fAttt TWO DAILY EDITION THE fSAlLY NEWS. TBLNCT RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PunHmed Every .Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avecue H. r. POLLEN ManagWEdltor SUBSCRIPTION' RATES City dettvery, by mail or carrier, yearly perted paid in advance . lor leaser period, paid in advance, per week" By BHtB to all plrto of British Coh&tathe British Eauptfe and United States, .paid m. advance, jxrieaf . By nail to -all otfier emn(rrt pef,jeAr .. 1, . - ADVERTISING RATES Tranwnt display advertising, per Inch rlnsertlon . Claislned advertSftig. per word, per laiettain Legal notice, each iniexUop, per agate line : Local readers, per Insertion, per line . .. Contract rate op application. Editor and Reporter', Teftohone' .. IS Advertising ani) Circulation Telephone. j Js Member of Audit Bureau of Cir tula Mens raaMria and is thinking of disposing of bis place and leaving the country for the south. Olof Hanson MJ fair at Chicago. Alex Finnic of Stewart and M&b-! $500 .10 3.00 BOO 1.40 m .15 Monday August 14. 1183 PArtvuM mstssttitiikkio' The announcement made last week that Libefats who rim as fndependlnts will jiot be recogniied officially by the party but will be opposed at the coming election was a vecy tinielv one. In these days of change and indecision it sohge, Instrumental numbers and uooaenough bare, bean to the Hanson Tlmbtr and Lumber ed of particular interest. PoUowmg Co.'f pole yard at r?aah during the this concert the hall was cleared past few days. and a stacker was staged for the i. ; 'satijes' uMef the efficient chair - J. 0. Stephen. rtrfUbn agent ,rnWp of James Uortoe. chairman here, and Mrs. Stephens and famUy'or the LfgJoh-s entertainment corn-are on a vacation trip to Vancou- pilftee On Thursday a large party ver, They noaj; also visit the world s of Petty Officers visited the Pre- BvWf offne Trah'spbrtaUon Provided A WcaT cdrnmlttee. solendldlv J o1!"!? Ru?e5t'.v. re wrpPoWW by ear and truck Owner, wteoh company bbeht.go(ni oh of Stewa'tt and Hyder. provfeed to VirKferhoof on tMfmj. tttheportdfloh for aU functions and , trfpk. D6n SulherblAd. dlrirlet a7lcuT. Besides the entertalnmenta ar-tflrrejfct. left here last ThUrriJay for runted, by the various commlUee. u hiji imv me uotsa uicc and van-derhbof dftlrlcts on official dutTes Rev. C. A. Hlnchllfe, Anglican church rectof from Burns Lak. fi here to relieve Rev. L. J. Hales, foc rector, who Is at Lake KathTyn oh holiday. Mr. mncMUfe is accom panied by his wife and family wt art,, tm.. rnarrv off leers and ratings were also' entertained privately at the homes'. of local resfdents. All arrangements for the navaT1 vlafi were co-ordinated through a1 Rectfuso rtdocsit'f! prJv ttf advertise poor pr6ducta, It n'oes- pay (if tmy m6 iHUrtiscA. rBIHBpVanMMKVr i aeJF5?fir P-tr K and lrnura bo has j j-Braadrar i ewrlin,; i,-Mr.jk. m rhirni-: . RUSHin. I- a iurah anH cm TWO n li . . k-s tor tikiii 1 n a I mrr M i-'. - i ,m-r Halifax ;rniinent ill fcATV GAMES SOFTBALL is helpfin to near irom a man wno Knows ms own mum anu is strong enough to strike from the lfet of supporters nm Mla w'on by oa 8 to 7 and aft" those who refuse to conform to the wide doctrine of seeond by Grotto s to j tfberafeiL j If a candidate runs as a Liberal he must accept m a gen- The flrat aofthao game yatr- ''m .1'. w m Il-Jm : V 1 bctaeen ERa and a a aaa n mrw miwi ay v aaa a? vtiuirvuivu aw waaw " . - .-r-v ta IooiTarc1iin . i ! i m T r Fl Bmnreaa Empreae waa was nij nin and tack. &anra Pattullo, who was appointed at tha cohVention. The pro- tt m the fifth tnninf and gram was laid down by the delegates from the various want time nuu ahead to win a districts throughout the province, hard fought katUe I to 7 after the Cither iwHa liflpii huvfi rVAt hPPn fhtxum in rJiflt reu one one ran run anon or tying way. They represent nothing in particular except GENERAL McRAES VIEWS the score in the ninth. Errors and faulty base-running on the part of Navy were raapon-j stole for their net givtRg the OnUo la betUr Utasle and thus the latter Iteam want up another notch bv 'taking the game with an easier 5 On Saturday this paper published an interview with to a win than the score indicates General A. D. McRae in hicn he exprea Mrrrself strongly in favor of party veiTiment He sai4 he was PCJC C A P A 717M not interested in the present, etectipn because flierewere uLllE OAAAEin no Conservatives in the field. He is a Conservative and iq pUAlVipTn'M evidently believes in his party and its work. i VnAiur lUii We admire the General for. sticking tois guns. We too believe it is better to have the people fined up intotwo groups,, those who believe m a fonvard policy, cauing themselves Liberals and tho& who look, to the part for guidance instead of looking forward. Those are Conservatives. At the sam'e time ,e recogpize iie perfect right of any quier group to enter the field if it wishes to do so. We respect their opinions and aspirjStions. What we object to is those who, as a matter of expMiefif: tb.rov over an honored name atfd trj' to adopt a new oife for th salie of regaining office or securing' election.. For such we have nouiing dui coniempu wnv iry 10 niae neneain a namei District N'aV WAS AT STEWART News r1 -,cpnua from page one) of the erewa detailed for that pur pose. The kiddies were treated to ' vwiui candy ban tsatasi and saaaa light saanaaa refreshments miTeiiiiretiw Hlns Open Golf Trophy at Milwaukee Yesterday. This Being Third Time MILWAUKEE. Aug. )4:-Oene 8araaen. former British open champion, yesterday won his third United States open golf championship defeating wUue Ooggm of San rtaneJaeo five up and font to go'fn the final. WHAT NEW PLAN MEANS '-ntinue! from paire one) 100 had fallen from 07 cents to K eenta per ounce. During toe past three years the output of silver In Canada has fallen, until mat year Jt was only 1S.000.000 ouneea. The k-monitization of silver cemmeneed aDoari while many of the mothers ' m. l'"" WM lmJ A. 8. Orey of Cedarvale. apple were entertained at tea. Prom four klnr" nf T nm VI run r UkMa wfw Jt .i.im. iww. has V r I M at WK Mjy. UVMft WWM gj farm la one of the acficultaral kmt bun ferrvtne vfaltors tn the probably deprecUtad about lnce that date lt7l). The fc&w nlateaof the country, has been veaeeU and return. On Thursday P nt propoMl of World Bco- iBit during the past i evening tne Tew.aayi. Mr. Orey U contmuing to ! staged an in ahbna' jaisyae' aeaefae nomic Conference s the with dromptu concert .Vthe !wal on" ounce, of suffer from recurrent attacks of 'Canadian Lesion Hall, which was ,rom lne market. This soon overcrowded by people who mu" w recuneo ny we wished to hear and see the sailors "ZfmU concrned in lighter vem. A large program of ZLlV. ..Z. .-1 1 scneme rests on the ability of the silver-using fLL"' 5 countries untrt to exercise and Austin dances was provided, and a apelal 1 on, a Ulp trip exhlbttfoh exhfWtloh of of sword sword swinging swinging prov- prov Purcn"ng power. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Monday as. Pr. George .... 4 njrl. Tueaday-tatala l;M pm. Frlday-ts. Prln. Adelaide 10 p ni Ss. Cardena mldnlghl Saturday a Prln. Loetoe 5 p;jQi. . tePrtnce Rupert 7 pjn. From VancouVei Sunday-... oatdla' p.m. r Mohday-m. prln. Charlotte a'ij. Wed.-ss. Pr. Oeorgc 11:30 aii. Frtday-aar pr. Rupert .11 :3d aii. Ss. Prince Adelaide .... pjn. Ss. 6ardena ni. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday as. Catala a pjn. Friday as. Prince Rupert 3 p.m. cefltraT committee under the chair-' ,ewrt and Anyox , xnanshlp of Howird B. Campbell, to Tuesday-as. CaUla 11:3? tm. 'whose untlrlne: enertv ih .n.. t tur sj. pr. Rupert .8 prn of the vfaft U largely due , r N,M Il,T" na rort . w. .,u , ' Sundajr-rsk. Catala 8 djh. "w, From Naas River It Fort Simpson . Tuesday as. Catala .... 11:30 am. .For, Ocean Falls , ' Monday as. pr. Ooprge ...A p.rq. Friday -as Prln Adelaide 10 pjn. Saturday s Pr Rupert 7 pjn. THK DAXLT NEWS Monday, Augu.it u 1W1 Splendid Tennis Gamei Yesterday When4 Finals Were Played Off at- i Acropolis Cpurts, Many Attending Men's Doubles Not Completed But Grejrcor and Morton' Have Leatl Ovir .Mitchell aiid Tobej Givinjr Splendid Exhibition of Game Tfee annual (ournament of the Prince Rupert Tennis c lub wsfs brought to a swceful close Kith Lk exception of one event, .a,t te club courts esterrJy. Multfi credit is due Col. McMordie and his tournament commiitee, of A-hich Mfes Ltfura Frizzel! vr& a haTn working member, for bringing the long list of eatries down to the finals for - Satnrday and Sunday in the face T" e rtrp f ' jrri or unfavorable weather conditions rAnl llA Ylh ' In Ue tlnaU of tne Udiaa le A f yV-t Cr' Miss C Mitchell defeated Mto B f a S H p i""1 Wrumbe fn an ererfy contested , In the ladies doubles Miss J. Idg- Plentv of Thrills Throughout and ounbe and Miss frtiael defeated Score Ended in a Three to i Misses C and I Mitchell fa three! Three Tie Tjie pb'x ianase gne SataNN nfafit a faat, ftiWd packed fafl of thyflU . Alter Vbtt beetle j$-minute perfods o Qfntnlng paaafnt. heary body ehaddng. free clnb and flat awtnetae the aeore stood at three all. Darknaat prevented any overtime being played The explain tan Stan lived ap to their reputations as marten of the stick game but the sterling defen sive playing of Doug Stalter and Brick 3taJkera wcO known rushes down the field ban" the-AfJransh playefs and aupporteCs the stiek- nandllng of Simon Baker and Xd The half-back line in Una (earn is choi an with a view towards suo- BaseBall Scores SpNDAV SCOUES American League St. Louia 3-2. Cleveland 5-3 New York 3. Washington 4. Philadelphia 10. Boston 19. Detroit 6. Chieaao ft, r Natrona! League . PhfladeJpbJa .3. Kew Vor )c 1. BoaUm 6-0. Brooklyn 311. Pittsburg 3. Chicago 3. Cincinnati 2-3, St. Louts 3-4. SATURDAY fCORES .Vatlonal Leaiu? Phlfadelhla 0,(New Yark 2. Boston 5,. Brooklyn 3, Chicago 2-2, pttaburf ,5-3. CteelhrHstLouL American Lea rue New York 9-8, PhUadWa 11 waanmttdn 2. Boston I. Detroit 2. Chteago 11, St. Louis 3, Cleveland' 4. CJS.K- TRAINS' -e. For the East Mondays. Wednead'ayi; Frfd'ays and Saturdays tf":36' pm. From" (he East TueWays ii Thursdavs 10:20 djti' Mondays it Saturdays 2:15 pjirij TYPEWRlTERg For Sale or Rent Rose, C6wan & Lritta Fnone ZlV hard fought seu t-4. 4-ft. C-4. In other cventa s4aai-f1nais Satiirdnf Md Swnday the raaolta were as foBowa: a Young beat MltcM! 4. -4. Tobey beat Oreggor t-i, g-3. . Oreggor and Mrs Harton heat R. Young and Mlas Edgcuaabe a.,1. g.x. Stamford and Mni MeMordie beat Oreggor and Mrs. Harton in a hard match 3-f. Ct rj-n Tobty and MncheU bent Stamford and Ha worth M. t-1 u-t w an SWhner was outstanding. Uhex hard match and Snen eiimln- fated !!0-l O. Young and Douglas a-3. In the anal men's stagJea match. Attmr Uu tin Kjmipm n .1.. Tobey. pmymg a sponger dri uuujru ww tame than hi rmnnMt HfMtH ww2, VT0!! Young a-i, t-4. 14, g., ui w "K1 chiij ui; iiau m umm imivmA . m .... BWaOI game to referee but he managed It Number Stiggesf Ffiottali Teafn To Meet Sailors On Saturday we published a recommendation of all-star team to meet H. M. S Dragon football nlavera vhi th htm ihh i. . Tueaday evening In the hard struggle deveiooed. Mamford and Xtra. McMordVflnaUy winning over Mitchell and Mlaa Prttaell a.4. t-4 The feature match of the day. however, was the final match In the men a doubles In. which Oreggor and Ilorton met Mitchell and Tobey. With Horton killing everything within reach at the net ind Oreggor mating beautiful paanamenta, it looked aa though ,thla putt. inougn nara preated. might. take the " match in T three atraagbt aW Diclena. DeJong. Comadtoa; spares. JnLSfZL if !! 11 Thorber. CTienoaki 1. rm lot"lf,l the smith- Riair nnw tall M. game aamCHnS !LlJ2Z waa poMI U, 6:15 Tuesday eve-DtekeauL hSiit ?oH mU,h Produced the aid, BepUe. Bdgcumba: fjhenoekl. JZJS Murray. Dickens. Lokken. Mbrrfag- "T Tea was served by the ladles and ' UriP number of Utor porting the forwards as the major- Ity of half-backs simply drive the a mMt pn,oyab1' n'rnoori l the ban with nothing eonatruetive tn courts BIG AUTOMATIC BOOKLET 5f k COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edsbn, Alierta and Bulkley VaUey Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try . ton of No, 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince rtupcrt fW Co. 51 Phones til The AUCTIONEER Packing-Crating Wrapping tt Oeneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with me G$p. j. DA WES Pbone Black 1Z 4 Third A venue Vancouver College Will Reopen Soon It Con&VfUd by rhmMan nrethert Of IrVlsnd and Devoted to Krtiflon and Science Vancouver Coliege. which waa founded in ffB tn the city of Van-cowtjat la pavparing for another sue-eeaaful year devoted to the building, of seir-respecting and InUUl-gent clUarna. Ideally located on tea acres of campus tn beautiful Shaughneaay Heights, the college continues to gain added prestige with the passing years . Three bulMlnga famish ample space and oevprtnaity for the education of at CHOICE TIRES Voted into first place and bought in greatest numbers every year for eighteen ycarsl For nearly two tfecades it has been possible t6 say that more people ride on Goodyear Tires than on any other kind. The only sensible reason is that Goodyear give greater mileage and all-round service. GOOD V EAR PLUS . . . FIRST CLASS SERVICE AT KA1EN MOTORS Prince Rupert, B.f least jOO students Thr r-- building used by the Jura dents U known as 8t li . Hall McCormack'a Hall 1 erected in 1W7 affords ser.i. mttory. bath rooms, and 1 faculties The arudemlc b. has several rlu rooms, libr sc.enre Uboruiurtrs. The rollee it conducted b . Christian Brothers of J: whaee aeheola everywhere u , demon .t rate the valur v ChrUtian eduratkm Is to thft RengKu, and m mice have rv -combined in their system of -tlcn. and the promotion of m dents spiritual fife has nrv forgotten In the teaching " wundeet literary and imowledge TUB CONSOLIDATKI) MIXING & SMKLTlNG COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED SteaufMtnrm at TRUI. nKITIll CIH.I MHIt ELEPHANT IkaaS II.MIIAI II.HTIUUR9 Prnluctra ltolnfa ct TADANAC H-m4 AMMONIUM FIIOSFIIATE SOI-rilATE OF AMMONIA Tlttl'Li: SLi'LufllOSrilATC i.rai)zinc ca'ij.mium-ihsmith HOLIDAY RESORTS Wfien Coming to Terrace Make Arrangements Wlih : Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, RC. To Oreet You, ! We meet all traina. Freight At Eassenger service anywhere, akelse Lake and Lodge, new boat (II. a. 8 now In service -n the lake Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult. 13.00: $130 per head additional. No crowd too big. e Jon. too small, PICNIC PARTIES EVERY . , .... , , d SsBsBBSSBswassnnsssBvsuswswiiisvswa.M 1 1 THE DUNES Bafting, Hunting j Fishing J Modern Conveniences No Flfes.NoMosaiilloes I Home Cooking Par Excellence I $14.00 Per Werk I Children under 12, half rate ; MA) DA Mr RAJAUT Hell, Q. C. Islands LAKELSE HOT Springs Lodge An Ideal Flare to Holiday I1nel of ny fUhliig hunting, ha I hint and boating. Arrange far transports!' u ui'h W. II, Rnrnrtt, Trrra.f B.C. lUlea from Terrace lo lh Lodge Including boat se rT' One adult. $3.00; rSrh sdJi tlonal adult, $f Sd. Write or Wirt W. II. I(lTftNETT i. VVfrcyk 'r-YourWsnt North Beach Famous Holiday Res it Q. C. Islands rurnUheii Shack to Hrnt Apply Mrs. Dunn Massett, H.C.