Tomorrow's Tides i price but po-ri-ty a m. in the production. The ountiiea are Canada, the H -a tea. MeiU-o AMtmllft. ' ma. Spain and Peru. There ' restriction of the sales of world for a period of r The contracting perUea "ib from the mining output i vAirnt of what la needed to ' aW at a fair price The Mm purchased will be re-' r ronverslon Into coin. - nan been definitely decltn valued at i f output of MAQOjOdd ounces ird at UO.MMH. The vle 1 ntinueo on page I Horticulturalist Report Made on Alaska Highway Submitted to President Showing be $20,000,000. Ik Port Simpson Lady Passes Mks Orare Beynon Was Very Prominent In Many Organisations In Neighboring VIIUe POUT SIMPSOW. Aug. 14: The death of Mia One Beynon. daughter of Mr. and Mr. Win. Beynon occurred In the port Shnpaon Oencral Hospital Saturday morning. Whil the end was expected m .i ik. km 4tl W wmtw i or some mhi wr i - ur in recent yr. In It Utn nutiy and to the com-lurtian outout wm 1MMJ00 ..... t SlrVT. I a I'M Ml r In ... ...j-- The uiuiaaetl was a mani m many of the aorleU In Port Simnaon. which Included the Wo- non'a HoanltaJ Auxiliary, United rhurrh Choir of which deceased waa a soloist. Thr Ivy OuUd. having M llbl.iU rUvlaiMR tfvf At Ottawa Dies ZTZl land manv other organisations. riAWA a... n- Th late Mia Beynon waa 10 i;m iiorr yeaterday of Dr. WU- year of age and leave to mourn T Macoun. Dominion hortl- her Toe besides the parents Mia Dr. Macoun and his Ethel Beynon. aUter; Wm. Bejnom a mv .n knnM, it,.ui.,i ir a brother, and uncle in VM- ' i t Ho waa ihn .nn of Jfthn toria The funeral la taking plao "i ii well Known botanist. today Plan is Feasible and Giving Cost n SEATTLE, Auk. 14 :-The construction of the proposed firific-Yukon highway from Seattle to Fairbanks is feas- and would cost $M,000,000, says a report prepared by CardofThankj famlW Of th lat AU.tnlr M-nr wuh to Uwnk their many Uic aina expressions ol , ,pu'h d floml tribute, re-aurtng their recent bereove- . .ii .hulrmin 01 Uie oraiwi rnimii v. ... Chamber of Commerce Aiaa mlttee aald wu. of nniijiiructing the sec tton through British Columbl and the Yukon U eatimaten . 000. It U presumed that this means the total cost of the project would Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. Aug. 14: --Wheat was quoted here today at 6(1 V per bushel. vision for them under the British North America Ad Dr. Da vies elatmed that a feder ation of British Columbia and the prauie province would "save them-orte from the dominating financial tyranny of the east" Dr. Davtes was a Methodist cter- Today's Weather Terrace Clenr, calm, 68. Aryox- Part cloudy, calm. 53. Stewart -Part cloudy, calm, 53. Haselton -Clear, calm, 87. Smlthrrs -Clear, calm. 59. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 59. on today's Weather High 4 9-43 ajn. 14.3 ft. :20 pm. 188 ft. Prince Rupert Part cloudy, light Low m. 7.7 ft. variable wind; barometer, 30.34; pjn. 11.4 It. temperature, 68; tea smooth. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISn COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V, XXIV No. 189. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS DE CESPEDES CUBA'S NEW PRESIDENT CANADIANS ARE FORCED TO ADOPT U.S. RECOVERY PLAN De Cespedes President of Cuba Today and His Predecessor at Nassau President Roosevelt Ordere Three Warships to Protect American Citizens in Havana Following Revolutionary Gesture HAVANA, Aug. M: Dr. Carloi Manuel de Ceipedes, vt - run diplomat, was inaugurated yesterday as provis-; .1 president of Cuba. A group of men, supposed to bo r.'t it of Machado'g strong arm squad of Porristas, f . i i pun de CeKpcdes' home soon after the inauguration. " i, r has been pretty well restored and the city is fair- ly auk. WHAT NEW PLAN MEANS Mort SUble Trice For Silver Han- ted by Output ef Consenting XaUanaBeJof KesUlcUd ! ii be a mttUken aeramp-wiiev that the agreement aiireement reached at the I' m-.mic Conlerence. will t.; itirreaae in the oatput of y ttic Victoria Colonist It thr maintenance of a NASSAU. Au. 14 -Seeking refute under the BrtUah flag Oerardo Machado. deposed president of Cuba, who Oed Saturday by airplane from Havana, arrived here yesterday WABHlNOTON. Aug. 14 Pre -I dent Roosevelt Last nigai oraerea three warships to Cutea to protect orovr un i iuniiii wnpniwuu that he did not mean the rUtt of the warship to indicate that the United State waa Intervening. Brllain's Sovereigns Open World's Largest Drydock Shingle Dealers of Canada Being King George and Queen Mary, with their diughter-ln-Uw, the Dueheas of York, as they appeared at Southampton for the ceremonies 'In connection wttfa the opening of the huge new dryoock, aald ta fee the Urgeajt la &ci werlL TfccJUn -'Tflftiflf '1 fta TT Clergyman Candidate for Victoria Advocates Federation of Western Provinces Protection Against East Vnnrnnvpr Sfnrlf ! . VANCOUVER, Aug. 14: Addressing a public meeting tUlLUU V CI UtUUIa vpafr,ln.. Dr Com DnvW nnstnr nf Hip Pifv Tomnlp lOourty 8. D JohnaMti Oo ) Vancouver Reno. 1 M. rend Oreille. 116. Nook Five. .11. Premier. IM. NaUonal Silver. M. rorter Idaho. M. Bridge River Con.. .MVfc. Oeorgla Hirer. M. neev, JM. Whitewater. Cariboo Oold, SM. Reward. 1. MertdUn. 39. Dig MbMOUtt J 9. UMkjr J Ira. .M. 8U?er CTM, .n4. Wavly. .0. Indian. .03. D. R.X, .44. WayaWf. M. Native Son, JN. Illue nird, jOSV. Oork Province, .01. Morning Star, -31VV Toronto Noranda. SherrlU Gordon. 1.40. Inter. Nickel, 30.00. MaociftM, .68. McWatters. M. Slsco, IM. Qranada, .85. Ktrktend Lake Gold, M, B&n Antonio, 1.06. Oils Sterling Pacific. .40. A. P. Con.. M. Ribyan, .01. Freehold, .12 (asked). Calmont, .16. 0. t R. 1.50. Home, 2.00. at Victoria, independent candidate in the provincial elec tions, advocated a non-partisan government, a federation of British Columbia and the prairie provinces distinct from the Dominion and abolition of the lieutenant governor whose appointment he claim- ed was Illegal, there being no pro- r ,w T .T T m i n i-i LAtHAWbt FISH SALES Good Price Paid For Halibut This MorrJnr to Number of Boats gynan wbo rebated for a period at i Selling (he Centennial. Church. Victoria, j At the end of. that period he wish- Good price were paid thfc morn-ed to stay and ' bis congregation big at the Fish Exchange and a ' wished him ta remain. After a long number of boats sold their eatahes. fight most of Mi congregation fol- The sales were: lowed him to Use City Temple. They , AMERICAN held services for a long time in the Havana. 36.000. at 7.9 and 4 to Hoyai Victoria Theatre and later a cold Storage. building was prehaaed which has, Mttkof. .W0. at 7 J and 4 to become a church home. ' Royal Fish Oo. At the last election Dr. Davie' name went before the Ube-al convention but h wm not chosen as candidate Soupht Relief From Heat at Saskatoon Baltic. 18.000. at 8 and 4, to Booth Fisheries Wabash. 400, at 8.1 and 4, to Atltn Fisheries. CANADIAN Tramp, 16.000. at 5.8 and425, to A till Fisheries. Teeny Mllly. 10.500, At 5.75 and Hut Lost Their Lives 4J6. to cold storage. I Atll. 11000. at 5.8 SASKATOON, Au. 14:-Flve persona Including four boys lost their live In the North Saskatchewan River at the week-end as- they ought relief from the blistering heat and 4.23, to AUln Fisheries. E. Upsett. 13.000. at and 4.5 to AUln Fisheries for Butedalc, Relief 18.000, at 5.75 and, 4,25. to OoM Storage. . Cape Spear, 8.500, at 5.8 and 4.23. to Booth Fisheries. Pair of Jacks. 7,000 and Just Right 800, at 5.75 and 4.2& to Cold Storage. SILVER AND COPPER ON NEW YORK MAIM Forced to Adopt National Policy " Similar to That of United States VICTORIA, Aug. 14: The shingle industry of British Columbia may adopt the NIRA program of the United States, it is understood here. An official announcement is not likely to be made until after the meeting of shinglemen in Vancouver this week but it is understood a decision has been made to introduce the six-hour day with a compen- NAVY WAS AT STEWART Officers and Men Were Entertain d For Several Days at Portland Canal Mining Town VisitedPremier Everyone Visited Ships Including Children and Were Entertained By Officers of Vessels STEWART. Aug. 14: The past week has been Navy Week for Stewart. At S o'clock on Monday afternoon H. M. C. S. Skeena in command of Commander O. C. Jones, R. C. N. and H. M. C. S. Vancouver. In command of Lieut-Commander anchored off the Stewart IGauvereau. dock. Immediately after an choring the destroyers were offic ially welcomed by the municipal council of Stewart, the president of the Premier Community Club and the U. S. Commissioner from Hyder, Alaska. The Stewart branch of the Canadian Legion also sent a representative aboard to welcome the ships, and to place the Canadian Legion Hall at the disposal of the sailors during their stay here. A full program of entertainment for officers and ratings was arranged, but some last minute changes were found to be neces- day on of rain. However, to make up for this the Premier Community Club announced that the personnel of 'sating wage Increase. It Is pointed out that British Co- umbia shingles may be faced with Tlrtual embargo In the United States unless such a policy is Introduced, although It has not been -tated In so many words. The embargo might come Into effect If the northwest lumber directors of NIRA ordered the shingle dealers of the United States to sell only ohlngles produced under NIRA Many Attend Funeral For 'Alastair McRae Rev. W. D. Grant Hollinrworth Of. fielated and Many Flowers Sent By Friends of Family There was a large turnout to the funeral yesterday afternoon of the late Ala stair McRae which was held from the chapel of the B. C. Un dertakers. Ret. W. D. Grant Hal-lingworth officiating. W. Vaughin Davie played the organ and hymns sung were "Abide With Me" and "Lead Kindly Light" Pallbearers were Murdo MeLeod, John Pottln- ger, Nell McDonald, Matt Murray, Duncan Kerr and John Munro. Those sending flowers were Mr. and Mrs. Wm MeLeod. Nell MeDon- . aid. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Murray. Mr. and Mrs. D. Olennte. D. Munro, ' Premier. B.C.. Mr. and Mrs. James sary owing to rainy weather on j parks. Mr. and Mrs. D. MeLeod and- Wedneeday and Thursday. On Tues day afternoon three cars transported the officers to Premier where they were shown over the mine and mill and entertained for the after- family, The Family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ellison. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Ayers and Jean. Mr.' and Mrs. Alois Ohnesorg, Mr. and Mrs. A. McKemie, The Cameron rwon. wnue at ine same tune uucks oirla. Mr. and Mrs. Rod MeLeod transported 86 ratings to the Texas and Chrtssie. Mr. and Mrs. Tuck Creek Olacier. allowing ample time and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc-for the men to visit the glacier and Kenale and family and Mr. and spend some hours on the Ice. This Mrs. J. Munro. trip was particularly successful as fine weather prevailed all day. I On Tuesday evening, ofticera and ratings were the guests of the . 1 . ,LI. ... . - .' dance at the North Star Dance Hall. ' At this affair many old friendships were renewed, the Skeena having been to Stewart last year, while many new friendships were made. Good Impression ; AtSmithers Says Capt. Colthurst The sports program for Wedne- Tttnct visitor Strong For Closer I w tA had rl to a Ka be MA cancelled tllk--l am account I ' ' Business Relations Between Country and City the two ships would be their guest Commissioner Alder made a very at the talking picture theatre at lod Impression, in Smlthers at tfte Premier, transportation was ar- convention the other day and 1 ranged by the Stewart committee hope Prince Rupert people will sup and many sailors took advantage port him in hk endeavor to work of this offer. A dance at Stewart out a scheme of eo-ope ration be1 that night run by the "Stroflew" tween the city and the interior dls- wns also well patrontefd by the trtcts. stated Captain Colthurst,, navy, the "Stroller." as their eon- who. with hi nephew was In the trlbuUon to the general entertain- city Saturday on his way to Van- ment Inviting all navy ratings to couver. attend at half price. The Captain see great Improvi- VLsltors Day I mtnta In store for the whole district Thursday was visiting day aboard If the people hare will buy Interior both ships. From two to four o'clock produce and the people of the In. In the afternoon special parti of terlor will do their part in the paefc children from Stewart Hyder and The Captain left for Vancouver. NEW YORK. Aug. 14: Silver was Premier were taken aboard and saturaay evening and wm return quoted today at 35sc Copper was shown over the vessels by members In time to meet H. M. S. Dragon at 9. Continued on Page J ( when she comes into port