I PAGE FOUR TIIE DAILY NEWS Monday, July 3, lggj WHY PAY BIG PRICES FOR YOUR FOOTWEAR? Our business Is Increasing because people arc finding that it is not necessary to pay the old fash- uii. prices. ve nave Desi quality siioes and at less than big city prices. Boys' & Youths' Running Shoes, all styles. Prices Women's or Growing Girls' Tennis or Running 89c, 99c, $1,15,, $1,25 shoes any co,0rlc1 M5C, Ql.lU, $1.15 Men's Dress Boots and Oxfords, good range of styles to choose from. Prices $2.45, $2.95, $3.45, $3.95 TTl Ytesstyle 7 Ci jTf in Sandals, color to Men's Black or Brown Calf and Grain Leather Mf sult your aress t'rlce Work Boots, Panco soles or leather. Prices WStt Q1 A'a 7? S1.95, $2.45, $3.65 Men's Tennis Women's Boudoir Slippers, good selection or Running Shoes, Boots or Ox- Qp fords, all colors. Prices of colors. Price "XtV $1.10. SI. IS. SI 45 MUses' and Children's Patent Leather Strap 9 ? v Slippers & Oxfords, black or brown calf. Prices Boys' & Youths' Dress Boots & Oxfords, all kinds 98C, $1.15, $1.25, $1.65 of leather to meet your requirements Prices $1.95, $2.25, $2.45, $2.95 a. -Jg 89c Fishermen's and Cannerymen's Rubber Footwear at very low prices 0n QP Misses' and Children's Running Shoes. Straps or Men's Knee Boots ...... vfiwU Oxfords, all colors and styles. Prices ., $4.85 S1"' S5.45 79c, 85c Ladles' Fine Dress or Sports Shoes, any color. IJjTNltw. Prices- $1.95, $2.45, $2.95 giP 59c, 69c, CUT RATE SHOE STORE ALYMER WEEK ALL AYLMEIC GOODS ARE GUARANTEED BY ! DOMINION CANXEItS LTD. Don't forjet to secure the famous picture "The Fathers of Confederation" given away for 5c and one Aylmer Label. Aylmcr Goods Specials CANNED. CORN OUU 3 tins for : CANNED TOMATOES Is AQp Squat, 3 .tlnsffor " ' CANNED PEAS5-NO. 4'SH Q S p , 3 tins for CANNED CHICKEN O Jn H-lb. ttn - fli CANNED PORK & BEANS 0p Tails, 3 'tins for rVL CANNED PEARS 2's lOp per tin .CANNED RASPBERRIES 4p oi ys, per ttn ORANGE MARMALADE QOn ddi quart jar ketchup 1 x,t 7p per bottle TOMATO JUICE Oln a11 3 tins for ASSORTED SOUPS Tomato. Clam Chowder, Vegetable it Qp vx Oxtail, per tin All Aylmcr goods at specially reduced prices. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store I17-19 Third Avenue Wet P.O. Box 575 Phone 18 SPECIAL Have your clothes cleaned with the new circulating system. Then you know they are clean. Men's Suits and $1.00 Overcoats Ladles' Coats $1.00 for Ideal Cleaners Second Street Phone 8S8 We Call and Deliver COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Dulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Dulkley Valley. Wf also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. , Prince Rupert Feed Co. SS Phones SSI Presentations . For Teachers Muses Phyllis Lamb and Maude McGulre Honored by Fellow Pedagogues At the last meeting of the staff of Booth Memorial School presentations were made to Miss Phyllis Lamb and Miss Maude McGulre. Miss Mercer expressed the regrets j of the other members of the staff at their departure owing to the re ductlon of the teaching stafftjThelr value as teachers and their splendid co-opiratlon were recognized i by all anq the presentations were 'made as a little remembrance of happy associations. They carry with them the best wishes in their new i fields of teaching. M. P. MeCaffery and son. Mike, jr.. and daughter. Helen, sailed Saturday eventr g on the Prime Oforge for their summer home at 1 Qualicum Beach. Vancouver Island. Mr. MeCaffery expects to be away ; for a week or so but the children i will spend the season In the south, Mrs. MeCaffery being already at Qualicum. "TILIJE THE TOILER" I vjauu. Lurid Story of Bowery is Seen On Local Screen "She Done Him Wrong." a lurid melodrama of the Bowery saloons. Is the current feature offering on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here. Mae West, spectacular stage actress, playwrght, singer 'and novelist, isth&star bf lhe film, the story ihavlngv incidentally? been written by her. . i Miss West h mat ak Lady Lou, a Singer. who exchanges her favors for diamonds. Her affairs with famous Bowery gangsters, politicians and others keep her well supplied with gems. The story swings along In lusty, hearty fashion and Miss West ts ultimately brought m contact wtth Cary Orant, a missionary worker, who turns out to be as sus ceptible to her charms as the rest. A startling, dramatic climax re sults from their affair. I Neah Beery, Gilbert Roland, Da- j vld Landau, Owen Moore and Wade Boteler are among those In Important supporting rotes. Advertise In tne Dally News VMHEfiO ASI BVOy 12J SHI lucy TO, MAC i III 11 J S 4L WM M RECITAL IS HELD Pupito of .Miss Way and Miss Olaf. son Heard Friday Night The United Churcn was filled on Friday evening for the piano recital given by the students of Miss M. A. Way and Miss Swanna Olaf-son. No better tribute could be given than the remarks heard as the people were leaving: "It was well worth attending." The program was as follows: Audrey Watklnson, "In a Boat," (H. Norrls). Bobby Parks. "Marche MUltalre," M. Greenwald). Janet Rochester, "Lullaby and Polk Song." Patricia McClymont, "Rondolet-to." i Mozart). : Jean Derry, "Dance of the Nymphs," (Werner). Malcolm Wilding, "Joyfulness," i T. Olese). I Lois Judge, "Brooklet," J. 11. Ro-gers . Frances Dagllsh, "The Swallow,' Burgmulleri. Jessie Gibson, "Dancing Dolls," : 'M. P. Heller). I Bobby Olbson. "Sonatina in F," 1 1 Beethoven). j Norma Smith, "Parfum," (M. W ! Gallup). ' Phyllis Hamblln. "Caprtccletto, W. Dolb), pupil of B. Cameron. I Robert Manson. "Melody in F,' Rubinstein). Grand Finale," (Haydn). Verna Graham. "Valse in E. Mi nor." (Chopin). Helen Green, "Dance in Dublin Town, (Dntton). Emily Christopher, "Christmas Piece." (Mendelssohn). Lea Basso-Bert, "Oondotierl." Nevtn). Edith Smith. "Anttra's Danes." "E. Grieg). HaseJ HIU. "Valse in A. Flat," i Chopin). Grace Watklnson, "Mountain Stream." (S. Smith). Betty Par low. "Valse 1n C Sharp Minor." (Chopin). . Eileen HambUn. "Sonata Op. 79. First Movenjent," (Beethoven). ' , Francis Thomson. "Souvenir," Drdla'. Jean McLean, "Prelude & Fugue in C Minor." (J. S. Bach). BUlia Hadden. "Concerto No. 2." (Setts), pupil of Miss N. Lawrence Maxtne Hellbroner. "SonaU Op. X First Movement," (Beethoven). Marybelle Stiles. "SonaU Op. 14, No. 2." (Beethoven). Ruth Nelson. "Invitation-to the Dance." Weber-Lisst). Archie Thompson. "Berceuse from ! Jocelyn." (Oodard). At a meeting of the Moose Lodgs last week, the picnic committee reported plans wsU advanced for the annual outing of the lodge which will be held on July 18. Bos-mess at the meeting, over which Dictator D. C. Schubert pre toed, was otherwise of a routine nature . . r,-!J..l- -n-r VI -it'p MAC'S V I Hill WHIFFLETS From tlte Waterfront A rather unusual fish which was brought In last week by Capt. A. Wick of the local halibut boat R. W. has been identified by Norman L. Freeman, local representative of the International Fisheries Commission, as a greenllng (hexagram-mos Stellerl) of the greenllng (hexagrammldae) family which comprises a number of carnlverous fishes, most of which are of large size living In kelp and about rocks In the North Pacific, some being highly valued as food. The range of the greenllng is from Kamchatka and Unalaska to San Francisco and it Is known to be quite abundant In Puget Souad but rather rare among the Aleutian Islands and scarcely known south of Cape Mendicino, Calif. The common ling cod Is another member of the same family. EXERCISES AT SCHOOL (Continued from Pace 1) Deportment Maries Sorenson. Regularity Bngtna Christ risen, HJordis Ska land. Floyd Joy. Deportment Sylvia Croxford. Regularity Jack Colli n. Eileen Hemmons, Joey Kadanago, Olav Rystad. Ooodwin Stromdahl. Wallace Dell, Pearl Mtndea, Jesn Krause. Grade IV. Proficiency Joyce Kellbaek. Deportment Alan Leigh ton. Regularity Faith King, Laura Larsen, Jean MeCrlmmon, Kenneth McCrtmmon, Marlon Sheppard. Oliver Ksays. John Wilson. Betty Blake, Jsstte Otbtop, Hasel Coombs. Uofd Keays. tirade III. Proficiency Margaret Smith. Deportment Jack Walker. Regularity Jack Kastwood. Helen Omula. Helen McDonald. Bdlta Richie. OUver aanturbane. Helen Service, Alex. Storrte, Doris Hodgkmson, May Leach, Herbert Pierce. Deportment Delphlns Lear. Regutorltf Bdie Amstuta, Phyllis Batt, Oordori Caldarwood. Sd-ward Dawes, Ray Irsugan. Margaret Hogan. Doris Leach, Alan Monro. Oeorge Weir. Grade II. Proficiency Julia Intcrmela. Deportment Sigrid Had. Regularity Ian MeRae, Robert Keays. Proficiency Annie Smith. Deportment Mary MacKensM. Regularity Oeorge Ftowln. Irene Oamula. Grade I. Proficiency IsoM MsKensle. Deportment Liseeth Dennis Alien. Regularity Solveia Jensen. Proficiency aDa Murray. Deportment Hassl Oooenbs. Regularity Oeorge Crotp. Harry Calderwood. Xilstn Horton. M artel Keays. Jack Joy. Oloflg Wymsn. And It's Still a Secret vu'ea syne it's tbb aho wot some Buomoe J -Mi 111. ! ' M, 1 I H'-iVVHW I IB !, V r'SJI S'skrs III tl Cats ajith ourifc I iJzfi K f fi 1bW' rr ' ALOMS 1 MOVJ . MUMSV - 1 PtUUtTb MAC feQVAJKJ AkJQ HE BHACTlCALLy hhjidi i i iii r h ADMITTSv I'M L EW PHPA -THAT fl-iftu I I II I II At LOUT OUT J eSCfid Iv r 7 A JAJHY, TIL Lit sec . Mareaj'ft biuCtf 7 -T I I I I CAABA.. I 1 TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 p.m. Feature starts 7 .55 & 9:55 Admission 15c & 50c MAE WEST When Coming lo Terrace Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Greet You. We meet all trains. Freight U passenger service anywhere. Lakebe Lake and Lodge, new boat li. A. 8.) now in service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the Lake, one adult, $3.00: $IJ0 per head additional. No crowd too big. No job too small. PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY MOWOV. Ml TlLtE v- rr l : i i ' ri -r. i r MV MIMO "THOUGHT MAC WAS leesTeo w A t3itti. 5 St1 OF A. Stl My Verified Suspicions luaMJLM MUM 3ua JSi JU. T, -"UIU "MY WIFE'S FAMILY" The Broadway Star Now A Screen Sensation in "SHE DONE HIM WRONG" Mini miii iiivii,-, t,un r..i .iiiiuitr,. ntmn Dr.r.iii , t rtrimuuni 1 Irish aiiv n iiu iiuuui one wus rttiuiiui limic iiic ouppij oi Diamonds Lasted.' (Not Recommended for Children.) Comedy W. C. FIELDS In "FATAL GLASS OP IlKKIt" Musical "ALONG CAME HUTU" Travel "LENINf.n Tne new ciiy lire uuck was ou'. mat uie new true is in opr w .or test runs on the city streets extensive repairs to tdn c on Friday and was reported to tie two large truck are , , have functioned satisfactorily Now dertaken. HOLIDAY RESORTS LAKELSE HOT Springs Lodge An Ideal Place to Holiday Finest of fly fishing, hunting, bathing and boating. Arrange for transportation with W. II. Ilurnett, Terrace. B.C. Kates from Terrace to the Lodge Including boat service: One adult. $3.00: each additional adult. $1.50. Write or Wire W. II. BURNETT We Look After Your Wants FURNISHED CAMP FOR RENT At Head of Lakelse Lake Consists of 3 roonr- ' sleeplog porch 30 f. lssify, Boat include J IJoriCMrrace, B.C THE DUNES n ii it . J naming, nuntmgi Fishing Modern Conveniences No Flics, No Mosquitoes Home Cooking Par Excellence 111.00 Per Week Children under 12 tulf rate MADAME RAJ AUT 1 TIell, q C. Islands Suminer Price on STOVE COAL $11.00 a ton HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 By Westovor. 3 A SOOO Jmrtmmm tm ; rAta