PAQS rouB WATERFRONT WHIFFS Improvement in Price For Halibut Cheers People Of Waterfront Zenardi in Dry Dock For Overhaul Pleasure Fleet Still Idle All the fishermen and those connected with the fishing industry alone: the waterfront, are elated over the im proved price of fish. For a while when the boats were get-; UllgoC anu C ll was uupuA&iuie iui me men iu uiciiu even on their trips. With the price around 6c and 3c it is possible for the boys to make a penny or two. It is the hope of all all citlcens ciUeens ol Prince Rupert thai the price does not fall below the level of 6c for with the fisherman getting a good, price everything looks brighter. Johnny Pierce of the Home Oil staff left Ust week on board the halibut boat Tskla for the sou,th. Johnny Is taking a holiday in Vancouver and the southern cities. Bill Patmore left today on hie good ship Mary for the neighborhood of Welcome Harbor wfcer-Bill Is interesting himself In rrln-lng activities, and woiking on a claim that he has over there. P has put up a comfortable little cabin about three miles in from Serf point and has been staying coming season. Tne uertca u. in It all winter. Bill says 'hat in owned by the same party will get the last few weeks he has struck her general overhauling as soon as some tough weather in the neighborhood of Pbrsher Island and had a few minor mishaps to his staunch little craft The Laura P. II. is on the ways In Cow Bay getting a little touching up with the paint brush. It will scon b: time for this ship to be makin her runs up to 'he Skeena Canneries again. BUI Miller af Perrher Island 'eft yeWdftr co his return to his ON.It. TICAINS it for the East Mondays' Wedneedayi and Friday : 9:30 pjn From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10:15 p.m. RENT A Radio. Sewing Machine, Typewriter McRAE BROS., LTD. home after spending a few days in the city, having come in for the mall and supplies for those on the Island. The Anna S. Captain E. Skogg. was In port yesterday from Pearl Harbor with large catch of herring that went nearly as fast as it came in. There is still a big run in he neighborhood vt Pearl Harbor. The Zenardi bc'orning to Gammon and Watts has been on the dry-dock in the last couple of weeks for her annual overhauling. nd renovating for the work of the the Zenardi :omes of the docks. The native fishermen in the neighboring ' villages will soon be ready for the spring wea leaving for the Naas River for the j tner- oolichan fishing tor, which the river is noted. The pleasure boat Club are still tied ter quarters but it now before the crafts will be git Put more at the Yacht in their win- Sunshine II IlOW many ilay- in tlie month It you feel your liesl? Two or three? A dozen? You can add lo tlic "sunshine days" liy simply obeying nature's laws. Avoid common constipation by eating a delicious cereal. Laboratory tests show Kellogjs's ALL-HUAN provides "bulk" to exercise the intestine, and vitamin II to aid regularity. The "bulk" in ALL-BRAN Is similar to that in leafy vegetables. In addition, ALL-HIIAN contains OH ii-a.1. . aC Ai. ii muu I Mr Only one halibut boat was in this morning with her catch. That was the Visitor with 6,500 lbs. There .was no sale. ill not be long! The Newfoundland sealers are on srs of these their way to the ice fields where ig them tnelr , lolling may commence on Tuesday summer coat of paint and have 1 next. The fleet this year consists of ays your calendar twice as much blood-building iron as an cual weight of beef liver. You will find it far more pleasant to enjoy a cereal than taking patent medicines. Much wiser too. Two table-spoonful of Kellogg' a ALL-ItRAN daily will overcome most types of constipation. If not relieved this way, see your doctor. In the red -and-green package. At all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. ALL-BRAH ;- iu'r tiappx 'lfw rm feer aswl h ni lm as-lrfss stria larply smi lt ffwftH yam vat. IW a tar ynt dtt U tilaite'd natth ufTtri! ? "TILLJE THE TOILER" Bubbles i tsl.u vou mac ic;t MB wOBiBt) - HEPR VAlSlaC rjfJSJAQCO amd hb isiTiaocoe'& MB To A MAun. ROWS Mam WHO TACI Mb rli )- jltJ --wt- rMjwhuy, , BUT MAC Oosj't , iiBBr 7Vow mv m travel IT'S 1UB IBtiT TIMS" I've tfvra -lice tms r "W TOT DAILY nKWI MAKE IMPORTANT FOSSIL MAMMALS FIND CANADIAN GOVERNMENT IWLEONTOLOCilSTS MAKE DISCOVERY Dr. L. 3. Russell and Dr. R. T. D. Wiekenden ol the Oeologlral Survey Department of Mines. Ottawa, have announced the discovery of a new locality for fossil mammals in Canada. The two government paleontologists, working near Swift Current,, have obtained a small collection of fossil teeth proved to represent animals of the late eocene times, which have not previously been found in Canada. Such fossils have been found In Utah and more recently in South California. Teeth of a rhinoceros, of tttlarvotheres (large horn-bearing beasts), or a three-toed horse i primitive antelope-like creatures and a fore-runner of the squirrels are Included in the find. A single rabbit tooth U one of the oldest known records of such animals. In the above layout is shown lt a tltanotherts. a large horn-bearing animal and 2 a sabre-tooth tiger pulling down a pre-historic horse. six steamers carrying 1200 men from Thursday night for the east coast si TAitn .nH 1 auvUUrv of Moresby Island where a small schooners. Captain A. Kean is mak ing his forty-third trip. The foundering of the Reliance has caused much discussion in Ket- ohikan. While accidents to small boats In the district are not unusual, the lots of the Reliance with Its four-man crew will take its pUce among toe major disasters of its. kind in Southeastern Alaska waters j Coming' s It does with the apparent toes' of feVw natives aboard the Golden Oste, the dangers to small eta ft are given concentrated emphasis. How the Reliance could have foundered Is. of course, a matter of pure speculation 8ome say that If the vessel were Hunt -as she would be after discharging her cargo in Prince Rupert- foundering in a sea not unusually rough would be pos- iblo Some believe that the ermine JUST . . . RECEIVED A NEW SHII'MKNT OF CANDIES Including all sixes of box choco- ; lates. butternuts, toasted marsh al-I low, chocolate bars and other vir- icties all at new low price. j ItHMKMliKIt OUR STOCK IS lltliSII I I S'' our windows and convince' yourself that it pays to buy from us , i MUSSALLEM'S i Economy Store ! U'c deliver all orders, $2 or over 317-19 Third I P.O. nox 575 i i . Avenue West rhone IS I'M JE7TIUfl OSTSPStEATB MAC HV"T H-V8 AMOTHB1. 0UL.- LIT.TKM VKKJ ttlKKs MAC Uf CHAMaG VeviOt -?.'C-fJ5 'P .M 6T DON'T L6T y v - I'LL. UCTMU 111 r-t A i I ih o fLz Japanese fishing vessel, the Miriam was in need of assistance. The cess has not returned yet JONES' Family Meat Market Uver. i lb ', Bacon. I lb. 1 Loin Pork Chops---' 2 lbs Round Steak. 2 lbs. Onions. 4 lbs. . 1 8houk,er ?ott' 4 lh m.u have failed and that wind Bnd tide would drive the vessel on the I nx-ky shore I The Salvage Princes Ir-ft on Apples. 4 lbs. Leg of Pone per Hi Oood Spare Riba 3 los. Pork Sausage 3 Iba. Sirloin Steak per lb TBone Roast per lb Mump Roast per lb. Sirloin Tipper lb Fowl- each Swift's Pure Laid per lb. Sausage per lb. 25c 25c 50c 50c 12c 25c '25c 20c 15c 15c 18c 65c 10c J A 057 Phone 957 Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY The Plan That Failed TvImo r I'honc 657 UJMA i -r ic . -r..- FRIDAY and SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 p.m. Admlylon 15c & 50c Feature starts 7:45 & 9:15 JLUC i rw or i,vkj si i iir-: 7L . .cs. 1 r ' Everv voir i fVrPORi .Mil! TU SIIC number of women using. Netile'i Evaporated Milk. TW women have learned to their own satisfaction that their threefold uiwsIkmi a to when. BASr SILC I" VOU ABB --VD DOW VWAMT 0 KMOw VU AAJO WWATJ, Qt, I'M rMerAfleo TO XILLlE 3BS Ttavwa "to MAtCE ts- - Gooo- SATURDAY Admission how sad for what Nestle a t-.vaporaieu im'iulel lou II nr Milk may be ued. can lie answered irirtMs hi the colum with one sale, simple nd erononiKal ruie "Foe ever milk ami cream use" For Neath's K(mrated Milk can indeed be used w herever milk or cream is required, with amaiingh satisfactory sod economical results. Dilated with an equal quantity of water, this pure, concentrated, doubly rich cow's milk ii used in the same way as the original milk. If eitra "cr (st mines" is desired, the milk can be left in the rich form in which it conies from the tin. In rakes anil pies, soups and astseea, you will find Nestle s Evaporated Milk A Product rtrfAHA "NtsUI's Milk has taught me the seeMS ol inexpensive, sucressf a I ooking. I use N'eatkf's I-.vaporated MiHc in preference to any other lirand. in all my recipes tlui all 1m milk I certainly nml it intalimbiasa a K)(e ami iiftie saver ' if mu want amir n ih dressiiiit tallenni of MiirK.n milk, fix suur "nr., same. Iravinj ihe m at: And Uat, but hi , this amaissg milk we nit instriMtioni Nestle s livsporated M loan ae it into a frrei feettic refriaerair n hsboot bvt minute. I te wse a Iretung 'i milk, uir it into by cfeiptwd k ' milk raiMdiy l ' butter" no maitei k. many times n is ' F.raporsisd M.U incrsaaes in vulumf .r MAIL THIS COUPON Nestle s Milk bodbe's Metropoinaa nawsw. r, 0, . , loronio, Please send toe free rn ikiany ways toissprotT l4 NtMle's Evapursted Milk lYAPrjRATCOj Nssm Addrsss inn r- r i Jl I w I 9 ft I F- ISs " o m Ate. r . i 'I. sWIVIfcb, J mm "t--. rafa.kOar 3d " ure VfW HILARIOUS LAUGHTER JOYOUS FIN juc u. ui uwii m iuu jam a mouihliil nun umiii.n iiwwr.ii.-i, t tiiafrapn liclurp Come and Get Rack the Old Smile, I'rince Itnn.ri -COUNT THE DOTS" CONTEST WIN A IvKs tommy I M ia at luuu in inr nuiirn MlTnn Colored Symphony "King Neptune" Travfl-', V Xtt DONT MISS THIS RIO SHOW Trinll( MONDAY Si TUESDAY "MSni Alter" & "V ECONOMIZE.,, with Nestle' s Evaporated Milk lor every milk and cream use an increasing not only an ee'""'' improvement. I hen to cakes ami pt-.nm rtrh crraminsss in . when Nettle' l-.wi. " : . nr. Whipping Nestlt's Evaporated Milk The Nestle'. Kv4wr4 ,,, UweUtarlMtiieioi. i Kit'U;- sad assmewkat sidfr: TO SCAl.l Ve. MIIK. seftl cans n j ma. In rovarmc thrr brteimf to a U,i 5 ntnutea. aiilllN. Nev: Ms is QSirkK ht , : at t sef-n rt. . , ' vj-et t, I NESTLES EVAPORATED MILK NSSTU'S- WotU's isrgct Procucen ent StlUtt of Conccnteo' eno Evdponted Milk HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Incorporated 2nd May. ltiO Ship all your furn to iw. You can !) i liifjh priccw, tjuick returns ami chIi mail. IlKAVElt, PISHEIt, FOXES. M V 1 v MINK and MUSQUASH are in iron. I : , Our prices on these articles caiun t t Hudson's Bay Company I'KINt l, KUI'r.UT. H.C. By Westover.