i a ' SO a eS eee ss —_—— " The Insurance People EVERY CLASS OF INSURANCE. GET OUR RATES The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Phone 150 Third Avenue and Fulton St Jaeger .Pure Wool. .. Clothing. . and Bedding GUARANTEED AGAINST SHRINKAGE , The Jaeger Company maintain a laboratory for testing scientific- ally the purity of woollen materials by the company’s own analyst, a qualified chemist, thus insur- ing the quality of all garments produced ; and woollen clothing induces a better dis- tribution of blood in the body. A small assortment of these eelebrated woollen garments has just been received, and a larger range is on the way, so we can from stock meet most of yourwants. The Jaeger catalog full of good information can be had for the asking.—GET ONE. me meres Sloan & Company —SOLE AGENTS— 6th Street P.O. Box 622 Patronize a white Do away with this. laundry. White labor only at Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 challenges or things with draw his resignation that is all we want to know.” know about the challenge. was made in open council here, and we all heard it.” cussion was dropped, council proceeded to take up some unfinished business amongst other Letters in reply to the letter sent them by the city council in reference to their resignations were read iast night from Alderman Newton and Alderman Hilditch by the City Clerk. Alderman Newton repeated his statement that he would with- draw his resignation when Alder- man Hilditch withdrew his chal- lenge. Alderman Hilditch withdrew his resignation, but said nothing about the challenge. Newton Goes on File “What shall we do about this letter from Alderman Newton?” asked the Mayor. “T move that it be filed,” said Alderman Kirkpatrick. In regard to Alderman Hil- ditch’s letter it was agreed by the council that he should be allowed to withdraw his resignation. What About the Challenge? Alderman Douglas—‘‘Alderman Newtoa will not withdraw his resignation unless Alderman Hil- ditch withdraws his challenge. There is no mention of the chal- lenge in Alderman Hilditch’s let-) ter.” Alderman Kirkpatrick—‘‘We do not know anything about the like that. If Alderman Hilditch wants to Alderman Douglas—‘‘'We do It Cue for Hilditch With this, however, the dis- and the matters that of the Dunedin Block introduced by Alderman Morrissey. Alderman Morrissey wanted to know why after this block had been condemned by the city coun- cil and ordered to be demolished it was still standing. The Mayor said the matter was hung up by a dispute in the law courts between two parties con- cerned with the Dunedin block. Alderman Morrissey wanted to know by whose authority the demolition had been delayed. A Voice from Afar RETAINING WALLS AND CULVERTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 there. In certain cases expro- priation may be unavoidable. In others the matter may. be arranged with the owners. The matter of culverts and storm drains has been left over until next week. Over this par- ticular matter there arises the important point of whether these are to be constructed out of General Fund or Local Improve- ment. This is a matter full discussion of which will be engaged in later. It is one which a section of the council will be found strongly in favor of the general fund plan. Where You Get Them There are some good buys being offered in boots, shoes, hats and clothing at Hoffman's, The Me- chanics’ Store, Second Avenue. STEAMER TEES RUN AGROUND Is Ashore Near the Mouth of the Fraser—Captain Reports She is Undamaged. Victoria, June 29.—The steamer Tees, returning to Vancouver after carrying cannery supplies to Steves- ton canneries, ran aground near the entrance to the Fraser River last night. She is reported to be lying on an even keel and un- There was some desultory dis- cussion. Suddenly the City Clerk remembered that the matter had been left in the hands of Alderman Smith and Alderman Hilditch. “When was this?’’ was the ques- tion. Alderman Smith was absent but a voice from the inmost re- cesses of the Mayoral sanctum betrayed the presence of Alderman Hilditch. “It was in March last,’’ piped the distant voice. Hilditch Comes Back A ripple of laughter ran round the small audience and the alder- men, and the bright idea occurred to the Mayor that since Alderman Hilditch had withdrawn his res- ignation, and evidently knew the latest about the Dunedin Block, he might be asked to resume his seat. Alderman Hilditch did so tearing himslef reluctantly apart from the cigar with which he was fumigating the Mayor’s room. On his return to the festive board the matter of the Dunedin Block was somehow sidetracked, and the City Engineer was sum- moned to take up the details of the sewer plans and _ proposals with the council. JUDGE McCRIMMON Was Senior Judge of County of Ontario—Appointed Eleven Yraes Ago. Whitby, June 28.—Judge Neil McCrimmon, Senior Judge of On- damaged. Captain Gilman re- ports that he expects tobe able to float her at high water tonight. Dance Tomorrow The club. ladies and specially invited guests, | daughters, Margaret and Helen. Kaien Island Club are giving a grand ball tomerrow night in the gymnasium of the|and was in his 56th year. He is It is for members and their|survived by a widow and two tario County, has passed away at his home at Whitby after a linger- ing illness. Judge McCrimmon was appointed Senior Judge of Ontario County in 1900. Judge McCrimmon was born at Vankleek Hill, Glengarry county, HILDITCH COMES BACK BUT WHERE IS NEWTON? The Erring Ones Reply to the Council’s Letter—Alder- man Hilditch Withdraws His Resignation But New- ton Wants Him to Withdraw His Challenge DIES AT WHITBY). COL. FRED WHITE ABOUT TO RETIRE Controller of Northwest Moun- ted Police Has Served Forty- three Years. Ottawa, June 28.—It is under- stood that Colonel Fred White, Controller of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police, will retire on superannuation soon after the re- turn of Sir Wilfrid Laurier from England. Colonel White has been in the service forty-three years. He has devoted his life to building up the splendid force of plains police who are famous throughout the world. Colonel White is 63 years of age, and wished to retire a couple of years ago, but was persuaded to continue. CALL MEN ARE DISSATISFIED Reduction of Wage from $25 to $10 per Month Has Effect of Making all Four Agree to Walk out on July Ist. On July Ist the four call men employed by the city fire depart- ment will walk out. July Ist begins the new scale of pay for HERE ARE THREE OF Sole agents for SED DPB DPD DP OOM Ir Orr * WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF BEERS WINES AND —LIQUORS, ALWAYS IN STOCK— Budweiser Beer, We are sole agents for Northern B.C. Double OO Whiskey Guaranteed to be 12 years in the wood before being bottled HE D T AILY NEWS FE ts og ots Ht ns PA a re ees ogee ya reyes ee nee rm “The News” Classified Ads. ==One Cent A Word For Each Insertio REPAY A CAREFUL LOOKING OVER— —~THEY, WILL ot Fe OO tt pa es the call men, reducing, their re- taining fee from $25 per month to $10 per month. The men claim that the donditions imposed on them as call men are too exacting to make it worth their while to remain on the staff at $10 per menth. Duties of call men are to sleep at the fire hall, and hold them- selves in readiness respond to all calls at all hours. They are allowed one night a week off duty. Names of the four call men who have agreed to go out on July Ist are Fred Clark, John Unwin, James Parks, and Donald McQueen. With the coming of the newly appointed assistant fire chief on July Ist a re-organisation of the call men may be expected. to HAD NARROW ESCAPE Man Who Leaped from Hotel Window in Merritt Escapes Unhurt. Merritt, B. C., June 29.—A man giving the name of C. Kincaid leaped from the second storey of a local hotel this morning. By a miracle he escaped ‘without ine juring himself. OUR SPECIAL LINES———_———— Northern B.C. Victoria Phoenix Beer Northern B.C. Liquor Company, BPD EP PPP LPL LINEAL PL IIL LP IPL OSS Phone No. 7 P.O. Box 577 7 t 4 Some Money Found on Second Ave, Apply Mrs. Shrubsall's Fruit Store, Fulton Street, same block as Maok Reaity. If not claimed in two days money will be given to Hospital. 145-147 FOUND~—Eureks Cleaning and Pressing Com- pany. Men's suits cleaned and pressed $1.00. Ladies’ suits preseed and cleaned. Dry clean- ing a specialty. Room 13 Westenhaver Block, phone red 69. 121-147 FOUND-— Elegant rooms; newly furnished. The Bulkley Block. 6th Ave., near Fulton, 109-1m LOST —50 price coupons issued by the P erless Studio. _ These coupons will be accepted | resented before July &rd at the reerles Studio, Alder Block. 141-147 Lost and Found q er os Ts oO a re a For Rent beeen ~~—~4 Six-roomed House to rent; modern conveniences, Fraser St., Apply Director, Cohen & Co, 143-tf Wanted ~Small house, furnished or partly furn- ished. Stete terms te Box R, Daily News. 140-tf Commodious house, corner 6th Ave. and Thomp- son St., furnished or unfurnished, Phone 296 or P.O. Box 588 Furniture of three-room flat. Apply Room 15 Westenhaver Block, corner 2nd Ave, and Sixth | Street. 128.134 Stores and offices for rent. Apply Dr. McIntyre, Third Ave., phone green 59. 125-tf Neatly Furnished Rooms; Apply Mrs. Mullin, over 119-1m tlemen preferred. ajestic Theatre. —-— —— ACCIDENTIS ~—_| UNPRECEDENTED Sea Breaks into Coal Mine a Thousand Feet Below the Tide Level. (Canadian Press Despatch) Halifax, June 29.—Mr. Hiram Donkin, deputy commissioner of mines, who has been visiting the scene of the Port Hood mine flood, says that the accident there is unparalleled in the annals of mining. Breaks were often heard of in submarine mines, but never at the very bottom. In the case of the Port Hood mine, the sea broke in at a pleae calculated to | be 1,000 feet below the tide level. }It was as unexpected as would be a lightning bolt in a clear sky. Phone 296 if you want to rent a house, furnished or unfurnished, corner 6th Ave. and Thompson Street. ern conveniences. Cosy furnished rooms. Mrs. Bower, Somerset Rooms, Third Avenue, between Seventh and Eighth. 117-tf Nice, clean, bright outside rooms. Bulkley Block 6th Ave., near Fulton. 10%1m Nice furnished rooms single or fgr housekeeping. Apply Drexel Rooming House, 2nd Ave., near MeBride. May 3-lmo 4 Help Wanted Jp as re os rs ts as seers oe Porter Wanted Apply co Rooms, 2nd Ave. 144-t Young girl to take care of two small children, afternoons. Apply Mrs. Gordon Bain, Borden Street. 144-150 School girl to do light house work. May live at home if desired. Apply Mrs. Kugler, apart- ment No. 5, Clapp Building, 2nd Ave. and Mc- Bride, or phone 273 red. 140-tf Waitress Wanted. Apply French Joe's Restau- rant, Third Ave. 139-141 | Nineteen young men to take cosy rooms in the Bulkiey Block. near Fulton. 109-1m Madlem. 108-114 Call room 28, Empress Hotel, I 4 ae st 9s rs Fs Os P| Boarders Wanted ems i +: lA few cosy homelike rooms cheap to steady roomers. King Gergge Feels 2nd Avenue. 31- Real Estate SATURDAY, JULY 1 —OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL BUY YOUR GROCERIES EARLY STALKER & WELLS, DAY— st, DOMINION DAY 2nd Ave, and McBride 5 ob + Oe IEF in. W550 GRAND CELEBRA- TION, JULY 1st DOMINION : DA ~~~ IN PRINCE RUPERT~~~ The Land Sports Will be held Land Sports Aquatic Sports Music by the Best Indian Bands Grand Concert in Empress Theatre in at the corn- er of Sixth Avenue and McBride St. particulars of which will be found on the posters, Everybody Come the evening $1,000 IN PRIZES Everything is guarante- ed good, in- cluding the weather. A Substantial Prize will be given to the best decorated Residence and Bustness Place © 0O000000O0000S 0000000000 000000000008 [PERE SERESEPE SESE SERA SE SESE SESE IE! teeth tt bet ttt ttt tt tet tt tte te tet ttt Nineteen young men wanted to rent cosy furnish- ed in the Bulkley Koome, pth Ave., near Fulton. 09-1m es LETTS OE es Oe es For Sale Before buying your Stove or Range see A. J. Galland, McBride and Fifth Ave. Cook stoves from $14, 129-1m first class Rooming Heuse, ten rooms, house- keeping and single, newly furnished. Price $500, For terms apply owner on premises, Drexel Rooming House, 2nd Ave. 144-tf Business Chances Good money in Moving Pictures, Wanted—A party to start moving picture show in Prince Rupert. Write me for particulars. H. Davis, Watertown, Wis. 137-wi a re err reread Fire Insurance THE British Union and National Fire Insurance Company of London, England, with capital of $2,500,000.00, See us for rates, The Mack Realty and Insurance Company. 10-tf Notice The Plumbing and Sheet Metal business lately conducted by H. Wood, successor to Matheson & Wood, 2nd Ave., has been taken over by Smith & Mallett, to whom all outstanding accounts are payable and who will pay all claims against the usiness, 184-141 SMITH & MALLETT Notice All members of the Fraternal Order of Eagles are requested to attend the meeting on Wednes- day evening, June 28th, at 8 o'clock, in the K. of . Hall, 148-145 Police Notice Tenders will be received by the undersigned u to eae June 26, 1911, for the suppiying - Police Uniforms, helmets and caps. Samples of cloth to be submitted to the Chief of Police at once and full particulars optalnes from him, NEST A, WOODS. June 20, 1911 Clerk of Police Board 140-142 Townsites Fort George Townsite Local Office: NATURAL RESOURCES ‘SECURITY COMPANY, Ltd. PAID UP CAPITAL $250,000 OFFER FOR SALE— —~JOINT OWNERS AND SOLE AGENTS OF HEAD OFFICE:— 696 BOWER BUILDING, VANCOUVER, B.C. Alder Block Farm and Fruit Lands Massett Townsite Sixth Street Palace Ice Cream Parlor STOKES’ ICE CREAM Best made in Seattle. Fruit and Cand sale and Retail. Look for flash den se et SAM GOWEN, Proprietor Phone 350 F. W. HART UNDERTAKER 2nd Ave. and 6th St, George Barrie, experienced Embalmer, Manager. PHONE 62 - * DAY OR NIGHT Wanted—500 good men to join the Order of Owls. | SEAMEN’S STRIKE | GROWS SERIOUS Ten Thousand Sailors Join the Strikers in the Port of Liver- pool. ' (Canadian Press Despatch) London, June 29.—It is feared jhere that unless the efforts of the Government Board of Trade are successful in mediating the sailors’ |strike that the may. yet | become a serious one. This morn- issue ing reports from Liverpool show lthat ten thousand men have joined | the there, and trade |is paralysed. movement | TO HELP TOURIST TRADE \C. P. R. Allows all Its First- | class Passengers a Thirty- day Stop-over in Prince Ru- | pert. | Referring to the suggestion made }in an editorial article in last night's “News,” that an effort be made to jexploit the scenic, hunting and fishing possibilities of the district, jand develop a tourist trade to |Prince Rupert and district, Mr. J. G. McNab of the C. P. R points out that his company allows lall first-calss passengers travelling to Alaska, to make a thirty day stop-over in Prince Rupert. This is a concession that lends itself to the tourist traffic. BORDEN ENTERS EDMONTON CITY Talks on Recoprocity in Frank Oliver's Constituency—Had Good Reception. (Canadian Press Despatch) Edmonton, June 29.—Mr. R. L. Borden and party of Conservative orators had an re- ception here last night, a procession enthusiastic a mile long with bands greeting the party. In addressing the meeting on reciprocity afterwards, Mr. Borden said; “This in my opinion is just as good a country as any other. Let us do everything we can to build it up, instead of sending our products to the United States."’ Give Us A Chance We, the City Scovenging Com- pany for Prince Rupert for the past year, have been refused a license which has been given to Mr. Weston, and we understand he intends to charge 50c per week which will be $2.00 per month. We are satisfied to do same for $1.25 per month. Why not give usachance? J, Neik, M. Welcoff, F. D, Hary. OSD All members of the 1.0.0.F. (visiting Brethern included) are earnestly requested to meet at the hall on Tuesday, July 4th at 7.80 p.m, for the pur- pose of having a photograph taken. , Immediately after this the installation of newly ted officers will take place. G, 8. JOHNSTONE, N,G, 146-wi {]TWO CHAMPION Azzalli, Champion Wa France, has entered | mile walking racy compete with \V; pion walker of British ©, ° and Reitchell who "0 horse”’ at excited in the te; WILL COMPETp | France wil] Walk a e Miles with Vaug} han Cham. pion of B. C., and Reiteha the ‘Darkhorse.’ ell A. Azzalli, champion y ther ai valker of OF the five. be held he Dominion 3 ” Dar all Will pre sent is ¢ pected do great things on hij over the five-mil Int this race is almost keey mile | They Sure Are! Gentlemen ar proud ‘od clothes as ladi jewels. 7 We have the clot! Rudnick & Sweder Bros., Helgey Block Basement. THE STEAMER RACE SOUTH Princess Royal Leading City of Seattle by About Seven Mile Says Latest Report. News of the progress of the ra between the Princess Royal ang the City of Seattl Wher the C was leading b the terday. men ol but City of S no means giver and was coaling for a fresh spurt. LADY LAURIER BEREAVED Her Aged Father Died in Mom treal This Morning (Canadian Press D ( Montreal, June 29.—Mr \ R. Lafontaine, t) her of Lad Laurier passed away at his re dence in Montr { morning Mr. Lafontaine w ¢tVe fifth year. Orchestra on Sunday Ensign Joh: e Salve tion Army ans es that Prince Rupert ) sented to play Sunday night. A gramme is as “NEVER AGAIN,” SAYS BOB Bobby Leach Almost Lost His Life in the Niagara Whirlpool Yesterday (Canadian Pre Despx Niagara Fall June 2. I please the crowd (0) peopl who had “ Lincoln Beachey | als efal Bobby Leach \ i times passed thi ( a i i met in his famou the trick once ag ad He was hurled 7 \, ae sucked under by t 4 had so narrow 7 CER at he drowning in the J announced aftct ¥ he would never , 4 : Sever attempting the tea id times he was give! m during the hazardous ™P ry r Y 7 fy INSERT YOUR LAND PU RCHAS NOTICES IN THE NEWS RC s~ NOTICE LAND PURCHASE "a Skeena Land District Take notice that 1, 4 . B. C., occupation apply for permiasion ” | described lands: ated about 3) Commencing at a post Plante’ cig sad miles south of the forks of the oe 0 rivers, thence 80 chains #0UL% | og a oe east, thence 80 chains Sor 0 a west. ALFRED Me Dated Avril 18, W911. nels 8 Pree Pub. May 18. ot of Comill Skeena Land District District 0 jonas Take notice that |, Jame Neopets shi Stewart, B. C., occupation Wer) ‘the f apply for permission Pure ote deseribed lands need about Og la Commencing at 4 poet PINT bout mime north from the Naas river BY "one Oy { the Naas tr we sheien —— west 80 ¢ 1008 id oe chains, thence east 50 ebains 10 f 21 ment, containing tis MILL AR JOHN ult Dated March 24, 1911, Frank Side? Pub, May 17 e { © Skeena Land District Distrié f sat Take notice that |, ners plumbet, a. C., occupation & : “a Serer ie” permission to purchae a jeseribed lands: santos about Se * Hl at a post P a wut eve 0 eae ver 904M wa above “the forks of the Ness ¥ i thence north 80 chains, ChOO™ og ge ue thence south 80 obains thence ning point of commenceme” ‘a more or less. 3ERTIE OWN cigohll i” Frank Sidaey H, H, MORTON, Ree,-Sec. Dated Mareh 23. 1911. Pub, May 17.