A PAGE FOUR Save Dollars NOW By Buying at Our Store You Make Money by Saving it. A Small Margin of Profit is All That Wc Require and We are Able to Buy Cheaper Than Anyone Else in Town. Here are Some of Our Prices: Men's Dress Boots & Ox fords, good range of styles to choose from Prices $2.45 10 $3.95 Men's Black or Brown Calf and Grain Leather Work Boots, Panco soles or leather. Prices $1.95 10 $3.65 Men's Tennis or Running bnocs, Hoots or Oxfords, all colors. Prices $1.10 10 $1.45 Boys' and Youths' Dress Boots and Oxfords, all kinds of leather to meet your requirements. Price $1.95 10 $2.95 Boys' and Youths' Running Shoes, all styles. rrices 89 c t0 $1.25 Ladies' Fine Dress or Sports Shoes, any color. Price? $1.95 10 $2.95 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,0(0 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers i for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting Krctrlc and Acetylene Welding 10-Ua Derrick for Heavy Lilts BawmlH nd Mllns Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Women's Latest Style in Sandals, color to suit your dress , Q-f Price pXee Women's or Growing Girls' Tennis or Running Shoes, any color. Prices 95c t0 $1.15 Women's Boudoir Slippers, eood selection nf colors. Ji A Price TttC Misses' and Children's Patent Leather Strap Slippers and OvfWls black or brown calf! rrices 98c t0 $1.65 Infants Shoes, Straps, ric. rrices 49ct0 89c Misses' and Children's Running Shoes, Straps or Oxfords, all colors and styles. Prices 59ct0 85c Out Rate ShoeStore ii T - HOTEL J. ZareM, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FItOM HOME" Rates $1.00 up M Rooms, Hot It Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 261 p.o. Box 196 OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the Fisherman, Logger, Miner ROOMS $10 per month, $3 per week, 50c per night SHOWER MATHS Third Avenue Phone $46 JIMMIE C1CCONE Workless Council Meeting is Held Business Last Night .Merely of Routine Nature No New Developments in Dispute Over Relief Work Business at the regular weekly meeting or the Unemployed Council In the Canadian Labor Defence League Hall last night was largely of a routine nature. There was a good attendance at the gathering which wms presided over by Ex-AW. Oscar Larsen. Further developments are beln i awaited In the dispute between the unemployed and the city commissioner over the conditions on city relief work. A telegram from H. T. Whitehead, secretary of the committee of the executive council of British Columbia on unemployment, announced that the complaints of the unemployed in connection with the matter had been referred to the city commissioner. NOT IMPORTANT I never say anything and if I did say anything it wouldn't be at ail important. J. P. Morgan. Mock Wedding At TIell Was Very Amusing Number of Prince Rupert People Present at "The Dunes" On Monday Quests returning from "The Dunes" at Tlell tell of a lmDrom- ptu party which was given there i Monday night in the form ol a J mock wedding which provided over I 20 guests with enough laughter toi last quite a time and will furnish I many amusing antcaotes for the! future. In a very short time after the! idea for a mock wedding had been suggested lots were drawn to see' who would take the different part3 and the actors hurriedly searched everywhere for costumes. After a very amusing ceremony. me Driae and groom added a realistic touch by running off in one of the cars for a short honeymoon. When they returned everyone enjoyed dancing for the rest of the evening. Refreshment were served before the Graham Island people departed for their homes. Those present were: Mrs. R. Oor- don. Miss Olive Oordon. Miss Mar McRae. Mrs. O. C. Arseneau, Mr. and Mrs. O. w. Crhora and Frrf vim.t rson of Prince RuDert: Mr and Mrs. H. T. Collison and Leslie Crl- ilson of Skldegate; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jolliffe. Roy McKnzi George Beattie. Mrs. Frost. Mrs. Moore Miss Bessie Carmlchael. ard John Dover, Queen Ckarinttr City; Mrs. 'Palmer and sister, of Crescent fnlet; .Mr. and Mrs Franels Rl-hardson and R ni. ush,, of Tleil. TERRACE Mrs1. J B, tJolthrst Monday evening from Sooke. Vancouver Island lo fcin her family it Lakelse Lake per doe Nabob Raspberry Jam 2-Ib. Jar I feint Sandwich Spread 17-os. Jar Heinz Mayonnaise 16-c. Jar Nabob Tomato 2's per tin . Swift's Bacon !!cd 2 Pk Rowate Worcester Sauce per bottle Jap Rice No. 1 6 lbs. Kadana Pure Cocoa 1-lb. pkg Heine Tomato Juice- large tins, 2 for Swift's Premium Baked Ham. sliced, ner lb. Valenclas Juicy Oranges 5 doz. THE DAILY NETTS Thursday July i, TEMPTING RECIPES SURPRISE SALAD PEEL AN ORANGE remove ill of the while skin, slice thinly (in rounds). Skin s tomato and slice. Arrange as follows: s slice of tomato, then a slice of orange, then tomato again and so on. Cut in half through centre. Arrange in V-shape on lettuce with mayonnaise in centre. A salad like that makes a delightful addition lo any meal. Particularly if the dressing has been made appetizing and interesting with Golrrun'i Mustard. Week-End . Specials': . E - i i sh Granulated Sugar 10 IbS. : Braid's Blue Label Tea-i 1-lb. pkg 74c 35c Alberta Creamery Butter nn 3-Ib. brick T-V Aylmer Pure Red Plum Jam 4-lb. tin lUU Nabob oreen Fig Marmalade OCn U 1-lb. Jar AOK, - AlberU Fresh Eggs Iman's SF Mustard 1M AIDS DIGESTION , 4 TWELVE THOUSAND FEWER, ON RELIEF ' in this rnnvivrr VICTORIA. July 13: (CP There are sojne twelve thou- sand Demons fewer on relief in ... . a : urnisn uoiumbla in May than March, government figures show. Bert Cimeron left en last night's train for Calgary en route to Banff where he will attend a muMca! summer school. 4qc Jones' Family f MEAT MARKET ... 937 1,lone 937 11c 25c Shoulder Pork 12c Leg of Veal oqP Per,b t UOKs prime Rib RaU1 20c 25c Alberta Market Hfih Street Phnne 20' per lb. . Rump Roast, per lb Veal Chops OOpj 2 lbs , j Round Steak, 2 lbs. & QfTo! 1 lb. Bacon Corn Beef per lb. Tomato Sausage per lb. Hamberger, 2 lbs. U 2 lbs. Onions . 10c 15c 18c 15c 35c 50c 5c 10c 25c Annual Picnic of Orange Ladies is Successful Event The annual picnic of the Ladles' Orange Benevolent Association was held yesterday at the beach on the Skeena River Highway beyond Galloway Rapids bridge and the out lng proved to be a very eniovable one for the one hundred or so persons who were present. There was a program of sports and fine refreshments were provided. Transportation wsjs furnished' by motor- vehicles which left at 10 o'clock In the morning, the picnickers belne all home by 7 o'clock in the even ing. I The committee responsible for the success ano enjoyment of thi-day's outing corsl&ted of Mrs J i R. Murray. Mrs. Robert Murrav. Mrs J. O. Vlereck. Mrs. W. Hunter and Mrs. O. Krause. BOWSER IN ESQUIMAU James Elriek Is "Non. Partisan" Choice to Contest Seat Held Hy Attorney General VICTORIA. July IS; (Canadian' Press i blames Elrick has been no-; mlnated candidate for the Bowser. ' Non-Partisan" party in Esauimaltl riding at the next provincial elec-1 uon. This is the rid ins of Hon R H. Pooley. attorney general. : Phone 953 Phone 953 De Jong's Cash and Carry SPECIALS For Friday and Saturday Walnut Meats Pieces Si 4's OCn per lb Shredded Coeoanut per lb. .... Cut Mixed Pees per 1-lb. pkg King Oscar Sardines 2 tins for Australian Sultana Raisins OCo 2 lbs. for Elk 5-String Brooms each 21c 22c 25c 33c . t 8ugar Crisp Corn Flakes f)On 3 pkga. for White Spring Salmon per 1-lb. Un Squirrel Brand Peanut Butter, 2 lbs. for Rinso 3 pkgs. for Honey Oraham Wafers per pkg. Paimollve Soap 4 cakes for 8hredded Wheat 2 Pkgs. for Ding Cherries per lb. Cantelopes each Fresh Oreen Peas 3 lbs. for Local Spinach 3 lbs for 9c 25c 23c 23c 25c 21c 20c 15c 25c 25c i MTIUJE THE TOILER" EWS CTV-M . I SPkh1 ' '-mmimm - - - - - Gr ! The Resentful Rosie Wednesday & Thursday TWO SHOWS 1 & 9 p.m. Feature Starts 7:40 & 9:10 Admission 15c & SOc mm FRIDAY and SAti J "ELMER TIlJ GREAT" COMEDY - MUSIC ROMANCE "BLESSED EVENT" With Lee Tracy, Mary Brian, Dick Po J A Warner Bros, Kflease A Bombshell of l.ntfrtalnment CollfH.J IS II.JIa C'IL...a 4fQJ ' Musical "SPEAKING OF OPERATIONS" PARAMOUNT Finer Flavour . . . Super Crispness ?0k Attention Mothsrsl (Mii UU mBk --! Mik( It ym NIMlttQukltOMl FU-m. Ml ta tm-b tkfh H U rtdl MMTt? tt COTS . . UX iriifcmit of bui . t t b.l firtmc t MVM.Blal.ktUa Um 4 pnUcU tMt, . . . and in QUAKER Corn Fhka i you get that txtra feu turn at no txtra nit J, Money-bide guarantee printed on every package. 2, Freshness snd critpneti assured by wax wrppin snd triple sealing. 3B Enrichment with Sunshine VJtsmin "D" sn eiclusive health feature. J, Coupons czchsngesble for valuable merchandise In every package. MADE IN CANADA Quaker Corn Flakes COPPER PAINT n VacLt tnr hull- Dapco submerged woodwork, absolutely nsisi.s i marine growths, and dries with a glossy surface Price, per gallon Olfl flfif w An e,,e-tlw efiU-foullng paint f For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Masae All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASIMNALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Oreen 211 Thones Oreen $19 Exrhance Itlock $5.00 vyiw ujuij . vrood gurfacea r. 4)C Price, per gallon THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY IMionc 657 By Westover, fS iSwlJ SBs tW'