I IVitr.. I r . m 77 - TAXI - 77 (TOMMY'S) Stand, Capitol Theatre Block J.. ,v and Night Service ranger Chrysler Oar O, ' 1 the iii.scautofu t i tl set-r.'lt ii' m tne j- rtb' ' i eve? tfn Mi i"(.;rtd tv'tamrntny tn- In Fight aWr 3EHHJ fAIT IVN MACKENZIE :tr O ' 5. Hon king at cam-.Tf o i behalf of s'itherland. Liberal " re-election to the hantPd Um Oo-Ofv-: wnwealth Fdera-" nl plank from the 'f"rm and asserted '!ic government had ' ' oolmnbia the of Canada. CUBA HAS BIG GALE Ir,,H'3l Tin mt.il m UUnil Republic xx.atns Down as Heavy Slornt Hairs Havava uba, Oct. 5: As a A V Site VOTERS' LIST NEEDED ni.FOKi: NOMINATIONS ; ARK FORMALLY MADE I e Nominations for the forth- coming provlncWtl election will i not be iomally received by the j retumtnc officer until after the new voters' list has been prepared and certified. It was stAarl this morning. The list 4 muti be avauawe so tnai , name of candidates and t sponsor may be checked. The list is expected to be ready wtihtn the next day or so. No- initiations will clone on Thurs- day of next week. Meantime, ot course, nomination papers may be token out on behalf of ean- dldatca. 4 KILLED AT POWELL R. Hit and Run Driver Held Responsible For Double Tragedy Last Evening POWELL RIVER. Oct. 5: (CP) George Vario and Steve Koleaar were Wiled and a third man was Injured when a truck driven by a hit and rurr driver crashed Into 4hem strike, if necessary, to prevent participation of Great Britain in any future war. The convention heard RL. Hon. Arthur Henderson declare that participation of United States and Russia was necessary in pea re conversations sponsored by the League of Nations. : BODIES ARE TAKEN OUT Search Continuing in Los Angeles Canyon For Remains of , Fire Fighters ' ' LOO ANGELES. Oct 3: Further i bodies were removed (a to yesterday from the box canyon nl Griffith Park, a suburb of this dty, where between fifty and sixty unemployed relief workers were burned to death on Tuesday while flihUnt a brush fire. Most of the bodies) were burned i beyond recognition and some could , not be definitely Identified although the name of all the mtatlnr are' recorded. The victim wore em-; ployed on various relief projects at! $2.40 ner day ten dava nor mvn I li NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Lloyd George Unveils Memorial to Lewis Carroll dinner here last night tn connection ' wtth the convention of the National Association of Catholic ChartUe. The chief executive expressed optimism for a continued improvement in the economic and Industrial af fairs of the country but emphasized favoring the calling ot a. general ( the necessity of the public continual CANDIDATE FOR ATLIN United Front Decides to Enter Owing to C. C. F. Apathy Claiming lack of co-operation from the C. C. F. candidate, T. J. Shentnn, whom .they had originally Intended to support. It was announced at United Front headquarters here this morning that It was intended by that party to put a candidate In the field In At-lirt riding. The name of Joe Grace, pioneer loggers' union' orcaniirr. who Is now residing at Stewart, Is prominently mentioned as a possible candidate. Fred Garner of Prince Rupert is also mentioned. "With six candidates Ii), he field in Atlin riding, we feci that our chance: and had been drafted to fight the Pound Sterling and Those holding reservation on as. Prince Rupert for Ketahlkan New York Exchange NEW YORK. Octobers The Brl- t NEW YORK. October 5- Wish.' renewed buying demand following ths rece-t slump, a bull movement got under way on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday wtth all ssuea. particularly indstrsas. moving forward definitely. Ixitt-'rial average for the day was up s J point, rails 2.77, and uUtttles up 1.53. FUNERAL IS HELD Henry Ileilbroner Laid at Rest With Many Attending Final Rites This Afternoon First United Church was crowded ins to assist In relief and charity 10 capacity this afternoon by work. j friends and sympathizers for the funeral service ot the late Henry Ileilbroner. one ot Prince Rupert's best known and most popular younger men. whose death at the age of twenty-three years occurred earlier In the week. The service was a most impressive one and was conducted by Rev. C. D. Clarke, the pastor, who was Assisted by Very Rev. James B. Gibson, dean of St. Andrews Anglican Cathedral. Miss Swanna Ola f son, church organist, presided at the organ. Prior to the service, the body had lain In state at the church tor two hours during which time many friends availed themselves ot the opportunity to take a farewell view of the remains. : Following the service. Interment ' was made m Falrview Cemetery, a long concourse followtng the cor tege to the final resting place Pallbearers were W. E. Drake. Alex Mitchell. J. II. McLeod. 0. T. Tinker, R. L. McLennan and Phillip Edgcumbe. Ksieem " ana "u ajmp-wv sympathy wui ax SIlVKR AND COPPER ON NEW YORK MART NEW YORK. Oct. 5. CP Bar; silver silver closed rinMvi ---- nr at 39viC 3H.r ner per niinr ounce on on' ' Tomorrow's Tides High 2:37 ajn. 19.9 ft .... 14:30 pjn. .21.6 ft. . Low .8:33 am. 6.2; It. 21:12 p.m. 22 ft. vj- Nl m' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THtjRSD AY, OCTOBER 6, 1933 price: five centh REFUNDING LOAN TO BE OFFERED PUBLIC ON OCTOBER 10 Wii-Jeiv Treatment Is Condemned by League ; Of Nations Members successive Speakers For Various Countries Unanimous 1(1 Views Against inner milium: VvUimuiau Delegate Opens Discussions i ,1 V A. Oct. 5: (CP) Germany today faced a bar-: -liiciHii when succeasive speakers for different m the political commission of the League of Nasi mned her for her treatment of the Jewn and t rejected her conception of an athnic nation A i not limited by political frontiers, it was held. J Minion Canadian " '"' wpt the latenrt of ' "'xy doing contldernble 1 1 ir-wnlng another rtoa-1 11 hurricane, troops and "" nuietday and Utile 1"W RMLlnn nf ' 1,'r .r ifmrtutKi at a reault ' Hi, tthli.h i.j "'I tele-a-ranh '"'"UinlrnMnn. . ..... nvit nun rtpottM ' r"nderabla looUng was N'0 FISH BALB b,l" In with catches " of halibut on the v thin morning rfcW. SCHOOL DODGE COVE Wsfk Hm Starlsd on Uliby Island Stiuatuie aml Road h Asked - Ujr SetUf rs M new Mteol MM fnf l bring rifwl at Italic Corf. Dlgbr Ma M Already thf foundation hai hr tartH b olntar U-bf and M h propwrd to continue N rk as a rommanttir undrr-tiV'"! m that tbr HI rot Ux sfBcawcnt nothing. Lumber 1. r -tM la be in the ground aHtw WwlVfin- wit) i"s ! f'-MH b tlf rnd of thl month- Mra. I). Luml h brn anMilnlr' te'hr and U at pre-cnt M4Hg r(f in Carl Chn'c he. The h the new bulMIng H II hr M fMt and It will be of frame construction. The reonle at the Ctc he petitioned the govern went for a road In order to enable the children to get to ixhool and for better communication between the home which hire been established there. At preent II U tery difficult getting around. Vancouver 5Uocks lOnUltoOT O Jlloa0l I Vancouver B Mtaaouri JO. Oeorfla River. Ot. lrwttan Minea. 01 Lwky Jl. W National BUvtr, JW. Noble llw, .10. Prnd OrelUe, IJi. PrcniMr. 1J0. Portr Idaho. .. Recrea MacdonaM. i. Sllvtr Creat, .014. Bluebird. n. R X . .41. Drlrtgf RW. . " Morning SUr. Jl. Natlre Son. .00ft. toward, .00. nno. M. WayaWf. .40. Vavrly-Taf". Olli A. P. Con , JO. Oslmont, .11. ttibyan Pat. M lloma, 1J0. C. At K.. 1.J0. FrelMld. H 8trUn raclflc. 31 Toronto Shtrrltt Gordon. Norandn. 36 60. Columarlo. Central Pitrlflc, KlrkUnd Lak. International Nickel. J0.78. Oranada. 83 MaraMa. 1 IV. Slsco. t 4li No Bx-premier Lloyd Qecrje it not glrln? il.c banny a lecture He has ui uureU-j a mamoriaj to Lawla Carroll, who made the bunny famous 1 1 his immorUI "Alice In Wonderland.' The alx-foot monument standa at Lla tluono, Wales. VANCOUVER CANDIDATES Mrs. MacKar. Donaghy and U'alkrm Nominated at Independent C. C. V. in Grand Forks VICTORIA. Oct. 5: (CP) The follow tag mmlnaUons have been reported since yesterday in the provtaeM ejection conteot: Vancouver-Point Grey Mrs. Laura Olekle MacKay, DugaM Donaghy and George A. Walkam. Independents. GrarW Forks-areen wood Robert Lawaon, O. C. F. IS STRONG FOR PEACE British Labor Tarty Plcdies Resistance to War Peace Co-operation of United States and Russia Necessary HASTINGS. Knr, Oct. S: (CP). The nritish Labor Party. In annual convention here yesterday, pledged Its strong resistance lo any war and passed a resolution favoring total disarmament of all nations. A resolution was also passed HEARD BY CATHOLICS ("resident Roosevelt Addresses As-sociition of Charities In New York City NBW YORK. Oct. 5:-Pmtdent Franklin D. Roosevelt addreased a! Bennett Says Country On Road to Recovery In Asking For Money i Government Seeking $225,000,000 "Downward Trend Has Come to Stop and Upward Swing is ' Now in Progress" I OTTAWA, Oct 5: (CP)-With due precaution against unwarranted optimism, I think I may say in Canada that we are now on the road to recovery," Prime Minister R. B. Bennett declares in a statement with which he will launch the campaign in connection with a refunding loan which is to be offered to the public on October 10. It Is announced . L. - thc loan will be limited to $225,000,- HF AVY HA IN 0f . p iX months KKjr x 1 appear to demonstrate with ln- IT CrVfrt'VO -reaa,nS clarity that the dovnvard i I Ml til 111 v N d baa eoflie to a definite step VAKI-r , ma uiat an upward trend la now I Hn progress,- states Premie Bennett V'lt'ct Forward Movement Re- corded on New York F.achanga ,' Tcsterday m quoting statistical reports on industry and trade of Ue country. DISTANCE FLIGHTS French Flyers Leave Algeria India AlelUsoni Flight Delayed For ORAM. Algeria. Oei 5: (CP) Two French aviators, seeking a world's distance record, hopped oft, from here yesterday wtth India as their destination. Amy and Jim Delayed TORONTO. Oct. 5: (CP) The olane of Capt. and Mrs. James A. Moilison was repaired yesterdiy following the crash of Tuesday hen damage was done to the un-iercarrlage in taking off but, wHh weather reports fog an stags ot he route unfavorable, all possibility faded of a take-off today from vvasaga Beach for Bagdad on another long distance flight attempt. Electors of Vancouver May Vote On First .Narrows Project Bridge Head Site Important Matter VANCOUVER, October 5-Repre-aentathres ot the Vancouver city -ounciL Parks Board and bridge company, at a eontaroree yssier-day afternoon, agreed upon the draft form of a pfeUMtte to be submitted to the psopte In connection with the FUat Narrows hrWte project. Before Um plebiscite can be put, however. It must to ratified by the eity council. The question ot a bridge head lite Stanley Park is one of the important matters to come up in connection with the project and this will have to receive special at the bands ot the - ojderatlon wwcr.uc. S ot success there?, lit h.4a i;4v. .V'tki tui I uressea Dy ine numerous and beau-j city council r,LkS-. .:r. ' ltu floral tribute which were of- lire. i fTnnnrlinn Ilnllnr nti ...... ...... '.', , , ' fered and with which the bier was ! banked at the church. BRIDGE IS CONSIDERED John Carmichael, Pioneer of City Of Edmonton, Dies uu itciveia usn oouna sierunK cioeea ai it - RnvrnMTTkM rv.ink.. t. . i ti,. CM... . ....... . " ; : : - - win ih.1, cvcninu ner r,c. nc mcu.vj ..vjr 5 ooowngs are 7Gi on ine local roreign exenange the local meUJ market today and Carmichael well known pioneer of were walking homeward from the heavy and spuce cannot be nuar- yesterday The Canadian dollar ennm-r unrhnni nf oi.r rr hi. n,.. ... .... paper mill .antecci beyond that time. (23H r!as-d ul 8' pound ,the ugc of seventy-two.