PAGE FOUB I' PRODUCT or canaM NESTLES El ai.iMsia 7t F i & ! m 327 Third Ave. Chesterfield Suites - per suite Beds Complete from 400 Yards Linoleum oer sauare yard Phone 637 RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter McRAE IJROS., LTD. 9" Eating Milk AN EASY, CONVENIENT WAY TO ADD EXTRA QUANTITY AND QUALITY TO ALL COOKING Milk drinking has its limits, especially among children. Encourage your family to eat milk. You will find more enthusiasm for milk when served this way and there is such an appetizing variety of dishes to choose from, in all of which you can use Nestle's Evaporated Milk just as it comes from the tin, concentrated to double the richness of ordinary cow's milk. Try this simple method of getting your family to tat more milk! Let us give you a few hints that are sure to appeal to your experimental nature and your sense of thrift. Nestle's Evaporated Milk can be used in dishes not ordinarily prepared with milk at all. Omelets, poultry stuffings and stews will taste much better when this rich, creamy milk is added. Rolls and bread made with Nestl6's Evaporated Milk are not only delicious but are also very nourishing; and, remember, UMiii m ' Thone HI $90.00 $21.75 90c 200 Window Blinds Green it QQC Q Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY you don't have to sterilize the! milk that is already done. Add Nestle's Evaporated Milk to the liquor from vegetables and sea foods when you are creaming these dishes. That is something you cannot do with ordinary milk but when you use Nestle's, the liquor will combine smoothly with the milk to make a rich, creamy sauce, giving you all the nutritive value of your vegetable or sea food. Nestle's Evaporated Milk in its concentrated form, makes an excellent glaze for bread, rolls, and pie-crust and a splendid coating for deep-fat frying; and, quite often, in cake and cookie recipes, this very economical milk can be used in place of part of the eggs called for. And, remember, in any dish calling for milk, Nestle's Evaporated Milk gives you an added creamineM and richness and an exceptionally fine texture and color. The recipe given opposite is one that will be sure to find a place in your "special redpe" book. Try it and then clip it out for further use. "We tried NesiK's Evaporated Milk at our summer camp first . . . now we use it regularly at home in preference to any other brand. It is so handy and convenient ... I use it now in any recipe that cafa for milk ... the results are so much better and the cost is so low." Butterscotch Pie 1 cup brown sugar 2 eggs 2 tablespoons 1 cup Nestle's water Evaporated Milk 1 cup cold water J4 teaspoon vanilla 5 tablespoons flour Raked pastry shall Boil sugar with 2 tablespoons water to a thick syrup, for about 5 minutes. Make a smooth paste of cold water and flour. Add to syrup and boil for 1 nunute, btirriag constantly. Btat egg yolks, add NeatK's Evaporated Milk and combine with sugar mixture. Cook over boiHag water for 10 miaatea or until thick trough to drop in sheets from side of spoon. Ad van ilia Pour into a baked pie-shell. Cover with meringue, made of the 2 egg whites, and brown in a (300 F.). YieM: I pit. MAIL THIS COUPON Nestle's Milk Products (Canada) Ltd., Metropolitan Building, Toronto, Canada. Please send me free recipe folder gtvistg many wave to improve by the use of Nestle's Evaporated Milk. BABY SIZJ Name. Address. NESTI EVAPORATED MILK NESTLE'S World's Largest Producers and Sellers of Condensed and Evaporated Milk. MACKENZIE FURNITURE UTILUE THE TOILER" MB TO THE ByTllMT op v woo i r My flANCEE' fcRSlAK OPT MB BMAeBMBMT Lri VI iTH I v Wt ME LABOLOTBU ON THE OoVTeO I I -v HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Incorporated 2nd May, 1C!0 Ship all your furs to us. You can be assured of high prices, quick returns and cash by return mail. BEAVEK, FISH EH, FOXES, MARTEN, MINK and MUSQUASH are in good demand. Our prices on these articles cannot be beaten. Hudson's Bay Company PltlNCK KITICKT. II. C. ! TBI DAILY 5ETTS Friday Tuna Fishing Drama Shown Shark Infested Fishing Ground Off i Coast of Mexico Seen in Picture Tonight j I "Tiger Shark." showing at .the Capitol tonight and tomorrow Is a sensational drama of the tuna flsh-I erles, and the men who make their ! living In the shark-Infested fishing grounds, far off the Mexican coast In the Pacific Ocean. For the first time In the history of the screen, the hazards of the tuna fisherman's life are shown, with all the wealth of authentic realism made possible by trie modem motion picture camera. For wcks the actors and tech-'nlchalarew of the First National studios lived aboard a. big tuna fish-I ing boat, hundreds of mils off the j coast of Western Mexico, where the : most stirring scenes of this unusual drama were enacted In location.' never before visited by motion pic-. Uire explorers. The result Is a pic ture that offers thrills and experiences never before recorded on a motion picture screen, besides a I powerful story of love, friendship j and hate among the rugged, fiery- tempered flsher-folk of the Pacific Coast. Zita Jobann. one of II roadway's most brilliant younger actresses, has the leading feminine role opposite Robinson. Put Up Bail; Loses Money MONTREAL. March 3: To save bis friend the inconvenience of spending the week-end in Jail Jo in ua LMsman. school teacher, bor- tewed some money and rushed to e poltee station to ball him out He thoeght he was only making a deposit which would be returned when a proper bail was fixed by a Jude itaJollowtng Monday. Wbrd tHTLtderman's benevolence iesjeh)iothvcars of a creditor of his friend! A writ of seteure was placed on the money which In law bad been lent by Uderman to the man in trouble. The Clerk of the Peace handed over the money to the creditor. The clerk's action has been upheld by Mr. Justice P. O. Martineau of Superior Court, and Llderman 1 wondering how hell pay back the money. LSI Bulkley Market SATURDAY SPECIALS Butter 3 lbs. Liver, 1 lb. Bacon, 1 lb. Lamb Chops j 2 lbs. Shoulder eLamb per lb. Veal Chops-?- 2 l bs. Veal Should per lb. ... Oood Pot Roast per lb Shoulder of Pork, 4 lbs. Apples, 4 lbs. Loin of Beefier lb. Rib of Beef per lb Lamb Slew, 3 lbs. Apples 4 lbs. Spare Ribs. 3 lbs. Apples. 3 lbs. Phone 178 75c 25c 35c 14c 35c 12c 10c 40c 20c 15c 30c 25c Mac's Nothing to Lose KlOVAJ, 'PHOMIMff I TO SOMS HCX)TMIB T "fSt33PT eve , 1 BOB '-!- BE o I, .? H r- m ZS JUL, I NEW USES OF ELECTRICITY J. J. Little Tells Rotary Club of Electric Hotbeds and Sun Lamps At Its regular luncheon yesterday afternoon J. J. LltUc, manager of the Northern B. C. Power Company, gave an Interesting address on the uses of electric hotbeds for raising plants and of the sun lamps as a substitute for sun rays. In regard to hot beds the speaker showed how electricity took the place of manure In raiting salads and flower seedlings. 1. Any desired temperature can be selected and maintained automatically. 2. Heat Is available, or can be ahut off at any time, simply by turning a switch. Plants can be "hardened off" by shutting off the heat. Bed consumes power only when current is turned on). 3. Electric soil heating Is simpler, cleaner, more agreeable, and less expensive to install and to operate. 4. It Is unnecessary to rebuild the bed each year or for each run. In regard to the sun lamp Mr. Little said the sun had always been recognised as a bountiful gift of nature. Some cults worshipped the sun. Happily of recent years a substitute had been developed and it Is the ultra-violet lamp which produces the "Sunshine Vitamin D." In the winter time In northern climes the number of violet rays Is diminished but they can be replaced by the use of the electric sun lamp. Mr. Utile went on to tell of the value of the violet rays, especially to growing children The sun lamp offered a remarkably clean and simple and efficient source of artificial sunlight. People have shown that they can live without luxuries and be happy. -Cardiiyil 0"Connell HERE! HERE! Follow the Crowds to MUSSALLEM'S Where Your $ Huys .More i Soda Biscuit - size per box STBVS3AJS AV1BD tp MB CXDUl-O ME TO DIM ME1 TDMU3W", AMD J 39c Chase Si Sanborn's Coffee- - 4 7p real oualltv Mr tin A. i s Nabob Baking Powder-per IS-os. Un Oiven free with each Un one net measuring spoons for your bak ing) Blue Ribbon Tea per 24-lb. pkg. Hlnao Large P" oka. italian Olive Oil Pure per gal Robin Hood Oats per pkg Junklat Prunes per J-lb pkg. Sunlight 8osp per pkg Palmollve Soap Real value orn 4 cakes Oranges Oood size 59C Picnic Hams -per lb. 24c 97c 24c S1.93 18c 21c 18c 11c MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Wc deliver all orders, 2 or oyer 317-19 Third Avenue West P.O. nox 575 Thone 18 FRIDAY li SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 Feature Starts 7:40 Si 9:10 Admission 15c Si 50c i . 1 I lUIR CU'fc-'irV ,J Metr-'" III a r Y-i- r, in . wi-si iii sn m m i mum U lVlti... . AN El'Il Or TIIK WAVK TOSSED SEAS Edward G. Robinson in "Tiger Shark" With RICHARD ARLEN, ZITA JOHANN llas'afllv At talntltis MniltrVf Irr In w tnva G4n a sriMMij t. . t utwij--t natratir. t: . Comedy-'TWO MI'S Si JUMPS" MFTltO ' MICKEY MOUSE In "TOUCHDOWN MICKEY 1 Monday & Tuesday "WHITE ZOMBIE" and "JKWEI, HOuri Steamship Sailings Kor Vancouyei Friday sc. Prln, Adelaide u I From Vancouvti Sunday . cat a. , luujs. ss l i iiiLC iiuijcib, iw yau Afiuiauajr, .mj v( !. Thursday, ss Vt'iiture midnight. I Friday as Prln a! J: Tuesday Catala 1 30 p.m. Prlncr ItuiXTt I to ,. Saturday Specials! No. 1- each No. .1 MROE each Prime Steer Beef T-Bone Roast Ileef per lb. . Sirloin Roast Heef per lb. . . Shoulder Roast Reef jwr lb. Cambridge Sausage per lb. DIAMOND "F" SPECIALS LKC.S LA.MR ri'M r3LAD 20c HKKF II HARTS !T 10c No. 5 FKKSII KILLKI) FOWli 90C L(X"al Rreast Veal jver lt. l0 aOAO-Mr4DEO, MAC-TI No. 2 Buy Rulkley Valley Meats and Produce VftAVV. I Twtr acs'i VlPOHCV .Wp:;' m f Vc?-vT(iFrj.1,r.rtiMi,tH 18c 18c 10c 10c FRIUKII.LKDFOWL ,h :;' 65c Noi li- SMALL Hi: AIMS eaeh No. r- PORK tiltiiii per lb. 7".c TKSDEKMMN 25C WATCH OI K WINDOWS DAILY I tllt T' M'i l.LH Fresh Killed Local Veal Local Loin Roast Veal per HV . . Local tag Roast Veal terp. . . . Ix)cal Shoulder Road Venler lb. 18c 18c 15c 10c ' BlBllBlBlBlBlBlBlBSSSSVSSSaSSBMSJSaBBBBBBBVSIIIISIIIVeMSs I i BiBBsVssvavsinsBesiBflBasaBMKisBaBsaBBSBsa Great Bargains WINTER AND SPRING GOODS Must Be Sold Now In order not to have to hold over our g 1 year we are offering them at anion ii : prices You will be Surprised. Come and See Them. MONTREAL IMPORTERS By Westover,