Tomorrow's Tides Low No. W. 0:02 ajii. 17.1 It. 26:03 p.m. 13.9 ft. 13:15 pjn. 8.1 It. A me ri fan 5.0W. 4e Canadian 000 3.9c. Pit. 11.000, vorage. rw1f 1.300. and JC OoMl Mc.. OoM 3Jk. and lie.. 3.0c. and tic Today's Weather ut rioudy, north wind, II 1 light snow, aalm. II. : " 8nowlng. caJm. It. rt Clear, cahn. 14. 1 ton knowing, eami, u. iirra psrt cloudy, eakn, 10. Lake -Snowing, eatm. 10. il rniirh mm Whole Country Alarmed as Earth Shakes and Tidal Wave Sweeps Shore Sending 1500 Small Boats to Sea i And Swamping Others ( TOKYO, March 3: More than 1200 persons are known to have been killed in an earthquake and tidal wave and fire which devastated a sectjon of tho northeastern seaboard of Honsu Island, the largest island of tho Japanese archipelago early this morning. Eleven hundred lives were lost in Iwatc alone, mostly i K orth of Miyako, a acacoaat town ; Demands Made Of Government Delegation From Men Yeaterday Presented Document to Agent following- I'arade A delegation from tho "Unem-ptiftd Councils" yesterday presea-ted the torsi got nunc nt agent with of demands upon the provincial ceremmeul, fourteen in all. the principal of which are that the government shell assume rrrqaensihll uy for 'rfeetttvtc strikers art withdraw all prortnelal police That those arrested while doinc picket duly be releaaed and that Intimidation moat ceaae. The women organisation asked that women receive equal treatment vtth men. that clothes be provided for unemotoved women and chll- titron and that children over 15 be K-sevelt announced that i gjen the same relief allowance as nigural feaUvltlea would be .nailed thla year There will Con)pU,nt to mwte ,n the docu-f the lavtah expendHurea mmt of inadequacy of relief, i. uch aa have characUr-(0bj6cUnt to fTtctlona for non-nil .r occaalona In the payment of rent or taae. and abey- Halibut Arrivals ' a nee of the law providing for mort-j gaging the home of a person get-I ting relief A copy of the aame document waa also presented to the acting mayor Municipalities League for Year VICTORIA. March 3: -Reeve WU-Itom Crouch of Baantch was elected president of the Union of B. C. Mu-nlclpallUes yesterday. The convention will meet here neat year. ty Prinesas Louise U due in' h. anuth this evening at 7 A. M I IVlll ' ,,-ciock ana will sail on hr return trip at 10 p.m. Chinese Defence of Jehol Collapses as Leaders Flee And Troops Are Revolting nilNCHOW, Manchuria, March 3:-A picture, of h" utter collapse of what is left of Chinas hold on I. hoi Province, with it troops revolting and leaders flying was brought today to this headquarters in nulitnry and pross dospntcW , It was asserted that the fall of Jehol City was only matter of hours. . .4 . is reported hero that tho Chinew L troops m Johol ( ty have mutinied. mmm SO) hiIIm northaat of Tnkvn ! Bight thousand of the flimsy Japanese homes were entirely de atroyed. Iinraedisleiy following the quake which waa of tone duration and j which ahook the whole of Japan i more or leas, there waa a tremen- dorn tidal wave which wrecked! carried to tea fifteen hundred small boats, swamping others. The extent of Uw tease (n this dliecllon to not t faihr know n. other torse towha were much 'excited, remenibertnc the big quake and fire which caused so murh destruc-Uon there a lew years ago. Canada Gains British Market For Her Goods OTTAWA, March 3: Canada In the year 1932 occupied -fourth plare amonr nations with her products in British markrts aialnst twrltlh place in 1931. In one year ItritUh imports haTe in-crratrd Irom this country more than 31 in value and much more in volume. Service For Late J. Fraser Itrmalns Takrn South for Interment Mn. Fra&er and Gordon Accompanying A funeral service for the late James Fraser. well known clUten of Prince Rupert, who passed away on Wednesday was held in the parlors of the B. C. Undertakers last night at 7:30. Many friends and members of the TsimiMean Lodge 58. A. F. St of which Mr. Fraser wa a member were present at the ser vice. The Rev. W. D. a rant llolllng-worth officiated. The body of the deceased was taken south on the Prince Rupert last night where Interment will be made. Mrs. Fraser and son Oordon accompanied the body to Vancou ver. WHEAT PRICE UP VANCOUVER. March 3: The price of wheat wns up thU morn ing, local spot cash price bclni; for No. 1 Northern 47c a bushel. Funeral Notice The funeral of Ue late Theodore Leek will take pkee tomorrow at tc-rnoon at 2 o'clock from the eha pel Of tho B. 0. Undertakers mom: or burns LAKE SPINNING THEIR OWN YARN 4 BURNS LAKE. March 3 - Spinning Ls one of the latest handicraft developments in this district as a result of the difficult tunes. There Is litUe sale for wool so the people of the district are spinning their own The spinning wheels are being made In the district and sold at a low price and 1ns true- Uons In the art are being freely eiven bv a number of ladies. Former Chief Justice Dies Hon. I'. A. Angllit Had Been At Intervals For The Past Two Years in OTTAWA. Maroh 3 After an illness that expended over two yeara at frequeat tntervals Interfering with his judicial duties and two days after hie resignation as chief Justice of Oanada became effective, Hon F. A. Anglln died yes- . terday axed rt NOKTIIERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1933 I.IL UU tX B w j Two menrbeal of the newly-ajipo ntcd Cmartim tariff lxrd re ahown above They arr : il Mr lunli SedxcW'-k. of Uie Sy-preme Court 1 of Canada, who l rrsl-.-iiir; his .scat on the bench to head the poru, and '! Milt m Neil Campbell. Progreasive XL r. for MacKattxir Sask.. who wU! repre.ent agricultural interests go the boardi Mr. Campbell's appointment came somewhat as a surprise to Uie House. The third member la Charles Herbert, BJV, of Mo itreai. W. J. Bowser Withholds Decision JuAsito Entering Politics JUntiL Vancouver Meeting Next Week VICTORIA, March Return to the political arena of Former Premier W. J. Howser was foreshadowed here last niglit when Vancouver Island citizens of various shades of'iolitical opinion at a public meeting invited him to head a non-jmrty group in opposition to the Conservative and Liberal parties. Expressing pleasure at the conf l-a dence shown In him by his old poll tical antagonists and Conservative friends and briefly reviewing present conditions. Mr. Bowser stated Out at a meeting In Vancouver next week he would announce his decision. Oconee McGregor of Victoria, for merly a Liberal, presided and the speakers included Dr. O. Hall of Nanstmo, many years ago Liberal member of the Legislature for Nl- en. William Dick, conservative member for Vancouver; K. B. Aa-draa, former alderman of the Vty of Victoria BANKS ARE PROTECTED 26 STATES niMonsin, New Mexiro, Georgia Join With Otbcre to Protect Depositors WASHINGTON, March 3: Wiwoiuiu, New Mexico and Georgia today brought to 26 the number of states that have taken protective step of one sort or an-onther in regard to banks and their depositors. In the state of Washington mot of the banks were closed for a three-day holiday whirh was proclaimed by Governor Martin. Presentations To Fire Chief On Leaving City A number of friends and met at the Fire Hall last night to bid farewell to the former Fire Tueniy-Five fifints of Chanrtl- lor's r.T-HrfUoii nan Sum-matized for Busy Readers Jewish Antipathy Radical Changes Propoted With Chief D. II. McDonald and his wile. ; national Extreme National Policy With Fascist Tendencies BHRUrC March 3-3ufler is 1e renter and all is quiet on Up Rhine. Observers m almost every country in the world arc watching the progress of the Hitler govern ment In Germany. Some viewed the Nasi leader's accession to the rhanrellorshlp with crbn forebodings but his actions In quelling ommunism and trying to restort rder have so far ran foul of only his political opponent. Now that the HlUerites are at (he helm of Germany's ship of stale it Is Interesting to recall the 3ft oolnt Hitlerite program sum marised as follows: 1. Union of Austria. Germany. a no "an ueraun. z. Anrogasion of the Versailles and St. Oermatn Mr. McDonald had been connected i conniption with the local fire department for the past 33 years. Akl. F. Wesch made a presentation on behalf of friends and ciUaens to Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and also made a presentation from the boys in Uw Fire Hall who deeply regret his removal fAm rha j!tu aiVfisa vara vawj i taenshlp under Point 4. ; 6. All public servants, high or low. to be of "German blood stone." 7. The State to accept responsibility for the welfare of Its eitrseaa. "If It is not possible ade quately to support the entire pop ulation, aliens tl.e. Jews) shall be forced to leave the Reich. 8. A ban on aU non-Germanic Immigrants. I. Equal rights and equal duties Monday, February 27 The New Chevrolet Wilt be on Display at Kaicn Motors Show Room All Cordially Invited rhone S3 PRICE: FIVE CENTS ihquake and Tidal Wave in Japan HALF OF UNITED STATES HAVE BANKING TROUBLE TODAY Twelve Hundred Japanese Perish From Earthquake, Tidal Wave and Fire Northeast of Honsu Island OBJECT TO 1 POLICY OF ! B.C. GOVT. 1 tnion of MunirlpaliHci Ak Kept 1 of Ohjrrtloital UgWallon ' Or niti4llrn Piivflrgrs : i iK!A Marrh 1 -Repeal ol i-violation r -quiring munlel- .. t'i pay pan 01 mt costs 01 iu.-n Mum alternaUve tic Provincial Government :.r municipalities conuam-rupirtlon of the Oovera-i v't.w. was urged in a re-h pted by Uw Union f ' Columbia munlcipullUc :"...) All Ready For. Inauguration Or. inonit. will ht of (Umplr Chr-ai (rr and New President tit log larrfully Guarded ' .MtiNOTON. March 3 - Presi-i ' Fianklln Roosevelt ar- . rr rterdy ta readiness nuiguration tomorrow. lie munded by a heavy guard t) possible step U beinc ta iuure hla aafety. . a . Appointed to New Tariff Board Banks of Most Western States Closed Today as Result of Proclamations : SAN FRANCISCO, March 3: The states of the far west generally are without banking facilities today under holiday proclamations made by seven governors. The major part of the deposits aggregating approximately $3,-000,000,000 is tied up in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona and Utah. X. At Sacramento yesterday the HITLER'S PROGRAM Bute Legislature refused to ask Governor Itolph to grant a moratorium for thirty days. Governor Rolph said but night there had boon no run on any of the California banks. The trouble arose through pressure without the state and not within. The declaration of a three-. day banking holiday was to prevent a run and to enable the financial i institutions to protect the deposl- tors. Legislation was being asked at j8acraxnento to take care of the i situation. The banks would all act together in the crisis. Following the declaration of a three-day- bank holiday a number of the California schools are Id be clewed for .three --days buV-4n-the large cities no such actkm is being taken. ' Business is being carried on by means of clearing house certificates until the banks reopen. Theodore Leek Was Well Known Young Man Here Theodore Leek, a well known log ical young man pasted away at the. General Hospital yesterday afternoon. He had been, 1U for some Ume and a patient in the hospital for. TreaUes. 3. Restoration of Oer-tne past twee montns. ue was so many1 1 old colonies or other ter- years of age. rUories. 4. Denial of cltlsenship to He came here with hla parents 35 Jews and all ethers not of "Oer- years ago from a Paso and was man blood atone." S. Treatment as i educated in the Prince Rupert aliens of all those deprived of clt- schools. He waa well known and po- for alL 10. All must week for the good of all. II. Abolition of unearned income "The overthrow of Interest servt- tudeV 11. Complete confiscation of a) war profits. 13. State owner ante of aU monopolies. 14. Profit- sharing in all big business 15. Libera! extension of old-age pensions. 16. Complsory allotment of space In big Department stores to small merchants. 17. Land -ownership reform. First described aa complete consftcaUon. later of land owned pular and the bast of friends that he has in the city and elsewhere will regret to hear of his passing. For a number ef years be was employed by the Dominion Ftshert tes on one of their patrol boats on the Queen Charlotte Islands. There are three sisters and one brother living in the city. r The funeral wW take ptaec from the parlors of the B. C. Undertakers tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock with the Rev W. D. Grant lIoulng worth offklaUng. John Nyholme Buried Today At Fairview The many friends gathered at th4 as triors of the B. C. Undertakers to by attend the funeral of the late John "Jewbh speculators." 18. Criminals, Nyholme who died in uie oenerai usurers and profiteers to be put ( Hospital on Tuesday night The Rev. to death. 19. Substitution of Qer-jW. D. Grant Holtlogworth olflela-man eommunal law for Roman ted at the service. The. body was code. 30. Bxtenaton or State edu- taken to Fairview Cemetery where cation system, to benefit poor. , interment was made. 31. Btatr program of maternity Mr." Nyholme was for years en- beneUU. child welfare. Compulsory . gaged at the Premier Mine as mln- Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and son sports and exerclsea tt. Creation er. contractor and shift boas. More Angus sailed later on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. of an "armv ot the people." 33 TUftd control of the press, with elimination of all "alien" Innuence. The most Important thing for a' 34. Freedom of worship. 34. Crea-chlld la to acquire an attitude of,tlon of a strongly centralized gov-reaponslblllty - Mrs. F. D. Roosevelt, emment. reoen'Jy he was engaged in sinking a shaft at Cadomln Colliery In Alberta. He was member of the Mas onlc craft His widow la Ul In the; hospital. 8he was formerly Mr Richards of this city.