Tomorrow's Tides THIS WEEK THE Pontiac Straight 8 High 2:58 ajn. 21.9 ft. 16:15 p.m. 195 ft. Is on Display at Low 9:49 Am. 2 ft. 22:00 pjn. 12 ft. Kaicn Motors Show Room NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER All Cordially Invited Phone 52 Vol. XXIV.. No. 135. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.j SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1933 BRITISH WAR DEBT DUE NEXT WEEK YOUNG WOMAN TRAGEDY VICTIM IN CARIBOO COUNTRY National Government Will Make Announcement Next Tuesday In Regard To Thursday's Payment INQUEST IS HELD I Jury Probing Urath of John Kdmard , Uolk of Tic hick Lake I VANDKRJIOOy. June 19 -At the opening of Um inquest into Um death of John Edward Dolk test even Inf. the coroner stated that evidence would be produced to show thai the remains of the deceased. ho lived about ilx miles south of here were found la Um llvta room . of the byroad cabin 8s) badlY was . . the bodv.luwted that tt wit ibw.,, side tfettr Ine ahoTrram Vhseh I had beee fired Um others having evidently been WpSwietl from the Intense heat. Further evtdenre mould Indicate the possibility of siik-Me Dr W. R Stone U ronducUng the inquest, the Jury consisting of -a. - 1 f tUS aiBiiat Mitchell. T and Hadden Con-( Mawe Jennings oi we provincial ix. lire la conducting the Inveatsga- tion. Library Board Is Carrying On City Commissioner Kequcts it to Continue Administration For Time City Commissioner W. J. Alder has requested the library board to carry on administration of the affairs of the Prince Rupert Public Library for the next two or three months, the board having consented to act. With Commissioner Alder in attendance, the library board was In monthly session this week when routine business was taken up and library matters discussed generally Members of the board present were O V Wilkinson, president Victor Ilaaao-Bsrt, It. A. Dreen and T B Black, with Miss A. D Cruickshank. it librarian. The usual monthly reports were presented. Many Rumors Arc Meantime Current, Strongest Being That 2,000,000 on Account Will be Offered to United States Chamberlain to be Spokesman L.uiNLui, dune iu: i.i,anauian rress An announce-' inent regarding the British war dcbUnstalment due to the United States by Great Britain next Thursday will be; made in the House of Commons on Tuesday by Rt. Hon. Neville Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer, it was stated today. Until then nothing official will be known re T AfrAVT T . r , garding the government's position . It Is stated. Meantime many report are current here as to the stmd the gov eminent will take, the strongest ' .,,, u, , u... - .....i... nmnm lh, meflt. ECONOMIES DISCUSSED llrt wren Hospital Members of Medical Profession Question of economy and other matters of common interest wer discussed at a recent conference between the board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital and the Prince Rupert Medical Association, minutes of which were read at the regular monthly meeting of the hospital board laet night. Soliciting the co-operation of the medical men in the effecting of economies, the hospital board Informed them that a deficit of $16,000 Uito year was anticipated. At present the hospital was owing $1,000 and tta reserve fund was In city bonds which were at present non-negotiable. Alleged over-hospitalisation of patients under the Workmen's Com-nensaUon Act was discussed with the doctors who were asked for their particular co-ope ration in this re- gard. A number of individual were referred to. In connection with indigent casea, was suggested that at least four men were patients In the InsUtu-Conttnued on page 2 Brocklesby of Prince Rupert Speaker at Science Meeting On Subject of Fish Research VANCOUVER, June 10: (Canadian Press) In an intorosting address before the Pacific Science Congress here, Horace N. Brocklesby, assistant director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental' Station, reviewed ten year of research activity in connection with fish oils and their by-products which had resulted in the marketing of botween fivo and six million gallons of fish oil annually. Through a mate of graphs and abstruse chemical formulae, Mr. Brocklesby revealed scientific methods, distinguishing fresh fish from stale, analyzing aiiimal and vegetable oils and devising by-products of chemical importance. 1 T . GROWTH OF CROP FAST Wheat and Other Grains Coming Along Splendidly- on Prairies With Condltl&ns Generally Favorable WINNIPEO. June 10: In Manitoba the crops are making rapid growth, according to the Canadian National Railways weekly grain growing report. The grasshopper menace is by no means over. The general situation seems to be that they are much more spotty than they were at this season last year but the provincial government and municipal organlattlon for poisoning the insccta la more complete and bait is being scattered on thousands of farms. All sub-divisions In the Dauphin division report weather has been warm and showery with excellent wheat growth and the hay crop give excellent promise with no da mage from any source. Central and Southern Manitoba have experienced heavy rains and all grains and pastures are doing well. In the Weyburn. Radvtlle. Central Butte and Qu-Appelle sub-division of Saskatchewan, weather during the past week has been mostly warm with showers. All grains, with the exception of some late oats and flax, are now seeded and wheat Is showing from eight to sixteen In- ehes above ground. Pasture are in good shape and livestock are doing well. No serious damage from grasshoppers Is reported although they have made their appearance in some districts and poison bait Is being supplied to combat them. Continued on page 2 SIGNING UP PEACE PACT Mussolini Agreement Ihpcctcd To He Initialled Now By Four Great European rowers ROME. June 10 With the off! cljl announcement at Lhn eJrarinff: up this week of differences be-1 .twecn France and Germany the! way appears to be once again clear 'for the signing of the Mussolini four-nower noacc Dart designed to. guarantee ten years of ponce in, Europe. French representatives; have already been Instructed by their government to sign the, agreement and similar Instructions! are expected from Berlin by the , German representatives. Great Britain and Italy were already In accord. Baby Car Turns Turtle giiiiHgsiiiiiiiiiHg'K gigagV Just a& the photographer swung camera around a tiny racing car stood up on its hind less, dumping the driver on to the road. The spill occurred ut Dow.ilngton Park. Leicestershire. Eng. Case For Veterans Presented By Visiting Officials; State Of Economic Affairs Rapped T. A. Barnard, president of the provincial command of the Canadian Legion, was the speaker before a large gathering of local returned men at the Canadian Legion club rooms last evening. J. Preece, president of the local branch, presided and introduced the speaker. Mr. Barnard stated that the two chief objectives of the Legion were to care for BONDS ARE RECOVERED Securities Valued at $8000 Stolen In Vancouver Are totaled in San Francisco VANCOUVER, June 10: i Canadian Press i- -Negotiable bonds to the value of $1,600 which were obtained In the haM-up- here on April 4 of Western CHy Bond Corporation messengers have been recovered In San Francisco as a result of co operation between the police of Vancouver and the California city. rUlr.ll.M. (iIIYI.KNMImVT WILL L'ONTKItlUTU TO KFLIKF IN THIS CITY VICTORIA, June 10; (CP)- Hon. It. W. Hruhn. minister of public works, has been Infor- med that the Dominion gov- ernment will assume one-third of the cost o direct relief In eight additional areas of Dri- Ush Columbia Including Prince Rupert. a those who suffered from the last I war and to prevent another such calamity. The present young generation have not the knowledge of what the veterans gave up, what they risked and what they were entitled to from the country. During the war an artificial situation grew up In the replacement of the man power at the war by mechanical means at home and the returned man was faced with an absence of opportunity to work. Now, when Uie financial Interests wanted to economise, they looked at the amount spent on pensions and said that Is where we can save. The obligation of the nation to the pensioner was Just as solemn as the contract with the holders of the $195,000,000 worth of non-taxable bonds. In the same breath that a demand for economy was made, the salary of an official drawing $11000 a year was Increased to $15,000 and a pension of $7,500 assured him at 60 years after ten years' service. The veteran was bearndted a $10 a month pension after 60 yean. The position of the Canadian I pk Ion was clear. When other available sources of revenue had txvn explored, then the returned nn i would be the firs, to make the extra .sacrifice. Criticism of the recent amendments to the Pensions Act dealt with the substitution of a body of olllelaUUiat did not see the applicant In per- Contlnued on Page 3 Mystery In Connection With Finding of Body Of Girl at Roke Lake lemains of Miss Ashley, Formerly of New Westminster, Discovered on Bed m Cabin Died as Result Of Gunshot Wounds VICTORIA, June 10: (Canadian Press) An unexplained tragedy in the Roke Lake area of the Cariboo district :h being sifted by the provincial police consequent upon the eportcd finding of the body of a young woman on a bed in a cabin. Death is reported to have beenas a result of 'unshot wounds. Word received here from Sergeant Wood IS FLYING TO PACIFIC Jimmy Mattern on WajJTodai From Belove to Kharbarovsk MOSCOW, Jane 10: (Canadian Press) James J. Mattern left Be-loye at 2 o'clock this morning for Kharbarovsk on the Siberian coast In continuation of his flight around the world. Weather conditions were favorable for the hop. From Khabarovsk, Mattern plans to fly to Nome and thence via Edmonton to New York. I On leaving this point, which is 4S0 miles west of Chita, Mattern as three days behind the Post-Gatty record and there appeared to be little chance of his beating the time of the Oklahoma flyers for the flight around the world. VEKEGIN IS ORDERED TO BE DEPORTED Canadian Press) WINNIPEG, June 10. Peter Veregin, Douk-hobor leader, was arrested late yosterday on a warrant sworn out by the minister of immigration on a charge of being an undesirable citizen. He was found guilty last night by a board of three under the chairmanship of Commissioner of Immigration C. E. Smith and was ordered deported. No- tice of appeal was imme- diately given. Halibut Arrivals American Viola, 2.000. holding. SILVER AND COPPER ON NEW YORK MART NBW YORK. June 10: (Canadian Press) - Silver closed at 364e on Uie local metal market today Copper was still steady at 8c. Miss Lillian Lowe will sail on the Prince Rupert tonight for a vaca-i Uon trip to Vancouver. Seattle and Kamloops. h Asncrou u to ine eirect that the remains are those of a Miss Ashley, formerly of New Westminster, who had resided at Roke Lake for some time. Two officers and the coroner have been sent In to lnvesUgate. Mayor Porter of Los Angeles is Election Loser LOS ANOELES. June 10 In the mayoralty election here this week. Mayor John C. Porter was defeated by Frank L. 8haw. chairman of the board of county commission ers, the vote approximating 117,-779 to 98.309 There will alvi h nnmhfr nt nur h nn V -1 dermanlc board and the board of education as a result of the election. As soon as the results of the election made his defeat evident. Mayor Porter issued a statement In which he said that he had no regrets at being defeated, nor has he any apologies to offer for the work he had dene during his term. f office. He declared that he was proud of his record and conveyed his thanks to all his friends and supporters during his period of Incumbency as well as during the slection campaign. Today's Stocks Supplied by 8. D. Johnston Co. Ltd, Toronto Int. Nickel 1.65. Noranda, 34 J0O. Sherrttt Gordon, IJO. Vancouver Big Missouri; ii8. B. R. X.. .60. Bluebird. .05. Bridge Rlvcgr Qena, .46. Cork Proving .02. Georgia Rlvef, JJ74. Grand view, .08. Lucky Jim. .06. National Silver .084. Native Son, .22. Meridian, .73. Noble FlvtJO. rend Oreille, 1.43, Premier. lJSt.' Poner Idaho, t16Vk. Reno. 1.60. ' Reeves McDonald, M. Reward, .17. Ruth Hope, .01 Silver Crest. .08. Wayside, .60, Whitewater, .lSVfc. Cariboo Quart, 3.49. Oils A P Cons.. .15. Freehold, 0H. Fabyan. ,01 Calmont, .10. Stealing Pacific, J5. Mercury, HVi, United, m.