t; vr-mber 8, 1033 The Rexal'I Store Poll Cent T..i Kf tall SUr Sfm Pioneer Drtzrj tats est Open to Children 12 Years of Age and Under. 12 Prizes For Girls and Three Special Prizes For Hoys Which Include Three Coaster Wagons. Bach Child Nominated WilMloceivo 100 Votes Free Terms of the Contest are: V ( ' every dollar cash purchase the customer is entitled to 100 votes. Nominations will be accepted up to and including Nov. 13th V will commence on the morning of Novem-;r 14th and continuft until Saturday night, r i''rd, 10 p.m. sharp. The twelve jp'rls re-the highest number of votes will be awar-j :c twelve prito and the three boys receiving hest numlwr of votes will be awarded the prizes. i ML AM) fiKT YOrit NOMINATION BLANK TODAY The Prizes are now on display Ormes Ltd. TOOMBS' RADIO SERVICE Hdiable and ocononiioal rr-aii ing of all mak(s of radio "guaranto'd.' SAVOY HOTEL r Rupert's Leading r Tiily Hotel & Water In all Rooms a. J rittniio.MMi; rrop. WINTER RATFS I F ? Month and Up Phone: Blue 901t Developing an Printing Send Your Films Direct to WKATII ALIS PHOTO FINISHING Rapid Srrrlrr Prince Rupert WINTER RAIL FARES LOWER than ever before Fare -ami-V4s Hound Trip Tlfkcln to "II important point In Euatorn Cunudu e On Sale Dec. 1 10 Jan.. 5! Heturn LinilLTIirre Monlha r'uttUtr partlcular$ front your ntatett Ticket ,4 gent V-UMI CANADIAN CANADIAN NATIONAL A 4 PACIFIC UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Btetmn UTt Prlnos nujwrt tot Vneour:-T-SS CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:50 P-M F ; Ornln Falls, due Vancouver, Thursday P.M. T-8 IAUDKNA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNKUIT. Due v ancouver Monday ajn. l.mtnu,pprl.mpa.AUc Arm. Anyst, ftt.-n wi r.. Phone' 568 "Klit: Cjv U II U ewa CANADIAN PACIFIC smrM Fa lb and leave, rrlnee Bqperl fes,Vanouvrr via. Ocean , wy i"oris For 01 VAw!.'.n.?',s Adelaide. Fridays 10:00 p.m, AM()UVER: .llrerti For or kiT1)!.1.n.CPM Nora Nov. 17, Dec 1, 15. cirtrlvY SKA0WA1. KLTCIHKAN. WRANflELU JUNEAU and rtlncess NoraH. Novi 13, 27. Dec 11. 'ow winter Excursion Fares lo Vancouver and 'Murn Tickrts on sale Nov 10:. 1933 to Feb. 28, U'.h. tritnt .t-M I1iit Ufar. h 11 1UJ uiwS 1 1VU41S JUMlv svisssvs - . m JV U CHATES. neneral Agent. Prince Rupert, Ht. Prizes; e and Trpphies We carry a well assorted stock and can supply medals, Jewels or trophies for any occasion. Special rleslgus made to order. Retiring officers of lodRcsnnd clubs wouldigreatlyapprrclttte some memento of their term In oftle. an prises for any 0 5WKa; event are vajucv hlgJUj by the-re- '13? cll,l8nt8' (Jewellers . 260 Felix Batt. who recently return? ed from an extended visit i. the south, has aaafn taken over the! , Dr O. R Murphy, mrdteal ev. janMner for the Workmen Oom-j . : rw nation Hoard 1& a vtaiSor hM w.m he speaker before a luneheon 2, o the Prtne Huort Qyro Ca.-l'', '20' H lTt H-nt T VI Orruun in K rluir Presbyterian Basaar Nov. 9. Nov. 9-10 Cathedral Dramatr Society preens 4Aet- Oemedy "Ot Sasan." CMhedral II a R. MeaAe Baaaar, Nevembep 9 - and 10. Odllreltow' aM thae danee. Na vember14. BaugeHers &t Naeway Baaasx, I Moose Hall. Nov. If. AnffHean W. A. IUar4 Nov. 18t PWsharmonis SaeiHy onneerd Movewber W; lrelrUn Ghjatth Plar Gs) uenecs" Nov. 24. Moose Dae Nteemeec 34. BagkM' Dance December 1. W. A. Canadian Legion Basaar, KatM Hail. Dea. 5. United Ghureh BaaaarDee 7. IIOKmanny Danee, Queen Marvi Chate& Deeember 29, VIM STOBCfWttM Hit tLOCR THE DAILY NIWB . JL, LOCAL NEWS NOTES- 811ve;slde Bros., tor. Wallpaper, Rrcsbyterlart' ChufCti Ba&Ir v6n iQlaM, Paint and Muresco, I Four-act comedy. Cathedral Hall . Thursday and Friday, i run. Adm. f 50c. All school pupils 25c. 2C0 NIOIIT SCHOOLS: AU those interested la the formation of. a class In Preach Grammar and Qan- venation please attend at Border) .St. School at 8:15 pjn. Tlairaday. Thursday afternoon. PAINTKIIS 259 Wallace's, store will be open on Thursday afternoon and closed oh Saturday. 25!) John Bergman of Oona River It paying a brief visit to town, hav-Jr arrived In- the city yesterday from Poreher Island It MeOuHoch of Tm&ee-ls- ant town, having arrived- in the city pa Last evening!' train. position as part time radio inspee-' Mi M. O'Brien, eblef Meld erwl tor WruJe he Was away the work new tor the Consolidated Minted was carried on by C. J. Toombs. Si SmelUng Co. vv has bwa. ol a week's trip to the Houston C Brewrton. who has been trie lo tfc oentavl Issiertor to- wo- vHiting for the past few months In amine peeperUe tor his company. vanrottver with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Oakley, formerly trate from the- interior and. sallaj of thss eft resumed- UvVhe cisy this aJWneoa.on the ss, Prime- from the south on the as. Vjlnot Onm fr stewoet to visit the Bi Ofome this merntng. Missouri a d ottier rata, la wJiteh i the company is interested. William B. Kerr qf Wistaria ar- rived in the eitv or, last nlcnife Knitter Joseon Hammond OJiX train tor a visit to town. Mr. Kerr parts priest tor ttw Ramaa Ca-j formerly resale d rs Prl ce Rupert ttallc Ghucch at. Any ox. arrived in but for sewwl ypaw .has been en- the city on the Prince Oem tuisi Kavxl lQvtfe lakes District.. soii. morning on hi way back, to the of Burns take. ; smelter town after hastuz. spent the past two months in the south iNR sfcwaief Prleee OmwJ11' w" Solent In 8t. Josephs cipi. H. E Nedd. arrived 1a port ; 'Joittal. Victoria, for the most of at 11 o'clock this famine from tlm "cetvtaf medical treat- Vanemiw. Poweflt Rrter and Oe- m ana is now leeunt eonsWer-jean Fall and vttN ssflat 4 o'clock better, this afternoon tor AnytK and Stew-1 art whence she will return here tomorrow evrnl.-f southbound , f c j KUMMIimANCE DAY tl v.. " All retail stores in the ettv will remain closed on Sauir- ion offlelal duties. hav4n artmi't V tt0tOry o-. the Prince George this on- :t'day ,nta 1 ter- n.g frem Vaaeauesr. Cw. Miirpky ; a opnonai. Retail MrrthanU' Ass'n Announcement Want Adsj KOItSALE TJR' SALB good offiee safe, br sew at DaMy News. POU'RENT Carl tf FOR RENT furnished three-room suite, Phone Red 441. 21 MOBStN HOUSE. 3 rooms. SA9 moinn. Phone Red 44T. 2Wj U.BWLY Renovated raodern flatj Rand Btosk. Max, HeUbroner. ii FOR HBNT 2-room modern apartment, farntshed. Phone Red 007. tf 4 .ROOBUL Uatt and. Sun. 'Posah,, $1100 month. Phone Red 447. 24)0 FURNISH RO Hmiskeeplrtg Roomn for rent. Will move you in tree. Phone 390. lm FOR RENT New bungalow. 2 bed room, cloy In. haibar view Fomaee. T. McClymont tf WANTED ' WANTED Electric range good condbHoft. Phone Blue 916. 2(4 PA I NT I N a and Paperhanging Moller. Phone Red, 802- TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Dry birch, cedar. JaekrHne Furniture mov ing, tf HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT! WAVlNOt Clustrr Curl; Latest Styles, NELSON'S BEAUTYr 81IOPPE. LAST I'lMXrR SIINRH.iL CLAIM (rlirtitr of Istprvtrmrnta TAK& NOTICR tn I W II. Muon. rw nuMwit crniiumMtrio. 1T87. intend 80 (1y. from the data. Wrof.-ta- iddIt to tbt MlnJnj noaurdrr for a, oarttr MtU. or Iai)r'ViniH. fc- tht purpoM of - aiitmning, crown int et tar Hoove, riaun, AND furtbtr Uk- IMtV. Ihkt SAttoD Under 8ttm BS Of thi. UlnrL Aet muat b eomiKcnemt bnlwi th immsum ar urn runri oi impravaint. ,IV 33rd Jul. 1B3J. rt inMrUon ot artuma Am VSiUl 7, lull. m her A. W. Llpsln returned to the city on . the Prince George this morning from a trip to Vanrouver- taelhisf accompanied home by Mm Iipsln land son andr daughter who have been visiting for the- past few months in Montreal. New Yorfcand elsewhere in the East. No further word has been re ceived up to this morning front Terrace in regard to the fate of Malt Ailaj-6.. pioneer- trapper and prospector of the Kltsaumkalum Lake district who. has been, miss- ling, for aorne time' and tor when a search, headed by Provincial Con- ong interior business visitors- ln?1? "' L' eKfn vy.LTe?, week. j NOTICE. TO FIS1IEK.MEN Speetal meeting will be held at . . - - a . r i trtf uwtii o r uiirni uuiun limn Thursday. Nov-. 9. 7:M pj. tor purpose of. electing.- a. deleaato toi arrived' in the- oity on last nijhfai0;'10 Seattle to attend meeU gs-of ' tns international Ftsnertes commission. Members- requested to attend O ANDERSON. Se-reUrv ERVlCE FECIALS Eor Thursday and Friday STOKE OPEN- AIX DAY THURSDAY Cloktd Saturday, Arroistice Day niEgir EXTRA . EGG6 Solly's Selected, per doz. OXi'DOI- per pk. FELS NAPTHA SOAP 3 bars STRAWBHRY JAM Nabob Pare, per 4W. tin TUNA FI8H-.Uth Meat Nabob, per Vlb. tin PBAOHES-Quaker ! No. 2 tins. 2 tins PRUNES Stee 40-5Q Oelk Wrapt. 2 lbs. Terrace Potatoes HILTSBROS. COFFEB Real QaalKy, per lb. COWAN'S COCOA ' per 4-lb. tin FRESH OINOBR SNAPS-per lb. PURITY WHBATLETS-per 3:-lb sark RfiD'ARReW SOB AS per pkg. NAD4)B BAKINQ POWDER per -os. tin 8UNMAID RAISINS The packed. Seedless. Seeded Puifed. per 15-or Dkn RECLEANED CURRANTS 2 lbs. CUT MIXED PEEL per 1-lb. pkg. 2 ttns Hekw Bearts. Small 1 bot. Hetat Vinegar 16-oz. Large 45c 20 c 15ci 49c 22c 29c 24c We have just received a car-lot of Potatoes from some of the best growers at Terrace. Quality guai- S2;20' 55c 13c 16c 20c 2ac 23 c Finest 16c 27C 23c Ileitis Combination Specials Buy at These I'riren and Save-Lot No. 16 tins Heina Rr Assorted Soupp. Small Lot No. 3-l bot. Heiaa Catsup, Lae. 58c Lot No. 32 tins Helns Tomato Soup Small I Jar Helns Pkkles, Reman Jar 1 tia Helm Beans ZQn Lot No. 4-U ttas Heina Tomatf Soup. Small 99c Lot No. 51 Jar Heine Pickles, Family Site 2 tins Helm Beef Broth, Small 1 bot. Heinz Vinegar QQo Lot No. 62 tins Heine Spaghetti, Medium 2- tins Helns Beans. Medium 2 tins Heloi Tomato Juice, Med, 1 bob. Helns Vinegar. Small I tin Helns Asparagus QQp C..rw CnO.ll UiK. Lot No. 71 Jar Heinz Peanut Butter, Medium 1 Jar Helns Prepared Mustard 1 bot. Helm Catsup-. Large 1 bob. Helas Pickles, QQp JItfC Family Sire Watts; Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 33 THE BEST FOR LESS" ; Ease Pain, Headache ) in Few Minutes i PCS, I'M r-RANTIC.TMW WORK MUST BE OONE-AND IV'E A SPUTT1NS HEADACHE S ii i potfT worry. &er soue ASPIRIN TABLET AMOVOOB HSAOAOWia I aVIA - J I I .sssssasf Now ttrAi KHOW IT. T And what about THIS ONET .VICTOR MODEL R J7 CfflHt Mi (.. rWr 2 LATER. LOOK VVHATTIV OOHt, PES... ASPIRIN SURE STOeveCt THAT AWFUL HEAOAOiBIN A JIPFYIk. NEVER FCtT BSTTEC I r O-t"! IKNEWlTWOOLO? ASplftJN IS THe QylCKKT SAFE REUCFftOM pAJU utiAujal KloOWM For Quick Relief Soy ASPIRIN When You Buy Now comes amazingly quitk relief from IteedscJtes, rfieefnatMm, neuri-tLyneuralgML. . the fatittt safe relUf, it it taid, gri diteeetrtd. Th result are due toa scientific discovery by which a Aspirin Tttet bealns to dtssoKe, or div inlegrate, to lbs amazing space of two sewnds-after tottching moisture. A ad hence to start "taking bold" ot pats s few minutes after taking. The illustration of the glass, here, tells the story. An Aspirin. Tablet starts to disintegrate almost instantly you swallow it. Ami I hut It ready to in to work almost ihttantlu. When yoo buy. tbougn. be on guard against substitutes. To be sure you get ASPIRIN'S quic relit, be stir the name Beyer in the form of a cross is on every tablet of Aspirin. Model R-31 WORKS SO' FAST WHY ASPIRIN Drop tn Aipirl Tsbtrl in a (ten of iter. NKlut BEFORE it tMfcn bottom, it hMfUrtcdt dmRt(rttt. What it oVxs in Mm tUss tt don tnyoW (tamadi. Uma hi fist action. MAM PC. Does Not Harm the Heart tad ...YOU WAITED FOR THIS RADIO VICTOR .OlTVEnertr hsdot. opporruxvirr- to rt such an all-roundl radio buy at such a price Here'a the set for the-rasn who works hard. foe. has moatry (en J trio Jotrn't?)-tk wants value for erery cent This beau, tiful new supef-heterodrne console his j doubcifidencj rubes . . . tone coo trol . . . visual volume-control indi cator (ffrir) . . . snd sn extended frequency range that takes in folkt rdltl Easj terms. -a HVii NEW ROYAL HOTEL. J. ZareHL Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms. Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Coal Cental Hotel' Amerlearc and European plan 'Housekeeping Rooms ' We Also Sell Coal That.' Gives Perfect Satisfaction PBone 51 Prices Alberta's Best Lump $12.50 Alberta's Best Egg Ilt50 Alberta's Best Stove 11.00 Pembina Egg 11.50 Dry Jack ana Cedar, per load 5.00 LocalWood, per cord 6.00 HYDE TRANSFERr-PHONE.580.