TAGE FOUR S3 Super Values for Men and Boys Shoes Here - Saturday It pays to shop at The CUT RATE SHOE STORE. Our prices arc the lowest in town. Why? Because our footwear is bought right and direct from the manufacturers and by paying spot cash, we get better prices than other merchants. That is the reason our low prices arc almost unbelievable. You can make no mistake by buying here and being well satisfied. QUALITY SHOES FOR MEN AM) ROYS, SOLID LEATHER CONSTRUCTED, SELECTED FROM RELLRLE MANUFACTURERS. We have all wanted styles in Boots and Oxfords. UNEXCELLED VALUES. Here are a few mentioned: We can meet you in all prices to suit in Tennis and Running Shoes. flte $L25 Ven ) i., . n?al Red" Hot Special in Light Work 3K'..;. Dlucher cut with Pancj soles and heels. ail s.zes while they last at this re in ith !5iv iow price. Keg. $z.; now of having a radio on your boat this summer will more than repay the cost of installation. Battery type, all wave receivers can now be designed and duui to meet your m individual require-meate. Out of town service calls made. tOOK FOR THE TOWER linanni1 VMW Radio Service 3?6 Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 r. O. Rax 133 i O BARTLETT H IKSULANDER Anvertise ra the Dully News. G"t quirk rni'-. vtth a want ad S1.98 tsjn - Log;cn?. Miners and Prospectors High Lea Bo:. , oL ten chrome uppers, solid leather soles WcU;-: Mao by Leckie and Storey & Campbell. These hoe wrre bought at special low prices for yrj ad 'iitniie. While we have them tn sto . y tn an . ir.wt these values. $6.50 $8.95 Men's Fine Dress Boots and Oxfords. Come In black or tan calfskin St fine kidskin Ooodyear welted soles; Price LOCAL NEWS TI? I IC tup Tfu rnw I'M C5Ca OM ' y t IT MOMTH 'S I vt 'sCs 'V IrJ af VH herein4! $3.95 Men's Dress Boots, Blucher cut. material box kip uppers, sewn soles, all sises QO QC Special price tjAesFt) Men's Fine Calf Oxfords, sewn soles Qfl AT rubber heels, all sises OAoO A very large as.ortmcn! of Lic1ie.s Shoes in all styles and quality, in Q-f QC CO QC OX.UU loath" Price Men's vtr fun Kid Blurfcpr iut Boots and Oxfords, cushu v. indoles and arch supports, wet ted soles rubber heels. For comfort you can t beat this shoe Our price Leckie High Grade Ftse Dress Boots and Oxfords - in various leathers and weights. All guaranteed oy Leckie to give aatmacuon Our price ,.. markably low prices. Fine quality. From ' $4.95 $4.95 We have a very good selection of Boys' and Youth' School Boots and Dress Shoes at re $1.95 to $2.95 Men's Leckie Chrome Uppers Work Boots. Solid leather throughout, sewn and standard screw soles rubber heels. "Leckie name stamped on soles: Our price $3.69 CUT RATE SHOE STORE PLEASURE A 1 ri a, i The tire department had a call at 9 15 iru morning to the Smltli Block where there Was a rnimney fire which did no damage. James KiUaa sailed last night on i CPR. steamer Princess Adelaide, the Prince Rupert for a brief basi-'capt. S K Oray. arrived in port ess irip to i'remier. at 3 ococic veslerdav afternoon Mr. cWloTle sailed last I SL r . fm . wim a way IMIWWTT1 .uyht on the Princess Adelaide lor' n(J u Mrs. Cod vllle, wife of the light-Lou.-? keeper at Pointers Island down the coast, arrived In the city) day afternoon and will spend a holiday of two or three weeks hen ! Mrs H. T Cross and daughter. Miss Joan Cross, will sail this evening on the Prince Rupert for 1 Vancouver on a holiday trip. Or ! their return home via Jasper Park, they will be accompanied by Mist Lillian Cross of Vancouver who will pay a visit to her nome here. Victor Miller will sail on the Princess Norah Monday morning for Stlktne where he will spend the summer with his brother, Duncan Miller, who is stationed at that point as customs officer for Use season. For vagrancy, William Oosnell was sentenced to the time be had spent in Jail by Magistrate McCly-moat in city police court this morning. He was found by the police tn an unoccunied buildin on Frmsex Street. TIIE DAILY NEWS A Sight For Old Tars 'dlflHHHSffi A su;-. . - .: ' .r : J.'. 1 Finn. : b.nq.i. A.;. ...i.: P. . with a carijo ol nishi i:un. A - -l..t .1 Al o J i i ta:" that even greater numbers of fishermen will be attracted to take advantage of the Instruction offered by the navigation school which it ti anticipated will be held ma usuel luring the coming winter. Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the 1033 season jp to and including June t totalled 5.74.000 pounds as compared with 3.774,250 pounds for the 1033 season up to a similar date. Canadu-n landings for this season stood ut 2.506.300 pounds as against 1 -31.950 pounds at the same date last year whUe this year's American landings were 3.250,300 pounds tn compart son with last year's 2,182400 pounds For the week of June 3-0 Inclusive landings amounted to 432J0Q pounds made up of 193.000 pounds Canadian and 239J00 pounds American fish. The high price of the week for Canadian fish was 5.0c and 3c which the Joe Baker received for 11,000 pounds and the low 5c and 3c which a number of boats received. For American fish the top bid of the week was 7.7c and 4c paid the 3HT VOOC2 AMD OOl'T uteres AMV - THtKie- i 1 7t : w: J UTT f a.:., if . E. aland, stir tae hearts WATERFRONT WHIFFS Fishermen Given Opportunity to Qualify as Tugboat Masters Halibut IndinRs New Commissioner Pays. Visit to Alaska Capt. J. R. Elfert, harbor master at Prince Rupert, has been advised by the Detmrtment of Marine to the effect that hereafter finhermen who have served on halibut ami purse seine vessels of ten toni gross and upwards will be to take examinations for qualification as tug Eermitted oat masters. Heretofore such fishermen, many of Whom xave attended schools for navlga- ion rond'icted by Capt. Elfert dur- Emma for 15,000 pounds and the ng erh winter, have been unable low 6c and 4c received by the t'ra- x take the examinations and nla for 19,000 pounds. lualifv for tugboat masters' certl- - flcates unless they have served some i J L Kask. a member of the lme at ses in general, such as scientific staff of the Intemattonrl x-ean-eotng or coastal, service Fisheries Commission, who Is well rther than on f Ishtag vessels. Under known St Prince Jlupert. recently he new ruling they will be credited i visited the Scrtpps Institute of with service on fishing vessel over 1 Oceanography at La Jolia. Cal The en tons As a result, it is expected . purpose in visiting the California institute was to observe studies made of fishes and researches on plankton. According to a message received st the Indian Off lee here yesterday. William Robinson, well known Met-lakatla native, who was missing for several days recently and wai rescued safely at Craig, Alaska, after having been shipwrecked Is now at the North Island trolling grounds where he Is engaged in fishing. In the course of his nrst official tour of Alaska. Frank T Bell, new United States commissioner of fisheries, succeeding Henry oMailf v arrived in Ketchikan yesterrtnv morning from Seattle aboard t,v the department's patrol vessels At noon he attended a mass im-etniK In the Coliseum Theatre ol ,u' classes of fishermen and penn Interested In the fisheries The mass meeting was sponsored by ami was In chaw of the Alaska Seiner v Association Resolutions wcr presented to Mr. Bell urging an Icht-day extension of seine fishing over Running Round in Circles few Mfeeo ny FRIDAY and SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 St 9 p.m. Feature Starts 7 S5& 9:35 Admission ISc Si 50c trap-fishing, opening of certain additional bays and inlets to fishing. pr u ience to white men In the tiMirries and the holding of public hearings each year in order to get th- views of the Alaska fishermen before the promulgation of annual rt'KuluUons. Mr Bell, in addressing in meeting which was broadcast nvt't radio Italian KQBU, assured ins listeners that it would be his pol 1 SATURDAY MAT Feature SUrU.iiJ Oil LADIUS I'M IN LOVE With a t...... MAURICE CHEVALIEI in "A Bedtime Story" With lirXKN TWELVimtF.ES, EDWARD EVEKfcTT IIORtJ ADRIENNE AMES and RAIJY LEKOY A lUrsmount il0!l It's Osy - Sparkling With Melody and M)rh M t loraruj- aurrt iuvkic .utiro newi isrioon- Sams n.l .MONDAY and TUESDAY "FltlSPfl li vw WHY PAY MORE? Our prkes arr ai.. OMne ami kt u . . to bring about fishing igula-11. ns which would be as ad van la- TOAtTtD CHUi ucouv a po.j.iblc to the various ; ' brunches of the industry, having McCORMtCK 8 s .ilways In lew the Important mat 1 Pulls, each er of future conservation oi the I B C 8UDAB 5 iiMurles During Mr Hell's tour of eacn the territory of Alaska, he intends 'OINA-Mll t BKtAKr to hold sixteen offlcUl hearlnr, at' TOOU per pk: vnous poinU as well as to I as peel 1 WHISK BRUSH l . various fishing grounds sud operaj eaeh . tlons PIONEER MINc K! 1 : I 4's.ptrUn Commmiiin llturen I Accord ins to otflclg) estimated II- 'rtofurr BtW (i issued tlie International! gures by BRAND, t tu- .... m Pacific halibut eaten for the tttlf fKUll iV M.IihI hjjl season up to the end of May 'was 1 HEAD LETTUt K ln.010.1n pounds of wuich 9n,m tor was from Are Ho. 2 and 1.4g4rTij LOCAL ASPARAt pounds from Area No. 3 The toiai , 3 lbs. quota allowance set by the Cwnmts- HA4fA8 slon for these two areas this ynar U X Hm. 44.UOO.t00 pounds and. when this II-, OKAMS- gure is reached, the season will automatically erase fir ss fish-, Ing la concerned The allowance for Area No 3 u 31.700 jOOO pounds and for Area No 34 309000 pounds. The total catch- of the Paeiftr for May Is estimated by the eommuriett at UIOOO pounds tnchtdutg XtM.-m powhds from Am No. 3 and 1,-17301 pounds from Are o 9 The correct weighu of landing at Prmce Rupert for the month of May are placed by the commission at I.- 733.010 pounds including IJM.IM pounds from Area No. 3 and 143 W i pounds from Area No. 3 Ldindtngs' for all other ports of the coast for , May are placed at 3,704.000 pounds consisting of 047300 pounds from Area No. 3 and 1J3CM0 pounds from Area No 3 OCflclal figures of the commission covering the coast catch up to the end of April were snnounced two weeks ago In Ctese columns VPS Pomps -evcTMivva AlWEi V '. it. I V . ' i - i i ,, 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 R O iBobi Johnston. manager of Inverness cannery on the Skeena River, was an overnight business visitor to town, having arrived yesterdsy morning from the river on one of the company tenders. He reports everything In readiness at the plant to start canning loprrstlons the week after neat J when the season for fishing with sockeye nets opens. Notice. Rupture Sufferers!! All Ruptures To the Inflatable Air Pre-sure Treatment by llealey, the Famous Itrltish Cipert Complete Comfortable Control Guaranteed This great British lriventlon has the approval of the medical profession everywhere. It Is accepted as standard by leading hospitals. Once Used Always Approved Wrlle "Ileisleys- (Canada) 544 Burrard St Vim ouver. D C WW I MUVT TAKE My tVMSMiwcB trt-wcTfttC Klr.1SDLfSS .AJO perl. rkerytMac " MUSSAIIEM'S Economy Store 1ITJ1J Third T.O. IUt SIS 1 -ae , NAivAtuW 'M hREA.iM(i IKfTO SOClAt- ciiiclbs. vx''i-- U7' ATrnof In! ut of lewn ontrn rr nl tlrntkm. Send us a t rl Ready For Thai NEXT PARTY! You will riijm If you i Tarty Presses Evening downs Tuxedos UMt ftaam f : etdowhtelioow' tag ftnows Our tpeetal phc Saturday. Art n-w l Tarty Dresses or " (lowns, dry tUtn 1 prm Tutrdo .. I'ulf llrres Suit or Topcoat 0 o By Westover. 1 u r.l ., 51 :s l!l LING - Tailor Phone cn