i x . i . tree -11 MARKETS V sX&EBSSFmf S y DnUVBRY HI ii.ua. I) HAM SI'ltlXO LAMB I,,,- lh ton.- Ih 20 .i,,iI.it. lb. lie Lard Eggs IL t Fresh Spare Ribs 7' 10 Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup c lb. n:.u. mm BEEF 25c lb. NO. 1 STEER BEEF T-Rone Roast, lb. 20c Sirloin Roast, lb. 18c ffumn Itoait. lb. 15c I'rime Mb-Roast, lb. 15c 'vund Heme I!wt, lb. 10c Itlade 1Mb Roast, lb. lc STEW 8 lb Ill UN'S ROILED HAM GRAIN FIJI) PORK I-, lb. lie Loins, lb. I2c Shoulders, lb. 8c' Bacon Dellro Dominion Tea Our Famous Sterllnc It rand 33 " HAM Shamrock or Swift's rremlum or ItSt whole See Our Daily "On-tltc-Spot" Specials lb. Cold On Chest Dry, Hacking Cough Mn. Frtnk R. Vuvon's A., Lm4m 0t., riti "r) .Btf it it ay miifortus to etiUk a l4 eM. I ktv it ia my d, a it tLa taiimti dowa sad ttla ia ay csmC I slwiyi tt a en, WViag fk froa wkbk I fmw c say TvHaf util 1 fM a; twttk af Ir. Wood's Nerwiy I'tu gyrap ot of lit audl-rWaL" Print Ik a WtW; larg faafly sto S5t at aB drag aad fl Ur, mi up alj by TV T. UilUxn, Do, 144. TorMta. Oat Good Chocolates arc always Fresh Chocolates indie deteriorate with ago. That Is why people like to! i from ua We handle the best makes and sell large1 quantttaaa so we are continually taming over our stack ' ( t.itninera ran depend on always Retting fresh chocolates I . our store. We Handle Neilsons Various Lines i . imuiii! Aome my nice gift boxes and also Sapp ' o (if choeolatrs la one of Ih? most acceptable gift a , i "ii can receive They cn always be given without Jii Pioneer DruQtfists TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'UINCE ltOl'KUT, B.C. Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results ; ' - - ' r' i w 1- Former md y LQGAL NEWSHOTES eroI roMt orange pekoe BLEND . For. day, and night Taxi er I Basketball, torilghjt., Auditorium, 7. ' ' ' ' vkf Phone 32. ' if ; ; :1S &ARRlS$Efc Clh6e ajfrnonj, 5c, per pound Moose Dahcc Friday at 9:30, ad-' Frlsr.sel,'ilsi "SALADA mission 25c. 92 ; Sons of Worn! fthiat drive and 'hlri1 flfttMUR to be Eagle' Heart dance tonight, dance., OdtffeDoW llall. March 2,; AairtmeU tto Bar In llrvmiiic Prizes. AdhviMlon 25c. Bishop E. M. Brunoz was a pas-', ertger on the Prince "Rupert last! night for the south. i ' Thomas Cook charged with va-.ransy'was fined $5 In the city po-; i If court this morning. SPECIAL Until Marh 11th. Men's suits cleaned and pressed. ; 100. Canadian and Pioneer Lifun- :"y. fs-t! Pet Crevato of the Tip Top Tatars lef On the Prince Rupert 'last nigl t for a business trip in the south. j Mrs. Outer arid son Bert left the .city on the Prhv-e Rupert last I night to take up residence In Van couver. Nestor Friend, arrested tor vagrancy, was remanded in the police court this rfraing until four o'clock this afternoon 1 Rev. O A. Wtbwn. who has boon vl'ltlng the Presbytery of the First United Chart, sailed on his return trio to Vancouver on the boat last night. . Mr. and Mrs, T. H. Jotataon will na on the Mnceas Louise tonight ing to Hautax where they will board the Ouches of York enroute to tngiand on March II. Commodore Hww. Chief of the Royal Canadian Navy staff Is arriving ota AprU 9. and wiU litspeet the meal unit of the KjON VJi. The H MCA Armentlers will come to take the enramodore south. OKO.XI7-tTIOX .M FITTING Canadian Legion B.KJ&L. organ tmtlon meeting for the formation nt a Women's Auxiliary will be held In the Armoury. Prince Ru- peit, Friday. March at 8 p.m.; AH women intcteited are cordially invited to attend REGAL SHOP CLOSING OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK At Ilii; Reductions s Everything to go by March 31 Fixtures for sale. All to go at cost Get Your Itargalns anteed pure IXtrybody wilhJ tomaclt Iro'nble should use fatal trm fruit Info 'l a.v,. . M.w J14.VW in cooking. It makes the ordinary food Task ty and nppett- i w A I II itu iimuirv a healthy stomach, irse. Purity Brand Italian ftllve Oil. Quart-and low priced. Phone Jled J20 A. i 52 Why stay tonsil mr up s tirrallir. 11 c llr worW ot tfoa Fruitthe Frult-d-ttctt give ntw life "Tin onlr lhlf eral.lr now U lb wtQ. 1 wai amttimWI. bill, u, Manning Huntley, who BnMfHt before Magistrate MsCly- Mrs. Annette Stone of Anriette's Mont yeMcrdajr aad remanded un-Ladles' Wear Co. Ltd., la leaving til this morning, was fined StO or Catholic 8sjHng Sale and 'Sodai AfMI Mth. SOURED ON THE WORLD? THAT'S UYER Wile np your Liver Bile No Calomel necessary Mr (OTpl " ( our. hHu'vl t4 tMrli rvt-t,i uialr tb uuUUa ml UkJM hM. oil. miarral IvutiT naif m cfcin rutu. r.HigiA Ajr a IW tn.4a aad ifM Ibt SVW. ui )ua umJ w to lt wp w W UI Hun wir Rrr ihaf In uay ! paiittit M Itvud biW iaio jrMT and. Oct Mm Moaixi mi WWim iiM M Uwr ilxnlktl. IM MM. I rnnt t Unit Urn PiSj riS -mm l ymt a I'uratt vStHtbl. if Mr. qM. XV .1 ill Jl ELITE HEAUTY PARLOR Mrs. Sutherland Operating the latest ShcTton Croquicnole Oil Steam Permanent Waving Machine For Appointment Phone 499 r Prince Rupert DRY D0GK AND SHIPYARD WpcraVlnr. thrts bry Pocks To'lal capacity 20.800 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers lot Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting t ectrlc and Acelylene'WeldIng SO.ton Derrick for Heavy lifts ' Sawmill and Mining Machinery ' Repaired 'and Overhauled Mrs. Geneva H. Ribers. 'ife of frrw &oberge fqrfnerly of this city ls now a Ml fledged batrrUter ii. RUN-DOWN? fit" 8tlle Cbrnta. W antt ttinV&li !the office of Frank U tiker, lot Ff uit-i-tWn' i itiing and Beaumont 8h 1 a menu ttnllrlr-m prym brsdMh-. 'FTaHHivn r. I Dr raUIr Un toot mil drug ilortt red arc livine ii Banninc nnt-far j'frofn "Rlrertiae. Callforriia and toe ! is the flifst lady burrteOr to hf licenced In the county of Rfver&le. i Fred u pow secretary of ti banning Chamber of Cbnunire- iliouhi i tut icm ! an(. Mrs. Riberae Ik uvrvtarv Nt thi evening on a burtntai trip to: 14 day m the city police court this 1 berge was iliai Oeneva B ' Vancouver. Mr and Mra. "Len Bond left on the Prtnee Rupert tast night for I Vancouver where they totem! tak-Mng up residence. morning. Announcements Presbyterian Sunday School Con cert March 3. Moose Dance March 3 Hcyal Purple Bridge EJks Home March ?. Adfrrlsatdb S5c Ptoneera bfei-dane. Mitch 10. RAekah Tea Match 15. Catholic LsWrtoa1 Big Supper and I for Vancouver, from there proceed- i gada Karch 17. Prince Rsswrt Banmrntew. Assn Dance March 17. Moose litdL Presbyterian Shamrock Tea, March 17. Oxk! fellows' March 21. Oid Itee Dance Presbyterian gprtec Sale Apr i ocratic Central Committee and has i been promioeti' fn politics in the Banning district She is now to be associated ps secretary with Samuel fjntermeyer. internatlonaily ak- was'torny and Democratic teller df "New Vork City, who has Been at his winter home In Palm Springs. Before her marriage Mrs. no- Roche for several years Identified with the staff of Williams. Manaon and Gonzales. Fred was well known aa a broker here and was identified with a young Liberal organisation that was formed In the city some vears ago. Owing to Mrs. Roberce's fitness it became necessary for hm to move to 'California. Sfnee j that thev have made progress exo Prtnee Rupert people will whm them every success. JONES, 'amily Meat Market Prime Ttib Roll. 5 lbs BwWfe Baoon. 1 lb Leg of Veal per lb Shoulder of Veal e lbs. Rump Roast of Beef- per lb. Sirloin Tip per lb. Sirloin Steak. 3 lbs. Spuds. 10 lbs. Hound Steak. 2 lbs. Onions. 4 lbs. Hamburger Steak. 2 Onions. 2 lbs. Liver. 1 lb. Swifts' Bacon. 1 lb. Shoulder Pork. 4 lbs. Swift's Bai-on. 1 lb. Loin Pork Chops 2 lbs Leg of Pork per lb Leg of Lamb per lb. Of est per lb. Pot Roast of Beef per lb. ' T-Bone Roast 4 lbs i MM 957 phone 957 15c ?50c ISc 50c- 25c1- Ili.lNiiliBll.Jil'U.e FISH CASH & CARRY SHOP SPECIALS j Fresh Crab. S for ' 25c Sliced Halibut, per lb -.10; Fillets of Halibut, per lb ...Hr; Prih PitltMt Sole, ner lb. 10c Fresh Filleted Red Cod, per lb. t6c Flounders, Brtlle St Sole. 3 lbs 35c Red Spring Salmon 15c Second Street Thone 851 C.Xl.tt. Delivery COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and , Bulldey Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton ot No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy lUy, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 558 . TEA ''Fresh from the Gardens" NfftV 5-room taooem house, con crete base, heatlne blurt, biillt, IF YGU WANT-CASH at once Ooldbloom, the Old Reliable, can arrange H. Ship ih yoor furs tt him and he will wire the morley at orlce. No delays. "Ww have a ready market for every kind of skin. GOLDBLOOM Classified FORWENT HOUBSfi for rent. Bottom price Phone Green 648. NEVLY Henorsted -modern -fiat. Tumd Block, Max Heilbroner tvi WANTED Cl&H for good grade. "wardrobe ""H&tttlc. Apply Box 19. Dally News. nAlRT)RE$SrR m kitchen. rone Black 2. PERMANENT WAVING $IJ5 it up FARM for Rent, Kltwanga, 200 acres house, barns. Easy terms Apply Box "fife. Prince Btfjtert. PERSONAL GENTLBMBN Purchase Persona: TDrbi Tories " MSU-sfkam Prtees. AwKtenH of - RHeen High Grade European Cmonrta-tions sent postpaid in plafh Free. Adults 6nJy. foliNd ff fip I FC-UWD-Seven keys on a rtng. Ap Jtrl ply DaUy News Of flee. PIANO TUNING . I FIANOB Tuned $3.00. Walkers M-. 4 25C! Store. 1 i 50C 25c 12c 20c 15C 10c 75c TRANSFERS CAMBHON S TransferWood. Uu. movuig. chairs tor rent tt For Rent Four-Room Apartment with Bath and all modern improvements, newly decorated and high class furnishings with Radio snd Chesterfield and everything m first class order. Make me an offer. Phone Red 607 The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping & General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black 120 Ladies, Ment liarr duums- S'e'lskm'i Beauty Shoppe. CtEANIKG & PRESSING vmnss -redeorstoi "Bnkendorf, .Thlrrk XVe.. next "door, to DaUy , JJews. PAINTERS National ional flaw f - . )uiuui,iil trlbutors. Box 44t tius, JBask. M6Uer Phone Red 802. SIIELTON STEAM OIL Permanent Wave Jlrs. Hickey's Beauty Parlor 121 SejCPnOvlre. Plione 301 Next Clapp Block PRINTING ' Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 231 For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.a (Chiropractor) Ween Ell rhOfhes Green 5i Exchange Block BBsasBsseessssssssswi Advertise in the Daily News UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED? - -- Steaaxn lirt PrlDc Ruptrt for Vawrr.--T.S.5. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY. 1:30 KM. via Ocean Falls and Way Points. Due Vancouver Thursday p.m. T. S. S. VKNTt'ltE EVERY I'KlOAY MIDNIGHT. Due Vancouver Monday a.m. Wftkly MUtsjrj to Port Blmpton. Alter Araa Ahyex. 8Wvtt tad Paribw tatanaaUjan racuitinf n mUIsii ana Jtkt at ' I'RINXK KlrHKT AOENCVt J(froB(J A TfBUf. ' Phftti WS.