i f hxsn i wo ' f- . ' the p,n,Y rrewB THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE KTJPEUT . BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Kvery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally New. Limited, third Avenue H. F. POLLEN L ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES ,tyy delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly perlodt paid In advance $5.00 Jjpr'lesser periods, paid In advance. petf week .. ., .10 ' 'By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and . w WHtva, )IUIVI at! UUTUilW, w 4 .UU By mall to all othfr countries, per yeafV . ,.'-.--. . 9.00 -.T ADVERTISING RATES' Transient display advertising:, per Inch per insertion . 1.40 Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion .02 Legal notices, each Insertion, per agatelllne ..'.... .is Local readers, per insertion, per line J, .25 Contract rates dnppftcatlon. Advertising and Circulation T$e phone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Editor and Reporters Telephone , 86 DAILY EDITION daijj3j Monday. July 3, Y933 SEAL COVE PROMOTIONS Names of Students Succeeding in Their Studies Announced SeaJ Cove School promotions are announced as follows: Promoted to Grade II. I "Ferdinand Andersen. Ineiid An dersen, Magnus Andersen. Doris entual eradicate of tuberculosis Halvarson, Hlnara MasaakL Tak- ' Jin" the white iace Implies control of aura Izumi. Toshl Kadonaga, John the disease among the colored, who Leslie. Phyllis Lindqulst, Rukajare an Integral part of the popu-Mateumoto. Dorothy Newcombe. I ,aUon and especlally vu,nerable. ac-Olga Sather. Elvlda Sorenson. ...... , j cording to statements, made here Bobby Wyllle. Promoted to Grade III. Past week at tte twenty-ninth an-Ole Andersen, Patricia Anderson, 'nual meeting of the National Tu-Davld Balllie. Tommy Collins. Sumi berculosls Association. Procedures iriyasht. Tsuyo HIrano. Karl Lind-' showing favorable results with 63 quist, Mako Matsumoto, Shlglml Nagasuyl. Norman Sievert. May Skinner, Harold Skog, Mabel Slatta, Ole Slatta, Arthur Bagshaw. Honor Rolls Proficiency David Balllie. Deportment Olga Sather. Regularity and Punctuality Tsuyo HIrano. Sumi Hlyashi, Ruka Matsumoto. Promoted to Grade IV. Nellie Andersen. Elsie Bagshaw, Florence Dixon, Margaret Fowler, Billy Oomez, Ruby Oomez, Eeddy Halvarson, Robert Leslie. Dorothy Peachey, Solvelg Sorenson, James Taylor. Promoted to Grade V. Stanley Anderson. Yoll HIrano, Kiyoshl Izumi. Junlchl Nagasuye, Yoshlko ttagasyue. Reinholdt Sather. Thelma Skog. Jarl Slatta. Ole Sorenson, Bobby Taylor. Honor Rolls Preflcieney Yoll HIrano. Deportment Dorothy Peachey. Regularity and Punctuality Nellie Andersen. Margaret Fowler. Ypli Hlrand, Reinholdt Sather. Ole Sorenson. Hotel Arrivals Old Empress Olaf Anderson, P. May and W. Oirfllaux, BIHmor; Oertnide Bm-sod. Mill Bay; J Melo and F. Me-nd. rttjr Mr and Mrs J. Hcey. Tuck Inlet: Charles Johnson. Wlnnlneg. Savoy . Bessie Reddefl and Lena Waa-srner. Sarkatoon, Sk.; F. J. Stephens, J. Berg tad J. A. Oluman, Vantnuver: L. Hudson, Squadasco: Or Qcnberg. Butedale: T. Shpln- Hnk, Salvas: J. Melvia. Anyox: E. Evany. CNR : A. Miles. S. J. Ed-mondson. A. Douglas. C. Ailen and Mi P. Skinner. cUy, M. Robatepa-trick, Stewart. Central J. P. O'Oorman and William H. Eajlc, city; 0. E. Bleteoe. Vsnsou-ftt; t. Ofirfln, CUM.: Jack Mc-Bvoy, C.N.R.: Mrs. Mildred Kinney, Juneau. Prince- Rupert Mr. and Mrs. Cyril T. Raymer. ChjUlwack". Robert Balmer, Ha-mulon; Mm if. A FoMer and family, Seattle: Mr. and Mrs. C Haaek, Saunders, Alta.; Nellie and A"llre Coughlln. Melrose. Iowa; W Lalng, Victoria: E. Woodworth. Smhers: R. O. Johnston and F Wilson. Inverness; M". Robate-papri$k. Stewart, W. L. Cloikson and A. B. Billings, Vancouver. Savoy W. O. Vslpy, Inverness; Rev. W 8. Cooper. Greenville;- U. M Letnef. PprJ, Estington; R. Gregory. Shames; Mr. and Mrs.' J. O. Gregory. Exstew; B. Watson, Flnmooie; L Lcnitttree, Harelton, A. D. Stewart Lewis Island. Matoaglng-Edltor T. B. ASS'N IS MEETING Disease Must be Controlled Among Colored Before Eliminated in White People TORONTO. July 3: (CP) Ev- of a group of 464 negroes were described by three Detroit physicians, Drs. Henry. D. Chadwlck, C. L. Mar-koe and Joseph Thomas, of Ihe department of health of the Michigan city. The method of treatment applied to the group consisted of what is technically, known as "collapse therapy." By means of a surgical operation onfi lung is collapsed, enabling It to heal more satisfactorily in many cases, than when It is subject to the constant motion of breathing. In such cases, the other lung assumes the functions of both, providing complete rest for the lung under treatment. Such operations have been practised long among patients whose condition cdlled for them, but the especially Successful results among negroes "hate not been indicated definitely previously. Thirteen types or fungus Infection of the lungs which may be mistaken for tuberculosis, were de Durham, N.C.. as objects of scientific interest despite their rarity. Microscopic organisms which feed on the lungs respond quickly to treatment with potassium iodide, aAd Dr. Smith. Cancer pf the lungs is found with increasing frequency, stated Dr. Louis iramman. of John Hopkins UnlveWty School of Medlcihe. "This is due," he said, "in part to the prolongation of the average life expectancy. In part to improved diagnosis, and. most observers agree, in part also to an actual increase in the Incidence of the dls-ete. Although operation up to the present has only occasionally dealt successfully with malignant lung tumors, the rapid advances in lung surgery encourape us to believe that the technical difficulties now insurmountable may soon be overcome." .,Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McDonald and child of Osean Falls arrived in' the city on the Princess Adelaide Friday afternoon to spend a Wjclsv hare visiting with Mr. Me-DopaVV parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Si McDonald. Nooc. Rupture Sufferers! I All Ruptures Yield To the Inflatable Atr Pressure Treatment by Beatley, the Famous British Eipert Complete Comfortable Control Guaranteed This great British invention has the: approval of the medical profession evcrywhrr. It Is accepted as standaiu oy leading hospitals, Once Used Always Approved JVrlte "Be-nleys' (Canada) S4 Surrard St. Vancouver, B.C. NEXT YEAR'S GRADE LIST '(ontJnuei from pace one) Sylvester, Jack Walker, George Weir, Alvera Whyte. Mono Whyte, Berhlce Whyte, Billy WAson, George 2bura. Grade V. Ralph Anderson, Amy Armstrong. Reginald Beale, Betty Blake, Betty Bremner, Richard Cameron, Bobby Capsticfc, Clifford Carlyle, Ronald Clavrlng, Hazel Coombs, Jack Collins. Bobby Eby. James Feasby, Victor Field. Stanley Franks. Jessie Gibson, John Good, Spencer Huson. Tommy Flewln, John Johnsen. Owennle Jenkins, Alf Jerstad, Sverre Jerstad, Lloyd Keays; Oliver Keays. Joyce Keilback, Faith King. Laura Latsen, John Lawrte, Alan Leighton. Jantoft Leland. Delphlne Lemon. Jean McCrlmon. Kenneth MCCrimmon. James McKay, Jean McKay. Jack McLean. Jarvls Mc-Leod. Adeline Mitchell, Trevor Morgan. Donnle Nelson. Patsy Nlcholls, Dorothy Penney. Aster Pettersen. Thomas Fierce. Ina Robertson, Annie Service. Marlon Sheppard, Oun-vor Skaland. Lillian Skogmo, Mag-nhlld Storseth. Florrle Walker. Norma Walters. John Watt. Rudolf Warne. John Wilson. Hans Pettersen, Sheila Blackstock. Grade VI. Olaf Anderson, George Baker, Stanley Balllnger. Alastalr, Bell. Nancy Bremner, Jack Bremner, Melbourne Bussey, Gordon Brochu, Wilfred Chandler, Bessie Chandler. Eva Chandler, Engina ChHstensen, Oeorge Cook, Christina Cook, Sylvia Croxford, Spencer Da vies. Harry Daggert, Thomas Dennis, Nancy Delgrln. WaUace Dell, Teddy Drake. Harry Emmerson. Marion Eriksen Joan Forrest, Dorothy Fowler, Florence Gillis. Lester Grlmble. Geral-dine Hanley, Billy Hawes. Eileen Hemmons, Fletcher Hemons, For-stad Husoy, Emll Jensen. Floyd Joy, Slgna Johnsen. Yutuka Izumi, Elsie Johansen, Joey Kadanago, Helen Krause, Jean Krause, Flora Leslie, Helen Leslie, Matilda Larsen, Billy Manson. Ralph Morln. Pearl Men-zles. Marion McLachlln, Robert McKay, Bobby McLean, Margaret Mc-Meekln, Duncan McRae, John Nlcholls, Kazi Nishlo, Joe Norton, Marie Norton, Annie Peterson, Walter Perkins. Mary Pierce, Edgar Preston, Jack Ritchie, Olav Rystadt, Stanley Scherk, HJordis Skaland, Dorothy Shrubsall, Harry Skogmo. Norma Smith, Marie Sorensen. Jimmle Stiles. Goodwin Stromdahl. Ned Tobey, Edith Tuck, John Skbg. Shirley Walls. Jack WUkle, Robert WlHlscroft. Willy Wiley, Louis Knut-son. Malcolm Wilding. Betty Wilkinson. Grade VII. Harold Anderson, Margaret Armstrong, Maud Bagshaw, Alex Bailie. Ethel Bury. George Carlyle, Isabele Connery, Fannie Callbreath, Angelo Christlano. Jack Corbould, Edith Cromp, John Bunn. Herbert Chandler, Frances Dagllsh, Tommy Dal-zell, Bobby Davie. Dorothy Davis, Betty Dickens, Josephine Oay. Emmy Glske, June Gomez. Catherine Flnley. Bobby Hale, ffelge Holke-stad. Auslaug ITolkestad. Norman Hebb, Phyllis Hill-Tout, Mlmmy Johnson. Gas Krause, Maureen Klrkpatrlck. Kathleen Kurulok, Clara Kurulok. Hazel Lear. Bruce Love, Evan Love, Isabel McCrlm-mon, Hazel Mast In, Malrl Matheeon, Ian Matheson, Ida Moorehouse, Robert Parsons, Marjory Peachey, Margaret Penney, Jean Ponder. Robert Rudderham. Jean Robertson, Torgler Rysstad, Ruth Scherk, As-laug Skaland. Jane Service, James Sneddon. Mary Sievert. Malcolm Smith. Obrdon Stamford, Jean-Stoniee. Alfred Wlkdal. Klvo Sue-hlro. Oeorge Tuck, Asle Wick. Grade VIII. Petir Allen, Howard Beale, Eric Berner, Beryl Birch. Oeorge Brown. Oeraldlne Cade, Russell Cameron, Violet Cavenalle, Margaret Chrls-tensen. Elmer Clausen. Marjorle Cook, Sydney Croxford. Jean Dal-zell. Nancye Dawes, Violet Dell, Donald Eastman, Muriel Eby, Frank Elliott, Gertrude Oarllck, Irene Olske, Alice Oomez, Joy Oreen, Phylla Hamblln. Peter Husoy. Alice Hunter, Harold Ivarson, Wlnntfred King, Ivar Johnson, Alan Kergln. Oeorglna Lamb, BJorg Luth. Keith McLeod, May Macphal), Robert Manson, Robert Morrison, Donald Norton, Lloyd Rice, Edith Sievert, Marjorle SU-versldes, Ida Slatta, Edith Smith, Jennie Strand. Victoria Stamford, Helen Valentine Owyneth Walker, Melven Walls, Jean Watt, Dorothy Bunny Austin "Bunny" Austin :s spen i the above picture ui play He defeated Keith Olendnill ol -lie TJ iti'd Siacs in the Wimbledon tennis championships last week Pete Chenoski in Ketchikan Boxing Bout This Evening Under the management of Stan Morln. Pete Chenoski. well known local lightweight boxer, sailed on the Princess Louise this morning for Ketchikan where he will meet Eddie Bronco of Ketchikan, a FIN-plno, in the headllner of a boxtnc card tonight. Both boys will wetgii in at 120 pounds or thereabouts. It will be Chenoskl's first appearance as a main eventer Baseball Scores FRIDAY SCORES National League St Louis 1. New Yark f. Chicago 3. Brooklyn 6. Cincinnati 2, Boston a. Pittsburg 4. PbJtedalphia 5. American League Boston 4, Chicago 2. New York 12. Cleveland 13 Washington 2. Dcseail 1. Philadelphia 11-11. St. Louis 12- SATURDAY SCORfiS American League Phltodeiphsa 14, Si. Lorts IS Washington 11. Dstrokt 3. Boston 7. Chlcaao 2. New York 4. Ctmlisri 2. National League St. Louis I, New York II. Cincinnati 6. Bsstan S. Pittsburg 8-4. Phttade6ta 13-. Chlcaao 13. Brooktsi 3. SUNDAY SCORES American League New York 7, Clrvelaad 3. PhUadelphU 6-6. 8t Louis S-U. National League Cincinnati 0-3, Boston 1-0. Chicago 3-3. Brooklyn 7-4. St. Louis 0-0, New York 1-1. Charles D. Fyf, accountant In the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, who has been spending a vacation In the south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prince Oeorge on Friday. Wllkle,- Philip Williamson, Dick Wrathall. Grade IX. Promoted on recommendation to High School. Clssle Armstrong. Ellen May Bejl, Donald Blake, Dorothy Blake, Am aranth Bury, Malsie Cameron, I . Margaret Dougherty. Floyd Eby, I Mrs. Jessie Jacobs, who had been Robert Elklns, Martin Eriksen. Ed-1 making the triangle tour to Jas-lth Ferguson, Linda Field, Roland Pf and Vancouver, returned FredrlksOn. Mitchell Gay, Robert t0 tn dty on the Prince Oeorge Olbson. Terry Orlmble, Willie Hale, Friday. ITamnn M.,,1,. Uiiml T ... I i . Jonasson, Robert Kelsey, Jeanetta's King, Alf Larsen, Harley Lear.' Harry Lundquist. Isamo Matsumoto, I a Marguerite Menzles. Adele MusmM- a lem, Arthur MacDonald. Stewart McOrelsh. Margaret MeLachltfn. David McMcekln, Florence Parker. Charles Perkins, Harold Ponder, Robert Ritchie, Tar Jar Rystad, Honora Sllversldes. Anny Sorenson, Jack Storrie, Reta Stromdahl, Audrey VIereck, Merle West, Blom Wick, Jean Wilson. Ellaabeth Wood. Sabra Woodhouse, Alice Worobec. To as His Stuff GURVICH IS VICTORIOUS Local Boy Too Smsrt For Steve Bright From Naas River in Six-Round Boxing Bout Big Crowd Harry Marey's Promotional Debut Card of Lively Action Appreciated by Audience Outsmarting his game and husky opponent. Nina Ourvlch of this city l H49 pound jii earned the unanimous 'decision of referee and two Judges over Steve Bright, 1A0 poUndsV, Naas River native, in the six-round main event of the Dominion Day boxing card at the Empress Social CM Saturday night. Ounrich made good use of Mis experience, let Bright beat the air and do a good deal of useless leather-pushing and. from the outset, skhough appearing to be on the- defensive a good deal, butlt up a tout; margin of points on actual blows. Opening Events In the semi-wind -tip, Brenson Hunt, M0 pounds, and Chock nic-kay. 147, did four two-minute founds, the referee and one Judge calling It a draw while the second indae voted for Hlekay. Hot Barnes refereed the main Fevent and the semi-final with Jack Judge and Dick Woods as Judges. Wesley and Ames, a couple of Indians, did three Founds of very serious exhibition slugging which Hooked at times like a tribal war so anxious were they to oww at each other. BUI Hogg, secretary of the unera-oloyad councils, took three falls from Radcllffe in a barrel-boxing con last which proved brief but entertaining. MrLeod bad bad luck to run into Worsfold's swing and a technical knockout at the very opening of the deuce spot. In the curtain raiser, Peacock and Montgomery worked like little Trojans in slugging a three-round exhibition and put the crowd In good humor for the rest of the evening. Dido Ourvlch refereed the first four bouts, Rol Barnes was announcer for the evening and Max and Henry Hejlbronw were time-keepers. The crowd present txed the ca-oselty of the arena. The Dally News can br pur- a-chased at Post Office Newt Stand, 323 r Oranvllle St, Vancouver. 4 Karl Anderson, Prince George, B.C. ' R. W: Riley, Terrace-, B.C. Oeneral Store, Anyox". 4 smlthers Drug Store, Bmlth-1 -n. B.C. LOCAL NEWS James N. Kill as returned last week to the city after having sppnt a week or so at Premier on bu,.- neM The name of Miss Ruth Nelson was omIltcd..frorri the King. Edward ljlgfi School pass list published on Friday. She passed from Grade fo- Oraoe 10 with' good standing. Harold 'Johns of the teaching staff of King Edward High School sailed Saturday afternoon on the Princess Charlotte for Victoria where he will spend the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jsk. who have been on a trip to the Okan-agan countsy to aUend the Oddfellows' Grand Lodge convention at Kelowna. returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge on Friday. Miss Norma Archie, daughter or Dan Archie, sailed Friday night on the Oardena' for Abbots ford In the PraserValley-where she-will spend the' summer vacation with her aunt, Mrs. Rolls, formerly of this city. Arthur 8utton. member of the teaching staff of King Edward High' S&ioo, and Mrs. Sutton nafled Saturday afternoon on thePrtneeas Charlotte for Vaaaouvee where they will spend th summer vacation. Miss Rita MeLean. who teaehes school at Vanarsdoi. arrived In the eUy on Saturday afternooa'a train from the Interior to spend the summer vacation here with her parent. Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Mc-Leatf. Semi CbYe Mrs. Robert Gordon ana daughter. Mis Olive Gordon R.N of the nurslmr staff of the Mn Dnrun General Hospital sailed FrtdaTl nigm on we prince John for Tlell. Queen Charlotte Islands, where they will spend a vacation. Miss Mtrfflle ane Master Pat. children1 of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wiggins- ot Cedarvale." arrived in the city last wrek from the Interior to-spend the summer holidays st the Ootemment Wharf here wKh Alex Ctapperton. SILVEtt AND COPPER ON NEW YORK MART NEW YORK. JOly 3: (Canadian Press) Bllver closed at 36e on the local metal market today and copper at Sc. SOFTBALL SCHEDULE the second half schedule follows July 4C. N. R. A. vs Empress July Orotto vs. Blks July c. N. R. A. vs. Grotto Navy vs. Kalens. July 11 Kalens' vs. Elks. July 13 Empress vs. Navy July 19 Orotto vs. Empress Kalens vs. Q. N. R. A. July 18-rElks vs. Navy. Juiy 20--arotto vs. Kalens. July i3 Empress vs. Elks: Navy vs. C. N. R. A. , July 3 Grotto vs. Navy. July 27Elkt Vs. C. N. R: A. Jijly 30-Kalens vs. Empress; Elks vs. Grotto. . August 1 Navy vs. Empress. August 3-0. N. R. A. ti. Kalens. August d-C. N. R. A. vs. Navy; Elks vs. Kalens. August 8 Empress vs. Grotto. August 10 Empress vs. Kalens. Augutt 13-Elks vs. Empress: Navy ys; Grotto. August IS C. Ni R. A. vs. Elks. August 17 Kalens vs. Grotto. August 20Orotto vs. C. N. R. A.: Navy vs. Elks. August 22 Ernpresa vs. C. N. R, A. August 24-Kalens vs. Navy. The standing to date: Monday. July 3, lm RACES ARE POSTPONED .... . ,..tu U"fn" rU" l on om"" Day rootball Games Played Unsettled weather caused postponement until a later date of the parade and children's and field sports In connection with the Do minion Day celebration on Sutur day. The Junior football game m d the Dominion Day football final were run In between the shower Canadian Legion won the Domin Ion Day Cup by defeating Regimen4 3 to nil. Borden Street' School dc feated Booth Memorial School 4 ' nil in the Junior game The senj.," basebaU game between Sons ' Canada and Elks was poMKn. 16. Danaas were held both Frid . and Saturday evenlnxs and prv popular. M7.aiBBHr-t hi VIST.. Tfteniholatuin lh ktahne Crtam fat Burns. Scalds. Bites Cic NEW GOODS Just Arrived Kitchen Scales Kitchen Scales WmI up "0 . 24 lbs. Every good rook will want one. You oa? wnlgb baby too CO HtZ PHcdarftonly o Fruit Jars Wide Month Fruit Roller Skates Boys' and Oiris' Roller 8kat. n Priced from $1.75 Kaien Hardware Smith Block Phone 3 A dollar lets you take advantage of our summer service calls. Have set eondl-oned Sour for Uie beet reception, as summer reception requires the utmost ot your set Get those baseball and' special bVoa (leasts on the short waves with a convcrtor rented from us for the event at very reasonable rates Superior j Radio Service 33ft Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 P. O. Bos 132 A. O. BARTLETT C. II. INSULANDER