J 4' biLY:EDrn6N THE DAILY NEWS. PMNCE. KUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA V Published Erery Afternoon, Except .Sunday, jby '.Prince Rupert " Z ' Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES I City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In adyance 5.C0 F6r:iesie"r priods, :paM In advance, per week 19? Uy mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and j United states, paid In advance, per year 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year : r '3.00 ADVERTISING KATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word '"Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line Local readers, per Insertion, per line Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation? CORRESPONDENCE 38 ..8( Hoh.;R. W. Bmhnminister of public "works in in rh1t4:Jaammistration, comes out strong for Union , ecouJniical ( jjj ( j 'and delicious .lR4w6 , J the cakspa sTARnirajjaajgjgey 1.40 .02 .15 25 Friday. March 3. 13 Ve have a letter from a lady at Anyone in which she ur- should return to work. She .points out how much better treatment most of these men have received here than would have been accorded them in their native European countries., As the letter is rather provocative in tone we I musx.rfuse -to publish it as we shall do -with all letters bearing pn.the present Situation which would tend to rouse popular feeling. What is needed now is calm and dispassionate thinking. RAHWAYS TO COMPETE The railways of Canada have just come to a realization of the fact that they must compete with trucks if they are to retain; the freight business. One advantage of the truck for short hawls has been that the latter fetched the goods frbm the warehouse and delivered them right at the point the Tol- L I. ' ' A nourishing weet for the whole family Govern- rrlcit. His government hds had a huge majority in the Legislature but has failed to handle toe governmental situation satisfactorily. He admits it. Now he wants help from the other side in order to enable him and his colleagues to carry on. To admit men who had failed to a cabinet would be to clutter up the wheels of government and prevent the bold policies, which Mr. Hruhn mentions, being put into effect. 'What h heedtvd is an administration of strong, capable men who have the confidence 01 the people. EDWARD5BURG CROWN BRAND DRH1YHUP LIMITED, MONTSIAL 3CS Lucky Stroke BLADES FOR GILLETTE RAZORS A PIODUCT df -Gillette Safety Razor Co. o7 Canada Limited GensorsWp in Isle of Man Picture IMst Cards Must be Ap .proved Before Being Offered For Sale LONDON. March 3 The Man: House of Keys the lower house ol the Isle at Man Parliament ha ft thatas the strike has been settled and there is nothing j SweieT o7"r7 2 lo.oe-gaineu oy noicung out, mestriKersat Prince mipert , cartta; except scenic vtewa, t6 m only cards approved by a committee appointed by the governor. A similar scheme has been oper ated voluntarily for about 70 years. wholesalers submitting samples tc a local trade committee consulting with the Chief Constable, but s minority among traders Is said to be ignoring the committee's decision Another measure discussed war the Food Price Regulation BUI which gives the food council sta tutory powers to demand 'nforma tlon concerning wholesale and retail orices and to make regulations, not however, Including the fixing of prices. ofconsuraption instead f at a railway station. Now thein . 9 Jlciy'1i. railways are to da the same as the trucks. Thev will nick I JJlimS UlStrlCl up, the freight and take it to the station and on its arrival ! at the other end will again handle it so that no trucking is required of the customer. The'anqve, which was announced .yesterday, was the most revolutionary one in the recent history of the rail roads,. While it will entail a lot of expense it will place rail ti-ansportation on an eren footing vith the truck and for the long haul vvill give them a distinct advantage. Why union? Manager Dies VICTORIA. March 3: -J. Edgar Dickson, 3? years of age. for 17 years district manager for the Bums Company, meat packers, died yes terday. The Letter Box UNKMPLOVrii AS (IUKSTS Editor. Dally News: The unemployed get IS.00 per month. They can barely keep body and soal together on that sum Most of us are poor, bat they are poorer, would it not mean mucn to them If everyone that possibly ould would entertain several on Srmciiy to a good hot meal and treat them as honored guests. 'Inamueh as ye do H onto one of these, ye do It unto Me." M. A.WAY. ' 4 The following is the scale 4 t of charge made for reading notlres. ' 4- Marriage and Enfagement 4 announcement $2. 4- nirth Notices 50c. Funeral Notices $1. 4 Cards of Thanks. Funeral ineweri lOo. per " ' name. . ' - T!u' Kaiens and Orotto are go-ins to a plUthe'd battle in the sen-i,a Uague game tonight. The Ka-c'n- have. been a permanent Iix-"j:c m the cellar long enough, and rnaj'-'h-- they figure on breaking iu mix by taking the Grotto tnti amp T! c Orottn art 1 heavy set bucii tit b iys ant. sure know haw to us ii weight B'i: t!ie Kaiens at" tr y fast so a r".il same can b- Xp .c!ed. B:rk" Sklnn r the efficient fcree of th" association h.is hn:i hi hands full m the last few sen ior zames. But Brink knows how to k'-eD the' gome at top sp-eH, jjnei wren his whistle Blows voV Rnow osmebody h:u made a.tnlse 1 move The ON.R A basketball team 1 inn: leaving for Port Simpson un-1 I'll earty Saturday afternoon 1 ' 4 Oscar Wlnaturm who came up from the IntennedJ&tr league tn the Senior league Is making his Step right up -Mnt . ii .re . 1 . . That's hat this gas station owner in Li V- -:if- t 1 1, pa: ' .n.s You wi. gambling la OK tn Nevida JT.d p: )vrs .1 proftt.ibk side line. SPORT GHAT few among the sportsmen of the world mourn the passing of Jim Corbett. former heavyweight cham- presence felt is the Senior league. Pon, more than does -Vancouver. No. Oscar Isn't rough (not yet) iJhnmjr MoLarnin. Jimmy and Jim but he has lou of roeed and Is t wrt of mutual society. probably the .Jaetett moving mar. In the Senior Seague Ail hU life Jimmy looked up to "OenUeman Jim as his model and Johnny Pierce of the MerrunU, ,n'0 Is one of the top-notchers In thel ". " " Intermediate league. Most of the, "ar!"' 1 time Johnny doe. not even look at ldo' fd Un TVl thou 1 the basket when he U shooting betw,n i but likewise the guards dont know ! "Mfn ? to1 found hi the. r" when he Is going to pop one the basket But when Johnny has." - r "an on nlaht" he Is eood lor about shouL CX n IS point,, so that be ne "T? help to hi. team coupled wlU..," : ve'' hm,c WorW . -lev noor putytag. ? J J2 MailScheduh .'or the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Pri days 9:10 pan. 'rom the Kail Tuesday, Thursday and .Satut day 10:15 pan. Tor Vancouver-. Tuesday : IM pro. Thttfedav 16:10 nan I Friday ' 11 pir , rom Vancouver-Sunday pm Wednesday . 9:3fl aau Friday pm., for Stewart and Anyos ; Sunday 7 pm Wednesday 4 pjm From Stewart and .Anyoi Tueeday 1190 ain Thursday 8 pxn For Naas RUer and Port Simpson-Sunday 7 pjn Prom Naas Klve r' and Tort Simpson Tuesday 11:30 ajn C. N. R. Trains For the Cast Monflays Wednesdays and Fridays 9:30 pm Trom the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10:13 pjn. r RHEUMATISM you'll get relief I Shoe Repairing Bring your slices to the Shu-Craft We rebuild tlvum Satisfaction ou-a ran teed M. MacAKTliUK Third Ave. Next Federal Illk. made the tight game a gentle-, man's pastime until the chl.ir-rs and the racketms bmaght it down to Its present sorry state Mcl"rnln and a few others st intl out today as typical of the fighters of the nineties, and pmtuds thr reason h that Jlirnnv kept his yes on his bR. "Oeattetoan Jim ' wnfle so away others glued their bendv orb 01 the almighty dollar. ror tasprratlon. BASKETBALL C. N. R Orotto Kaiens LrJAC.IIFSTANniNOS Strjlor Loague W L. Intermediate !arue Warriors 7 Tuxis LUtrehaeU 1 Cardinals Comets Amaions Scouts Rovers Japanese Meteors ladles' League 8 ... 5 .. ' . 3 Junior League 7 S 2 2 4 3 5 2 4 S 3 4 7 0 4 S S BILLIARDS 1 March 3-age. March 7 ae ellers. Pi- 10 8 S 14! 12 2 12 10 6 14 0 4 4 Jewellers vs Cold Stor- Emprem vs. CoW Star- Voodoo Rile Was Planned by Farmer , MONTllEAL, March 3 - 8trane I rases of cruelty to animals are all 1 In the day's work for those oonnec-l ted Willi the Canadian Society tor the Prevention of Cruelty to Arn-! muls but the most amazing one reported at this year's annol meeting was that of a farmer who planned to burn his horse alive to find out who hut enemies were Fortunately neighbors Informed the society, of the Un pending Voodoo rile and inspectors reached die farm Just In time to save Hie horse from a decidedly unpleasant fate. 'Hockey Scores Detroit 3; Ottawa. 2 Toronto. 3. Canadiens. 4 V.. Americans. 1; Chicago. CRIEBAGE Jlareh C Canadian Legion vs. Mttsktrers Saales vs. Bks. Seal Cove vs. Bwtft Moose vs. 0 1 otto n. I. 0. o t Friday, March 3 f AQX TWO TOE DAn.Y NEWS I'm anadaVAnthem . p Canada, our home and native land . True patrol Jo?MrtoU thy -eons eomand, , With glowhyrhfart we see thee rise The true Nfttth strong and free, r,AruJ itand Oiuard, O Canada, "'We-itaM ori Juard io$ Ihee. , d panada, glorious and free 'OCanada we stand on guard for thee, - O Canada we stand on guard for thee. UTMOST mummmKtnivaxftiKMu mmrw munms wa wmmimxmsmmtm xsnancKcnuwu sta attstrkfaiaiarrai Bsmrixrcrei value at f News of The Sport Inc. B-'KIUt World tazmm tn turn rataiaravaEaira in 1 nutu turn a en ; a kb fcvji 1. n , 1 umi kBia i:Bii:raxoiaijraiijaia) a smaici jc:sa, ar.aJ Basketball Buzz .Where Gambling Is Legal 4Vhist League Etyhrre, Teams Tied an U. suli j James Last NiKnt 1 t Three t earn are nl , !,, suit of last night's regu whist garner and two tu-i , ond plaee honors The 1. : last night's fixturen w,.r,- lows: Ktth Packers. 0. Kmv-: I.O.O.P.. 3; Orotto. 6 Canadian LeKioii, 3; M i ,. , . 6. 8al Cove. 2: Swift, 7 Sons of Norway. 7: 2. 1 League Slandine v, : Swifts Canadian LcKin 0 ftoitS Of Norway r, I OOJP., ... r. 4 HuiltlaaffH f, Seal owe , . Pish Packers . raMe ... 8t. Andsews Empress 'BASKETBALL March J- Omt'n AVarrtors v. Mecrhim' vs. Comets: Rovers . March 7 C. N R Taxis vs. Warriorx A Cardinals Meteors v, i March 10 Orotto v ( Tuxts vs Mrrrhantx ( Amasnns Japanese vs s. March 14 Kilen v ( Warriors v. Mcrchsi ' vs. Comets; Rovers v : Insist on "GRANTS BEST FHO0UnABLE"-The Ong nil 1W !lr at Vrili,r or allrrrl front "Mall Orler iWpt." Uquur (uiilrol lUariLw? Ileallx m MsCOTCH WHISKY II W RICHEST IN riNCST JAVhichland malt atotfik Ae0y -" li owssswi r wZH AeEii '- :iini lMiiWm l. t j Begggga s .i. x,.iui asmtf' 1 1 1 ! ti..i iili!isln-. r lil.i(.l I-- Cuniif! i'- i - r ,'it io rniiKtit of lirr.ili (' DEPRESSION PRICES Kgg Coals, per (on $11. Oil & P" (Not Nut Cea!) Lump Coal, per (on l ' :) Loose Coal, SI. 00 per ton less All Coals arc in a dry shed. Don't buy water, buy '03' HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 5 r Usui for H THOSE GOOD CIGARETTE PAPERS Pure . . thin . . strong . . . pliable . . they burn .evenly and without any bite . . . packed in the double slotted, bandy automatic booklet. CIGARETTE PAPERS Early Ad. Copy is appreciated