IT sr paqb rotm Iff. THRIFT Moneysavers For the Week-End FINE ALBERTA BUTTER nQn . .. - g- CUT MACARONI 15c 2 It FINE CANADIAN CHEESE 19c per lb RED ARROW SODAS- 20c Pr pkg. FRtSH OlNOER SNAPS 27c 2 n CROSBY CORN Royal City 10c per tin GREEN BEANS Royal 14c Cfty out, per tin DICED BEETS 10c per tin EGOS Freeh Seconds 20c per dM .. BEST JAP RICE 13c 3 lb. CALIFORNIA RAISINS 2,1b. 25c WHITE FI08 25c 3 lbs, .... RICE KRISPIE8 9c per pkg SHREDDED WHEAT 10c per pkg. FLOUR Graham or 36c "THRIFT BLEND TEA 34c per lb BAKING POWDER 20c Mallcm's Beat, H-oa. Un CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 14c per No. 2 Un ..' ROSPBERRIES Quaker 20c No. 2 squat Una. per tin M0LAS6B6 Aunt Dinah 13c Mb. Una, per ttn PRESERVING PEACHES Okanagan Elbertas Q-f on per crate ?1U3 MelNTOSH RED APPLES ORANGES Nice size. 26c sweet, per doe. CLEANED CURRANTS 27c 2 lbs. ROSEDALE SOAP 9c Cello-wrapt. 3 bars SUNLIGHT SOAPr- 19c per carton Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 179 201 Third Ave "CARRY AND SAVE" Mall Orders Have Our Prompt Attention MS I rTETBVBXMTlT,TXiy Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 957 Phone 957 Pot Roast 35c 4 lbs.' Rib Roast 15c per lb Round Steak 15c per lb, Sirloin Steak- 35c 2 lbs. Lamb OtMps 35c 2 lb. -Veal Chops 35c , 2 lbs. Pork Chops 35c 2 lbs. Liver, 1 lb. 25c 25c 3 lbs, OBrB'neefi- " - 25c 4 It. Tomato Sausage 10c Wo'f Lamb. 20c per lb Shoulder Lamb 1Ao j per lb ... 1UVI Shoulder Pork 5UC 4 lbs Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone G57 Rent Deductions ' Are Discussed at hi ; Workless Meeting i There wa.s discussion at the re- jgular meeting of the local unem j ployed council in the Canadian La bor Defenee League Hall ktt ere nlng in regard to the deduction of amounts from relief of married men to cover rents and it was decided to Interview the city commissioner today in connection with the matter. The proposal to send single unemployed men into camp was also discussed again and opposition was rrlterated. Angus Melver presided over the meeting and speakers under good and welfare included William Brown. Robert Kydd. Owen White and J. M. Dunn. Parents of Band Boys in Annual Meet Last Nisht The Boys' Band Parents' Asso- -.jticn held its annual meeting ast night in the Armory with election of officers as follows: President, V. Houston. Vice-president. R. Long. Secretary-treasurer, Mrs. h. b. 'ast man. Executive Mrs. J. Vlereck. Mrs. . Carlisle, D. Macphee and Sam 'urrte. George Johnstone was elected as he Parents' Association representative to the Band Association. Massett Appeal is Being Heard Here TJavid Rutten Takes Certiorari Tro-reedlnrs Against Conviction and Fine For Selling Hearing of an appeal by cerUor - 1 vri of David RuUen of Massett gainst a conviction and fine of 'W0 by Stipendiary Magistrate j Dunn of Maasett for selling been tpened in County Court before Tudge W. E. Fisher yesterday and was adjourned until Friday. L. W aUnore is acting as counsel for the ippellant and J. T. Harvey for the crown. Evidence of Local Men Taken Here For American Case Situng as a commissioner for a State of New Hampshire court. Judge W E. Fisher of this city on Tuesday took evidence of M. M. Stephens, local real estate broker, and D. J. Mutheson. city assessor, in an ictlon front Manchester. Mil.. In which beneficiaries of a trust are luesUonlng the accounts of the ad--ninistrator. a Manchester broker named Arthur IL Hale, who has mortgage investments here. After the hearing evidence was sealed and forwarded east ' In the local hearing. T. w; Brown acted as eoansel for Hale and W O Fulton on behalf of the' beneficiaries. GOOD ORE ON SPIDER Spectacular Samples of High Grade Silver Broutht to Stewart , STEWART. Oct 5: -Owney Mc-Fadden and 11. 3. Thomey. leasers i of the Snider groun -of mineral claims, situated some three miles north of the Big Missouri, brought ' into town last week -end some very ' sr)5Uculsr samples of high n 1r' silver ore. These are considered as fine as any samples ever brought to Stewart, and are arousing widespread comment. Messrs. McFadden and Thomey have returned to the property where they are continuing their ex- j plant Uons. Today 's Weather Temcfr-Cloudy. ralnMfr -Anyoxvf f bitprf lm, Etewa"' ofaf. Jei!rn JO S laJMSB? f 'i ,. . i Those having uaec" clothes of , any kind for men, women or 1 children will kindly send them to ORME8 DRUO STORE GORDON'S HARDWARE Q A? S GROCERY The oyfo Club Is ar distribution to those who are badly in need this fall. Dona- Uons will be acknowledged In this paper. . DOING WELL ON DUNWELL Ire Running Over 1M Ounces Silver , and One Ounce Cold Found . -pa,.- .8T.E!'.:T;(?i5:0r!,ll tattr: .7 Z mre7n eveloptnanu at the Dunwell mine. samples of the last discovery are ucwribed by an authentic and wall ! Informed quarter as running over 100 ounces In silver and thne- iiuariers io one ounce in gou. Tnis discovery was made in the old working and the ore carries ha value over a width somewhat In excess of two feet. Leasers on the Ben All claim, a pan of the DunweH holdings, an also encountering very satisfactory results. At the Dunwell mine at the present time in six different places leasers are working at a profit. In each case the work Is hand work and it is doubtful if there are many j ether lode mines in British Colum-: bla where money can be made by i hand work only. The opinion ts ex-1 pressed in informed quarters that the Dunwell mine never looked ss , promising to lu whole history a It ; doss today. Dr. 1. T. Mandv. derjartmetit of mines resident engineer, spent three I days 0,1 lhf ProPerty this week a ad Colds Vapors inhaled quickly dear head CKS VapoRi i.m i arvrvivipepnvMivvMwb. GOLD ORE IS FOUND Surprise Strike Made on Glacier Gnleh Troperty Near Smithcrs , SMITH ERS, Oct. 5 Keen Interest was aroused among the mining fraternity of Bmlthers when Stewart Campbell brought in some samples of new ore from the O lacier Oukh with free gold visible to the naked eye. The Olacier Oulch group i owned by Campbell. Loveless and Banta and they have been getting oat a carload of bismuth-tell oride ore for shipment to Trail. Assays of this an ran very high in gold but! the new samples are the first showing free gold. In fact, this reck was not put In the carload, the gold being found suite. by accident by one of the miners at work. Samples have been sent out for assaying- to find the values and there is every Mason to expect that they will be high. The Olacier Oulch la only six tnfies from Southern with a good road right to the camp. The mineralisation that Is being worked at present 1612 feet wide and values run as hltM as SIM. The free goka is in hard white rock In which no valnes hiuJ'beeh looli for until the precious metal was noticed recently. Mrs Ja-t Wood -(Annette Stone) alled yesterday afternoon on the D'l ' "e Oeorge for a brief business Anyox. Hi. 1MJU.Y fiWb EDWARD5BURG CROWN BRAND The i economical I 9 H and dclicioqg I table AYiud i- z TMI ANACA r, A M CO. Nuisance of Cows' By Night Removed STEWART. Oct. 5: A short business meeting of the municipal commissioners was held on Tuesday ,last,Thr giving f thuetTeadlnp io a bylaw to prohibit horses an cows running at large at night with bells on them was the mala item of in-; teres. This bylaw provides fairly' severe penalties and the commissioners announced thelgv Intention of having it rigidly enforced. The clerk w, Instructed to take the necessary steps to have a technical mistake In the official boun daries of the village corrected. Current accounts amounting to $41.12 were passed. The collector reported that taxes we coming In very well and that It was expected that only some fit-jteen parcels would be offend (or! sale at the tax sale. It was also re- ported ,h..t a large proportion of lots sold st tax sale last year were 'being redeemed this month. i nJ..L fllL! "iUUl llUlliillH Contributed For Gyro Club Drive Gordon's Hardware report having received donations of used clothing in connection with the Oyro drive as follows. FMrjousiy sknowlds)eU . M MrjtT C. Wilding, n articles. J. fi. Morris. articles. ! Mend. 10 articles Filial It articles. ! Friend 4 art tries. 1 ; Friend IS articles. Tot!. 12 pieces. j Steamship Sailings ; i For Vancouver Tuesday Catam 1.-99 njn. Thurs ss Pr Oeorge II: li pa. Friday ss. Prto Adelaide Q n.n Ss. Oardena midnight Oct S. 1. IS ss. Vf Louise pjn. From Vsnroovn Sunday as. Catala pm Wed s. Pr. Oeorge M ajn Friday as. Prin AdelaMe . pjn . Ss Cardena pjn Sat. ss. Prince Rupert ... l am. Oct 13 ss. Prin. Louise . . am. Oct 21 as. Prin. Louise ... am. Oct. 30 ss. prin. Norah ajn. For An jos and Stewart Sunday at. Catala Z pm. Wednesday m. Pr Oeorge 4 pm. 1 From Anyos and Stewart I Tuesdayas. Catala . .1140 ant. Thursday as. Pr. Oeorge 8 pm. or Naas River ana Port imrxort 1 Sunday as. Catala 8 pm. ' vrem Nass River K Tort Slmpvm Tuesday. Catala .... 11:30 am For Oeean Falls Thurs . Pr. Oeorge. 10:15 Fndsv as. Prin. Adelaide io pjn From Ocean FaTI Wednes. as. Pr. Oeorge 10 ajn. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide ... pm. Ss Cardena pm. Satur a. Pr. Rupert 10 am. , For Queen Charlotte Islands : Oct n mn SO u P InttA It) n m Lf From Queen Charlotte Islands. Oct 4 asd i as Pr. John am. i For Aliika Oct 12 at. Prin. Louise am Oct 21 as. Prin. Louise . am. 1M Oct 30 4. Prin. Norah am. From Alatka Oct. s. i, is as. Pr Louise pm. from Kketna River Fridnv ss. Canfena ; pm. C. N. It. TKAINR For the Cast M'lnmys. Wednesdays and Frl-dsys 5 SO p.m From the Fast Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10 p.m I , i; r- -, '.iTiTTtIt" A nourishing vrect tbx tbV whole family Eating AN EASY, CONVENIENT WAY TO ADD EXTRA J QUALITY MDk drink-in has its limits, especially among children. Encourage your family to cat milk. You will find more enthusiasm for milk when served this way and there is such an appetising, variety of dishes to chooK from, in all of which you can use NeaUe's Evaporated Milk just as it comes from the tin, concentrated to double the richness of ordinary cow's mffL Try this simple method of getting your family to sf more mQk! Let us give you a few hints that are sure to appeal to your eaperimental nature and your fente of thrift Nestles Evaporated Milk can be used in ifcohcs not anlinarfly prepared with milk at all. Omelets, poultry stuffing and Mews wiH taste much better when this rich, creamy milk is added. Rolls and bread made with Keatie'a Evaporated Milk are not only delicious but are also vary nourishing : and. remember, KESTLE5 MH'INI by tae UMlLLfiff . : tVAtoATCl TAUUZX ' BABYtrZI NESTLE Pacific Slope Weather Warm Angeles Thermometers flee t- tered Qne Hundred Degrees in ' Shade YesUfftar I LOS ANOEIJTS Or: ,!),,- 5. Lo Angeles thermometers register:i degrees in the shade yesterrtav Other cities on the Pa( Ift, onp.. t, .. ported rorresp.,iifiin',.. i, perat'ircK snnv vv.aadV 1 1 vNBanT BsjsnjBjBjsaBjnBsnBSBgsnM OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of lh llsliermsn, logger. Miner UOOMS-.SI0 per month, tl b. n'ht 4snnv tnv' aanfc B . . ,- io an Milk QUANTITY AND m TO ALL COOKING j ; you don't have to sterilire the milk that is already done. Add Nestle's Evaporated Milk to the liquor from vegetable and sea foods when you are creaming these difthes. That is something you cannot do with ordinary milk but when you use Nestle 's, the liquor will combine smoothly with the milk to make a rich, creamy sauce, giving you all the nutritive value of your vegetable or ea food. NewtbVt Evaporated Milk in its cuocentrated form, makes an excel leni gjaae for twesd, joHs. I id pte-cruat and ' a splendid 2 coating for deep-fat frying; and quite often, in cake and cookie I S recipe , thi verv economical milk ran be ucd in place of part of the egg called for. io And, remember, in any dish calling (or milk. Nestle's Evaporated Milk gives you an I added craamineas and rkhaea and an exceptionally fine texture and color. The recipe given opposite is or one that mil be sure to and a place in your "sftecial recipe" book. Try it and then dip it lout for further use. MAIL THIS COUPON sfpMsada) Ltd.. MctraswMaa SNSBsisft :.Ta Totmmo. i Pwan Mad nw Itre roi Msrr givvsg suev we of KevUS iExwl Mlk. Sane. EVAPORATED 1M I LIC NESTLE'S-Vorc'i Urgest Producers nJ Stllers ConJtnseJ dnd Evaponttd Milk. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zartlll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FIIOM HOME" Rates 11.00 up lo R6oms Hot h Told Water Prlnrs Rupert B.C S,;- We f.r Milk ai . . . . iw . home in tr . I" liraad !'.. .. airt . i . , . f rscipe ihit u . , , Butterscotch M thrum n mMr yf OoW wi'rr isbtwonuii. rt -, Boil Mfar a takk iru; Msfc MBUlMfl ;u Add I. esjg yotkts ' Milk and rtxrl. .. CMleem hixi-i.' mm 1 1 ikrk Irom wim rVar krto a wUk wmrmfut wnises. ui n (MK W For Your Heal t ti.-pprsfa . cun t W!rt W 4 Inb. i R4KJ Mt ....... ,i ir1 AH iCV-prscn"' tn rhonei i'1 Prince Rupef DRY DOC ANT) SHIPYARi .... ihrrt IW 1 useraims - (M Total rsssK' ana tn Iron "' J rieclrle sn rf " , .tBDerricll',,,,,, ..wmlllsn-Mft'tf'