".DAILY lEDITION vTE 0AILY NEWS, PiUNqE hurtitT - lmiTisu coluauiia Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally -News, Limited. -Third -.Avenue . . H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SimSCKH'Iip.V RATES Clty.jdvery,Jb7.mall pr carrier, j$ar.ly period, paid In advance , For lesser period?, paid In advance per week , . 10, By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United JtatftS, paid In advance," per year 3.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per ln'ch, per ln?ertlon .... 1.40 Classified advertising, per insertion, ;per word .0? .Legal notices, each ,lnsertion, per agate line .15 Jjogal readers, ner Jnserjlpn. .per ue ..... ,. .,...,, ,,, . 25 Contract rates on application. Adertlsine and CircuUtlqn (Telephone ... Editor and Reporters' Telephone Me.mbe.r pt Aud(l Bureau of Circulations in"tir r iitii i nnnnn he deserves the highest possible pay. ,6 .GIVJN.q DOES NOT UUjltT .During the yar, people were again and again askejl to ''giye until it hurt." Tnat was all right for war time. $sTov people are being asked to give something which does not f llf inn '?U rvrtro o cntyfna rf rwf onfiofniitinn V. tlOn that .our lovaltv loyalty is is duo due.1 Some people, of course feel that they have arrived at the ultimate i" v v v. v v. vi,fcMv. wcvfti ... V lUllUi fVl tHllh j And give much pleasure to many readers who are not .able make yQU e J,o pu.rch.ase books for themselves. ' " ,1, .lA, - f fl40 People Killed and Thousands injured as fiesiilt of Disaster in Lsent, .the future, Jteayen, heU and ..WlVlVli M il Ail I yv M,u wwwv i many similar things. Such people 1 w , VT. ... ' dare fortunate perhaps. But for unany ,of us we iave not found Lttuth so .e.as.ily. "Truth lies at the ' Wttom of a well." says an old pro- ,vy:l. Jt is tor .rnanjr .of ,us ,hard to Saturday, March 11, 193S ;come at for the well is deep and -. .. -. !e have nptllnj; U draw with. $fer i the pursuit qf truth la the .Inner- i fjujyur ifjL, 1JVU1U jent datfre or ,w1h of human na- rremier ijnnett is to be .congratulated on ws .decision Hure. to refer the question of uniting the railways to the people' In our p"'" nt trutn we n of Canada. One of the railways belongs to them and they u?vt?mJirytSle" are much interred in .the success of the otto. -K&Vr X$J?3 S& bo far Prince Rupert is concerned vve feel. pretty Ue Partial mUi tomorrow. ,And so there u'dulcl be a large majority against uniting with the f we are apt to despair or to cyni- C. P. R. The raiMwav npnnlp who liv-P Vipi-p 5ppiti tn ho lSi-nn.'cally observe as did one of old. unit in favor of 15 Tru?1!1 al1 tically a .continuing the present system. - . 1 HH- .iw". , $ search bound to to o v i , we are epme 2Sparvtlwre has arisen no ;local ehainpion of a luiion. ,one conclusion. Truth is personal. The light by wlch we seek It Is PRETTY TOUGH WORK SS 1 nese iare flays vhen the fishermen really earn their indicating that truth u personal money and a lot more. When the weather is bitterly .cold and that in faithful pursuit win And Jthe men have to work on deck and get the full force we flnd not on ,lfe bul also the ,pf .the wind it is a job no one will envy them. All -are glad goi!!Sv J in when they hear that the price of fish is ud. for even- dollar .vL$Z IL on " if;!! n Z theijjvgran gets is money he has worked hard for and the words of Jesus come home to us. "i am the way and the rruut and vtfie Hfe." lie U the Y&ay Uv Ooal.and the guide of our pilgrimages. Furthermore he 'spoke "as one having authority" Is not this note of authority one of our greatest needs now? Me not only spoke the uiuru nti'reoeingasKen io nana oui a lew oi tne sDare truth. e wl .'as -the .the truth. truth. He He was J'&lUmSS ifrpm their libraries, 3n order to fill up the gaps the revelation Qt perfect manhood in the shelves of the nublic librarv. Helninir such an Wti. was tt.e self .re,vei- .. . - i try of .Qod uuy uucvyiJ unit IIWUIUT A VIY ilO " v""' w - ' 5 V,,.Vh-ill basketball fixtures flvtnrs. nlavitrf nlaved In In thm the (Continued from Pae 1 ''Tvt'O.Wf -oo(l reatons why you should enH'itt and it only cou a few cents. ftitlJay vVfcitls ,cwo Shrtddcd Wheat .H'$Rl AflipejJ in Uje rfjvpn and smothered in milk, hot or mjld. Shredded Wheat is 100',; vjholc wheat inlUVVt. CatudUn wheat. 12 BIG BISCUITS JN EVERY kJBpX 'SHREDDED WHEAT MAPI IN CANADA . 1 CANADIANS OF CANADIAN WHIAT -TJUDAIl.Y NES .u 'I'J, lit - -.t ' J4 AWRDAY SERMON The Pursuit of Truth (By Rev.V. p. Grant Holllngworth. D.A.), 'Ldo.not know," said Prof esspr V. G.'.SumnentfGcently 'yhethorit is pqitye for us eerto arr.iye jvt,a knovJe$ie.t of 'Jtilie ti;vij;li in (regard to anydmportant matters. l,dpubV $iim .Russians Hebrew ttex-o vakjsjis .Roums.niwy tungaiirj :&t-Other ?r,epesn He Other Asiatic 'Unspecified "Ye hall oow , - the. truth shall &$UC,jMn X'3&n , per Qt,a,t JXoipit Continued from Rage V, 53 53 SO ao 30 w 16 11 3 1 3 12 nurses, to go into effect on April 1, 1038. The finance ,commlttte brought In a xecommendaUon cute ting O.U V" wagea .except the cook. assistant cook, .the ounll nurses and puiuinn followed the recommends . -.... j u.i the edge on the C. N. K,ln the llrst In fairness to all cotleerned lit Would I be advisable for the board to make , . jBS.apitUy as possible. JIclp was SUrnmanQd from Long .' but slackened In the second a svxexil xeducWn iniUtAd .of Beach where it was reported; tliat the cjty waa.on ficcand haU and 1et the RaUwy drP singling out certain ones ' for th e response was immedi.att. .MarUal law w.as declared b,ttJStJdi! cut . Angeles people who jiad friends .at Jng Beach '.tr.N jto , tn the w game Uie Comeu de. rd'to no.TTiul pet here hut were stopped ,by the pcAicc ad .turjieu jiacK. leatd e Amazons .a one- tnat ht workmen's compensatton -The crowding in of people from vtKc qntidc hampered the sided me- e Comet arf now be discontinued for the time.b.uupe effortsf the authorities. ! h e .CdinaU for league thought that this ote ThrouEhout last evenimr and on into tho niirht radio fixture ... the on which the, could ,tr Matiqns j.ssuqd bulletins. omc.of which contained .ag- gcr.atqd CRorts of the fatalities. Ayarnincs wore issued iji liic p.QopJe to remain ,at home and not .add to the trou-4lcspf ihc ,a.uthorjities. Paiu Arcani Her earl Tired Out After loins Housewerk Mrs. Urary JUarh, Morirl Uli, Alt, writ: "Lut fftll 1 hkd bad iM wepai .wjr besxt, and teh moraiag, sfttr doiar a littla m jwwofk, 1 aeiu to get (iluj sad fwl pXi ured sat Sreisf tW Milbuni's Iltwt iod Nerr PSIte wre gmd for llw tmufj I scat' for t x, Ed Urr taking tl.f I'illi far a few Jyi J felt a who) lot U-tur. Hinr tlm lbTe k4 no rt)irs ' lite 1Uiy ip)b aad paiw aynBd m na(t. " r t H Ant rrl iterM; pal w7 br TV. T Ullban Oa- IM- WIS l O O FOOD is 100 ttAHADIAN In the lnUrmedJate Tuxls completely whitewashed the any reduction. A suggestion via' L t 1 a s SI 1 1 .afill' V tfV-.. ... ..v., .. water be fixed in the opcaUnz rpi league leadership ajajnt the jyar- 0 dMtilrd ter. m no-' 4m. . . . .. . i . , , spend over $4 a month for- It. Trrw The Japanese took the Jeadlng J1 wt ln hnd, of (he hoe Scouts Uito camp .In the Jnnor committ game by a close margin of two xhe ffUegtion of U)e rte hkh pqinu. 13-16. The .boys played a lh. hosoltal nfrf Hie Power cTm. good jtame and there was HtUe to p,ny ;or JJjtnl htoueW upXor Ichooce between the two teams. j01f3Cppntry Bower 10. SCOTTISH LKAGUK FIRST Bjyisioy Aberdeen 6; Morion 0. Avr United -2! Particle Thistle 0, Clyde 7: Hamilton Academicals Dundee 4; Cowdenbeath 2. Moiherwejl 4: Cfiltle 2. nsn.eni 4: filefts 4. ft. i?fhrHton-e: KUmnmotk 1. Rt. Mlrren 3- Fist 8tMlnh!re o. Third Lanark 3; Alrdrleonlans 2. gcpefai aisoysslon.'vncA elty had charge of the lighting syftttrn the hospital was given a special rate but now they were paying ly the reeular metre rate. It'l , piCMiyi lEtfWX thought advisable Xor the finaine j Astbn Villa 3; ,Wet Bromiah comrnltteeto look flosejy Intp.Jtbe Alblons 2. matter and see if some redueiten Dolton WamUreri 0; Sundcrfand could not be madeThe matter 6t lnstalUne new nower conneUnn P,h?fa.!:.JD,akp01 V the electric heflttrs was letta Huddersfleld Town 0; n Detby u e hsnds of the hpuse .cnmmltw. ' County 0. . Leicester .Wty J; Arsenal 1. Liverpool l: Manchester City 1 IRELAND BEATS Middlesbrough 2; Birmingham 2. .Tlirrc ATDnnrtV Newcastle United 3; Sheffield Wednesday 1. Portsmouth 2t vertnn 2. BELFAST. XieJand. Maroh 11: 8heKlfe4d .United 2; .Blackburn Irf,land defesxts-a Walm.too 'biffp , Uwrs J; Blackburn Jlovcxs 1. Wre c.rowd of RtMar8 4o;jtn ' Wolverhampton Leeds United 8. Wanderers 3; lntcatlonal rugby match heir. Volume of business ln the United States will get back to normal by -the end of 1934, JtoRef W. iBihson,. ttr No I't airafi im tj.-lW;o riifl .nruiJi. KI4. ,riipinr up and In; lannot Hi! Iljlit. k a nit fotnf;fpM;. ... 'yrl"ff 'infarnialM. smitii HANUrACTVaiNU co. IPL 31 NtMxn. Out PROTEST AT OF STRIKERS (Trades and Labor CouncllasjfiRe-solution at inilarotlng Thursdv.-NUpt At .lt rrffiilar .meetlnB fThurxdav Ti it is possible. It IS not impftrta.lVt. It is the pursuit of night the Prince Rupert-jrdes and truth which gives us life, and it is to that .pursuit of truth council passed a resolution -that.our ' r Rrpttlp?lW.Mt.ie pctlon of the . Granby Company in evicting me striking miners from their homea at , L - truth about mW jtwnjp. ;Uie ,pre- fnn AC "ZZtV:"? Z 1 1 II JK r tAn LL ' battallqnj,of police to Anyox in-, W i WV f- sUajj qf lUe Abqr depart- menttokee-matter up and try to Prlncu- EnslUh l-rrdom'inln JW(t AVUhflUL,h.Secjd and A?ge Jjmmgt Scandinavian and ri?ili 1. i. ui w u Followl - closed town poucy. which makes . r,,. " .. .,. except ip a surtpWUm manMr as t"""M" " ha bMm done Memtlv tics has )ust issued a booklet on the racial origins of the people of Can- ada. This shws that In Prince Ru- t$nfide)e wlH pe,rt .people qf JEnallsh origin lead as mlich by the helpful aet m the In numbers with Scottish second favorable balance sneet-Qwen u ana Heanainavmn inira. inc num-bersare: '. ; . Engli4h Scottish fcjandinartan Irish Chinese and Japanese Italjan French . -. German . ..r. Other British Race Austrian Ukminlarw 1U . kmc; ?t9' 3 1W1 ni i 97 5 m in fcrowPM SavIDo " y "And who wouldn't? For Chuntcclcr papers lead in thei favour of smokers who roll their own , . rendy gummed, slronp papers, conveniently pocked in automatic booklets. 120 -leaves- that's o lot of pure rice paper for Scl" iwcs Thanks to Life Insurance 1 . Kept in PURE RICE CIGARETTE PAPERS AT D.KY .DOCK ' )be wUl.UOdeuo h.-, overhaul prior t . The snagscow Bobolink mod stoned ar servlre ,ovtr ,to Jltie dry doojc today where ItlVf . force This Family. is Safe ; this home you onn oo'I.ifc:Intirtinec doing ita finc .v,ork-rp;oidiiig fonilj belter and-clothing for a family -which has m its lrcadvihncT. And Jicrc, too, you can see why Life IjiMirnncc u an alisoluic ncf,r4sity an .act auci jio. iuan should .cudanger. '.Spnic day yojur J.ic Insurance niay:Jc itcodcd to mvc your fainily fr.oui cold and hvnigcr your home intact to give your children a fair cjiancc in life, 'TJmuI; P.01icjriiinga,.;uuJ yoji vUljjuaril tlicjjfeJnsur-aiii c )'ou now own and adl to it tit cvcry.ifyiojiinity- 22,000 FAMILIES 'fATHCRCD" gY Lire INSURANCE N 1912 More than 22,000 Canadian hanr; aflTrrtnl j I lie riralh .of tlie ).rf.llnnrr In 1932, tttrrA f;om I.lft Inoiranrr flninrlal allinre in rarrr on. ULif ffi G uarIT e Insurance Ont o irriti o mfiinfrt $fonnrrd by . Inturantp Cornet IAN O T CANADIAN 11QM EjL e