..i.v. i IMS I l I If " - V aMM i 3 - M I - A'JVI.P' I III I B HI 1 i ' IJilll I m II I II II II M en hi Thermal Heat Pad a unifurm heat and last many hist add little water to renew heat Ask U8 for information Price, $1.25 Refflls, 40c STATIONERY Special MELUOSE Linen Finish CAULYLK Hand Made KLrX.VNTEPancy, Plain and Linen Alice Blue CHOCOLATES Mb. box, 60; Mb. box SL20 Ormes ltd. Jit Pioneer Druggists ... Phones: 81 & 12 rt pi i f i y of 1 --"-,'"-r''' klvENZIE'S FURNITURE SPKHA1.S ith Stmmuiu rU Mattress Q99 dUvf 00 Ml! star tK-f li-t with pKitwi. Spring 2550 an pUf and prta are F.O.R lYincr Rupert . Hue IVinci' Htipi-rt Coal Prices Lump $12.50 J.HU. 110.0 ; Stove H.O" 11.50 Vlar, per load 5.00 . rord 0.00 YDF TRANSFER-PHONE 580 I'MON BTEARISIII1S LIMITED V, I VKUY T'38'AV, l30 P.M. Miay pjn rARni; rVKI!V ,,UU,AY (M,(si(jnT. " lu run Blmp.on. AIM Arm. Any N' ': :v!r..,,. . ' .... Jr ARfi,r Second Avenuei rhone 5S,. CANADIAN PACIFIC Mince ,frt fr Vancouver via Hewn laiw " ffiti jj ,, Way Ports: vWuvi 'tlf' FrM ,0!0 '' P direct: Utciii,,.' l u,v H,Pt 1th.. 15th.. 31th . Oct. Mh ; "'KAN- WKANOF.LL, JUNEAU and SKAOWAY. Hopv 2nd., Uth , '2tMli . Oct lit A I riv. ' ''mulloiw ami lutormation 1 AT,1 OtDHMl ,AMili I'rliur Rupert. H.f, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Walker oil Tonight's train, due frbm the MMO .THf DAILY'inTF. LOCAL NEWS NOTES CLDl. Dance tonight. Mrs. vffT. KergJn wUl receive on Saturday afternoon from 3:30 to 8 in honor of Mrs. w. 8. Kergln. 232 1 Silversldes Bros, lor Wallpaper Glass, Paint and Muxesco. Fall goods just arrlvfed: .Knitted 8ults, hats, skirts, , and blouses. 233 , Demers. 233 Wand are sailing toniaht East at 10 D.m.. was reported this Use Prince George for a trip to morning to bepp time. , Catholic Recreation Club )ddfe!los Phone 953 &ik" ami TayiiK-u per lb Macaroni Atoa be to 3 Ibs. Columbia &-8trtng Brooms - extsjt heavy with whisk talrlfttea-t ' s ; Sugar urlsp Corn Flakes per pkg. Nabob OrangfMQnladr per Jar Ideal Coffee -rtAh ground per lb. i.. Ctincorri Qraiies- pct buskt't j. Hut house CuRta larne slw. each Green Toni.itoe 1 1 . 1. Dance. Hvggas Jpisaar, Oetobar 17 Hlii o UaQowe'en Tea Oct IS Th" Ut'le fledhotjpar U lted Church Nov. I and 1 Nov B 10 Cathodal DrnmaUc Society presents 4 -Act . Comedy. Of. Susan" Cathedral Hall Phone MS De Jong's Cash and Carry Friday & Saturday Specials Canadiau Salt Iodbud or Plain, per shaker Blue Ribbon Tea I B RASPBERRY W Q 9c UK 39c Malkln's Btsi TKl l.Y 'MWOER 5c 5ic 25c 75c 25c 7c 31c 29c 79c 9c 25c A. O. Ares of the local Court Capt J. 'B. Cetthurst of Terrace 'House staff returned td'the city will arrive I.-, the city on tonlfht's recently from a trip to Quesnel. I tram from the interior and sail on jthe steamer .prince Oeorge for1 'The case of Kenneth Powell. In-Iflooke, Vaneonver Island, 'dian. charged wtth vagrancy. Is j 'el"g heard this afternoon In city I 0 E Oulick. local manager of police court. ,.hr swift-Canadlaii Co.. is making jthe round trip aboard the steamer Jamaa M. Smith la sailing on tht Prince Ofnrge today to Anyox and Princess Louise this ever in for Btewart o - company business. He Vancoerer whence he will proceed sailed yesterday afternoon for the ; on a trip to Winnipeg, north and will be returning this . event. , Brtrf badmbitor racket In our .store is lust in from the factory At s meeting of the Prince Ru- No old Jt Xibrary Board held In the U- 1M3 trices. brary Tuesday event City Con- Mi.ne Bros saissinter W. J Alder Mm also. present it was decided to try to form an auxiliary commtUoe of la- stoek. 1933 high quality. J Kordal. city. Ask for a catalog Mrs. 8. Thompson, who has been paying a visit here for some tlm? dies for the purpose of ratotag. with her sister. Mrs. A. L. Holtby. so-vey as a temporary nsfwUiiiil .Pit'smnir Stoeet. sails by the vs. with which to buy books. Atlas jPrmoe Oeerge tonight on her re Alice Cruicksbank. Ubraiian, waaturn to San Pranekwo. rven the task of trying to get the organisation formed. Announcement Bastes' dance Oct. 8. ladtes 36c Oents 3ftc Luthorac ' CMftfi 11 Mofreah- OMjr Treasurer O. J. Matheson gave an Irtorostrng talk before the Prtoee Rupert Rotary Ctab at lu regular weekly htnehetm tn the uornmuoore cstie today on the iuo-lilect of city ftnanoM. Preside ' John DjsMiavn was in the chatr. Hotel Arrivals Bamtion Army Harvaat fsjaUval Savoy Sate Monday, Jitobsi t. j Mr. and Mrs, A. Roaang and T jRosaog. Lowti Island; A HU. rVeabrterian Hallowe'en Tea. Oct. ,Oona River. , U. Royal Oc-'nty. Mr. and Mrs. R. Msnifomery.! Old Emprms BtssjsssT Anoaraon. Bkcena River MMsa.ltoralijr MU- Jtmn. Oc-I ' MCUed aoW. T1os-cilr: Mm lobar IS.' i: Hanlev and Victor Haolejr. Hoi I 'and Rook. Prince Rupert Pioneers' Aasocia-i Central Uoc whist and bridge. October 18. THANKSGIVING SPECIALS 4 IDS wAULlPLOWBR & 20C wBUrKY-tood heads each 3AVQY CABBAOB each .tBMO TURNIPS 8 lbs. R8M0 CARROTS 8 lbs RB8H PINBAPPLS8 large, each WBET POTATOES 3 lbs. JUAPSB- -Seedless per lb. APPLBB--.Mcintosh Red Household, per box BANANAS 3 Ibe. PRBBH TOMATOES 5-lb. basket ECONOMY BUTTER 3 lbs. CANADIAN CUBES G ner lb. PUMPKIN at's 2 tins 25c 25c 10c 15c 25c 25c 40c 25c 20c S1.75 25c 30c 74c 20c 35c Pumpkin, llccts. Cranberries, Cucumbers, Lettuce. Pa r nips, Vegetable Marrow. Squash at Reduced Prices Free delivery on all orders $2 or over MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" M7-19 Third Avenue West P.O. Box 573 rhone II PltOl l.SSOK KOY Wshc lo notify the public that Thursday, Friday and Saturday will be hi last three .days of tea and coffee cup readings at Mus-sal It Mi's Tea Room and Confectionery. Don't ml this opportunity. IT'S HERE MEN! IT'S Reg $6.95 Men sJumboKnt'. Sweater CoaLs black w;'t. oranni t;mi. red with whue trim etc , Your Q) fQ choice. Sale p:iceVUv Reg $2.75 Nov on .sale at only 95c MEN'S PYJAMAS to $2-M valuea. Men s extra fine quality Flannel ette Pyjamas CJ'tf JC Sale Price J?J.Ut Reg $4.00 values. Men's fine quality English Bioud- cioth Pyjamas. Tooke mak. sale Price $2.29 REGULAR $2.75 VALUES Men s Buckskin Shirts, color, gieen. blaik. fawn and blue to choose from. Re-: SI. 65 MEN'S WOKK SHIRTS Reg to $2.50 values A citable piled high wuh Men .-Work Shirts, assorted ma terials and colors, all sizes in the lot Take your QCjp choice men. at onlyfUU .MEN'S ENGLISH FLANNEL siiiitrs Reg $4.00 values. Mens Pure Wool English Flannel novelty check patteni Shirts. Your OCT choice Sale price v jL&D MACKINAW COATS FOR MEN Reg $8 50 to $10.00 values. Men's Pure Wool Mackinaw Coats, Norfolk style. G.W.G make QC Qff Sale Price QOJt MEN'S LEATHER COATS Reg $16.50 Mens Horse Hide Leather Coats, belled well lined and extra lone We have Just unpacked them but on sale Uiev go regardless Q-f -f Qff Sale Price t?AXtJJ MEN'S RAINCOATS Reg $9 50 values. Mens Leatherette Raincoats Sale Price $6.85 TRENCH COATS Rej! . $9 50 values. Men's Steam Vulcanized Trench Co.it- ttuaranteed to stand all climates Made ot Ens list) texture Sale Price S5.S5 IMPORTED GABERDINE COATS Rex to $40.00 values. uar-anteed Fraserberry Oarber-cord Enirllsh made coats, half art silk lined Bargain Sale CJOi Price VAil.tW ACME IMPORTERS Prince Kupert W. 0. Grant In full charge of sale HERE! The Sale you have been waiting for Acme Importers Men's Furnishings of the better kind at prices that will bring hundreds of shoppers hurrying to the Acme REGULAR to S3J0 VALUES TOOKE S FINE SHIRTS We have picked out 5 dozen only of our better grade separate collared TuokeBhirte that sold to $3.50 each. They are wonderful quality ana you have a splendid assortment of patterns to choose f rom . Wldle they 6 -f fk last 8a le Price Ti.U MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Reg. $1.50 Men s Broadcloth Bhirt. collar attached, colors wnite. lawn and blue. Also some pin stripes in the lot. Your choice QOn While they last Pot TOOKt-S FLIGHT SHIRTS Reg $2 50 values. Tooke's Broadcloth, well known Flight Brand Shirts, assorted shades and patterns to choose from. Although Ui: is a contract line they are on bale Q-i QC at only vlitu .MEN'S SWEATERS Reg $4.00 value. Mens Pure Wool V-Neck and Coat Sweaters assorted shades Your choice, think of it' Only $25,000.00 n&iTni ip our A Few of the Economy Items That Await You in The Hoys' Department Ret; to $14.50 Boy's long pant Tweed Suits, all siaes lo 36 PC QC Sale Price QOmUO He $3.95 Boys' Corduroy' Pants, daik blue. 24-in. bottom QS) QQ Sal? Price ?&OV Ren. $695 Boys Pure Wool Mack maw coats. Norfolk styles. 8ale Price 3.89 Reg. $1.95 Boys' Wool Sweaters, assorted styles and shades f!Qn Sale Price U7L Rev $1.95 Turnbull's natural Corn-bin ition Underwear for 4Q ixrs Sale Price Ren. 85c Boys Oolf Hose. English make, fancy tops. sale Price SlMJMJ Starts Tomorrow at 9 a.m. THE EXTRAORDINARY FEATURE OF THIS SALE is that the Men of Prince-Rupert and District are being offered the finest lines of Men's Wear manufactured, at nale prices, which hit bottom with a thud. We feel confident that when you see these wonderful bargains you will agree that without a doubt they are unquestionably the best values ever offered by us or any other store, as this selling event will make retailing history for this store. $24.50 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS $5.95 Think of if You can now buy a Suit at only $5.95 if you get here early. We have picked out 18 Young Men's Suits of our regular stock that must K'j. SiiKj.s 35, 38 and 3"i only So while they last, which racaru 30 minutes if they las' that long aiicr the doors open (gff Friday morning, yout choice tJfJtD t 'iTijnj.Tmw win guptnaEn The Acme Importers' Entire Stock of High Grade Suits In the Spotlight for the Next 15 Days Yes sir. every sun hv a sale price tag all Its own, including our Hyde Park and College Brands, positively not one suit has been reserved. This is your opportunity iu nve- big money. Uosne on. men. buy your suit no at this big sale. It wili be no trouble to convince yoo aewe knew -the niticnanaise ana tnt ale prices wJl meet with yoji' heartiest approval. ULO. $28je MEN'S SI ITS Worsteds and Tweeds vlth 2 pairs of pants. Sale Price REG. TO S45.M MEN'fc SUITS JyJe Park and College Brand Sale Price O.O. $37 M MEN'S SUITS Slaes 36 to 44. IS Guaranteed 18 oz. Blue Serge. Hand TaUored. Sale Price v4ri 10 Here Arc Just About the Jest Bargains Ever Offered In Men's Odd Pants :th to $4.30 values, a. big assort-icnt of Tweeds and Worsteds to .hiode from Sale Price $1.95 Re?, to $8.30 values. Men's extra fine quality Tweeds, Worsteds and Blue Serge Pants Qf QC 8ale Price V t.vtJ Ket. $1.85 values, .ventht Blue Denim Overall Pants Sale Price Men's heavy 1.29 818.45 S24.95 ru ilUWMI' Our Underwear Will Not Itch But the Price Will Tickle You Reg. $4.00 a suit 8tanficld's red label 2-piece heavy ribbed QO QCJ Underwear. Sale Puce C.ttJ Reg. $3.00 Stantield's medium weight Combinations C-f QCf 8ale Price i?i0 Reg. $4.50 Turnbull's pure wool medium weight Combina- QO OP Hons Sale Price 0J0 Reg. $2 95 a suit Men's guaranteed Sure wool heavy ribbed 2-piece nderwear QQ Sale Price tJL.tO Man, You Know, is Like a Turkey! Good Dressing ' Helps a Lot! Buy your Overcoat at The Acme's III Sale. You'll not only be well dressed but you'll save money! MEVS OVERCOATS Reg $27 50 vaues Mens Blue Chinchilla O'Coats. roomy, warm, burly coats, boys. And as we are out to sell every coat and sell 'em fast, we have marked them at only Q4J r iic Bale Price t?AtfXJ Hoy! Oh Hoy! What a Wreck We Made of the Hegular Prices in the Shoe Department. Here is a Sample Reg. $5.50 values. Men s Black Calf Uxtords. Sale Price 2.88 Rett $4.50 Men's Solid Leather Plain Toe Work Boots 6 QP Sale Prtee ?A.t7eJ Men's Finest Quality Rub- QQn bers. Sale Price OOl Reg. $2.75 Men's Leather Slippers, Romeo style QQ Sale Price i?JL.OU Boys' Solid Leather School Shoes, siaes 1 to t. QO QQ 8ale Price i?JUmOU Here Are a Few iMore Heasons Why This Sale Will Make a Hit With You Keg. $1.75 values. Men's Tweed Caps. Sale Price 79c Key. $6.00 values. Men's Pure Fine Felt Hats, made by CO Q Blltmore. Sale Price tJUJulO Rett. 36c Men's heavy grey OOp woolen Work Socks. Sale pr Ke 35c Men's fancy pattern Drt Socks ixtr,i special 98c Re k 75c Men's heavy Police tQn Suspenders. Sale Price TtOi Reg. 65c Men's 811k Ties, a wonderful selection to choose from QQn Sale Price AvKj Reg $1.00 Mm . silk Ties. Buy em now for Chrwliu.is CIQn at onlv OV R. 85 Men's Silk Webb Suiii nil'Ts S.ilr Prlci' 59c