OAILY EDITION new deal THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT. - BRITISH! COLUMBIA Published Every, Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City,dellvery, by mall or carrier, yearly perlodf paid In advance $5.00 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week .10 By, mall to all parte of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year 3.00 By mall to all other countries, pen year .. 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.401 Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion . .02 Local readers, per Insertion, per line .25 Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters Telephone Advertising; and Circulation Telephone . Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations its- n 98- Wednesday, Nov. 8, 1933 Prince Rupert people had sufficient faith in the new leader to re-elect him as their representative. While they cannot expect any special favors because he is to be premier, they will expect and get a square deal. That is what we think they have always-received from him when he had the power to give it. One thing is sure. T. D. Pattullo will be the real head of the administration and he will be' an active head. When asked for an interview after the election he told the newspapermen that it was no time for talking. This was now the time for action rather than talk. By the time the new cabinet is announced next week it is probable that the new premier will have laid out a plan of attack on the depression. He will undoubtedly have laid plans for carrying out his promise of "work and wages." It is possible that he will'make some kind of announcement in the near future but, before doing so, he will probably consult with his new cabinet and enthuse them with the importance of the work they have in hand. British Columbia will look for a new deal under the new premier. and we feel sure the new deal will be forthcoming. It will take a little time, doubtless, for the financial situation is' one that must be tackled immediately. The admin istration must carry on but it cannot do so without money. Also the new cabinet will have to prepare almost imme diately to meet the new Legislature eariy in the new. year, possibly in February. There is much to be done and time is-pressing. In the meantime we shall all feel a new hope loiva brighter future. SATURDAY CLOSING In "An Act to Amend the Armistice Day Act" being Chapter 24 of the Statutes, of Canada, 1931 is-the follow-ing: "Throughout Canada in each and every year the 11th day of November, being the day in the year 1918 on which the war was formally concluded .by an Armistice shall be a holiday and shall be observed as such under the name of "Remembrance Day." The city solicitor explains that this applies only so far as the Dominion has jurisdiction such as in the case of the banks but that the closing of stores comes under provincial jurisdiction and the statutes of Canada do not annlv un less a bylaw is passed bv the citv makintr it onerntive' However, it seems likely that "most local merchants will owerve the holiday. PASSES AT CEDARVALE Mr. Robert . Tomlfnson, For, Sixty Years 2n mel In Mission Work, Dies. at Age ot 82 V . c'bDARV-ALR Nov. 8: (CPMrs. Today's Weather Terrace Foggy, calm, 36 Aiya ?h Clohdy, calm. 33. Anyoxr- CJoudy. calm, 34. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 35. Haselton Cloudy, calm, 32. Smlthe-rs Cloudy, ealm, 26. Burns Lake Cloudy, calf, 36. Robft tpmitnson, aged 83, who An enjoyable daace tor yount plottrea in. missionary work, with poopfe. was held tart nlM In the her. MM husband In Northern Bri- Elk' HaU by Julius Welle and his tlsh Columbia 60 years ago, died orchestra. There was a fair atten-here yesterday. dance. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily Uj Canadian, Eish. & Cold Storage Co,, Ltd! PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. AND SPUDS Root Vegetable Crop Cut Down as Editor. Dally News: Result of Unseasonable In- The first phase, the electoral terior Heather phase, of our labor in the social and economic reconstruction Is r"t" "Zrr' ... ..t We have overcome the political i ''.chaos. The people have enstructed reasonable and the public is being! advised to buy now as higher prices are expected. In view of the shortage of interior potatoes, a. number of shipments of southern potatoes have been received in town but are being sold at higher prices than the uoriver nradurt. vuiir nn I r, iv nnifmoii nAi itiim.i. ! v ijvu itnii liV.nnLUioii uuiiU.uuim Airlines of preserving fruits are With the accession of the Pattullo government to office no off the market on which win- next week, British Columbia people will be looking for a ! Ur rarlHl of n and app Carrots. B.C.. bunch 04 10 lbs. M Cucumbers. Victoria hothouse small, each .12 Sweet Potatoes. Ib. 10 Hothouse Tomatoes, No. 1, 2 lb M Basket 60 Brussells Sprouts lb 13 Onions. 8 lbs. .20 Savoy Cabbage, lb. 06 Leeks, bunch 06 Oarlia. imported, per lb. JSi Cabbage. B. C lb 06 Cal. Head Lettuce, 10s-to .16 Cauliflower, lg., B.C.. ea, 26c to J30 Hubbard Squash, lb. 06 Oreen Peppers, lb. 15 Vegetable Marfows, lb .01 Spanish OnteH. lb. 10 Beets, bunch, 04 Balk. 8 lbs. j$ Parsieyi buneh Turnips, 10 lbs Jt Parsnips upriver washed, 6-lb. M Apples Cooking, 5 lbs. J6 Winter; Bananas, 4 lbs & Bx ' im Mclntotb Reds fanr. bulk. 4i los, ae Box im ' G Bulk, 41bs. Box 1.76 Fancy Wrapped. 3 lbs. M Box .. 2.40 JoHathoas, fanay bulk; 44b. . 5 Box IM O. Bulk. 4. lbs. .25 Box 1.78 Orimes QoWen and Rome Beauty, fancy bulk. 4 lbs. .2 Box 1J6 Denctous "8" wrapped, 4 lbs. .... M Box 238 Fancy wrapped, 3 lbs. 26 Box 2JM Fruits Valencia Oranges, dog. 20c to .... Mi Lemons. Cal.. 20c to 401 Grapefruit. Calif, 6c to 10 Jamaica Grapefruit, each 7c to .13 I'eara, Anjous, doz 40 Pomegranates, each, 5c to 08 Cooking Pears, 4 lbs. J26 Bananas, lb . 15 Tokay Grapes, lb. 20 Emperor Grapes .20 Crabapples, 4 lbs m Quince, 2 lbs. m u.c. Fresh. Extras, cartoned .... .50 Local new laid, doz, 5 Fresh Seconds 4 Preserved Extras, doz .32 nutter Fancy, cartoned, lb J3 No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs .85 lard Pure, lb, 17c to 20 Meats Turkeys. No. I. Alberto, lb. .35 Fowl. No. 1, lb 2S Boasting Chleken. lb. 58 Ham, sliced, first grade 40 Ham, picnic first grade, lb. 18 Bacon, side, sliced, best-grade .. .37 Pork, shoujder, lb 11 Pork, loin, lb 20 Pork, leg, lb. 18 Pork, dry salt, lb. ia VeoJ. loin, lb. .20. THE DAILY NEWS The Letter Box ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION It Is now our duty as good to the Liberal democracy the solu tion of the crisis We will soon haw a strorg government which wW have absolute control of the political factor. The latest discovery in the po litical flsM is that the poiiUca factor dominates all the other far tor: social and economic The contention that our aoetej. alrtiaiiiF lm nn&tin automata have made their appearance. Em-U that our eaoomfe dtUi lieror yrapea are due to a wive to day. Jap orange are a little- not expected to arrive until the end of November. Butter and oaas are advancing and house wivs are being advised' to lay In supplies- now. Retail prices eurra here are a follows: Vegetables. Potatoes, Ifptver, W lbs. MA are dominated by economic lae wMeh we emmet alter: that w later than usual this faU and areleaanot be the arbiter of our ea- leaomke and soaiai destinies is to day all museum stuff. Any clear ttttaxinf nun ot ou tlmos cannot dny that the operating activity ot man. his energy his wHl pawec. i other words, hv spirituality is the absolute mastar at maa made sosial and eanaoaiie Pumpkins, lb. ogirtruature. Bxaapt for the laws of Celery, BO, had 8c to rffoatoue, there is nothing; tivjt ma Potatoes, Ashereft, 9 .lbs slaannot shape and reshape to sul' Sack 2oAiss social needs. The fallacious asswnption: tha' Sack, $240 to 2,401 H4rea, the tools of prodao tion tin other words pure mater laHsav. are a domlnatlrnc factor c man's social ana economic deott-nies is also museum stuff. The T Iffii Polf Is not dominating the Indians but it is a manifestitaUan of their spirituality, an expression o their activities. The tools of pro- Gtenon are a creation of man. of nis i ventive Ingenuity, o: his activities. Man can make them an' remake them at hU pleasure anc also OMrate tftem for his socta, needs. Are w aware of the great Importance of the creation of an E"-onamk Oaynctt In B. O. as It If oradaaed In pfeakiOi of the New production. eonur&ptlon. wages Liberal pohey In order to reguktr and nonets of labor? V. BASSO BERT. RADIO STATION. CONSTRUCTION OP HIGHWAY AND EXHIBI-TION REVIVAL URGED. AS JUNIOR. CHAMBER OIUFjCTH. (Oontlnued from page one) praieat of establishing a local radio broadcasting station. A Mter was read from Harry Al ien one of the sponsors of the local Junior, Chamber of. Commerce movement, who is now. studying. law it Osgoode Hail in.Tprento. Hc.told of having attended a meeting of the Toronto Junior Chamber of Commerce before which he had been Invited to speak, telling of the progress which was being made in tha organisation ot the local Junior chamber. He aUo transmitted a few ideas which he had picked up in Toronto and which he felt might assist the local Junior chamber. A copy of a telegram of congra tulatlona which had been sent to Premier-elect T. D. Pattullo was read. The constitution, ai drawn up by me ways and means committee, was read and approved by tha meeting. Dues were set at $4 per year, payable semi-annually. Regular meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of each month. Those who Join up be fore the end of the year will be en rolled as charter members. The constitution providing for a eeond Vice-president in addition to tne other officers, O, P. Lyons was.unanlraously elected to that Il ls proposed to hold a Joint ban- quel In the near future with the senior chamber. There were thirty present at last night's meeting, STORMS ON JAP COAST Fifty-Six I.Wri l. tvhvn. Veteh Foandcrrd Two TOKYO, Nov. 8: (CP) Fierce snowstorms, accompanied by gales alona tha, north nS ; hvcs whm two ELKS LEAD BILLIARDS Ahead of Canadian Legion ?C8 to 656 on Four Out of Six names Played. Last Nljht Ac a Mmlt nf th nlnvlmr nf fnnr bllasard iTtwoeeVainJhVin' over. Canadians gather our spiritual Ur, iol games 'taJntalUDU- terior when a lot of the crop was- alvlfr resources in a supreme- effort to th' condition, damaged during harvest and the. The new govern. cut down, W J yield consequently good ...nUiu. I? r,nent will need our active co-op. ,-.. u uj eration. The read to recovery wiU f . - 'necessarily be long and laborious Hard League fixture. Biles are lead ing Canadian Legion by an aggre-tatescer of 768 to 666, Two deferred gomes are to be played before the next' scheduled fixture Thurs day night or else there will be forfeits. Bast night's individual -scores: Charlie Baptie 'Canadian Legion 1 300; Vic MeAile iBlksJ 106. Q. L. Younaman 12. WUHam htuartm Arthur Beale in. Johnny Saun- William Ranee 172. John Bulger Alex Murray vs. C. P. Balagno ond.O. P, Ttnkw v. WtHiara Uim- bie. postponed. Tiiurdayfs Liue-Up. The line-ups far Thursday niaht's fixture are announced a follows: . Don Brown (Qrottoi vs. ML E yuag i&npreas). Bart Butt vs. A. Donald. Berl Morgan vs. F Aldridaa, Oeorge Hewo vs. Pete PKohard. J, May vs. L Raabe. W. R Hussoh vs. J. Sutherland. Spare A. aadaroski vs. Roy Pon, BasketballlStanding Senior-League W. C. N. R A. 2 rot to Kalens 0 Ladir: League. Cardinals a Comets 1 High School 9 Intermediate Leajue Warriors 2 High Sehoot I Merchants, 6 Junisr league - If o Jans Scythians Flashes Boy Scouts 2 U A 0 e 1 2 e 1 2? 0 I 1 1 WHIFFLETS Eroni, tho Watcrront Accompanied by his good, wife capt. Chris HenrUksen left this morning with the local halrbut Otbson for Vancouver. Tttey will spor d the winter m Vancouver and Seattle and expect to be back in Prince Rupert early next spring. O. E. Mitchell of Vancouver ar rived In the city on the Prince George this morning from the outh, being here to Inatal the ma- eninery in tne ire plant which is being established on the local waterfront by Albert It MeCaffery. Mr Mitchell Is accompanied by hit wife. Vancouver; Wheat VANCOUVER, Nov 8 r Wheat was quoted here today at 68nc. DeForest Grosley RADIO for Reauty Perfect Pcrfprmance Magna-Tono Short Wave More-Long Wavo Stations Noise Freedom .See This Masterpleee Now at Kaieni Hardware PHONEj 3 Kellogg Company New Building LONDON. ONT.. Nov & Co -tinulng a building program whl' ti has baan in progress for 4 years, the Kellogg Company of Canad.i Limited annou ced today that construction would start at once on a, now four-storey building. , Tho exterior of the new bulkU.'g will conform with the present Dun-das street fronta-je extending to the we.t of the present plant Property has bee i puranastd ia accommodate the new building. Hotel Arrivals, I'rlrwe Rupert M. M CBrlen and L Vswawuvtr: A. O. Potter. Dn. Nil Royal A. b. Ltftagran a yox. hwalte-Tt FssMlMAft. NEW YORK Nov luoted here :ihI.. tood iit 8: JHItruuN BROTH Hall's 3 tins CRBAM OF W II BAT par small pkc. KADANA PBA8 per No. 2 tail tin WHITB CORN Itoyal City Brand, per tin SINGAPORE PINRAPPLB per tin 8UGAR CRI8P CORN FLAKES, per pkg. B Cook Ptrderic- R. John Isdal and K. Johns He r 'le; tflek J. Coulter. Port Edward Central RIcKird Molten, elty; R t Crm Vancouver; C. Tivts. J. . Mirlls md. L. Oaifla. C.KJC.; W Dutr HtlMsrt .SILVER AM) COPPER ON NEW YORK MART 8 Sliver wa- 41" r l'"ix r HsVssflsVMHHftiMHvlllbaVK i 1 THRIFT Mbneysaving Values For Thurwlay and Friday FLOUR -Famous Hrund pst 4-sb. sack . or Oraham par 10-lb. sack COWAN'S COCOA- par 1-lb. tin FINE JAP RICE- 5 lbs S1.40 OOlLVltS FLOTJlt- Whole TH'heat 38c 21c 19c NABOB TEA per Ib. 38c ROSEDALE TOILET 8OAP-Cello-wrapt. 3 cakes FSLg NAPTHA SOAP-per bar 25c 9c 7c SUPRrlMaV DATRD COPfJtE Sarr ODotiona tor Pfe Ooftse per lb. CHILI SAUCE po boL ORANQK MAIUIALAUK Empress, 4 -Ik Una, par tin ,48c EVAPORATED APRICOTS -South African Fruit Q "flw 2 lbs. lt FANCY Q LACK) CHBRRIB6, per lb. 38c 16c 39c PORK ti BEANS Roal City Qn 16-oe. tins, per tin UV 10c 11c 9c BED PITTED GHBRRIBS--Nabob Brand, No. 2 squat tins On per tin XOK BLACK BBRRIE& Nabob Brand. No. 2 tins, per tin SWIFT'S DIAMOND "A" BACON, per lb EOa8-storage Seconds 2 doz. 14c 17 c 39c 7c HBD ARROW GINGER -f Cn SNAPS, Fresh Stock, lb. a ThriftGasho: Carry Phone 179 201 Tlilrd. Avf "CARRY AM) SAVE" Mall Orders Have Our ITompt Attention Wdnasday, N,,v(.lnli,. ? FURS I have a big order for raw tun and am prepared to buy at lop price. Before imne tit where let me see what jou have. I, am in. a position t l-ay as much or more than others and you get your cash at once, either by return mail or. by wire. GOLDBL00M The Old ltrli.iML. KFFIC'IENT AM) Ri;i.LMI.H SKRVICK Phunc Blue . 'i20 Tlie most efftelfot service Is tha afore erenow it ), Oar new aaisMSMsU is tha latest in servlrtng. u surinc yo tha best work Why not have a proper arriai. SM-nwtes on asttann Installations cheer fully given. Superior i Radio Service 3H Second Avenoe Phone Blue 320 p o. not in A O RARTLRTT P II IN8ULANDER 1 PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & I atta I'hone Ul The AUCTIONEER PacklnR-Crallr Wwri 'D Si Oeneral Furniture R T-iir List your goods wl'fr fr. Phone lilack. 120 OKO. J. DAWES Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating tbres Pry D" Total cspsclty ZO.MO l Shipbuilder snd Ship Repslrert for Steel snd Wood Veneli Iron and Brass Csttinl riertrleand AretyUne Wtld'0 10-ton Derrick for rs7 Bswmlll and MlnlncMsehlJ'T Repaired and Ortrbsoies ftM 2'mm Z'M r'si n 'b B''sj rji 'i '"'sj'Tt Advertise m iMViUf N 1