f AtlS TWO ' THF. TiAILT NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue , H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor ; ' ' City delivery, by mall or carrier, yeariy period paid in advance $5.00 , For leaser periods, paid in advance, per week . By mall to ail 'parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year By mail to alltsaher-eountf ies. per year" ADVERTISING RATES Transient dismay advertising, per inch, per Insertion Classified advertising., per word, per insertion .',i ; Local readers, per insertion, per line -. Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone ,. ...... Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Sons of Norway j Whist Drive and i Dance Enjoyable, A very enjoyable whist drlv? and dance was held last night by th Sons of Norway Lodge in the Odd fellows' Hall. There were twelve tables of card and many Mare per- sons arrived for the dance which earned, many Conservatives have followed the serving of refresh-. pledged their support to the rc-ments. 'election of Olof Hanson as member Prize winners at cards were: ia- for Skeena and It is rreery beltevea dies first. Mrs. Knot Statta; second, here that Mr. Hanson, whenever the Mrs H. LUand; mens first. Osear oantest may be held, wi'l be at-Haveroyu second. Norman Sorhelen. oarded the largest majority ever Music for dancing was furnished given a federal member in the by Julius WeUe's orchestra and Os- north. On a recent visit to the Is-cur Haveroy was master of cere- lands. Mr. Hanson was given a monies. The proceedings continued warm welcome By his local con still, full swing an til 1 am. tuents who are looking forward to The committee in charge consis- him again before very long. ted of Mrs. John OJerstad. Mrs. John atorsetn. Hans Knutsan and A eUngstter was born recently at Pete Nomas. Nana Peterson pre- the Queen Charlotte City Hosptta sided at the door. to Mr- Mr- Oeorge Leary. Both mother and baby are doing splend Rev. WUHam Valentine. CareroM miiiionary. was a paiamgtr aboard the Princess Norah yesterday at- ternoon bound through on a trip to Vancouver. Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert. Bear rugs mounted ! In any style. Oame heads a specialty. AU work guaranteed first elass. FURS MADE UP Write For Prices E. Dix, Taxidermist Terrace. li.c Buy a CANARY this Christmas A Cheery little Companion 140 H mm BRITISH COLUMBIA i SUBSCRIPTION KATES j 3.00 9.00 1.40 .02 H5 98 86 Saturday, Dec. 2. 1933 - District News I SKIDEGATE j PeoH- of the Queen Charlotte Islands are looking forward to an tury federal election. It is said that, as far as the Island are oon- idly. It Is expected here that Indian of the Halda nation wRi shortly be granted the franchise, enablln? v..a.1 ?rj2L.IS :;;lfph"a"d.ha8 membtr ?r """' "itiaiwiuacuicut would mean about six hundreo more votes in Prince Rupert riding. The Haidas are one of the most advanced tribes of Indians In British Columbia and most of them - very good idea of Canadian pontics. Mrs. R. O. McKenzle was hotter recentely at a very enjoyable so iclal function in the Premier Bote at Queen Charlotte City, having a-hr guests the most of the laale-of SkidegiUo and Queen Charlott Citv .BBBBbI laBBBBBBBBBsl The Gifl of HAPPINESS! At sift for lh ftmily or Mend, thttt It no hippltr choice thin t iwttt liojinj oiury Ht mtVtt thttry comptnion, tinj'itij hit wy Into tht homt with a tontUfit nttmjt of tonj ind good Ichccr, turninj your Chriitinti jrtctin) into daily meiM je of good wjthei. A centry It the jilt you will enjoy jWinj end everyone will enjoy receivin). And ht ( mtU I ttnnl l Cmtry it at. k.l I. ImU4 milk yM filt Mk l SikIii 14 it4. Stotlii li Kl.twt ) Ut Ho.rt .di If m til put l ! wwld. Ncelrlxi tk Mld tnUntiUi ol jc) (Jill la tfptf tMlMct. NiUo t Ittck UitJ moms Si?S 'UNfTF.Il'IN '.MARRIAGE IContlntJed from Page'i with the bride cutting a handsome three-tiered wedding cake which centred a table which was adorned with' flowers and ribbon. All the flllhe were of sliver with tall pink tapers. The toast to the bride was pro- Pos V v. m an ap lOfpropriate manner and the grown responded. Mrs. Krlkevsky, the bride's mother, wore a'brdwn French erepe ensemble with fawn velvet hat, choker of mink fur and corsage bouquet of pink carnations and fern. Mrs. Dunn, the groom's mother, chose -a costume consisting of an ensemble df black and -white triple sheer crepe with black saMn hat and corsage bouquet of red carnations and fern. The bride's sister. Miss Ruby Kri- i kevsky, had a Spanish tele dress f-wiHi corsage bouquet of pink car-! nations and (nh. i Serviteurs were Misses Rwby Kri-I kevsky. Ella 'Steen, Pebbles Stone, j Edith Millerand Aleda Johnson and I Mrs. Mike Budlnlch. j Miss Dorothy Stiles was in charge of the decorations both at the church and reception. Numerous lovely guts which were displayed testified amply to the esteem in which the couple are held by a wide circle of friends. To Lire in Rowland Following the reception, Mr and Mrs. Dunn sailed on the steamer Princess Adelaide and will proceed via Vancouver. Seattle and Spokane to Ross land where they will reside, the groom to be In the service ef the Consolidated Mining it Smelting Co. at Trail. There was a large crowd of friends at the pier and an enthusiastic farewell was given. The bride's going away costume consisted of a brown satin dress with brown caracul fur coat and hat and footwear to match. The bride I threw her bouquet among her girl I friends and it -was caught by Miss 01a Steen. I The bride has lived in Prince Ru-1 pert since infancy and is highly I esteemed a hd popukir In the younger set of the city. She has been active avwic in ui church muiKu -work' and a In iti miter other tine staii 01 Anneiies Lames iteanv to Wear. The groom has resided here for about five years and is aUo well known and popular. They will have, the hearty congratulations and best wishes of many friends. PRESIDENT HEPOItTS ON VISIT (Continued from pa?e one) The committee went on record In favor oMmmlgtttlon of agriculturists but not of financing them. It declared in favor of giving work to the unemployed and urged construction or reconstruction of buildings and the extension of credits. It urged balanced budgets.re-moval of trade obstacles, encouragement of private Initiative and enterprise and suggested that gov ernmerits should keep out of bus! ness as far as possible. While ex-re.lng interest In the Roosevelt :ollcy they did not favor It for Can-ida but strongly approved the Em-plre agreements which It was said iad already benefitted the country. They urged closer relations with he United States within the bounds of its Empire agreements. The report including the reading if the declaration of policy was 11s- ened to with great Interest by the members of the Jocal chamber and hearty vote of thanlcs was given Mr. Johnson for acting as local dele-ate. Hotel Arrivals Royal Beatrice VYebb, Osland; R. Hay-ishl, T Nakamura and S. OhiashI, Port Esslngtoh. C H. McLeod, Nelson; Edgar Snl-dal. Catpaco; J.'L. Johnson, Osland; J Pletka. Phelan. Central O. Brown, Wark Canal. J. E. Nix. Edmonton; C. TiVls and J. Weis. C.NJ1. I'rince'Ifcpert J C. Blgham and 'A. M, Morgan, Vancouver. W. Ulng," Victoria: t. 8. Umpleby. Vancouver; E. T. Kcnney, Terrace; O Woodall, C N R.; 8. R. Donaldson, Fort Esslngton. Robert W. J.sReed. deputy collector of eultorns at Wrangell, "was a nassenger aboard the" 'Princess Koran yesterday .afternoon going through to Beattle 'where' he will spend until after Christmas visiting with his son, Some Job Landing This Fish Mrs Oliver Gnr.n' 9 a.m foleh' n:n: un P 11: turned to the : ich at lul! - !h'- ni. hi iter - ixh nROTTO IN LEAD NOW Tobacconists Win ISHIiard League Fixture and Tie For lint flare Place is nroken The tie for leadership of tnc wwwiu oway iui kwkiiuui w -the p,n.ce r1 ""r 1 was oroaen iasi ntani wtvn uic Orotto moving out on top as a re- I suit of the playing of portponed games wjiich gave the tobacconists TKtoTy m isje nature scneaaaja iot j Thursday night by aft aggregate score of 1060 to fgf over Empress The tfldtvichial scores of the three I outasandlng games were as follows: Frank Aldridge. Empreu. 119; George Howe, Orotto, lot). Pete Pritchard, 300; Bert Morgan, 142. J. Sutherland. apO; wsJL Hotaon. 130. The leagwa to i as follows: O. TU. Ave Orotto 4 4.447 1.113 Empress .4 431 Can. Legion 4 4.IM 1045 Elks 4 4092 1.033 BASKETBALL Dec. lOrotto vs. Kaiens: Comets vs. High School: Warriors vs. Merchants: Trojans vs. Scouts. Dec. 7-Kalens vs. C N. R. A ; High School vs. Caroinals: Merchants vs. High School: Flashes vs Scythians. Dec. 11 CN R A. vs. Orotto: Comets vs. Oartfmh; High School vs. Warriors; Flashes vs Trojans. Dec. 14-Kalena vs. Orotto; High School vs. Comets; Merchants vs. Warriors: Scouts vs. Scythiaas. Dec. If- C.N.R.A. vs. Kaiens; Cardinals vs. High School; High Schoel vs. Merchants. - 4 CHRISTMAS I'RKSr.VrS Peopk evrtjpghtrp are con- sidering theiqaelffbVi of Christ- mas presents. Ofletif the most welcome presents a former Prince Rupert resident could get would be a subscription to 4 the Dally News. 4 4 In order to eo"-6perute with 4 4 our renders who wish to keep 4 allvefrTtne winds of their 4 4 frfendV the- activHieK 0f the 4 people of he Vrfnce rtunert 4 district, we are making a spe- 4 4 cial half-rate for people living 4 4 outside the district, if gent by 4 4 a person who is already a sub- 4 4 scrlbcr to the paper. 4 4 Send In $1.W with the name 4 4 of the person to whom you wish 4 4 to donate the paper and we 4 see that they get It by mtU far 1 t one year. .' 4 4444444444 t; h ne.tr New York City at :. !ie. .(j b hei husband re- i! 'i; nioiftiMK .inii ftn.illy (ffed after 20 h .11. f ;I;iv Cold Storage And sif!'sWiners!n i Bridge Thursday Cold 8torage and Swift's were the winners In the weekly Prince Rupert Bridge League fixtures Thurs- . . . w. ik. - - - t. 0 ! to the r.r . . ... Odd- I , itM1 I ' Tha league standing to date la as O TU. Ave 8w,ft1 S3JM .5t! 50.191 o.flsej I7.IM t.m Oddfellows 35.111 5.023 BRIDGE 1 ) December 7-Swift Orotto vs. 1.0 OF vs Cold Storage A repart scbmltted by F. A. Mac-Ctllum for the finance commltte. ravnrtaig the adlostment of federal taxation, wis adopted by th Chamber of Comrrterre at Its meet-ng last nhrht. S. It. s. lime l in lopics HIGH LIGHTS THURSDAY. NOV. 30 6:00 Show Boat. KOMO. 8:16 Seattle Symphony Orchestra. KOMO. 9 1& Yodellng Cowboy. CFCN 9 30- -Jack Dale. CFCN. FRIDAY. I)i:C. 1 7:00 First Nightar, KOMO. 91-Oilmore Circui. KOMO. SATURDAY, l)i:C. 2 0 00 Baron Manehauson, KOMO. 6 30 Symphonic Strings, CFCN. 8;00-Concert Opera, KOMO. SUNDAY. DIX'. 3 5:00 Eddie Cantor it Rubln- offs Orchestra. KOMO. 7:00 Arrgeto IHtri, KOMO. 8:00-Flreslde Hour, K8L. KOIN. 8:30 Death Valley Days, KOMO. 10;00-Home Oil Orchestra. CRCV. and Remember ii ofer you a modern, efficient and reliable Haditi Service Superior Radio Service Phono Blue 420; 33C 2nd. Ave. LOOK FOR Till: TOWF.lt XMAS TIKS (Uuxed from Mo up) HOSE 'KATimOHES SHIRTS SCAItKS SWKATKKS Saturday, fiecembrr 2 w SMOKIN'U JACKKTSl-nr. You arc welcome to come in and inspect our stock LAMBIE & STONE Quality Basketball Standing Senior league W L P Grotto I 't M C N R. A 1 S Kaiens ... 1 Si Indies League J ( artttnala 1 11 Comets 1 S High School ago -Intermediate League ( Warrtora h t Mj Merchant S I HiKh School 1 i ' JunW Leatuc ' 1 Troja I g It Scythians 114 Flashes 3 3 4 Boy BcouU 0 5 0 BILLIARD SCHEDULE December 7 .Canadian L-v Bmprri December 12 r irtarttan Leamn jvs Orocto Deembe: 19 Flk vs f madUn Lesion December 21 Kmpr-,. v . Orotto WOOD! WOOD! II. In. Blocks, delivered S6 per cord ftpl'l. Ready for Stove $8 per roril Kindling per cord S10 iiair Cord S5 Phone IMuc 825 ALWAYS CONSTRUCTIVE Ever lines the first yean of confederation, The Royal Bank hat been a conttrucrrve factor In the development of Canadian In- dustry and trade. Today, In (ti tttabliihed 'renalh and experience, the Bank li a , - labiliiing fores jCortado'i national tlij... i a OVAL BANK OF C A N A ,D A T H R Hvcaii.sc it ilouMi'i pay to It docs pay to buy riTTiT mniiiiin---nmrmMJIIi PAJAMAS BI5LT . v HAN'K'NS. GI1OVK6 S0S!M?NI)!:i: Men Hear Good Basketball At Cathedral Gym A I rn Team Wins Over Itoretc f nMHh Serml In iMslehThk Mernlnr A good baakeUsaU 4m it placed In Annunciation Kn.i . this morning the score beiia a te Inter df AminiHlatVm at Wajrtog far Heath Srh! Oarlyle ti. Helge i M .. I Christian. Brenner. For Ann uncut ion the 1 were Busaanleh !' D Mm It- Main g H Mmni- 4 Fortune I. GOLDBLOOMS FUR SALE All Furs Selling at 20 Percent Less Than Cost Mint be wild berauie eah h needed to buy raw for. Oct wr of iee real far bar gain. advertise poor products, those athertised,