IK n Phone 77 TAXI Tomorrow's Tides (TOMMY'S) me High 3:58 a.m. 19.4 ft. gland, Capitol Theatre Mock 15:31 pjn. 21.7 ft. ume. anywhere, 50c U the fare, An? Low 9:42 a.m. 8.4 ft. 7Passenger Chryiler Car A 22:27 2.8 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER p-m. A XXIV No. 268. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDA Y, NOVEMBER 20, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS RISH To United States INOTON. DC Nov. :-Krlonovsky hM been bunsador of the Soviet United (Hate following .'.Kin by United States of is officially announced ,f the Krtonovsky ..ted to the port of am-. ierday by rmldent Jo-and mi approved by . State Department of . entirely acceptable " Jtv who Is fifty-one years v. present vice-chairman r planning Commission . ' Republic His only pre-naUc experience ha kv. and he Is considered on Ortenul affairs SECTION IN SPAIN Iiinprrad Disorders Throughout Cantrt With Some Killings Cumcrvstlves Returned Suain. Nov 20 The : he national election in! rday wu attended by r ' disorders throughout at least seven killings directly attributable to . Early returns indicate f the Conservative fov-nh a vMwping nsajor-for the Rightist. 5' i .n to those killed, three re Injured and further feared. spun tint constitutional Va ncouver Stocks Vancouver E ( M.mrU .41. 2 ' Nkel. .41. 8 R X JO. 8 River Oottfc, M. uoid qwsrlt, m. "i nr. 931. ' a River, jm. f: '':..n Oltfc. " : Jim, .. M'i i i i.in . J. H line 8Ur, .1. son. K i silver. K Five. .OeVfc. p Oreille, .71. p':!" lilsho. .10. Pff mir. MO. ' P..IV,- ,5. "' i 'i. 0tfc, K'.;vp' ("rest, .Otfc. R'JVMte. 3SV. hit.wiiter, .08, wiy Tanglsr,' .01H. 0,l. r k I, (imf . i 55, rrp,1hold. .00, A p cons.. .10. c-tfmiint, jo. 8le'Un Pacific, ,38.' Toronto wxunrtrla. Gold, .02. II, 'umarlo, .4J Jntr-u Pauiela. .34. und Lake C-old, .33. Jwanda. 34.00. ?hfr't. 1.08. J1 Nickel. 21.70. r"ada. .66. iPssa. .8714. ' 6co, i.53t GOVERNMENT IS RE-ELECTED SOVIET CHOOSES FIRST AMBASSADOR TO UNITED STATES MINISTER IS NAMED Krlonovsky to Represent Illtundcr Soviet lie public a Ambassador As Arabs and Police Again Clash In Palestine Scene of wild noting pu tun-d h re which occurred m BlcxXiy Fri i.iy in Jerusalem was climaxed in outbreaks at throe oitu-s. causing thirteen deaths and scores of injuries Arabs demonstrated to protect Jewish immigration and, on refusal to disperse, were fired on by British-trained police. KILLED IN CAR SMASH Mary Mien Smith, Ated 16. of Prinre George. Granddsuthter ot Mrs. Ralph Smith. Dead QU8BNBL, November 20 (Cana dian press Mary Ellen smitn. aged sixteen, granddaughter of the late Mrs. Mary Ellen Smith, former MUV. and dauanter of Mrs. aadW Smith of Prince Oeorge. widow of the late Richard Dlck Smith, was Idlfetf on Saturday when a car In which she was riding overturned Mar here shortly after a party of young pople from Prince Oeorfu ' left a dance. Commits Suicide At Smelter Town Mtmtr Received At DUtrir t Headquarters of Provincial Police States That Donald Mrltlt-fhie Took Own Life . .... rwttved at district Iwatkjuarters ot the lvlnctal P-)ke, Jr from Constable O. S. BUTney of Anyox repor- .. .. rw,.iH McJtltchle at the 51HC Wl . . smelter town at the w" deiftlU whatever were oh the message An mquw held today. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. Nov. : (CP-Wht ww quoted t lie on the local exchange today. e ITALY MAY QUIT LEAGUE AND DISARMAMENT MKET ROME, Nov 30: Italy may withdraw from the League of Nations and the world dls- armament conference follow- Inn a meeting of the Fascist Grand Council on December 5. it was Intimated yesterday. In view of recent pronounce- mente of Premier Mussolini, this action Is now considered inevitable. 4 Anniversary Of Birth of Martin Luther Observed BERLIN, Nov. 20: CP There was widespread religious observance In Germany yesterday ot the 4&0lh. anniversary ot the birth of Martin Luther, founder ot 4 ALL PROPERTY OF EINSTEIN SEIZED ! BY NAZI POLICE , I BERLIN. Nov. 20: (CP)-Thc Nasi secret police today order- ed the seizure of all property of Dr. Albert Blnsleln, famous phyatchUt, and his wife by vlr- tue of the law for the confisen- lion of Communist property. PRAY FOR MAN CHILD Empress of Japan Etpcrtine Arrival Of Sixth Child Late in December or Early In January TOKYO. Nov 20: CP The attention ot ninety million loyal Japanese subjects was attracted on Sunday to the Imperial Palace with Uie announcement that the Empress Is expecting the arrival ot her sixth child late next month or early in January, prayers going up that It would be a boy In order to perpetuate the dynasty. All the children of Emperor Hirohko and his spouse so far have been girls. Fourteen Die In Mine Explosion Fourteen Mirers Perish When Entombed 1000 Feet Underground In English Colliery CHESTERFIELD, England. November 20 (Canadian Press) Fourteen men were killed in a coal mine explosion near here yesterday. They were entombed one thousand feet underground. SILVER AND COPPER ON NEW YORK MART NEW YORK. Nov. 20: (CP)-Sll-ver closed at 44Vic on the local metal market today. Copper wns unchanged at 8V4c. PASSING OF Lord Craigavon and STATESMAN it - it n u . Rt. Hon. Augustine Birrell Was Chief Secretary For Ireland at ' Time of 1916 Rebellion Was His Downfall ! , the field for the two seats. ! The tight Is expected to be ecn tred principally between Hon. dor-don Sloan, attorney general, and Gordon Wtsmer. Liberals, and W. W. Lefeaux and J. S. Taylor, C C. F.. with the Liberals strongly favored to win. Mr. Mackenzie was the only Unionist nominee. MR. FOUND IS COMING Deputy MlnUter of Fisheries to Pay Annual Visit to Prinze Rupert Early Next Month Advice has been received In the city that W. A. Found, deputy minister of fisheries, will arrive In Prince Rupert December 3 aboard i the steamer Catala In the course of his annual western inspection tour .and will proceed east by train the I next afternoon to his headquarters l In Ottawa. j j In view of the brevity of Mr. ! Pound's visit here. It Is" now believed that no session of the International Fisheries Commission will be held In Prince Rupert this fall as had been. previously suggested. As far as can be learned here, no Important changes in the conservation regulations as regards the halibut fishery are expected to be .nade by the commission for next year. Mr. Found will be In the city tor an entire day which should give the various Interests who may be desirous ot taking matters' up with him the opportunity ot having umvmsi runy nas Many Acclamations I Win Thirty-Four Scats Out of Fifty-Two Without Con- rrominent in nrithh Public Life For test l)c Valcra Enters Contest in Order to Further 1 Thirty eYars Prior to That- iijs ITnifrfi IrPianrl MM bcr. Popular Personality ' London. Nov. 20: cp-Rt. Hon. , BELFAST, Northern Ireland, Nov. 20: (CP) Viscount Augustine Birrell. aged 83. who wai Craigavon, Premier of Northern Ireland, and his Unionist chief secretary for Ireland at th party, pledged to firm co-operation with the United King-time of the iruh Rebellion durtnt omf were assured continuance in office after today's no- 9tir for he gTraLele.ctin- vfy in which win take Pla on November 30. Acclamations the declared Birreii to the House or gave gov- thirty-four seats out of Commons during the week of th fnt at Irish Rebellion. 1918 he did hot again offer Continued on Pane 2 ! WITHDRAWS FROM FIELD Go To Post In DeferredEIee-tion In Vancouver Centre total of fifty-two, a clear majority v r.tnrtH an onnri.ten orer a Iwdy. The entire cabinet men members received acclama- member, "the rebel, seem to Ime the situation well in hand" The General Past Office and halt nf thm rmj rf what traa lKn President de Valera of the Irish Free State will contest South Down but- " elected vUle Street. Dublin, were reduced to ashy ruins. A week or two more, an4 Mr. Blr rell vacated the off lee bf Chief Sc Vkms for a united Ireland At the general election ofDecem f Jnif Afl faf AC ,1.- W AiiiV M UlUlVtf will probably j WASHINGTON, D.C. Nov. 20 (CP-The United States Treasurr MURDER IS CONFIRMED not take the seat but direct othe it ot Brooke Hart Found In San . Nationalists to further hta policy FnnrUro r Not vrvrnm Gold Price Is Up Again Today San tsteo Bridge roaltered and water-seated Itat of bk. M m . II lesander Hart wealthy San Jose ! merchant, was found floating in th bay near the Alameda shore not i far from the San Matee-Hayward j bridge yesterday, thus confirming : the confession to police of Thomas H. Thurmond and . Jaek Holmes Department paid $33.66 for newlv that lhv had murdered the vmith Unionist Candidate Decides Not To mined gold today. The price Pi k- beatlnz him into Insensibility VANCOUVER. November 20 (Canadian Press) W. S. Mackenzie, Unionist, has withdrawn from the deferred election contest In Vancouver contest in Vancouver Cen ter, leaving twelve candidates In! London was one cent lower. DEAD AT THE PAS Bishop Chsrlebois of Roman Catholic Church Passes Away This Morning A telegram received this morning by Rt. Rev. E. M. Bunoz O. M. I.. Bishop ot the Roman Catholic Church for the diocece of Northern British. Columbia and the Yukon, announced the death at The Pas. Man., ot Bishop Ovlde Charlebols ). M. I., one ot the best known lerica ot the Roman Catholic hurch In Canada. The late Bishop Charlebols was and throwing him over the bridge i within an hour after having kid napped him on November 9. On being shown the hat. the boy4! father gave up any lingering hope that he had held that the youth mlght'have been still alive. The body has not vet been recovered. Authorities are pressing for early expiation by death penalty ot Thurmond and Holmes for their crime. REPORT ON -CUBA MADE U. S. .Minister Wells In Session With President Roosevelt at Warm Springs Yesterday oorn at Oka. I'Assompllon. near WARM SPRINGS. Ga.. Nov. 20: Montreal. February 17. 1862. and; united States Minister Wells to practically all his life had been Cub was In conference with Presl-spent In missionary work tor his dent Franklin D. Roosevelt here for hurch In the KeewaUn district of ftVe hours yesterday, presenting an Western Ontario and later In Nor- j official report to the chief executive hern Ontario. He was educated at on the Cuban situation as it affecta College de l Assomptlon ajid Ot- United States Interests, tawa University and was Vicar Ap-1 Last night Mr. Well left here for ostolique at Keewatin before being ; Atlanta. Oa.. whence he was to pro-maed Bishop at The Pas. t rtvA to Washington, being due to arrive in the national capital that NEW YORK It is announced that Mr. Wclk a n srf will return to his dutleg at Havana TOnK1 1T11X&.1T IVI I A IYI 11 I R(lr a br,ef slay ,n Washington. This announcement is the cause of fames Weidrl Makes Flight Shade Over Fire Hours in MIAMI. Fla.. Nov. 20:-Jame yyeldel. noted American speed flyer, landed here yesterday after a flight ot five hours and three mln utes from New York. He had hoped to make the flight In four hours but was delayed on account of fog. J. E. Moody of Port Simpson, ,who has been on a vacation trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In he some surprise, the general expectation in diplomatic circles having I been that he would be recalled. Former Star of Movies is Booze Agent in Chicago CHICAGO. Nov. Bushman, former 20: Franels X. moving picture souh, was a passenger aboard the, star of the silent screen days, ii Catala last evening returning now employed as a liquor agent In north. this city. f 4 . r . a r I 0 .