Greater Enjpyment in Esich Cup "SALADA TEA "ffesh -from -the -Gardens" WALLACE'S )F YOl ARE INTERESTED IN WOOL WORK . . u ,pUy ol .knitted und otocheUKl Afghan, cushion, .etc., . in our window Inateuotlon will be cheerfully .given to jiiicrh, In the making Of ny actkUe displayed -We have .1 full mm of woftlc At .reasonable ptfcioti MOST OF TJIE MQWJSLS AJJE FOR SAIX wi ti'B.vonably pn( ff unri woull mukc novel and arii ptablf wedding pre .its rii ' XUitd and f.ultpn Sis. Good Chocolates arc always FresA Chocolates i .ixlie.s deteriorate ah age. That In wbfgvppte like .to uu, f row u We handle the .beat niajtas aj sU tape i,.i.utKir so we ate continually tufn(j Mr gp 0vapk. :iu.'oms depend on always geiUf Asaeh .otmplara r mir store We Handle Keilsons Yarious lines in luoinjc some very nice gift te and .also -Sfjpps. A box of chocolate u one of ,tbe most MXlab4e XMt a ,. ;m 1,1) receive They. cn always be given wfKut 'it(uise Ormes Jjml Z7fm Pioneer Druqpiste The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRJNCE RITJ2RT. H.C DEPRESSION PRICES KR Coals, per ton $11.00 & $11.50 (Not Nut Coal) Lump Coal, per (on $12.50 Loose Coal, $1.00 per Ion less AU Coals arc in a dry shed. Don't buy water, Uuyxoal HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8tamgi u.t, 4nno lur't WWH'1" T-S.S. CATALA .EVEKY TUESDAV, 1:50 P.M. ' r,an Palls arid WayPolis. Due Vancouver HiUHaOajr pjn. T S S. VKyTjt'KG EVERY J JtlDAY MIONIC.IIX. Vimrpuver Monday ajn. Vf to rv,n gimpnon, An. Arm. Any-i attwsM sd w 'itiM:rrSrV.i;.?.',l4,,' U saiilaas sd "IN" ' 'ht Anrfyi .luri.od a.u Daily News Want Ads. in I 12. ur rnnnr "T- 1 HI ' ?Jbriog quick Resulls LOCAL NEWS NOTES For day and night Taxi see vfqe'Pjioiie 32. ; Leave your apare books at prme's Drug SUae for the public .library. uo h toaay, pie&te. ft If you have not a spare ,book, buy one and give it to the Library. It Is a good fhycatment. Anyone .oot oa the provincial voters' list should register -today. The list mill be closed In a few days. Miss Harrison in h&r report to the boaro last night stated .that hey had not been as 4yy thV nopth as usual. 3Qpe vwa the recipient of djaaalng gown irom J 3. Mlljer of the Montreatafter a raoatlonO ihe south. Importer miss ueveny jack, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs Joe Jack f Prince Rupert, who left recently tor San Pedro with Mrs Jute's sister on a' visit, was due -to arrive there on, inurKUy No word has been xe-ceiwd fcum ner since the quake. There toive been emp(alrts to the police of people taking their, cars when parked on the street il driving tbeon away, let vine them when the gas is xbsustC This could be avoided if owners of ars would lock them and take out the c hospital boaed held 1U regular aaontfely meeting in vhe hos-Ditnl last nlfttt with ptsioent F Dlbb In the chair Other memberx of the board present were Aid. rCwrie, W. Bca. Q. P. Tinker. O V Wtllrlnson. R .OobJoo. and IV, Benwn H. IJirtri and Miss Harrison, mairott feC e hospital me tnaotwy qeotsial - reportJ was r4 t the mmm. of the hospKal board Jan sjgfct Mid .ad- o&4 abo-lng ceoatpU Z11A1 disburements M0T11B; leaving a deficit of rW.Tl Teft had beer, no grant m (. wsa the city ar.. the n nance Committee were And-tug Jt very hard to carry on. A letter from the D. C Jlokttf Aaaoclstlon was read at the Beard qserlini last nixlsL in conneetkw witb the "sick lew" of hospital fmployee Tte matter m-as left In the hands ef teh house committee to chsdfc M on the system used in the local hospital .with the stan-dosd set by the B C. llosptul As- ooJiUon Announcements Re&kah Tea March IS. Catholic Ladies' Big Sapper and Social March 17. ftctrtt Rupert Badminton. Atari. Dance March 17. Moose lis Presbyterian Shamrock Tea. Wth It. Oddfellows' Old Time Dance March II. Kag)es Otast. March at. Presbyterian Spring Sale Apr Catholic Spring Sale and Socio April lsth. COASTAL SB ,11 VI CIS Fruui I'rliirc llMMft fitr Off ii tali. IVwrll Hirr, aitfl iirrr 1lmr.l. IO.IH) p.m. For Mrviatl ami Aiii WVlnrly. 4.INI p.m. Im Imrrt tm Ihr Olj t mwilr. ('tU M'tlM mt Irmm ant atl l4l V A X A II A X j ATlOiVAL COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, AJberta and Unlkiey Valley Coals are guaran-, ieed to five satisfaction. .Try a top of Np. 1 Bulkley Valley. We ,lso ell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats, and Barley. Prince .Rupert Feed Oo. 58 Phones Wt -tonight. Scc-soned box-end, $1JD0 per .load. Albeit McCaf fery. tf. ;.ut receded a large shlpwtTf T-?? LS f n,i.rW. o,,h. r.,J. hWen April 1 and -September t 31 Annette's. 59 you probably .ave at least one1 pooK yqu can ,pae. Leave It at p.rjne's for he;j3brary. tf Mayor M. Stephens is expec-ied to arjvc iome from Vancpu-ver .tomorrow on .the ,;Catala. " Atra. A; We.bbejr.Jind Qhild were pasepneeraAboajcf jhe as. Princess Adelaide Jast night, returning home iTjbe s. Venture arrived but ntght from..yausTUver at -30 and sailed on her return to Vancouver and way points' at midnight. . IV. B- Monan of s&e J3i)lmor mm returned t the Uy on the Ptfu ces . Alalai(.e la .... ight alter at s WJri VWfW p ,ip the souVi. Miss E. Jackson, sister of C. O ;um of ua etty. uiides today at Hunangtoo pedh. California, which was one of the points affec ted by the quake last night. J. C Brook. IJeJd repxesentaUre if .the Keystone" Lubricating Com-jany. who is h the city today is we of the interested inquirers in regard to ,tbe disaster in Los An geles where hi head office to oated. a The fire de4rtttnt had a can this morning to Use building on Beach Place thtt at one time Fair used as the agiW rest. The ipoti of the .building had caught ;iej the damages amovpting to the neighborhood of' ten dollars. Mail Schedule "or the .East Mondays. .Wednesdays and l .days 9; jo nm ,.Fjrpm .the FjLst Tuaaday. Thursday and tui day lOilS. paa. jr yaVicourfr ' Tuesday . 1 30 pjn Thursday . .10:30 p.oi Friday 11 par From Vancouver-Sunday . p.m Wednesday ... . 9;30 ajn. 'gTSVSgKgBPBfPSSBBSM FINEST FURS On Sale Today At Goldbloom's Ttys jts the time to buy We have some of the 4tnei obtainable and the prices are low. Why buy poor quality whan you. can get the best iwm us at prices not thought of Ifeitbetto? DUOl IN AND SEC THEM Trappers Who Jure fyrs to sell ca,n make,po mistake in khlpping to us G0LDBLOOM The Old Reliable p...J..........r.v....... MACKENZIE FURNITURE SjS7 Third Ave. rbone !75 ' . t BED LOUNOBS Oouh m daytime and makes s full size bed CI I Special, with nlflow $r"' M KIJTE IJR.VUTY PARLOR Mrs. Sutherland Oprjatlnr the latent Sbeltop .Croqutgnble Oil Steam Permanent Waving Mathine ; For Appointment Phone 4fp Supplies For The Hospital Considered renders for the supplying of of ie hospital board. There were Ahtee tendsi 'or mllk-yalentln Dairy, Dominion Dairy and Prince Rupert Dairy. It was stated that the j services and quality of the milk given In the past by the Valentin Dairy was of a high standard anu as there was no difference in price the board decided to continue get- , ting milk for the hospital from this ! source. ! There were three tenders for ' ' bread, La Casse, Rupert and Chris Mill Bakeries. In view of the fact that the prices quoted were similar it was decided by the board to alternate the buying of the bread between the three bakeries at the Quoted price of 5 1 -3c for white and Dtvwn Dreaa & 7c for raiatn bread Wolves Were Driyen Off by Mrs. E. Hunter Were .Chasing Seer at LakeUe Lake, U'hctiiJdy TopkShptgun.and Chased Them Away THtRAGE, March 11: An Inter esting story is being told lire of Ms. E. urtar of Lakelse Lake drove off two big wolves and saved deer from being killed. It seems that on Satarday morn-' ing Mrs. Hunter, who fives on the: Jake hre near Paul Armour's float happened to took out across thet Jake and there she saw two big-l wolves chasing a deer. She at once ' took down the shotgun and running out on the frozen lake fired at the wolves which then gave up the chase and the deer got away. , The temerity of i&a Hunter In facing the jaajftat and saving the lite of the. dear has bean Mm tafk the coparriOnHy. Wattxhouae Compa ny's ixetgh ter Soutibolm was in part yestetday in iter tegular run p the norsjK-sm coast. CASH & CARRY Medium Crbs. 3 tor JtSc Sliced Halibut per lb 10 Fresh Herring. 5 lbs 2$c Fresh Filleted Sole, per lb. idc Fresh Filleted Red Cod. par ib. 10c Spring Salmon, per lb. SOr. Second .Street Phone 851 AUCTION SALE on s.vrrniuY. march n. Next iBhIKKv vMwket at 7:J0 p.m. Consisting of Electric Washing Machine. Canada's Pride Rapge: Eleqtxfc Iron: Toaster: 2 Hot-pUtca: vOatoleg TabVe. Beds: Dra(if(a,-g Rookers Dining Room 1 Tatye; VActrola ? Wicker Chairs: , Flopr Is&np: Table Lmp: Ann . Chair: 'Morris Chair, and several , other astioles. NOTE Send in your tooa for this Sale before noon Saturday. , George J. Dawes ' The Aurthneer. I'hone Black 120 1 !- '- - - -. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Ujertng three Dry Docks Total rapacity 20,00 tons Shipbuilders and hlp .Repairers ior Steel and .Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting flcrtrlc and Acetylene Welding SO-tnn (Derrick for.Ucsry Lifts Sawmill and Mining Machinery .Repaired and Overhauled FOR ANY PAIN aw (Oil evek found am aitico&i tteie iicm thidP Anyone can take Aspirin, for doctors 'have declared these tablets perfectly safe And there jt. M qsicker form of relief for any pain. It is well to remember these tbisgs when anyoae tries to .persuade you to try anything .in Jla; these tablet. Aspirin may be taken as often as there is any need of its comfort: to stop a headaebe. thmw'qfj a eold. rJLve away the pains from neuralgia, neuri Aspirin ts a trade-mark Classified Ads FOR RENT HOUSES for rent Bottom prioi'. Phone Aceen 698. HELP WANTED HOW to get a Govern ment Job. Free Booklet. The M.C.C. "UdJ Winnipeg. PRICES LOST iUOST Black Onyx Ring wtta i diamond. Finder niease retogn tc I'RIVATE Kindergartens pay. Ad-Patty News. Reward. vice given free by the Canadian ..!. Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg. . . FOUND -TRANSFERS FOUfD Seven keys oh a ring. Ap . ply JHUy News Office. j.QAMSRON'S TTansfex Wood Coal .:. J iqpving. chalts for rent. tt PAINTERS - - PIANO TUNING PAINTING and Pa per bang! pr. . . MoUer. phone Red 802 PIANOS Tuned $3.00. Walker's ill- sic store. t! '.u.'ja.'.. 'i Sho JRepciiring Bring your shoes to the TYPEWRITERS ShuCraft we rebuild them For Sale .or-Rcnt Satisfaction Guaranteed ' IV. MacARTHUR VVan f i 2JI Phqne XtUrtUie. Net federal Blk. , i - ' .i For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra HediUys Massage AU at Reasonable Prices W. a ASPJNALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Green 519 Exchange JBIock EDWAROSBURG CROWN BRAND 0RH5YR Tlie ecoooroical and delicious table syrup tltt CANADA STARCH CO. Jf your paper does not tis, rheumatism, lumbago, etc Whenever you take Aspirin you know you are going to get immediate results and you koow tsere will be no ill effects. You know what you art taking. Why take chances on some form of relief which may not be as srwilt :inay nqt be ,as safe? The new reduced price on bottles ef 100 tablet bas removed the last reason for ever experimenting with any substitute for Aspirin 1 rtvsttrtd In Cuuds HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVINO $1J5 & up Ladles', Men's Hair Cutting. Nelson's Beauty Shoppe. CLEANING & PRESSING! reasonable Benkendorf, Third Ave., next door to Dally 1 news, ., , , PWtSQNAL The AUCTIONEER Packing CratingWrapping St General Furniture Repairs Ust your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES Phone Slack J?0 UP j nourishina J gwcctor.Uje whole iamlly 1(1 LIHITSD. aiONTML rriyc, iclyoric Jerfofflfc