TERRIBLE EARTHQUAKE ROCKS CALIFORNIA " "r " Old Tomorrow s 'XJ ..XIV No 59. jard to federal poUtlea 5 1:20 a ji). 2l.l i. 13:35 pjn. 2U ft. 7:35 ajn. 43 It. 10:55 p-m. ZZ ft. N LAKE, March U:-Con-organlaed here recently "-t rs ware elected tu follow : nyron A. Bmlth. I'rt-Hident, M. P. Nourse. iry-Treurtr. Aichle Me- ' ftttive O. -'fUNon. W. Jonason and V ANCOUVKR WHEAT v W OUVBR NUrch ll:-Wlwjat ''""ted here today at 60e. years imprisonment or both. Conservative ICader i Supported by Woodward, Dick, Donaghy, Dr. Hall and Scribbins and Donaghy (Jives an Address -i - ,11111 liKJi uienieiiiK hi 11 if iiiuvurcini geneim eieutiuii held in the summer. He addressed a large audience umuunced his platform as economy, reduction of 1 balanced bvdget. the .. . ' ' of current expend!- non-party government could pa-.r extension of the mora- tiooaae. machine rate and include interest as well baVrel appropriations be ab-, il where an honest effort oUshcd and the budget balaneeo !. made to pay. and plae- Ie Secured that the brewerle-- plr with bona flee tnten- contributed to the campaign ex Uir land He declared that jmsn of both parties but an; i r cent tax was 'Inlqul- part, he and Mi Bowser were s-. -1 aggravating bearing .octaled with would not accept a person with small salar- nickel of brewery money, uuts Should be collec- ; rxhTorliEJsi' Mother of Local a . . I . . 1 1 j i nbla w dead. It was rv m sdmlrUttttlH a i f leas than 700,906 peo- ' ained Ms trceoom. how- Dies and 1 ettuiei Lfico an Police Get Word Miss Margaret SrUeU was noU- Hr wn of Vancoaver was' fled Thursday that her mother had of the meeting and there; died at the Venton hospital after i the platform with him, an Illness of Mine weeks M-Orefor. of Victoria Dr.( Owing to the wires brine down at ti Hall of Nanalmo. W J the time the Iniormulion was re nt Vatwouver: Charles'; oeived by the provincial police by ri of Vancouver, and WU- M LA. ' uthy aaM that only by radio, Sergeant the school. Service In delivering at th Number of Banks to Reopen on Monday in United States Following Federal Reserve Reopening Today law Against (Jold Hoarding Proven Very Effective President Now to Attack Unemployment Problem I; WASHINGTON, March 11: Twelve Federal Reserve "IH'iied today ami distributed currency to the Uairka ir reHpective districts under direction of the sdmin- it m. This will onable a number of the stronger lwnki? ii for general business Monday but still under par-' -trietions. Tlio plan of the president is to have the mx-i. gradually and extend r,uion little by UU!e un-' proclamation making lllc-rcturn to normal. The M, hoanl has been won-weiikrr banks will need wy effective At least $100,- under way. Conservatives At Burns Lake Are Organized ft; n. "nslde ration, each being nooooo in gold has already been "i on tu merit. Hank of ; rcurrccted and turned over to the xricrve system win be the The punishment tor hoard ins is a fine of $10,000 or tan Veteran organisations arc being given an opportunity today to pro lest against the cutting oft of a part of their pensions but it Is not thought it will hav any effect on the legislation which la being nut through on recommends Uwi of the President. Congress today is rlrln in COTAPletC aOOOW Wtttl Ue chief execuUve. The Presloent is now turning his attention to reducing the num-unrmolofSd. He will on Monday ak Congress to give au thoritv for the huge developmen SClieme in tne Tennessee iutbi valley. This will employ a very large number of men and the Oiivemmont hopes to gradually make the work pay for Itself by the sale of power and Umber mmm An increase in proliU tor Premier Quid Mining Co, Ltd.. irom $883371 1931 to mm In 193J. is shown !fn the company's annual report. Alter all charges, including depletion and write-offs against Investment in Prosperity and Porter Idaho properties, $107,746 was avail-able for dividend, against $2364)12 ANVOUVER, March 11: W. J. Dowser re-entered 01 is. life lait night with the announcement that he will; Thu"ooipInyeeenUy announ- .n-parusari lorecs compotseu 01 ivonservauve, iad- . 1 . . . , : :i 1 1 1 .1 il ced the payment of a regular quarterly dividend of three cenU per share, payable April 4. FINE START j CAMPAIGN FOR BOOKS ; Up to Noon Today 25 Volumes Had i Keen Handed in at Onnes I I'pr Library A rood start has been made with the caropslrn for books ar-rilijW'bFine loKl UJro Club for the Public Library. Up to noon today 25 volumes had been contributed and left at Ormcs Drue Store where they are being stored until the csmpsitn is over. The, books were in three parrels eontrlubted by Mr. lUrkhsm of the J steamer Newinicton, U. L. Mcintosh and Mrs. Oeorte Frits. This is a very good start and it is honed that by the time of the next report the numbers will have have Increased considerably. 'paper covered books have not much value as the cost of binding Is almost as treat as bujlns the new book. PIONEERS" AT BANQUET Number Took Part in lUnqurt and lis lire lat Evcnlnc at Annual Event About 120 tteoole sat down to supper at the Ptoneer's banquet hekl hut night in the Oddfellows- nan A good program featuring an ad- dress by Canon Rushbrook was held In the earlier part ot the eve rtlng. At the opeiuiig of the uannuct there waa a brief silence In Immiot oX the late S. M. Newton, one of the early pioneers of the city. Mayor Rochester opened tne pro gram wtth a few short remarks on his early days in Prince Rupert. Till waa followed by a routing song. We're Here Because We're Here" by the entire gathering. The main speaker of' the evening, Canon riuahbrook. gave his varied exper iences and lntereaUng liappenings In Prince Rupert and the northern part of the province in the early days. Alec Prudhomme proposed the toast to the ladles and It was re-piled to In a very humorous manner by P. If. Llnaey. The program of music was exeep- i tlonally good. Selections by the u-! nlor symphony orchestra showed wme wonderful talent David Houston aang n solo that was very much appreciated. Dancing by the pupils of Mta Tlte was one of the feature I the evening. Mra Hlack's Orchestra furnished music for the dance which f w j, noivsEit, K.C CoiiM-n i 1 1 vi n '." t..i. iiutii'hn: . Bl'ili-!: ( lililiiibl.t poll'ir ti life vurroit smith NORTHERN AND CENTRAL HRiTISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1933 mcnt in ; :i CANADIANS IS STILL AllllMt IUXOKI) bCIILIH'LE MAO. French West Africa. NUreh 11: Plying within a half-boor of the schedule by which he hopes to make the England to Capetown record, Victor Smith was winging his way down the Niger River to Niamey today. REDUCTION 10 PER CENT AT HOSPITAL Hoard t'uls All Stipend Except Those of Pupil Nunc At a meetinK of the hospital board held last night the question of reduction or salaries eame In for a great deal of discussion. On a una- j nlmous decision ot the board it was finally decided to make a 10 rc- j duction on all the staff ot the hos-1 pltal with the exception of the pupil , Continued on Page 3. 1 IN TRAGEDY At Leat Sis Known to Have Been Killed and Another Thought Head Near Los Anjrlcs L08 ANOKUB. March 11: At least free and possibly six Canadians were killed as a result of the earthquake lion- laxt night. Captain Charles Towns, formerly ot Hamilton, Out., was nmong three killed in an airplane crash while flying to air sufferers. Thomas Murray, for merly of Winnipeg; Earl Adams, formerly of Saidcatoon; Dr. Ashley Firklru, formerly of Kdmonton, and John Young, formerly of western Ontario were among those number ed as dead. Wellington White, formerly of Moose Jaw. is Uwupht to have lost his life. Today's Weather Terrace Clear, north wind. 10. Aiyansh Cloudy, calm. 1. Anyox doudy. calm, 36. Stewart Cloudy, calm. 17. Hasclton -Cloudy, calm. 7. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, aero. Burns Lake- Clear, calm, 18b BOOKS WANTED Anyone having books, old or new, that they wish to donate to the Library, should leave themat once nt Ormes Drug Store The name ot the donor should be written plainly on the pa real and ttMg vtt be acknowledged through this paper THIS WEEK The New Chevrolet is on Display at Kaicn Motors Show Room All Cordially Invited Phonf 53 PRICE: FIVE CENTS HEW NON-PARTY GROUP STARTED CAMPAIGN LAST NIGHT W. J. Bowser Formally Re-enters B.C. Politics as New Party Leader L Premier Earnings i Over Million Mark ; I During Past Year 140 People Killed and Thousands Injured As Result of Disaster in Los Angeles and Nearby Towns Leads New Political Party LONG BEACH BUSINESS SECTION IS PRACTICALLY DESTROYED AND MUCH DAMAGE AND SUFFERING IN MANY OTHER PLACES IN NEIGHBORHOOD. LOS ANGELES, March 11: (1 p.m.) Light earthquake shocks continued in Southern California today in the wake of the terrifying quake which early last nght caused the death of at least 140 persons, injured 4,000 and property damage estimated at $35,000,000 of which $25,-000,000 was at Long Beach. There were 23 distinct shocks but generally of diminishing intensity and it is believed the worst - of the shocks are oyer. Most of-tho death and do sruction was confined to the violent initial shock , which, accompanied by a peculiar roar, rocked the section at 5.55 p.m. yesterday, shaking down the walls of buildings and starting fires which fortunately were soon under control. Some of this morning's shocks jarred more debris loose from buildings in the practically wrecked business section of Long Reach, twenty miles south of here, which seemed to be the quake centre. At least 71 were killed at Long Reach and a thousand injured. With the business buildings practically uninhabitable, Iing Reach was the scene of emergency relief work. Hundreds were temporarily homeless. Compton had the next largest number of deaths with 18, and Huntington Park, 16. Five were killed in Los Angeles but the injury list here was about three thousand. LOS ANGELES, March 11: (8 a.m.) Southern Cali-' fornia was rocked by a scries of earthquakes last night and early today causing deaths, as far as obtainable, of 120 persons, injuries to more than 1,000 and property damage estimated at millions of dollars. i Iong Reach felt the full force of the shock. Sixty-five arc reported dead there and a thousand injured. In this city 12 arc dead and 3,000 injured. Several buildings at Iing Reach were wrecked and also in Los Angeles. At Compton, between here and Long Reach, 13 were killed. The quake zone extended 200 miles south from here and .SO miles inland from the coast. At San Diego there were a few casualties. The first shock rocked the country at five minutes to six last night and the sixteenth severe shock was recorded at eleven minutes past one this morning. It w-i the most severe shock in fifteen years. The cause of the quake is supposed to have been a faulting of the earth off-shore. So great was the vibration here that the needle of the seismograph jumped off the disc. The first shock lusted fully a minute. Ruildings swayed and cracked, people poured into the streets and some jumped through windows, in a number of cases injuring themselves in doing so. The oil wells at Signal Hill took fire und the blaze could lc seen forty miles away. The hospitals of the whole of this part of the country are crowded with patients, many of whom were injured as a result of being frightened into jumping from win dows or being otherwise the victims of fright. Among the victims were a number of young children. The city hall here is damaged. At the jail the prisoners shrieked to be let out but none were injured and the building remains intact. Throughout the city and district the doctors were quickly marshalled and the injured were given treatment (Continued on Page 3)