if.-.day December 28, 1933 1 L .TUX DAJLT HJ5W1 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Louis Scadeen. for drunkenness. Corp. E. II. Clarke R.C.M.P. re was fined $10, with option ol seven: turned to the city test wekerrt We wish to take this opportunity of days Imprisonment In city police from a trip to Anyox on official ourt. duties. thanking our patrons and extending To:tliGrn tho'Copiplniorfti! of the Sanson W. J. Nelson was in town fom Jarvis II. MeLeod, the collector of Ormes IM. Jfi Piontcr DrtAqrists I he Knall SUre Phones: M 81 THE CONSOLIDATFl) Ml N INC! & S.MELTINO COMPANY OK CANADA. LIMITED TKtll -8HIII-.il rill I Mill AMMONIUM MIOSI'IIATfc ri rni M NTT ELEPHANT sn.ru.vn: or ammonia TKiri i: siirrurnosriiArE MMVIHtl, M Htll lf.K I . & H'-' n . TADANAC I.KAD-ZINt. CAItMIt M-IHSMITll TOOMBS' RADIO SERVICE IMfalrfe and economical repairing of all makes of radio "guaranteed" Phone: Blue 901 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED SieiimM leave Prince Hupert f..r Viirmtvar T.S.S. CATAU i:TltY Tl'ISIiAY. 1:30 1.M. Vi I..-.iii KnlU and WaypolntK. unlvlim Viimuver ThurwU ai'erjiuoa. . TJ4.S. CAR I) EX A liVUlV I RlllAY. MIDMCin. AirlvlnK Viiiu'tmver. Monduy AM Wirtly i.'l:rn tn rn Slmpaon Alice Ann A-iyoi. Htewart and Naa li r .lnu. ltrr I'rln-e tlurt SunU ir pin. , svivAM u i.vii:n icuksion rati:, round trip, prince RlTliRT TO VANCOUVER. $32. (Meal and Iterlli Inrlmled.) On 8ule Nov 10 to Feb. 38, return limit March 31. 1034. I iinher innirmivtlon rrtordln, all oailnni- mi " k'U t rillM't: liri'MlT AI1I:N V: third ,fnur. I Imne jws CANADIAN PACIFIC Slramers leave Prime Rupert for Vancouver vis Ocean Falls and Way Ports: Prlnees Adelaide; Fridays 10:00 pm lor VANCOUVER: dlrrci: Princess Norali, Dec 1st. 1711), Jan 2nd. lh. For KI"K'IIIKAN, WRAXOEIX, JUNEAU and SKAUUAI. Princess Norah, Dec 13th. 20th, Jun 14th. Low Winter Escunlon Fares to Vancouver and Return Tickets on sale Nov 10. 1033 to Feb. 38, 1034. Final return limit March 31 1934 W U Vt)1VS. Tlroeral Arent. Prince Rupert, W O. aSBSoBaa l fcssssssiMfwBlssssssssssPHsst?aaP his duties with ttie Northern B. C. tower Co. at Falls River to spend Christmas at his hpme here. Mrs. Groves of San Francisco was a passenger Sunday evening on the Catala bound for a visit to Anyox where site formerly resided. Ted Smith arrived tn We city on the Catala Sunday evening from hie stwtfe ai Calgary to spend the Christmas and New Tear vacation ber. Pete Fisher, son of Judge and Hrv W. E. Metier, arrived in the rlty on the Catala Sunday evening from his Vancouver studies to spend the summer vacation here with his parents. Car re throats Quickly relieved 1 by rubbing on r'- m m a af Vind VapoRub Merely routine business was ta- ken up at a regular fortnightly I meeting of the Moose Lodge last Wednesday evening. Dictator N 8 K Brewer was in the chair. Oeorge Minns arrived In the city n the Catala Sunday evening from his studies at the University i of British Columbia In Vancouver to spend the Christmas and New Year vacation here with his parents. Mr and Mrs. C. O. Minns. Bringing north a fair-steWsWt of passengers. Union steamer Ca-talla. Casrt J awes FuMflay. arrived In port at 6:30 Sunday night from the sooth and sailed at 8 pm. for Anyox. Stewart and other northern points when.e the returned her? at 10 45 this mrfrrrtrrf . sailing at 1 30 Dm afternoon for the tautr.. WINTER TRAIN SERVICE VERY LOW FARES EAST attr Vl 14 3 rim a wiik, coaaecHaa at ltpt lot all polal Catl oad Saata, KU yettf local )l lot laloeaaBa. Hw tmd Ma Lwr P. tarn TatM to atra IhIiimm t m aW Dec 1,1 to a. J. Step. Ttn. Iltni BtaM. Tar Maataa. full fxirtculart bam crrr Ticxrr omct Ht TV lid A?. - PriM Ruprt C A N A D I AN NATIONAL Inspect Our Selection of Christinas (lifts Prompt vmiT Jtr eltvtrii'.tl I'l'P.lll'N Radio Batteries and Flash Lights Parkin Electric Co. Vlione: IMack 1!5,' Jnd Street Central Hotel American and Kuroean plan Housekeeping Rooms We Also Sell Coal That (Jives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zurelll. Proprlettir -A HOME A WAV FROM HOME" lUtes $1.00 up 50 Rooms. Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, H.C. Phone 281 P.O. Uox 108 customs, returned to city on the Catala Sunday evening from a two-weeks' vacation trip to Vancouver. Dr. O. E. Kvale of Premier wag a passenger arriving on board thf Catala this morning from Premier being here for a visit with loca! friends. Charles Wilson of Lake Kattlyn was a brief business visitor to town on Friday, arriving from the Interior on the early morning train returning in the afternoon to Lake Kathlyn. Ttsere was a faar-stsed erowu 8a- urday night at pie weekly old time CtoOereUa dts fceW, Mrs 1 S. Dlack's orchestra in th Moof -Hall. All present had a very enjoyable time. ' - R E. Legg. superloteBdeiit of the :-u; f Point mine on Porrher Island, and Mrs. Legg and child sallec. at the end of the week to spend the Christmas and New Year season visiting in Vancouver. Misti Lillian Croat, who to in the servke of the Vancouver Welfare Federation, arrived in the city a-t the week-end to spend the Christmas and New Year hettday season here vtaUing with her parents, Mr and Mrs. H. T. Cross. I Miss Catherine MeMeekln, who is attending High School tn Van-wirn, rttttti nmif m aire? jsi-tala Sunday evening to spend she Christmas and New Year holidsp here visiting with her pa rests. Mr. and Mm. Thomas McMeekJn Fourth Avenue Bast ' Miss Connie Morgan, who is at-'.endlnv ProVtneJai Nenal School tn Victoria, arrived Home on the "atala Sunday evening to spend the Christmas and NeviYear lull-days vMHnf wHa he? parent, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan. Leed Apartments, First Street. Joe Oaron. Jack Hosktns and Mrs Nelson of the Flee Cafe are among local (seople who have returned from Kdmonton recently After consulting with' Dr. KsHy railed "the .doctor wrte the x-ray eye." Dr. Kelly la reported to have effected wonderful carab In a number of cases recently. ; After having been called to New Westminster last week to attend the funeral of ber mother. Mrs Hajctstl B'ven, west known as a vls-itar. on franent occasions, who i had .paw art afflQr at nftwell River. ! Mrs R. J. D. Ami resirned to the rlty from thenuth a( the nl of the week. asoaaa- John Dybhavn. member of the board, and Dr. Keal Carter, director of the Prince Rirpert Ftsti fries Rxperimenta) Station, left on last niirht's train for Ottawa to attend the annual meeting of the BW-steal B-kSrd of Canada. Mr. Dy- hAvn. while away, wM visit Kew York and oeher Bastem Centres on miness wnne ur. carter will go m far as Montreal. Announcements Sons of Norway Xmas Tree Dec. 26. Moose Hall. Salvation Army Christmas pro-tKram. Dec S7. Hogfnanay Danc, QHeeti Mary Chapter, DeeemDer 39. New Year's Eve Dance Moose Hall Hums' Banu,uet. Presbyterian Church Hall, January 25 Moose Hall Wednesday, 37th Meose Lodge meets. Saturday. 30th Seoteii danee, Mia, J. S. IiUcW Oreheetra. Everybody welcome. December 31 Moose Legion Midnight Frolic. Doors open at 11:45 p.m. Dancing start at 13:06. This adrerUsjmem .s not pub.jshed Want Ads FOR SALE YJR SALE good office sare. Can be seen at Daily News. tf rOR SALE One Onrney Hrtefe- Uned heater in Al condition.' Phone Black 687. tf UVB Xmas present. Roller Cana ries. Guaranteed singers. 8hip any distance. W. HuUon Rand Block. FOR RENT ERNON Apartments hoawkeep-tnx rooms, newly renovated. 141 tod Avenna. FrKtne.4tod m. f PAINTERS PAINTING and Pnperhanging Metier. Phone Rea Rat TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Dry atrch. cedar. Jackpine. PurnMure nuv-ing. tf HAIRDRESSER rntMANUVT WAVINT.l Clatter furl; latest Styles NnONfi HKAITTY 8HOPPE 1 1 Mill It U7M Braird midrrs will be rfrcll hy the Mini ! lnd at Vuu.rln Br . not kttor ttwn iv on on thr KislUh day o! Aausvy. 1934. (or tl purcluor of Li-irnv XIATMI. to rut J.43S.O00 feot of Xpnirr. Odar. Balwn and Hamloefc. Himted an lot ess. S1SS. SI SO and SlSl Kumnilon Inl4. Orenrtlla Chan-ttt, lUit v 4 Coax Imttt Dtatffct Two yrm ill be allowed for removal of timber FWtttrr pnrUruldM of it Chief Per aSr. rMta. BC. or DVKtrtrt Mara BBar. B.C aiitiov u: Tl HI rv4f T 4 J iUMW Thore wOl he offered ftir ale at Ptib-Uc AunUon. at noon on the twmtty-efciMh day tit Orembrc IBM In ttv nftle of the Wtiir F.rmei Prlnor n.. ti r- h. i ........ vi.Umr nwi, . ... . ..w . ... 1JUMOOA wnu ,iT Hwure redul aMl ttnnixk on an area Mn,itd m KtaMkwol Bar tXrirta Sound Queeii Hi ll l lalalul, lul 111 llll Two Team wUl he oltofjod for remova: or turawr "VMVIded any on aasMe to oenc the aucUmi In pataon may ubtnt' tettOar M he opritad at the hour at aeuan and ireottd a on hM." PurUter psrUcuhwa aaay b Obatea from ttf ChM Foreater. Victoria. B.C. qr the OlaUict Foreater. Prf.ie Rupert, Mimt: Amu Mrl la Kt. Ieaeil NOTICE M HBRJCBY OIVBK that all lrraona bavlnx oaaliiu. caatv the eatate uf Anna Marto La Hoe otherrVw knoa n v Anna or Annie La Hoa who died at Vaaxnuwrr. Brtttoh OolWawW on 7th November IBM, or mjulrad on or IWore Uw Otn day of Fooruory 1B34. to deliver ur mid bv DrraaM letter full partlcwlarf vrf l two- rtatnw duly vertried to THE ItOYAI. TRUST CXVMPANY. Executor 01 the Katmtr of the utt Aiuia Marta La Roae deaeaned. at ti fflc- S'iS Weat IVitder Btrent. Vwiootiver. BC AND TAIU NOTK thttt ner the loot ntetiUonrd date D Evwuior will proceed to diatraVute tlie inrtu f the V Wad amoral the cavmu enutled thereto, ha- tasj reword only to Uw rUinu of which M otooU then have had notice DATHD at VaWmi"er. BC. thta Mi Ay of iveaaaber 1031 nOBsHTBON DOVOLAB ft BYJJH8 A4S We IVnder Street. Vanemrrer. Bf (illciur tm Tlie lloyul Tnist rmiiinv I Dec V. IS. JS. 301 or displayed by the !.,; or .nx, ... , n or uy uc i eemnient of Britii ' oliimtiiii Greetings of the Si May we encore the Best Wishes ol Your Family and Friends. Whether the expression be through a Chriat-mae Card or with thnt finest of aU gifts for the home, a Victor Radio, may your measure of Health and Happiness be full to enjoy them. We tbanK you for your iMlrottae and eo-ordration with the Manifold problems .of Christmas and hope thar oilrrelntions with vmi have been mutually pleasant, " 1931 DIARIES AM) CALENDARS Are now ready. Make your selection before New Tear's and get 1 off to a good start. EASY WAY CONTRACT HRIDCE Culbertson for 1934 makes an excellent after Xmas gift, price 35c See Our New Year and Thank You Cards LADIES' FUR COATS We received a shipment of LadieV Fur Coat. In latest styles, at very attractive price. ' -fit. We cuaranter these rosLi to be as represented; ) . V7 Tour lipeellon U eertHally invited. f I va. Ruy or order tour t nat or Neikwesr with confidence here. Opposite SlcCotftteons J. CLONES rasru Third and Sixth St. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS William Richards, Proprietor Repairing and Overhauling of Machinery Installations of Gas and Diesel Engines Substantial Reductions For Cash Coal Prices Alborta's Best Lump $12..r0 Alberta's Best Egg 11.50 Alberta's Best Stove 11.00 Pembina Egfr 11.50 Dry Jack and Cedar, per load 5.00 Local Wood, per cord 6.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 1 '