4 $ IT PAQE BIX THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, Oor s Nil Buy Better Rubbers at - - - - etter Prices genuine Congoleiw lmB Gold Seal Rug mPmGbLA4KmmmmmimmPj -SONORA Pattern Ho. 613 Hlmmmmm&amSlmmmmm! gggKgggEgBar vm pfam ttfs Pjr Rubbers, With lite general price-trend distinctly upward, Congoleum's lowest-prices-in-ycara still hold. Just how much longer they con continue at their present bargain level, wo frunkly do not'knovr. So, refurnish today at today's prices chunking your Congoleum Cold Seal Rugs from the finest array of new and colorful pattern ever offered, now on display at all Gingolrum dealers. f And he wie. Even If some of your prccnt floor coverings would last another hit months or w; do not wait. Replace tliem now, with genuine Congoleum Gold Seal Hugs, and save real money. To he sure of easily cleaned, long Hearing, surpalnKly lMfiutlful and therefore genuine Congoleum Gold Seal Hug, InM on seeing the Gold Seal, your guarantee of lasting quality. CONGOLEUM CANADA LIM1TKD - MONTHKAL Mrs. 'Captain . Alia: of the Sal- absence of Captain Coxsoi who Is vtio.-. Army, to a capable speaker ration Army arrived on the Prince recuperating from her recent 111- and able moskaan. She will con- Oeorge yesterday from Vancouver ness. Mrs. Allan to an active work- duct meeting at the Citadel to- to assist Lieut. Mflley auring the er In the Citadel Corps of the Sal- night Rubbers You can't buy better rubbers or at better prices than those wc arc selling every day to satisfied customers. They arc the famous Goodrich and Miner makes. Wc also have a good Ktock of rubber shoes for men, women and children, just the thing to withstand the wintry storms, that may be expected from now on and at 25 Ices than unywherc else in town. If You Are in Doubt What or Where to Buy Call in and let us show, you. Wc have good Hoods and wc want your good money a fair pxchangc. It pays to keep dry big, dividends in health and comfort. CUT RATE SHOE STORE Third Avenue Prince Uupert WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront According to latest reports from the 8lcldegate Bar trolling grounds, the fishermen there, owing to very stormy weather, have not been able to do much fishing lately, although a fair run of eohoea to reported. Capt. Don Yelf. buying with his packer U. and Y for the Canadian Fishing Co. of Butedale. to now on the grounds there and to paying Sc per pound for bright eohoea and 3',c for colored ones. Capt. Brandy Newell recently left Hkidegate with the packer Bruce I with a load of 18400 pounds for Butedale and to expected back there shortly. Jim Bacon, chief factotum 6f the Bacon Fisheries In Prince Rupert, It to reported, will shortly make a trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands to rpread the gopel of' Liberalism prior to the coming provfnttfll election. Jim, who bought ftoh on the Queen Charlotte Islands long before some of the rising young buyers were born, has a host of friends In those parts who wtll be delighted to see him again and who, doubtM:, will do all In their power to Insure that he Ls sultaby entertained. COAL! COAL! ur Famous Edson, Alberta and aulklcy Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bullcley Valley. Wi also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley Prince Itupcrt Feed Co. - Phonen 55 GOLD ON ISLANDS Is Still Abtorblnr Topic of Intrrrst "ill m.ij'v. . iihii (roup SKIDEOATE, Oct. 5-OoJd and gold mining continues to be the major topic of Interest on the Queen Charlotte Islands and prospectors amk mining men continue their activity In the field while development operations continue on number of promising properties. J Klson of Sandsprt to reported have made the discovery of a r-i! body of gold-bearing ore at Corrr nay. Moresby Island. The vv discovery )o4- one of the claims owned by Norman Fraser .f Trin?e Rupert. A Johnson consulting en-Kn r r for the Hydah gold mine. i B O Hawkins, o of the dl-r -:-t rs nt the Hydah Oold Mines Lt'! are expected to make an In- irciion very shortly of the company holding at Knotev Ur-inown n the Prince Rupert urmn They will be accompanied bv F C Steven of SkMegate on the Pri ce Rupert group th II din Co now ha one tunnel In Mi reet on the Victoria vein thU hav: ? run In splendid ore all the wav Re-mtlv wmr wry rich ore encountered In the Meafori tunnel whh Is In 70 feet Oold ran x see- watered through the whl" ouartz Pobert Seharffe's partner have brought In from Cumshewa wmr of the finest told samples ever sew in these parts. Norman Fraser of Prince Rupr. hnj made a gold discovery three miles south of Copper Bay ad has located three claims there. Stewart Canadian ' Legion at Premier Larto Contingent MaVea Journey And Innovation Proves SufccMfnl STEWART. Oct S: Members of the local branch. Canadian Legion, travelled to Premier In body and held their regular semi-monthly meeting there, the library being placed at the Legion's disposal through the kindness of the company management. The local branch has been considering for a long time the sdvtoWllty of hoM-Ine an occasional business meeting at Premier where teverai members of the branch are located, and the resulU of the meeting held recently are such that the branch will certainly soon repeat the experiment. I Pour new members were Initiated and preliminary plans laid for the , annual poppy campaign and for the winter's program of entertainments Before the Stewart contingent returned, refreshments were served by the Premier members Transportation was provided by members of the organization i - 'ammmmmmvsmmi MeMMHamaaeamuammmmsjami Week-End Specials ' Valencia Orange-8mall OEJp stoe, extra special, 0 dox OOi 8wlfl's Bacon Sliced 1 Co Mb. pkg Royal City Corn 2 s o r 2 tins "vl' Swansdown Cake Flour on per pkg Ul, Lynn Valley Peachee 1Qv per tin AOi, Lynn Valley Pears I An per tin I'll Black Figs Large stoe 23 C Alberta Eggs-Fresh f!En Seconds. 3 doz. UOL B. St K. Pastry Flour 40r 10-lb. sack Crestwood Creamery Butter 79 3-lb. brick A Kellogg's Whole Wheat- iOn Flake, per pkg AJ' Pioneer Pure Logan Juice Offn 18-OS8. bottle ..r: Cohcord drapek-r 700 per basket ' Mcintosh Red Apple C rjc Fancy unwrapped, box ?. I u Many Flowers Toilet Soap Off A 4 cakes Royal Crown Soap 9Qn ' C bars . . wl Alberta Market Flftli Street Phone 208 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 Feature starts 7:40 Si 9:10 AdmlMlon 15c Si SOc Friday and Saturday "KING 01- THE Jl'NGLE" "SLEEPLESS NIGHTS'Ss. With Stanley Lupino and Polly Walker Hilarious Fun--tatchy Son reppy Girls Clrrtr Da--in. Muslcal-'RAIHO ROW" Comedy "THE Htlii, LU r- lr PARAMOUNT NEWS wIS? VALUE Then init on KeUoggV, the Corn Flairs that sre the ttaiHlanl of quality the worhl over. Kellogg have a flavor and rrijne, a delightful frettine no others equal Fvery ri tl-arul irern psrlsge frusrsntcn bv W K Krllov- VI hen tihtitulr are offered vou. remember it eMoiii n a spirit of service. Mule hy Krllofg in LcijfJoa. Ontario. ENAMELS! Premier Eflamrls, qt. 51.25 Itopco Floor Enamel, qt. SLIO Satin Glo Enamels, qt. $1.75 in many Porcelite Enamel. t rneaainj colon Bajcolite Enamels, qt. 51.73 Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. 225 Third Avenue West rh::r.e VI KEEP YOUR CASH AT HOME Here is an opportunity to help n local industry and at the same time benefit yourself. BUY- Bulkley Valley COAL The Better Coal TheFish which made Prince Rupert Fatnotis "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK CO Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPKUT, H.C