f v Mav 5. 1933 For Pics, Cakes and Delicious Desserts! nw aw m cook fcou Ihc OorxJ Pfoidt w.ll fe nuittrf to yflu eontimi cf '00 new ttMttt UiiqN STHAMSIIIPS LIMITED RENT )" Prine Hupsrt tf Vouy.-- A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter McHAB imps., LTD I 1 TS.S. CATALA KVIJtV Tl'WDAY, 19 ,W- l v Ocean rafts a,nd Yay Points. Due Vancouver TTiimdajr p.m TSS. CAIUIR.NA OTIW I'ltlHAY W.U&UUff Due Vancouver sonday am. WwklT nlJlDta to Fwrt flilmpMn. Mloe Arm Anjros. atwrt ind Nnu ''irlhr ""r lllfflnnajlr. UifonnMlmi iM-tnliiw nnntln. nil nil 'H.i-ir MWl tlfk t Prince Itopert Arrncj: Second Avenue. l'lione 5fiS Regal Shop, orders taken tor Ifcnltypd CloooV Nmtlcwork. tc. PtafiP your order lor Tennjb teis and Sm kctes now. Your CANDY H(TViKfVa!,'S m.ufr fresh to order. Sec Our Window VOU w.ll find that Borden's St. Charles Milk is not only good for giving a creamy richness to soups and cream sauces, it is equally good for phf, qakes and a hundred and one desserts. It definitely improves the flavor of vour cooking, imparts a lightness-a new, creaky, richness ihat ybu and your family will look forward to You wM find it i, economical too-no waste-no excess water, double rich in cream! " ' Every lime vou have occasion to use ft you will have the same amazing succew the same improved flavor new delicious dishes that only St. Charles Milk can make for you. Once you try it you will under-stand why so many experienced cooks uje it whenever a recipe calls for milk. ivwrn Tncort, na iKtt copy el Out Lastix Surgical StQckjugS iMple whose tygfy cvell jnd became painful wUl find this amaslpg new icunnent a aouqr of relief. Laatcjc Yam has a con of Laajtyu; j&uffl Thread astounding ly fine. Around this core U wound two styers of three-plpiirr Mlk No other hivv need be worn. Ask us for CkOVjlftr CjQ Thermat Ideating Pads electrlrltv: no hot water: alws I to 10 nours of stead -'-- rniUi gk to MelhU 4 few flfetf gating Pad 7a ' OVzCJ Ormes Ltd. TC Retail Store Tiie. Pioneer Jruq&fsts Niones: XI & 82 N J. Coulter of Port Edward U i wl. ... ... . ' "IV. . Mother Provincial Leopoldlne of St Anrie god noapiuu. yicwna. vno nara paying a Drier visit to smiifters connection with the taking over of the hospital there by the Sisters or St. Anne will leave Smtthers on to- i morrow morning's train on their I return to Victoria via Jasper Park. j YE OLD!? ! English FishShoppe IMinneSSI. Ve Deliver Sl'LCJALS IN FUUSII FISH Red Cod Mllets, per lb. Halibut Fillets, per lb. Halibut Cheeks. 3 lbs Sliced Halibut, per lb Red 8i)rtng Stflmon, per . White 8i)rln Salmon, per lb. Ftaundem. 3 lbs. Smkr,d Flli a Sneclaltr 10c 12c 25c lOc.1 ...15c ...c .V)jnr 8.11 Second Street KWtyt klS 24. W,oms,icheaD IVliS'. JS&faJp WS- !ie,cV- ..sa fsurnme: Panting Profajems to JSW- Oor- : payysre IUrvey of the' Miss JCathlysn Mcfeje ol Burns lake anvd lp, the city on last rgtt'i train frri the lnerjr and " MJOd 911 te steamer Prince .Oebre for Vancpuver whgre she wfy pay a visit with relatives. Why sfa.y RLfN-XJOWN? giit txeuftif Ttw only thlB rrablr Knr U III II. u,Lt t)K.t far rnri I truitUa in la a i iB-aWa Cooditlaai'vbrB. tf 1 kau known Abuvt FrH .tUTM'l (AUr from trtf-re hrad i-. 'Frwt atitwj i n up f ivrnr. llty reslly harr doat annual roay a.ftei kit ii j v HuiMtun aiKi ) ujk 'f ry , unee at ine Doys, wwo are ire Capltoi Theatr. 'J, being LraJ- ed ny Tom Barton, are all under t agt ; I of sixteen. Mrs. William Rai.ce and Mrs ! Percy Cameron will leave on Mas- j day nlghis train fur Mp tteAli wheie they will embark May 19 aboard the steamer Aluanlato lsji? i their respective hones in fnglond. pirsTaufir ajolnf to Bastmorc in Mm MeCulloeh tn nrir OfF COLOUR? HOW IS YOUR LIVER? Wale up your Liver B3e without GJoracl Tnr Im'l ft ry mail artu. hat H r-toialf ra ymt yirnr diftlT and vfaaaiafttiv rMM!fkUur,briWiMu puw Ml lu 4ftM pMwli of Itititl bib urt ytr btg YK v(YUpkMjr montti Mick ioStw bf Uiin mIib. uU. uuMrmi vslcf, Uutiv mdf hA IWwtoMUii. U Miwkaiiiita rur U Tl pirhr rt .4r-.Vi Hr Ak lit Un br mm )UI4 ftUaikU, '& ftl mS druukA. 4S jOardwi Earth, Alanure, Phone 2B37 Ojjy Carfare, Jrqppt Sr vice. Take advantage of the 25r nus sale on B-II Genutye and vanishesMay 1st only. Oordon's Hardware. 19 WE HAVE THEM ALL tf ho- At Rev. and Mrs. a V. II Redman 4e tpJfa hoT I"'' W fm"4 Hiztltort Vancouver and Vm Wl" W W uar" v.uib" dena for Vaacoiirej where they nual BrfUsh Columbia conference of th lted Churrii of Cda. , Announcements Comedj Uniteo Church May 4 and 5. Moose dances May 5 and 24. .paDan Tipn Vwd'i Aujil-iry Tea and tie of Home Cook- ;lary ing Armoury. Saturday. May 6. 3 to C. CkSd fellows' May d ' Qld" TJae Dunce. I YAEtefcy jgotaxtAinment criajD Cbtuxb May 12. Preaby- U M 12 Frult-a-ilett . . . all drug ttorei j As a resuj result in the of th.e ilopS iffll. th the -I PJpilhynwsiic rty Concert "- iMsjr !V lo. on Sons of Norway 17th of May cle- sum of $1W hnHr,n. rwiHf.ii-.' iron was realircd, this being considered i f ' ' quite satisfactory in view ot pre v. :l. -i conditions Many ladies.1 cuUfU chhing the jlternoon to ex U,ni) Uhj pttronoKP to the affai Tm jugh the courtesy of Li$ut .1 P M Virdie D.8 0 th ouJCUler.l : .)( tli.'riy-Iive bi.ys of the Prinze, I?iijeri Oymna&ium Club wUl be Big Dane. Moose Hall May Rxhtbltlon of dancing. Oddfel-'jiw's Mali. May 19. Canibrau Chapter Tea May 24. Sotsb Daoce Aral Coye Parish Prices Quality Service Fife Divery of Orders Sl.00 or Over or.. They wiU be awav for the ouuak- LUtp SUOAR Limit 6 lbs t9 each customer. 3 lbs 25c 73c ORANULAlti) SUGAR Q- 4i? fuU. ay 108 tllijiut au"ibs. to each customer' 1 MOTHLK S BiCtlT MIX 3-lb.'pkg BLUE RIBBON TEA, - 1 lb. F. M Dockrlll well known Ttalkwa wtm COFFEE, per Pr lb 10 10-lb. sack rAMOUS FLOUR J4-lb. sack 33c 39cj 77c 14c 23c 47?. coal mtae operator, arrived In thf PKACHE8 In hwir 37C ctty on test rUaht's train for a' brief 2'- 8 Uns o&esstlo town. He will re- CHICKEN HADDIBB O'lP i uMT tn Trttwa nn'tnniffht'. train To clear 2 tins 1 fcl - I n a tvrav er Aim y 9AS Bovine, president and managing Jlrtctof of the Oranb Co.. who has been paying a week's visit to the company's operations at Qfljpijt- and Mrs locking were pas-sjmccrs aboard the Prince Oeoise Ugf, evening returning to Vancou ver. Following his remand for eight Uajm qq a charge of having stolen j goods In ins possession. William SjfJtyUhetK was released on $SS00 in ' cjy police court yesterday after-; noon by Magistrate McClymont 1 Schrlaberu hns retained L W Palmare as his cnunsel. 2 lbs ROYAL CITY PSAfr-No J per tin ROYAL CITY CORK Ts J tins CHA8K SANBORN S rnoani riftiwwno oi. rw jrj r 67c Freh FU Vecstabl.es at Kedured Prices Out of Town Orders (liven Careful Attention SSALI.EM,S Economy Store 317-19 Third P.O. Box 573 Avenue West fffli DAILY ITaTWH JA02 THHEJ llOeAL NEWS NOTES ii For dapr and nleht Taxi ser- . Moose Gingham Dance tonight Annett e s Big y.kt XhWt tf Dancing at 10 pxa. Admission 25c. rhone II r DRESS SALE Saturdjiy---2 to 4 -Saturday 2 0$y High Quality Dresses Suitable for street, aternQu and fomial w;ear QIZ Off Reg. value to $19.50. Special . . . . ! . Note: Sizes 40 to 52. JpswaBsr- The above Dresses are just what the stylish stout and large women are lookW tot. "Ajajptte" is dressing; the ladles of Prince Rupert in a "Big"" way' and when "we"' say "Big" we mean i'Big in vajlue and large In size." Remember sizes 40 to 52. 25 Only Dresss-r-The latest shades and modes suit-bje for all occasions. Sizes 1( to 38. Regular value to 51,50 Annexe Big Sae Seqa GRAIN FED PORK Bl'TTS per lb. LEGS 17C Err PORK lb. IQc per lb. 2 Jbs. PURE LARD 25c FLETCHER'S Back Bacon In Piece 2Jc per lb. rBSSSSSSSSSSSK- SBSSSSSSSsKSt per lb. 9c SPAKE Rill's 25c BOILING FOWL per lb. I Jibs. 7JC i Shoe Repairing Bring your shoes to the Shu-Craft We'niuiW them SatlsIscUon Ouarnnteed AJ. MqeAUTHUU TliJrd Aje?" Next Federsl Rlk. 226 1 Fine 1 B st Alberta ) lTTTER ! 3.95 6 Only Knitted Suits Regular value QO AA $12.95; Special pO.VV Annette's Big Dress Sale SATURDAY, 2 to 4 SATURDAY SPECIALS Phone 62 3m. MarkeU C3 Phone 63 BULKLEY VALLEY BEEF - - - FRESH KILLED RBS-. 25c I per lb. ROLLED RIBS 20c per id. SHORT RIBS POT ROAST JOc per ip. RUMP per'lb. 75c Choice Illk Frd VEAL rump i5c per lb. SHOULDER 14n L per lb. 10c per lb. ... DELICO BACON ? pkgs. In Aid of Our Home and IVIissionery Work The Need U Great WHEN CALLED ON PLEASE GIVE LIBERALLY TO THE SERVICE THAT SUCCEEDS 25c AYRSHIRE BACON In Piece loi- $c per lb. The Annual Self Denial Effort1 Commencing May 2nd Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Because it doesn't nay to advertise poor products. It does pay o buy Uhisc adjiCrUseU