 'r '" lioix. on lohtinv Mai mvei Th. A n..,. i v.m an Yaur ,, ni oin . 4 n Bl ! SpMfM AND BRUISES Jo Uan.vObt ae0y m. 1,,,, ". J PhOlie BlUf L BITES ok CUTS'. 9 ' w m,i m pijrtMr ' r o boi )(xA 1 mam im Canada s,"Ul" "th III OhlMfO 'White Bp" and Um ( ' I. v.-I , , "WSil J i A a IJARTl.rTCI AA I 'I ' iiKllaiw" wltlioiil inn c iNflUI.ANKH ' Nji- gSS