Tomorrow's Tides THIS WEEK THE mmm Pontiac Straight 8 High 1:38 ajn. 23.4 It. 14:37 pjn. 19.8 U It on Display at Low 8:23 a.m. 0.0 ft. Kaicn Motors Show Room 20:2 p.m. 0.0 ft. All Cordially Invited Phone 52 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL HRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol XXIV.. No. 100. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS' FEDEML GOVERNMENT BORROWINGS ANYOX Jury, After Over One Hour's Deliberation, Finds Men Guiltless Smelter Town Rioting Trial Comes to Conclusion Supreme Court Assizes Here Late Tuesday Afternoon With Verdict Absolving Accused After deliberating for one hour and twenty minutes, the jury at the Supreme Court Assizes in the trial in which Kenneth Montgomery, Matt Jurgevieh, Giovanna San- ido, Angus Mclver and Joseph Sarich were charged with unlawful a.icmbly and rioting in connection with tho miners' utrike at Anyox on February 3 last returned a ver- Xiict aesvttting all five accused. Mr STENSTR0M IS MOVED i name .naue in ucsiucni "n5r,erown prosecutor. L. 8. McOlll of oi uwan taiu Jim . . di nt manager for the Pacific MID at ocean Falls, has been transferred to Vancouver aa manager there, according to word received in Mx' nty. Mr Dram, from one of the nmpany'a mill In Waahtniton. U Mi stenstrom's auccoaeor at Ocean K-.1U COMPANY IS PROGRESSING VANCOUVER. May 10 Canadian I'm i- At thr annual meeting of in- B. C. Packer Ltd. here, the "mpany was reported as making !!' urea despite difficult condttlona. A i iiffatrs of the company are now bung administered in Vancouver PROBE OF TAXATION loNDON. Ont May 10 A com-: i. sloii U go Into thr whole sys-' m of Canadian taxation -federal, i'r ivmcial and municipal wa re- ni mended by C. A. Moore, retlr-inu president uf the Canadian Manufacturers' Association, at the :mnua I meeting here. Ferry Service Being Resumed OAKLAND. Cal.. May 10-Intor- urban ferry service across Bani l.unetsco Day was poUce. None of the defendants ti iv from the. one remaining slip'"1" A.. disorder or the Key Route terminals wnicn wre virtually destroyed in a $3-000,000 fire Saturday night. Early ihU..i t .J i at. t .hImdIi (a 1 tra.ton ha. not yet been definitely dotcrminivi 1 M' Eastern Stocks Toronto Exchange Nnrnnda, 27.75. International Nickel, 16.00. Rhorllt Oordon. .73. Charles Stuart, son ot Mr. and Mm d. C. Stuart, returned to the ,-ity on the Prince George thi morning from Esquimau navul bat-racks where he hus been taking a course of training STRIKERS ACQUITTED OF UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY at: Jus tic Denis Murphy, on receiving the verdict, immediately ordered the discharge of the five men. The afternoon sitting of the trial was devoted to hearing the addres ses U the jury of defence couatet Oordon Orant of Vancouver, and lSBdtb, at watt a the charge ot the weridlnc Judge. Mr. Grant ske fat MKT Ml how. Mn McOltf for twenty miautea and the Judge ror one hour and fifteen mimilea Mr. Orant Mr Orant opened by stating that he would ask HU Lordship to direct that It was necessary, in the case of an unlawful assembly, for the crown to prove that accused were not merely present but had been actual participants in or had encouraged others to riotous condct and that it would be necessary to deal with the five accused Individually The live accused had for years been in thr service of the company and had enjoyed the confidence ot their fellow workers. Ordinarily, they were law-abiding. peaceable uid friendly persons and they xHdd not but Impress the jury as leini trustworthy and truthful. IThey had told frankly their reasons jfur being out on thr morning in question, thr Intention being to protest lit a peaceful way at grievance and seek reform in condition. They had intended neither to encourage or countenance violence. Their demands having been refused. the miners had derided to strike and their Intention on February 3 wa to stage an orderly display of solid arity of the mine workers for striking for the benefit ot the smelter workers some of whom were hesitant Mr. Orant contended that the orders given Constable SrrilUi were to stop the men from going to the beach either by force or guile. The u.iMn -I th hrirfa Mr ("Irani r ... noi f inch a nature . hMrU nf had incited or encouraged and there had been no trouble- until the police had started to use their clubs. The police officers, at telr tendency .Sf'jfK would be to Justify their actions. violence had. undoubtedly, been used by the police and probably by i the strikers In retaliation ot pro- tectlon. The men had desisted after the Dollce had ceased their pr sure. Mr. Orant contended that the police had done the attacking and that the disorder was due to this. How. then, could the men be found guilty of riotous conduct. a fur as the Incident at the beach was ronrerned, the men were Justfc ricd in Inferring from the remarks nf tut; inspector that, as long as (CuUnucd on page 2 FIRE CASE PROCEEDING E.C. Dawsoa Appears at Supreme Court Assizes Here on Another Charge of Arson Case Reviewed r Allseed to Have Burned Down Buil- ding Containing Men's Store and Living Quarters Another trial in which Ernest Claude Dawson of Smlthere b charged with arson is proceeding today at the session ot the Supreme Court Assize here before Mr. Jus Uce Denis Murphy. In this case Dawson Is alleged on September 25 1930. to have set tire to a store and dwelling house owned by Benjamin Franklin Messner and occupied by himself with a men's furnishings store on the first floor and living quarters above. L. S. MeOUl is act ing as crown prosecutor while J. T. Harvey la defence counsel. The Jury hearing the trial con- Continued on Page 2. C00TE BILL DEFEATED Progressive Measure on Interest Defeated in House ot Commons Last Niiht OTTAWA. May 10: (Canadian Proas The Coote bill to set the maximum Interest rate at five percent wa defeated In the House of Commons last night by a vote of 85 (o 34. Liberals and Progressives supporting the measure and Conservatives being opposed. CENSORING IS STRICT Government in Cuba Not Letting Anything Out Campaign Against U. S. Influence SANTIAGO. Cuba. May 10: The newspaper Dlairo de Cuba has published an article informing its readers that "it regrets," owing to feemorshlp, that It cannot print anything concerning event in the republic during Uw last tew days. The campaign to keep United Stale Influence out of Cuba has gained momentum by the posting of placards demanding opposition to American intervention in tlie Cuban political tangle. JAPS MAY ADVANCE Chinese Warned to Cease Attack ing Positions of Invaders in North China SHANGHAI, May 10-Japanesr troops will resume their North China advance as far as Tientsin If necessary unless Chinese forces cease attacking Japanese positions the Japancc consul general has warned. John W. Allen, superintendent engineer for the Dominion Fisher-lea, In the course of one ot his per- todlcnl trips un the coast, arrived! from Vancouver at Ocean Falls onlchukuo have been dratted by the the' Prince QcorRC last night and , secretariat of the League of Nations expects to be here by departmental jaont by Tuesday or Wednesday of next w eek. WAR NOW OFFICIAL Declaration is .Made Today by Paraguay Against Bolivia Fighting Some Time ! ASCUNCION. Paraguay, May 10: (Canadian Press) Paraguay today formally declared war against Bolivia. The two countries have been engaged in undeclared warfare in the Gran Chaeo border area since last June. The declaration of ' war was received with popular acclaim here. HASLETT AS CANDIDATE Ocean Falls Liberals Confident of Securing Nomination in Mackenzie Women's and men' Liberal As-ociatlons at Ocean Falls have un- inimoualy chosen Matt Haektt. mill foreman, as their choice tor candi date in . MaeLstutc. .riding at the forthcoming provincial election and Bert Phillips, armed with 31 proxies and instructed to support Mr. Has-lett. will leave Ocean Falls Friday night of this week for Powell River to attend the nominating convention for the riding on May 13. Henry CaatlUon. William Parker and W. Murray, all of Vancouver, are also candidates for the Liberal nomina tion in Markeniie but Ocean Falla supporters are confident that Mr. Haslet t will be able to carry the convention. FAVOR OF WATERWAY President Roosevelt Reported as Advocating CoiiKressional Ratification WASHINGTON. DC. May 10: President Franklin D. Roosevelt has '-een quoted by a congressional delegation from the Middle West as Uvoring ratification of the St. I awrence w.iterway treaty wltli ; annda at this session of Congress. taMgon MORE MEN Akron Tire Manufacturlrg Concern Adding 500 to Payroll AKRON. Ohio. May 10 As a re sult ot the business revival In the lUrlted 8tatcs, a large local tire manufacturing oonoarn yesterday announced that BOO more men be taken on this week m the effort to catch up with the automobile industry MANCHUKU0 IS PROBLEM League ot Nations Prepares Plan for Non-Rccognllion of Recently Declared State GENEVA, May 10:-Meana of achieving non-recognition of Man- provldlna; first tor" the barring ot Manchukuo from Internationa) or ganizations. Financial Plans For Year Are Revealed To House of Commons By Minister of Finance Rhodes r COMMISSIONER HERE TO RECEIVE $3,000 $ . ,f SALARY PER YEAR S nrJSr In Uiuii 111 t cmdiaDnomtiiurw.. Aider as commiasioner for the city of Prince Rupert has been receiv- ed at the city mil, Mr. Aiders t TtVtZtZt tlve May 15. Mr. Alder Is ex- pected here wtthln the next few days. DAVIE IS FOR BOWSER Resigned ai Speaker Declaring Himself Opposed to Some Tolmie Policies VICTORIA. May 10: Speaker C. F. Davie MXA.. Cowlehan-New-castle, today announced his resignation as Speaker ot the British Columbia Legislature, declaring his disagreement with several ot the Tolmie government's policies and saying that he will support the non-partisan group headed by W. J. Bowser K.C.. former Conservative premier. MEN ARE DEPORTED Mounted Police Tarty Taking Nineteen Away Today Sergeant W. C. Qrennan and Constables Reginald A. Taggart, Douglas A. Bett. II. J. Adam and W. J. Kurnln. Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers, arrived in the city on Uie Prince Oeorge Uds morning from Vancouver to form an escort for nineteen men who are being deported from llits city and wlto will be taken this afternoon on the Princess Norah to Vancouver and thence to Winnipeg enroute to the Atlantic Coast to be sent to Europe The nineteen men were among strikers at Anyox during the whiter and are being deported a public charges. RAIL BILL IS PASSED House of Commons Tasscs Government Measure by Vale ot 81 to 17 OTTAWA. May 10: The government railway bill passed It final stage In the House ot Commons yesterday by" a vote ot 81 to 47 and goes back to the Senate for review. Amendments were made In the House of Commons. ROOSTING WHEAT CHATHAM, bnt, May 10: Dealers here are ottering 80 cents a bushel for whsat and predict the price will jump to 90c before the 1933 crop U available. Authority Will be Sought to Kaisc up to $750,000,000 De-tails Explained of What is to be Done With Money Secured rTTAWA nr tr V 1 XV IVil lilcljf 1U. 1 V'UIIilUlall i rUSol inOlCaUOn WaS . . .1 . , ., m , given yesterday of the intention of the federal covern- ment with respect to borrowings for the current year. Hon. Edgar N. Rhodes, minister of finance, cave notice that he vvjn ek authority to borrow up to $750,000,000 but this WV" not neceasanmthat borrowings would be carried that extent. The out to Do-3 minion has maturing debts this year of $279,971,850 and It is anticipated that a refunding portion of new loans will be issued at four percent with the expectation that he selling price will mean a yield of tighUy over that rate. The bor-nwtngs ! will probably be all in Can- da with the exception ot $60,000,-no payable In New York which will, leubtfess. again be borrowed In that market because of the discount on Canadian funds. Should the minister sell new bonds even at a discount which would cost the country four ' and a half percent Intereat, there would be an annual saving of $1,- 999.718 on a Victory Bond Issue which now carire five and a half oercent. In addition the Victory bond were tax free while the new one will be taxable. A conversion loan la also anticipated and that such 1 contem plated in yesterday's resolution Is Indicated In the wording setting forth the purposes "tor purchasing and withdrawing from circulation! unmatured securities of Canada." The minister has taken authority I o borrow up to $750.000000 no loubt In order to devote consider- Able portion to converting bonds not vet due. ancouver Stocks Vancouver Exchange Dig Missouri, Jl. Reno. 1.10. Bridge River Consolidated, J3T. Pend OretHe, SI. Noble Fire, 14V,. Premier, .71. National Silver. .01 H. Porter Idaho. .13. Oeorgta River, ffl H. Nicola, .78. Reward. .10. Reeves McDonald, 21. MerMKtm. .34. Wayside, .30. Halibut Arrivals Summary American- -99,50 pounds, 5c and ic to 5 8c and 3c. Canadian 31.000 nounds, 4.5c and 3.5c to 4.7c and 2.5c. American Prosperity, 33J0OO. Cokl Storage, 5.7c and 3c. Augusta. 17.500. and Viola, 8.000. Pacific, 5.8c and 3c. Alkl. 11.000. and Happy, 12,000, Royal. Site and 3c. HI Ota, 11000. Cold Storage 5c and 3c Baltic, 18,000, AUln, 5.8c and 3e. Canadian Lysekll. 32.000. Cold Storage. 4.7c and 2.5c Unome, 7.500. AUln. 4.6c and 2.5c. Bayvlew, 4,500, Cold Storage, 4.5c and 2.5c. n . tj?.i HAD FIGHT INW00DS On O titil M,n in 1 f .mi nt ( 1 1 mti1 Another is in JaU QUESNEU May 10: (Canadian Press) tone man is fh hospital here painfully cut and bruised and with several ribs broken and another Is in Jail as a result of a battle In the W0(X whkh weapons were a gun ir " . T. , t VilU UWiUk 40 Ul utv iucK-up charged with Inflicting "grievous bodily harm." Ill neighbor, John Isak. is so badly beaten about the face, head and body that he will be many days recuperating. The quar rel is reported to have been the cul-' mlnaUon of an old feud. STRIKE IS STILL ON Knur Thn,.,,nH r.nin.u. lumbia River Are Remaining Idle ASTORIA, May 10: (Canadian Pre) A meeting called hi the tu"' tile attempt to end a strike whkh ha kept four thousand gUlnetters off the Columbia River since conZ uwcial flshln; season opened May 1 broke up yesterday In failure. The packers raised their oft& from 6c to 64c per pound for chln oak salmon and made other concessions but the fishermen still de raanded eight cents and made other 'demand. SILVER AND COPPER- ON NEW YORK MART NEW YORK, May 10: (Canadian Press) Bar silver closed at 34'4c on the local metal market today, being sown fa from yesterday's close Copper, eleetnlyUs spot and fu ture, closed at S4c the same as yesterday. f YUKON RIVER ICE NOW BREAKING UP t Ice moved In the Yukon Rl- ver at Dawson at 10:57 last night, the Government Tele- graphs report, marking the commencement ot the spring break-up. Is was also opening up at various points elsewhere between Dawson and White- horse. Hans Olm of Dawson won the $1000 sweepstake guessing 11 pjn. 4