paoh rous NORTHERN B. C. NEWS TERRACE Ranger O. S. Cooper in reconditioning the telephone communications between Lakelse and town. This work is connection with protection from forest fires. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Halllwell, who have been south for most, of the winter, are back at their ranch on the bench again. Joe Oook, who ha been at his hame in Prince Rupert since the boctnnlng of the year. has. returned to hit ranch in Uketoe Valley. Louts Martin. local hotel proprietor returned home recently from Prince Rupert after undergoing ao operation. lie is now feeMng much better. A number of inquiries hare osfn m recently from prospective TRAINS For the East Mondays' Wednesdays and Fridays 9:30 pm From the Kasl Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays ....10:15 pm. RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter McliAE BROS., LTD. settlers. A full supply of information has been sent forward in each case and it Is quite possible that in the near future, the farming community of the districts will be considerably augmented. NEWHAZELTON Angus McLean, the new general ; foreman of the public works de partment, was a visitor here during the past week. He made the trip from Smithers by car and had a look over the various places in need of repair work. Mm. Love has gone to Prince Rupert after having spent some time in Haaeiton with her sister. jMiss Lois Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter have arrived in Haaeiton from Prince Ruoert to spend a month's vacation. They are the guests of PLAN YOUR SHOPPING TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF buy with confidence: where you see this seal To identify ttoret fctturiac Swift i Hun tad Bicoa, Swift I lure supplied their uthoriwd kltri with tltc Kl ifeowr ibovc. SterCS dopJ-yHg IkH Kit BMSXtio high luadiri of fi(t7 tad ilcialiacu. Bay from them with torAlcoct. SwitYi Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sweet at Two Mile. Mr. Hunter will be engaged in relieving bank managers of the Royal Bank of Canada during the spring and summer months. Relief work started again last week on the cut-off a mile or two west of Mud Creek Hill Into New Hazelton. It is hoped that tat right-of-way will be finally cleaned out this year ready for road building some time in the near future. There was road trouble near Phorphery Creek last Tuesday and a number of men were taken out to do some work on it. PRINCE GEORGE T. Van Dyk of the provincial game service is receiving the congratulations of his many friends upon his promotion from the rank of sergeant to that of inspector. At the annual meeting of the local tennis club. II. V. Littler was elected president. Miss Pearl Mc-Innis vice-president, and Ernest SWIFT'S 7 ad&V Dealers every wher4vare featuring the famous Premium Ham and Bacon & Check today's prices on Swift Premium . within the range oi the most careful budget ! That means SwitVs Premium Bacon for Easter breakfast. And Swift's Premium Ham for Easter dinner . . . the traditional Easter dishes in thousands of Canadian homes! Remember, today Premium Ham and Bacon taste even better than ever by reason of the new, txclusivt Swift method of smoking called "Ovcnizing." It gives them still finer flavour, tendcrnen, texture, and appetizing colour. Only Swift's Premium Ham and Bacon have this new, delightful goodness. Ask for them by name where you see the red and blue seal. Premium Hams and Bacon NOWvfitVJT . . . "TILLIE THE TOILER" TBM OJULT 1TKW1 Tuesday, Apm . Homo. Uccretary-treasurcr. It was decided to reduce the membership fos to $4.00 for gentlemen and $3.00 for ladies. Rev. EL Reader has been appointed to assist Rev. S. Polllnger in the Upper Anglican Fraser Mission and commenced his ministry at Mc-Bride recently. W. A. Walker, deputy fire mar-shall for the province, has found that the fire which did considerable damage to the Prince George court house on March 26, was of incendiary origin, that the fire did not originate in the store room used by the officials of the district forest branch but was deliberately set by some person or persons unknown. SMITHERS Mrs. C. Sarre and daughter of Kamloops arc visiting Mrs. Sacre's parents, Mr and Mrs. R. Fi. Evans. rin tha fuvntinn nff Mm flMt visit at SMOKED AN IMPROVED WAY IN OVENS tulatlons of the bar in this district on his promotion. L. 8. McQlll spoke In court in this connection on Tuesday. Members of the Smithers Curling Club spent an enjoyable evening in the Canadian Legion Club rooms to present the trophies won during the past season. Presentations were made by Aid. J. McKenzle as president of the Curling Club. Tliere was a representation there of about twenty to see the awards made. At the Chamber of Commerce meeting held last week there was a long discussion on the financial status of the Chamber and It ha been decided to approach all the Smithers cltlsens to secure support In the valuable work being carried on. It was reported that the tie contracts had been completed and some Inspected. Smlthers basketball team, both High School girls and boys, won decisive victories over their Telkwu opponents In a series of game 'ptayed hcn taU"y to Smithers since his elevation to the bench. Judge V. E. Fisher of Prinee Itopert received the congra- BURNS LAKE Spinning wheels are getting to be all the vogue In this district Jack Stayner of Francois Lake who. a few weeks ago. launched into the local manufacture of spin-nine wheels, has bean getting many enquiries for them. Now his son. Jasper, has completed a working model, measurrng fifteen and one-half Inches high at the wheel and eighteen and one-half Inches In tenght. It Is eomplete In every detail and can be ued to spin first-class yarn from na tive wool. Joe Jomajson has rt turned, to rm am tram AVteate. ; while in Winnipeg. Mr, Jdhmon underwent a major operaUea bd he to now veay moeh Improved, in health Mlm B. Ma4haa..R. N miturrt- tendaot of Use Barns Lake Mamu 1 swaok on duty alter a month's vacation. Dotkflas Lair.' rnskli nl mintn-r engineer far the swrsbeasicrti rath sg survey district, gave feur leo lures on pUocr and lode enld oro- ductioa at largely attended meet ings held here lately. immsn hoy scoits is iwino , In addition to the many Bgyp ti ui groups, the Boy Scout of Cairo Include 047 British boys, and several Maltese troops WE GIVE ONLY THE LOWEST .'KICKS VOAR- Icing and Lump OCn Uuitr 1 itw WV HLiM . PICK LIB Mustard. Kte. per Jar HKINZ OL1VSS per a-oa. bottle HOHftBBHOC SALMON - 's . 2 tins Sweet. Soui BRUN8WICK SARDINES per Un CHICKEN JIADDIES 1 , per tin 26c 19c 35c 5c 23c MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store W deliver all ordrrs, ft r over 317-19 Third Atnue Went P.O. Ilox 573 Phone IS "All's Well That Ends Well" I fJ. l- a hiWa 1 1 l"on" LOOk AT l jj I I I f COM mac -fM ia, TMir cort uaT) ff. UAt Va I Liittois rii. ... i X ' f his" I I l'-K: -tTA i. I tnintrJ T LOOK. 0 noucny-i'VB haC '.VA'TnauoffM. K S i " 1 1 Y-.mU f S ' S I If IV' I i. 111U ""M CAR WAS. OHO TTT - wif --- - . - ;T MONDAY & TUESDAY TWO SHOWS 7 & 9:10 Admission 15c & SOc mmMMMMMUMMMMMWMUMMMl 11 isal THE imiTISII SI'IXIIAI ana un KMIAY - UAIV l'tqiarvd Daily By tii a "The Man They Couldn't Arrest" Willi All Slar Cast and the Itomantic )raini "They Call It Fate" With LoretU Young-, George llrrnt, Una Merkel, DaM i A ViUgraph I'lclure ''"""n i uortwvS In Pie, Pastries and Puddinss OUR ii Myi ri b mm ot l If rmA KaM. ..k. L v.. HI roixm h hni Hove at ont Km p fry dI of col mad with Si. Ou(m t.i . . . - yM.W If vm Kav no! tnd St. Oiafti. b lot la (a. . kOYtJl I0-po9 rdp boi end lm lint homl tk nay llilngi yew tm de wtlk ikit tkhvf rvapald miNt. It g a of pfodicol ad OMemkal tp fr coli, p.i, ptwUmji, k, atom, Mpi, canditt, ttc St. Oio4t it tkk ttamy mMh( ll0m at not noi I Th Uttwt fat it kem5iid te Lp It jtom tnd mo&k SVW In oJr-tiflKt it lt tanilanr tint, alwurfgjJtSwy M m nan end odd and a TRIE ceoli bJkM) b maild by rw. w1 J ST. CHARLES MIL VTcr UNSWEETENED IVJ rA EVA P 0 R AT E D 1 w 1 soiors K.r, I -ti-sr A The Fish which made Prince RuperlFamou "Rupert Brand" SMOKED I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE KUl'EUT, H.C. Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY IMionc 057 Shoe Repairing ' Brim v-m,i 1 Shu-Craft Wi- r- l. . ; 8stlsfarti"!' (. HiinifM M. Mhc KTHtH Third Ate. Nt Y'T, If your paper does not arrive, telephone the off i.i. By Westover. II - tCAOt IT All Ti I Z 111 i I "T'U 1V1 Vmi J JUaT V . I