fvF' ! l )!: (..., P' XJ V, I. N".i,. r i r.t, FUN Im M ortober 5. 1933 THE DAILY NEWS pAoa ma Thousands of People Read The Advertisements on This Page Every. Day RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC, THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT sale good otto safe. Ca n at Dally Newt. tf :r i s Rani. 4 -hale, almost . Apply MM IMbinlere Street House for Ave Wee, that 'f'tuhii. rent r r.MT- New bosualow. 2 233 LE Clean. kMOBdhand . u tl 00. Pillows He. each. . Mrs. Ram. Black 52. 23 Apply 3 bed U AHV NATURAL OA4 ACT Inlratlati (pf4f ... a ad Va-lafaJ-IM to Lme RifM and ROardaat Dvotftas Of ytMOa a tny ir a iaa or half of Uat CaeohH D Eouwioa "r caxaPariMI OeR)gal P1 fur a Maia of ho Wa at a poal hlajatfd W eoraor of "orStao ' ntUi SO 1 -IIS oay of JuJy. tSMJ tb the nc North SO obala. "i rNaina to pHr ot '-.Mainint 040 aarra. 'f the PUMMa af raf '"'Kir tnTo pei ' '"-al aaa peoroleaaj avi, day of July. tstt. I AROI OS D. KMMONS 1 ANOMJS D. FUXtOKS '" natural a As a0t ,' aiari.oa Rlghta J ... KworoUvi Dln4 W i . - Clprjup, DO, and t 1.,,, , llmad. ' '' ' !'Ot frol u n irmmmv. '1.1ml. "uPw ouU4&i,; . .iar a awt Qf '' .''.''' Waat luUf of 7 jMIT in 33 I, ,,. . o lanoi: . jror ui Rnoikm It. 1 . '"" M catLna; UxW '"wo North so ehaina: '..'Hia '-tiina to1 plana of be' ,., io arret, 1 ' I"Hpob of raii- t tJitreout. ptroUunt .ii..J ' 3 tj EUMONB. PAINTING and Paperhanging MSMer. phone Reo 861 TRANSFERS CAMERON'S TRANSFER Furnl- ture moving, wood, coal, chain (or rent y or rorMaM Or tRtrnda to MIt for Hll to evtor th 0tK IWllk M a noat ta BH WW wm of T. f. than North SO But SO eaataa; thane South M throe wat M rbatea te sad Utah OomUi aat v it of of af tx : MM naatamtac M Mrra. . lor fwrpo af r-aeSXssa thtTfOUt Bjtanlouai m iuri man m DU4 thlt Mtfi Oaf of My. Mat CAROL US O KUUOm - : - rhe tn. harbor view, ramoiatm and natxtuu. oa act r -f T. MfCtVTflOlit. tf lr lalMHtoa to oaal ta Lrat rxraram IM Vtlaral-fa IHaMa IB w Uy thaofowaj DMrM Of Qmi Crtalt Oroaax sc . and ati- uato on ffrahaan taland Tl node uaM Cararn D of PorUasjd. Or rnpatloB to oaaty tar a Imm of Ui tbo Eh half of U ' hat Orolw D yyay taw Aawui Im eMtci Oaaktan T Ot ariMoinoa Oaatoftat -j ' tato North SO M a poat. lM(d l aaVTor kaa. tar i- t OOtTIMsT Si BslnttJNI lV Ilk. bVRVjO tlSl a- - - - - - - t h4fifa NarCti as SO chatW to paat Of l. . u4 rontolnMc f0 aoiva for thr ourpaa of rata)- ' a'ural aaa. h av of Utl. tW. CABOUW D. tmtoxs r- u AKO NATURAL OA ACT iMMHtoo to apHr f vai and Natarmlt Rlihl - Ind Rcardlnc OtoMet of Orvaay. BC ad an- ' fMun taUfM tho; Damra O. rrOjtnoat Or oMVpattoa OacaatM. thia SOUi dor of Jul. carol us d aamoKS. ITTSOUmt AND NATURAL OA ACT Natlr af lalroltoa to ft to rvtrataanj at Natoralta tHfMi la Sferona Load Rarnaa DHUtet of tauoda itoat to MkyaRM Otartott Ofoam BC . aaa aft- or finiM Op to appt, Cooao iiissu i the NorUi Haat 'RVat I Coioraa D irminr' aaanOlao fluti atat hcur " " ' ! I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS tot rrnt tor sale and all tibcr tmtU adrertltements In this section charted at the rate of 2 eeau . o.rd per Intert.on with tartlan. for the price of four. By the month th" I Zl Na advertisement taker, for less than 50c FOR SALE PAINTERS hairdresser PERMANKNT WAVINO! Cluster Curl; Latest Style WBLSON-8 BEAUTY 8HOPPE' SHOE REPAIRS Louis amnio tor 311 th Stret. finest AfCTION IT. bail - rurCbor paKriaar tt CBMaf pt th Diatrlet BC 8ALC XI; for a kM af tfc loattlroa to atod partletaaia repairs tf sale Urge bedroom Mi. 4 rrroLcu and natural oas Acr.remonnM and natural oas act o ncnea ey iw o inenoe: .. i with heavy plate mirror by 34 inches, rory ftn-;th chain ; lleintaman u ,,d piano and stool; Oreat i Ri t. Phone Oreen 337 KVS ks r. FOR RENT W Hart. t' Moth r latrnttoa apply rrinimm and ataral-aaa OSMfM LaVBd Quaon OMftoU Oroiia. iVTir w m umm launa Tat nolle thai Caroiua D nwiNi - ' -- mjt v:tu.-i ui.i.,. T?. i ,n adln Dtatrk o ! 1U nouor that Ostdu D m rwsafid tht intend U and sh- r oato at r 4M.an. at aoca cji tha Hlna. ietva ' Oc.ohtr im m Uk X-fioo of to Dutrrt F rufer Prti Rn- Oft C. Oa LMiOBOi X1MOS to cut r M m of apr:. Hamtocr and Osasr on an araa attnalsd oc Ktankwal Bay. OtrvH Sou ad. Qwwi eH--Oo laUnda Land Dwuirt far Wcoorta. BC Viae Rupert tnt: mittkr or tub rTtTE in n rt rrav i)Eru.u All gM4Baa9aV haVtaW CrrSMBsI Uw Batat of HUOH COBRAN lata of 0darra IMtta ay of nroiaitar. AO h Baat half of tW " M " "wlOPiai oa or tw or mdm- JW Ml aaj of Dasoaakar. AO lata, a at a Mat aloatod ta vnm oaw in neeutor ww pro I eaaina: thrnr North J at a peat ataatrd I JaSlTor !. tar tt ''LjyT'l L'leH?LJi ' Inr aad aad yttolna rMtai U thane North SO rbattw I - M chatna to ptare of k.! : rxxHatMBV St or tor ta pmrpoat of raav' "-"Una Witrtrnm prroteunij ifal aa MUi day of July. lSSS I caroum d. KMurvNa , of r a Oh in 4. aanrww m aaaaoj of BO ohahM. Of 0. UtamMrt pKJOrraio and I or i aauifM pa Datrd tala Mth oay of July. 1AM. QARfltxm d RMuaaw KTROLCCM AND NATVRAI- OAR ACT ftr of lofeMton to oaalr to trot aod Vataral-OM KttMt la tWiaa Laad llmrdtin D owlet of 'Qoron CVtartaali Oraao. BC and NATURAL OAS ACT I uat on Or ham Island i Toft Bottot that Carotu D BBmona itl to analr to Inm I of atirUaiMi Or aamoatkai OarOoctat ml alrt-ia Rlihta ihrmda to apply tor a Wjaar of thaj 'no rMeorainc Dramt ot rifht to rratar ta Boat half of the -r Oratu. BC. aod alt ! trivnrin dticrnwd load: rvmtltw mJ ulaiitaMt In thf N.rrt Bat c-irnf .f Wrtlcm M Tp t :imtet North SO chaina. Oaioar WtM SI ehMna traMMW Snath SO ohaiOa Ukroro Bar. SO ehatna to ptoo of be-bradarlat aad POMOtnlat tn acrt. MrTor hoa. tor th paRDCaa of rott-lat Ad aa Uwremit ptnUCT aad ion rwuroi to Datrd thi 0y of July ISSt CAROI.tW D RUMONS i.,tT riitrr Mirnt. claim (yrtlrtralr of laifftrtfmmtJ TAKk NOT! CI tha I. W H Maaon. tr nurrar'a rarJII'eM No lS7. In aa m from tha nat nror u a AND NATURAL OAS ACT 'to th Uln'nc Roeordrr for a crrtlfl. . jeale of ttamnnt for tho atirpo' tr-ntin to apply o tra'of oOUlnlnt a rromn tr-nt of tbei id Natural. gaa Klflili iaoo rJ 'na ReooMllw Ditlilrt s AND fttnher take J ""Ti 1 a ana IMuai to coniirm-i oocumUtm rvhT. Dtt rd JUy. N'l'tv for 'r 'h Eoct nMd latKlt: hall Oat at a poat hlaated ta Mouth 00 caatnaTtlWe m rhaana to nlar af h. IBM Want ton of aiwrlhHwm AU' rm ta be OkoU than ha had -TIIXE THE TOILER" aVS Ail. TUB DOM8 dga6 mac eyna. :OBOT TMB, PtfiPBC 'i -a- " JC? idx A CTrvlr?iADUn01TAar'C rTC M C 0,9 A P M B t?;TA E S P gAKC on lata. of DATRD 3 oaiajtua MtR. im. J M COAST. SS3 Oronraia Vaneaurvr Guide to Correspondents rbe Dally News welcomes eormpondence on live topics of the day or any other subject of public interest, but kt ten muj be brief and to the point. The long-winded correspondent hat no place in modern Journalism. Every letter must be signed by the writer, not necessarily for publication but at a matter ot good faith and courtesy. All unaigned documents go to the waste paper basket. Letters of a caustic character must hare the signature sp-tienaed for publication. Letter should be written on one side of the paper only. Correspondents must avoid personalities and the language should be such as would be al lOwt-d in the ordinary rules of debate. BC j District News j i 1 SKIDEGATE ! A. J. Ingraham. manager of the Hydah gold mine, arrived here on Sunday from Kootenay Harbor. With btm came Mr. de SHva, man' ager of the Ootd Harbor mine. The Queen Charlotte Islands atom to be overrun with eagles thU fall. Mr. a-el Mrs. Francis Richard son of Ttell were visitors here and at Qveon Charlotte City for a short I time recently, having motored down from Tletl. As oawiL M timers of the Queen. Charlotte Island rose to the oaca-ftoi recently to aiatst Mr. and or, oerapattoa oeokt Mrs N. Setae fer folkrwtftg the de vy " strctiofi of their home at South- f(tym imm an itadi east lianxir wnn an tu contents. ptav to 'Robert Scbartle. Skideate merch- .""voSTso 21 H. and Horatto Ross, Port Clt- j riMin. tlMa South to ohatoi: ; menta' merchant, were among MM or ha nr ttM auapow o( nav tlotu. MX) i or) nMuial pM WM thla Mth av of Jot. TAaVJUiO D BETTER PRICE ! FOR POTATOES Good Crop Terrace Reinc Hsrrested Doe to Showery Weather Mail Schedule At TERRACE. October 5: There seems to be a better market for po- nA-t aaedor to b apaMdot h Mhat time ffie fTbwet was Jutkr to et 75c a baa. Tills year he win clear aoaMwhal over a dollar. There Is a good crop to be barret ted owing to the showery weather that eharactetlaed the arowtrte t'wr the Fait ' Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri day 4:30, pjn. From the East Twsdajt. Thdays aad SdWr dpt -'. 10 pun For VanfouTtr Tuesday 12:30 pm. Thursdays 9:15 pun. Friday U prr Mondays and Wednesdays (by train) .. 4:30 pm Oct 3. 16 and 25 pm r'rom Vancouver-Sunday - pjn WeeliMiday - 10 am. Friday pm. Oct. 12, tl and 30 am Tueadaya. Thursdaya and Satur days (by train) 10 pm For Anyoi and Stewart- Sunday 7 pm weanosaay .... 3 p.m. From Anyox and Stewart Tuesday U:i0 am Thursday , 8 pm For Naas River aad Port Simpson Sunday ... I pm From Naas Hirer and Port Simpson Tuesday. .. .11:30 am For Queen Charlotte Minds Oct. 6 and 30 : 9 nm. From Queen Charlotte hlands Oct 4 and 18 . am. For Alaska Oct. 12. 21 and 30 am. From Alaska Oct. 5, 16 and 25 pjn. A Brief Synopsis of Liberal Polid HEREWITH Is a brief synopsis of policy as laid, down by the Liberal Party of British Columbia, In convention held In October, 1932. Many matters of Interest not specifically set out will require consideration. The principles enunciated are Indicative of the Liberal viewpoint nd are broad enough to meet every question within piovlncial Jurisdiction. The Liberal Party exists as an official organization for the purpose of formulating and furthering measures that will make for the well-being of each individual member of society, and the welfare of society as a whole. Innumerable questions, both of public and personal character,' can be property treated only through the agency of government Government is not an ordinary business, but' carries responsibility to meet every problem arising from our complex social and economic con-' dlttons. In order that not merely a few, but all of our people may live In reasonable comfort The Liberal Party pledges Immediate action under the best available advice and closest study. August 1933. She Eats er Cake and Has it, Too! ttLie. "tmese he Boots most bi XSOTTCM OUrTaTrOMCV"'n.l.t5C O5O0e I r-S f Otic TMB B EHST BUST J T. D. PATTULLO. 1 Profitable and permanent Employment Is the most Important question facing Cur people. There should be co-operation between the national, provincial and municipal authorities and the Canadian banking system to establish the necessary credit to carry out a broad programme of constructive and useful wage-distributing public enterprise, and to further the health, education and well-being of all our people. An Economic Council should be established, the membership of which shall consist of representatives of the various avenues of endeavour, such as health, education, agriculture, labour and the Industries. This, council will be appointed by the government on recommendation ot the Interests Involved, and will act in an advisory capacity to the government. r 1. Amongst other things the council will study Industrial and social effort In the province and suggest means to correlate these efforts-. It will familiarize itself with intra, inter-provincial and foreign trade, and will co-operate with the other provinces and the Dominion. It will also study such questions as production and consumption, and the marketing of our products, the number of hours of work per day and days ot work, per week, the standard of wages and commodity prices. These questions are of national as well as provincial concern, and British Columbia can take the lead in urging co-operation with the other provinces and the Dominion as a whole. National Unemployment Insurance should be established upon a contributory basis. 2 Our Financial position must be reviewed. Current expenditure must be kept within current revenue. While maintaining the credit of the province, effort must be made to reduce capital charges. We cannot continue to pay exorbitant rates of interest for money. 3. The Taxation Structure must be revised with a view to reduction wherever possible, In-eroding exemption In the lower scale of wages and salaries. Developing and Printing Send Tour Films Direct to WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Rapid Service Prince Rupert GOOO GCI EP THEY'LL "TAKE MOORS AMtl HAVE A" DATE To 60 BlDIMG ygtTM PACK THIS AfTCBKlOOAj aaA I - VJOJOEfi7 9 1 1 JHl-r 4. The health of each of Us Is important to the whole community, and a measure of Stale Health ' Injurant should be made effective, not only tp preserve hearlrt, but to reduce coots both to the average citizen and to industry. , 5. -A general and effective review must be made of the Educational problem, rejecting any proposed organization that involves a caste system.. We must facilitate the. intellectual growth bf. each Individual member CI society in order to equip him for his dally tasks, and for the enjoyment of such cultural pursuits as may be in keep ing with our social customs. , Triangular disagreements between the school boards, monlcipl councils and the department of education mart ' be "adjaitecl, and our whole sysrem placed upon a sound financial basis. The financial -position of our Municipalities Is of Increasing concern. An equitable adjustment"" must be made as between the province and the municipalities, and the municipalities placed in a sound financial position. ' 7. An effort should be made to settle ourl' ' Asrieultural Lands in order that more of our clti- zens may be self-supporting. Agriculture as a whole must be put upon a sound and profitable basis, and made capable of sustaining and directing itself, in line with all other national basic., industries. 8. Continuous effort should be put forth to assist industry in Marketing its products. In timber, agriculture, fishing, mining and. in fact every operation where it appears that useful service can be -rendered. Our highways must be kept ta good condition, both for the benellt of settlors and the tourist traffic and expanded as circumstances warrant In this connection a Highway Board should be established to make for continuity of policy and to Inspire confidence In Impartial treatment. lb-A Public Utilities Commission should be established. 11, A National Central Bank should be established. . 1235oclal Services, such as Mothers' Pensions, Old Age Pensions, etc must be maintained. Abuses Of administration should not be allowed, and Injustice through mere technicalities should not be permitted. 13. The Peace River must be given access to the Coast 14. In order that the utmost Freedom of Ac lion by Members ot the Legislatart may be assured In respect of questions before. the House. It is Liberal policy that a government shall be considered to be defeated only upon a straight want-of-confldence motion. 13. The Dominion Government, win be asked to place the Province of British' Columbia upon a basis of equality with the other provinces, and Urthurerid request Trtri pe made for a Rdyal Commission to ascertain the extent to. which the Province of British Columbia has noVbeen given Equality ot Treatment with the Other Provinces of the Dominion. 16. There shall be a permanent Voters' List to ensure that all eligible voters are enrolled. 17. The Leader of the Liberal Party Is given a free mandate to choose for his associates In government, men ot character, ability and standing, having regard solely to the public Interest TKe AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping s. Genera Furniture Repair List your goods with rr Tbone Black Iff GEO. J. DAWES SAVOY HOTEL Prince Rupert's Leading Family Hotel t Hot it CoM Water in all Rooms f A. J. PRUDIIOM.ME, Prop. SPECIAL WINTER RATES . $12 Per Month and Up Daily News Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns . 1 . 11 -i By WestovWo t K-TJ&- MAC WAS 1 i 1.,-.. ... m - Uc- 2'