PAOH FODX Prices that Will Hit You In the Eye Fishermen, Workers Wage Earners We have everything you need . at prices you can pay. A lot of new goods just arrived from which you may select what you want. Call and look them over. FOR RENT HOUSE6 F. W. Hart. TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert Part cloudy, light Koutheast wuid: barometer, 29.84; i temperature, u4, seu smooth. I If you have not looked at the prices at Montreal Importers You cannot realize how low they arc Come in and let us convince you It is foolish to send out of town for clothes that can be purchased right here for less Montreal Importers, 3rd Ave. Classified Ads FOR SALE JOHNSON outboard motors. New low price. Write or call for catalogue. Let us demonstrate. W. R. Love Electric Company. Prince Rupert, District Agents. lm TENDERS will be retired until May fttfc for the purchase of oo 1029 Model Chevrolet Six Sedan delivery as is. Can be inspected at Kaien Motors Ltd., address Keten Motors Ltd. Tender. AGENTS WANTED 4 , : MS wanted in every town to handle Pyramid sales plan. Good - Uommlsilon. E. M. Howe Inc. 169 Dundas' St., London. Ont. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! ! "Oil- SS.5C. "RlntlfUe" $5.40. iseisons lieaulv Shoppc bhoppc PAINTERS 1 ,Tv ?' PIANO TUNING tf NEWLY Renovated modern flat, Raid Bloak.;Max Hcflbronc tf FULLY mfrflern Hoase. 6 rooms ba-wtnentj low rental, 522 8th Av-en je West, Phone Blue 276. COMFORTABLE beoroom to rent. Close la Phone Red 218. tf MODERN HOUSE, five rooms and Bath, with Range, $16.00. phone 38. ' tf FOR RENT -Store on third Avenue in centre of business section. Will renovate to suit tenant. Thomas McCQrrnont. Ufi TRANSFERS CAMWtOtf'S TRANSFER. Phone 177. Chairs far nnt. Beer bottles bought. SPORT CHAT The Canadian Labor Defence League football team will make Its debut on the local soccer field on Sunday afternoon in an exhibition game with the Regiment. The C. L. D. L., although entered in the Senior League this season, is so far an uncertain quantity and it Is expected that considerable Interest will be manifested by the fans in its complexion and performance. If weather Is good, a big crowd Is expected. Regiment announces the following team for the game: Smith, Make and Domes; Oreer, DeJong and Wlngham; Wicks, Christlson, Coluasi, Colussl and Davles. Yesterday's Big League scores: American League New York 5, Detroit 2. Philadelphia 1, Chicago 2. Washington 3, Cleveland 6. National Leacue Chicago 1-4, New York 2-5. Pittsburg 2, Brooklyn 1. Cincinnati 4, Boston 0. St. Louts S. Philadelphia 2. rlASOa Tuned $3.00. Walker's Mi sic Store i I'AINTINQ and Paperhanglni. Moller Phone Red 802. CLEANING & PRESSING PRICES reasonaoie Benkendon Third Ave., next door to Dai! ; News. LM ,WT Nollcr of liilrnlkin In Apply to PnrrbSM I .a lid In Prtnee Rupert Iaimi Recording Ot tr st of Range Pour Cowt Diet riot, aaf Situate about (irr m'JM from themoutr or th Khutre River cn the Eaat Pork Take DCUct that I WUltam LafTlOffr Ollbert .'( Vancouver. B.C. occupattor. Mlue Operator lutonda to apply foi to putebaac the rollowtat aeacrtlurd And Coumrnetnt at post planted one Itx.t dmuuu from tbe WIUmm pot ' in wcm etoe or ux. 1 73. thai weeterly M chains; tlwnoe asutlMdir 90 cnatne; inenre eMtmy oo cnaMei Uieuee nentherly 10 chain, and eem talnm 100 aeree. more or lea. WILLIAM LAORANOB OILBERT Dated Aurll l?th. 133. l.M ACT )HIr of Intfiillxn to apply to l4Mf 1.411)1 In Prhm Ruprrt iJind RMordliwDto trtot of Qumii Clurlutc lalMids, M4S ltuat franUac Uot 9M. QC I Take notice ttm J. E. Morris of FrMxw Bupm. oocupatlon Mrniu, lo-tHtds So apply fcr Imm of tbe toi- Oemmeneiat M post planted h tbf soith-wa ootpt or txx sm, g c I. Utnec tt St ctMUm to the 8outa-t: thenot ITS chain to tbe South-wMt: tlnace IA clMliu to the North-wtet sad wnf lugn wir mart to putnt of oummeooeaM&t. m4 oonuiulng V) M. tt more or Utn. .milKT Rtf IA l.nnnfa Dte! AprU lOlC IMS. 1 INCREASING BOYS' BAND Membership About to be Raised from Thirty to Forty Open' Air Concert Last Everiinf The tpnce. Roper Boys' Band, under f the dlrecUos) bf Bandmaster Robert -. Oreenfietd. ; rendered an open ai concert lajst night from Totem Park Hill amf.was heard to good advantage to-: a, lane crod Which expressed appreciation. Itore of tfieje contort are planned uuring uie - Ten new practlsirig six month to the m coming season member!, Who hive been 'assiduously for the past . ire about to be added .emberahlp of the bartd which will then be forty strong. JONES' Family Meat Market Rump Roast of Beef per lb Prime Rib Rolled per lb. . T-Bone Roast per lb Rump Roast of Veal per lb. Loin of Veal per lb. . Leg of Veal per lb. Leg of Lamb per lb Shoulder Lamb per lb Loin of Lamb per lb Leg of Pork per lb. Shoulder Pork 4 lbs. Spare Ribs 3 lbs. U57 Phone - UTILLIE THE TOILER" - !I57 15c 20c 20c 15c 18c 20c 20c 15c 20c 15c 50c 25c CHI DAILY HIWI CANADA AND THE UMPIRE (Continued from Page 1) ' Grow tli of Canada The growth of Canada from a colony Into a free and Independent nation wu traced showing how one by one the ties that bound the country to Great Britain were cut until today the Imperial Parliament has no rivht to legislate for Canada and the only tie wlUi the rest of the Empire is the Oovernor-Oeneral who is appointed by the King on the advice of the Canadian government. In the judicial department the Privy Council still was the court of highest appeal but Canada had the right to change that If she wished. Today Canada had the right to appoint her own ministers to foreign countries Instead of dealing Indirectly through the British representative but .in cases where Canada had no minister, she continued to borrow the services of the British ministers She had ministers in Washington Tokio and Paris. Canada affixed her signature to the Versailles Treaty and was an independent member of the League cf Nations TheOovemor-Oeneral represented the King only and not the British government. The present Governor was chosen by Premier Bennett and appointed by the King on the advice of the Canadian Premier. There does not seem to be much left politically of the British Empire but everyone knows that the tie of Empire Is stronger than ever," declared the Judge In BASEBALL BOSTON, May 3: (Canadian Press) The three-way tic for third place In the National League was broken up yesterday .with Boston Braves, although defeated here by the Cincinnati Reds, going Into at least temporary possession of the spot. Brooklyn Dodgers lost a close game to the league-leading Pittsburg Pirates at EbbetU Field while the Chicago Cubs were dropping a double-header to the Olants at the New York Polo Grounds. The Dodgers and Reds are now tied for fourth place while the St. Louis Cardinals, defeating the Phillies at Philadelphia, advanced to a tie with tbe Cubs for sixth place. In the American League, the Chicago White Sox and Cleveland Indians, winning over the Philadelphia Athletics and Washington Senators respectively by margins of one run in each case, advanced from a third place to a second place tie ahead of the Senators who had been In exclusive possession of that position. The New York Yankees consolidated their hold on first place by defeating the Detroit Tigers at Detroit. The world's most popular cereal . St , MORE than 12,000,000 people 'dally fat Kellogg' Corn Flakes. And they prefer these crunchy-crhp flakes simply hecause of the "flavor that can't he copied." Try Kellogg's for hreakfast tomorrow and just ftufo how crisp and delicious they nre. Extra delicious with fruits or honey in addition to milk or cream. Fine for lunch, the children's nipper or a hedtimc snack. Convenient, economical, wholesome. Always ovenfreeh in the Inside $ealctl WAXTrTE hag. You'll also like the Easy. Open package. Made hy Kellogg In London, Ontario. 'Constant Improvement has 1 Staging a Come-Back FRIDAY and SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 & 8:20 Admission 15c & 50c e? a fH. Frithy pnnciiui comic ,: "Th- Oold. i: ,i 0"Bri n in u SOUthr! i, youtl. WlHIM- famih V ud .u;o ml Almi,io , LOVE LAUOIITEK LOTS OP SIZZLE Dangerously Yours" itS ...... .,; wirji ureal Storv With GEORGE O Mil EN JA.M.I CIIAMLi:il Mitj. tKUAYMim... "The Golden West" COWBOYS INDIANS IIUITALOES BANDITS "Dancrroutly Yours" Starts at 7:10 kOAi "Golden Hv , . MONDAVanI HALF XAKs-nffi U TWO FILMS PRESENTED Society Play and "Western" at Capitol Theatre This Week-End Anotnfr excellent double film bill b being presented at the Capitol Theatre this wctk-end. one of the feature pictures being "Dangerously Yours." a society play starrlnc Warner Baxter. Miriam Jordan and Herbert Mundln. and the other The Ooiden West," a Zane Orey "western" with George O'Brien and Marion Barm in the leading roles. Warner Baxter has the type of role la "Dangerously Ywrrs" for Which he i .. try the pa; : ly-wortbiK v, i. Ing Miriam J.)r : feminine rule s Baxter and . one wa Hen ui UN 111(111411 ; ! inn roles .ire km 1 best opirtunn vllcied D. eni))-, .,. door loin. aires Marlon Bum from Broadii j ,: iBdmund Bree' K':i.- Bert H union Atihi- jother favori')'., r,,,iij i. " '" i'" iui imirc limn mO jmrt J" offer jou hellogg's Corn H.kes with full confidence that ll.ey represent the highest uallly and finest value." t i l, CORN FLAKES ItfT I I o-even . ruvoapi '; ' -By Westovor, . . Cc.:6 (pwSfe I 1 1 ZlnJlVli I I Z lua I I OP coo, j I THAT'S oruvv m b. HBfJB NAJHCU StocB h'T u WHO VMA3 TOST Area 3Ej I VOO AittliO . BBMBMoa,APtM IF eoop-uootokjG 1 VTy IlrA S 'w r AT noatrcT Aaoirrl comb tns -th S r , yySvi vr- SV LX it tut top' vCz-v U4-