mm 3T Ml 15 'iff 1 w V- is: III: Tuesday. BepteoHer, PAGE FOUtt THE DAILY NEWS LAUGHTER SHOE RADIO SEASON Enjoy the full season with your set tuned to maximum efficiency. We can Insure you of this by having your set gone over now, and ad-lusted to first class condition, as inefficient operation is a poor Investment. Battery sets modernised with the new economical two volt tubes. Superior Radio Service 336 Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 P. O. Box 132 A. O. BARTLETT C. II. INSULANDER Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,010 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessel Iron and 'Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 10-ton Derrick tor Heavy Llf u Eawmlll and MlnlngMacblnery ' Repaired and Overhauled l mini sjrr LOCAL NEWS A. Sutherland, foreman of Por-cher Island cannery, arrived in the city over the week-end from the cannery and Is sailing this afternoon on She Oatala for Vancouver where he 'will spend the winter. Having been taken suddenly 111. Mrs. Jack Ratchford was removed last week by ambulance from her home at the Clinton Rooms, leaser Street, to the Prrsee Rupert General Hospital for surgical treatment. William Q. HsroM, who has been spending the past month visiting here, during which time he made a cruise to Alaska waters wtth Harry Ward and party on the local boat Bonanza, returned at the week-ena Vo Vancouver. A former member of the staff of the city ticket office Our Creditors Demand Cash. We must Sacrifice our $12,000.00 Shoe Stock to satisfy them, Regardless of Costs At Lowest Prices ever attempted in this city NOW ON HANI) AT THE STORE LECKIE'S Skookum Boots, suitable for Boys, Price $2.95 Cut Rate Shoe Store of Uu Canadian National Railway-here. Mi Hata.u i now e.-.gaged in the fuel business in Vancouver. Miss Inga MurvoM sailed Satur day on the Princess Louise for Ketchikan where she will pay a visit with friends. Mlas M. Busslnger, who has been paying a visit with friends In the city, salted by the Princess Louise Saturday on her return to her home In Juneau. Mrs. J. W. Kl I patrtek and da ugh- ; tar. Rose Marie, returned to the! city toward the end of last week after having spent the summer camping at Lake Kathlyn. aims Aiary mssnope 01 ine leacn- i ing staff of Booth Memorial School ' returned to the city on the Princess Louise on 8aturday after spending ' the summer vacation at her home in the Praser Valley. MTILU THE TOILER" m I MjHDHHHHHDl' At tin- Clumber ul Commerce meeting last Friday night John Dybhavn read a brief report of the ; proceedings of the convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of : Central British Columbia. TUe ground had all been covered In full j reports published at the time tn this paper. The report included a suggestion that the local chamber should pay its does to the Assocla- t ted Boards. Lawn Mowers Ground Made to Cut Like New Star Welding Phone 313 4 LOCAL NEWS T. W. A.ien, after a two-weeks' visit to his home here, sailed by the Prince Rupert Sunday night on his return to Vancouver. A. C. Dalch of North Pacific cannery arrived in the city today from the Skeena River and sails this afternoon on the Catala for Vancou ver where he will spend the win ter Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lineham and family of Lawyer Island Ud yes terday moraine on the Oatala for a visit in Aryox. Mr. Lineham to lighthouse keeper at Lawyer Is land Harold P. Johns of Klnf Bdward High School teaching staff returned to th city on the Catala yesterday morning aHer spending the summer vacation at his home tn Victoria Prlacllla Smith. Joe Marehcltoa and R Batt. on eriMfei of vagrancy, were each remanded for eight days on appearing betas Magistrate MoCtymont to otty lice codrt this merntng. Mist W MacLeUan. who teaches school at Kttwanga. altar spending the summer vacation at her home in Victoria arrived in the city from the south on the Oatala yes-reroay morning and proceeded to the Interior on kMt evening's train. The "Know Your Stare" contest ;ot under way at the Oapttol Theatre here yesterday when the first 'reel of six Paramount stars was run. There will be a change of contest reels each week tor three weeks Considerable Interest Is taring manifested in the contest. J E Merryfleld, organiser of the Bowser - Donaghy "nonpartisan" party for the provincial election rontest. sailed by the Prince Ru pert Sunday night on his return to Vancouver after having spent she past few weeks on an organising tour of northern ridings. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Cant. J. D. Thurber sailed at noon today with his well known local halibut boat Vera Beatrice for Vancouver where he will Join tus family and spend the winter, expecting to return to Prince Rupert next March. Cast. Thurber Is beina ac companied In the Vera Beatrice by tus son. Disnop Mrs. Thurber and two daughters left for Vancouver recently after spending the summer vacation at their hone here. They have rented their home on I Fourth Avenue Bast to Major W A. (Wllby. who recently moved here ' from Terrace. Rosie Feels Slighted Run-Away Rosie MONDAY & TUESDAY TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 Admission 80c Si 15c Hsigggsff Wednesday It VIENNA' The Scream of The Season Slim Summerville and Zasu Pi In "HER FIRST MATE tilt. itv it.'iftrif lli'VlfV A If MITT A A Pan I n i s. ID I L II 1,1111 1 ! V . --"---- v. rww... m.. . . w ( m I m All Aboard For a Orand Laugh Cruise Comedy "SEE YOU TONIGHT" "SCREEN SOUVENIRS" ti r . i i i n - n i r - - - - - - - , "Rupert Brand CITY SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily lly 11 HILIV SYMPHONY - NOAirji M...I..1I II7 At. ...... " - - m . 1 11 TIIE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTIN COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED TUAII--UUmnll COU'MIIM UumUeiium at ELEPHANT llfllMl f IIBMII .U. I'KKTILI'r.NH Produwn ItedttM t TADANAC rvr.iTHoi tir ammonium niosriun SULPHATE OF Ait.M0.Ml I.EAD-jr.INC CA D M I UM - III SMITH m e ii sr i i a s i lanadian nsti & told borage to., lit PRINCE RUPERT. U.C Transfer Phone 950 Hemlock and Spruce per cord, delivered SO COAL FOR SALE Furniture and Piano Moving yi rioxiTH I .m odims par. I Hc3.mci, mac - iaostg'a iumkhmc 1 1 novo U,! .,vou txT TTT. V I A ll roAM rn ur ramoui !Wcr A "y ouijuar vatic j u ted to give sa:2 rr i ion of No i Bu.k r Vt also sell Tlmoti ' VX Oau and ru.-f Prince Rupert Fed! M I'lioors By Westov F7VT l -OH UO I livUA-r 1 VutU, R.OblE "SEEMS feO-Slt - I wwT vV 11 I i .1 I I MONj, HtSfe . 4MOufl ,vsj et iKlA' TO kAKB V0URL MS1AW. TICUIB? -T r - - Pi SOME LffTTBSi-l IINU ' J "" f llLJ ( oooo