Prince Rupert DRY DOCK 0 TIIE rOWiLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED IKUI' -ltllflll run Mill Muh which made Prince Rupert Famous NEW ROYAL HOTEL ,,f "prtstor.. "OMK AH'AY I UO.M home" r: , The FLAPJACK, ($100) Jasmine Face Powder ($1.1 p) $2,10 Value For $1.29 (( tt ELEPHANT It ,.,4 a nsrrnriM TADANAC tir Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD - Prepared Daily Hy Radian Fish & ColJ Siorage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. H.C. Rat II as 0p AND ChM Wator 'p'-rt. BO,. TO. llax 1M SHIPYARD v,Bvg tons .r!u.,8.M!"r.lrrr. Steel Irta trl mm N Wood Vessels Brass CaaUag AretylH Welalhs; lf 1 fr rresyy utw MlrW'M-chlnery GENTLE&rEN: . A Package of PAL RAZOR BLADES With Your Next Purchase of Klenzo Shaving Cream 39c Wrapped CARAMELS, per lb. 30c OrmesLtd. yfie Pioneer Druqrists The Hesall Slow Phon, tlkn AMMONIUM I'HOSI'IMTF, SlH.PH.VfB OF AMMONIA Titim: superphosphate LMO-ZINC OAOMIDM-lllgMlrTH OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the Fhherman, lacier. Miner KOO.MS $10 per month. $3 per week, SOc per nl(ht SIIOUKK ItATIIS Third Avenue Phone l JIMMIE CICCONE v le of fjf. d.l xfja h T Cross and oanghter. ' diMtghtar werV Miss Joan Crnas. returned home on ' -the . Prtnejsas. Ute Calais yesterday afternoon attornoon go- from a vacation trip to Vancow-' P to Vancou-' vee. being acompanlad by Mies ' M East wnt: LtHian Ctom another of Mrs SRRimcr Snlllnfi tltOM PRINCE RUPERT FJftttiv Jf 'f For VsnUTW, esnisg st Ocesn Falls nd Powll Rlr MonJ. 4 p.m. snd itatunlajs t pm. For Anrot snJ Stewart, I rMsTii 3 P-- For 5kMw7i Mn KUliiki, Juu mmi (WrnsU outl.lxuml ely) Telnralt, 1 p-w Trains Et Wednesdays A rrlJij. .M p." fertnlshtly rfc le Oo Clurlotu Ittsndt. SW IkhrMltM. WH' rrtT TnTorMJi r.Tsss CA IV AD IAN NATIONAL Get quick resinta'iWlthHfWsnt ad M MrM Mary Eatrtnope of the learhlrte. 4A of Boot. Memorial School sailed Saturday afternoon lion the Princes Charlotte for her home fcreMMwaek where she will spend Me wfiwner vaeaiioa Miss E A. Mercer. Prtnuftil of Booth Mssaertal School, and Miaa May .Hawta of the U a slang staff of the4 sin sahool salted on the Prince Beorpe Setardny evtni-g for Victoria (o spend Utt mmmmt 4 tMMHtjr Tnorste, SOO M KOV . Uu . II. mum. iwroc at rilOHflS, WU a ptaaeaajcr aboard the Catala last event-g roumtaf o hi hasae on the ?aaRwr akm ac will spend Um anewBCf vacation He has been JUpadtng actoe4 la Vancouver Miss Laa. prtorfwl of the Car-eraa aeboot. and ,fiea Mair, mis stonarv awae at the same Dotal were PTtmiws aboard the Princess ejfeUe Jjaiitrdjaf afurar. Wtni AMafb 1o . toneotrrer to spend the soojaxi vacation in the O. w, Donn. assayvr for (he CoraoUdatad .frdng & amelUnf Co. hers, who has been on a trip to VaaeaaYer for (he beneiltofhu hearMh whtoh has not been so fax4 if late, iftamed to the dry fro.r the AsjsMv,on the Prtneess AdeUidt i Mrs. a. ,11. itoTsaaign and two oaughtars and Ion passed througr. I the sy pa the Pnncass Charlotte .sjatsnday aSfernooti bound from IDswaoti to Vancouver where they ; wtfi pay a vttft before proceodlns: to Peace Rfter vfcart they will take up fa tare rtotdimtii. Joining I Bishop flowrehja wts was recent-l tsaaaf erred from the Yukon to Bringing north a falr-alaed lut of paasengers, lAjaji stouner Catala. Capt. A. . ilelsaon. an-ived In port at 5 30 yesterday afternoon from Vanoouver ar.d waypiitits no sailed at t pjn. for Anyox. Steat cod other northern points nvhenee she wdJI re tut here tomorrow (Warning and rnM at I M am. far the south. . the wTi 'Z: :'r., r a hn; " My 1 at her home hi rc Dr. Joseph T . mlnlag engineer mint ia4 Mandy, for dht aorth- dUtrlct. on the Princess Loots this mom fog for Sfcagway whence he will etoteetf to verioa muting areas th the norM; of the province on kis anntul triopsotlon tour From Cartrots he will fly Into Oaltor post enroute to the Ssjuaw Creak M field arrt Mer visit the AUln. Llard River and Telegraph Creek areas. Dr Mftndy will probably be away about ft month bo! Mrs. Mandy does not expect to be in the north that long. Announcements United Ohurah oh air tea. July fl. Moose-, Plenk, Diby Istaad, Jule ftigles' plVnld July 30. CaVnellc Baaa-ar OsUwr 10. Prfsbytcttan Fall Baaaar Nov. 0. AnVlloirt-W A Bssar Nov. 18. T2B DAILY mi Special for the Week LOCAL NEWS NOTES III 4 ir- Siiversides Bros, for Wallpaper, Pof day and nirM Taxi service NC0'OlTie' -$rr MAY iSo 4 s ... Glass, Paint and Muresco. Phone' 32. ' f,f St Anorew's Cathedral Sunday School picnic will be held tomorrow, boat leave Yacht Club at I p.m Attention Oddfellow! Installation of Officers Tuesday, ,JaTy 4, at 8 pjn. Jun received Urg rftlpmrntt :hocs, alack satin arm fobaft' Heel pumps, also patenv wrap?, sizes v 2 to 7, $1.96. Annette. Miss Cathie Carmfcheel aafhc1 on the Prtou John Friday Bight for her home at Queen Charlotte City where she will apend a ledoata. and Mrs. Hta are on a trip to the AtaB dlftriot- a d eJaowhero n Northern British Cohiaabtft. Hi 'rdabsp being duties. Mrs 8 V Cm sai Mis W. 13 Morgan returned to the city oai the Prince Oeorae Friday a Her having attended the Robolcahs' "3 rand Lodge eonvoBUon at Mra W. I. CoUiSM and daughter. Miss Muriel CofJbxn. who hare been spending a holiday risttteg la' Vancouver and Victoria, returned -ome from the south on (he Ca-aala yesterday afternoon "n the Prtnse John Ttfcfaf alaht far her home at 8nlsptt. Queen Ohnrlotte islands, where she will spend the summer raeatton. Miss ADeen Paunore. daaahter jf L W Palmare of this city, ar rived In the city an Saturday af ternoon's train from her school teaching duties at Ussraoe to send the summer vacation at her Ka her. Dr. Howard T. Jamas of the field engueertng staff of the Oranby Co was a passenger on board the Prince Oeorg Saturday evening going through from An yox on a trip to Vancouver. Dr. James was formerly resident min ing engineer for the noothwastern mineral survey district wtth headquarters hers. CNR steamer Prince Oeorge, Capt R E Ned den. which arrived at 11 30 Friday morning from the outh. sailed at 3 o'clock the same afternoon for Anyox and Stewart a d was back here tratn to 7 p. -m Saturday sowmasuadi took w Vancouver many tes chart from this district who will spend the sum mer vacation in the south. Nu merous teachers arrived by the afternoon train from Interior potato and took passage on the Prince Oeorge for the south. Members of the Anyox and Stewart teaching rtaff.' wert also gnl-g tnnough toj Vancouver aboard the vtsael. "IJulia 1. C Payroll, Just One Builder fl JrWITf There is Just one builder Popularity, patronage and payrolls reeatve their life and growth from this one only builder con-dltlon-QDAUTY. Pacific Milk Is proud that It it a' product of British Columbia. Bnl high abovei all things else Pacific Milk must first place quality pure', rich and fresh. Pacific Milk '100 11. C. Owned and Conlrollrd" PLANT AT ABBOTSFOKU Special meeting Oeemployetr councils in C.LJXL. HaU tonight. Married men's reWeX. United Church Sunoay School! picnic, Digtjy Island, tomorrow, July 4. Boat leaves Pacific Salvage Float at 11 a.m. Adults 3Se. S3 Children free Dr. E. E. Lucas, acting principal Of Klnz Edward Hteh School. 15 f sailed on -the Princess CharloU Saturday afternoon for Vancouver and will spend her summer vaea tion m the south. Fred Eamorson, son of Mr. and! Mrs. R O. Emmerson of Dis-bv !- i land saMed on the Prince John on M:ss willa dyer, who has been Friday Mlsjht for Tlefl. QtKetiCfcflr-on a holiday trip to Vaneoover I lotte Islands, where be wfll seeiMf and plwwhere in the sooth, re-i the awnmer raeaston. turned to the oHiy da the Osjtala' yesterday afternoon. W R. Ltndsay. generat supertax tendent for the Oftaby Co. at As W H. Tobey. CMSt. dlvMonai briei sfsjH upertatendoni. who has tot on w vancourer. was a passenaer on i trip to Winnipeg a ofAefal bus- bord Prince Osonje an Frt- meas ret unset, to the sttr tron.0' reiurning to we smeller town. -r? East on Saturday aftetneoa's fit Rav. O. A Ma. Bthop of Ca W. B. Cornish of the Railway! msh sertiee. who has been on bio annual Taxation trip to VsjscotHfer, retumasJ lo the city from the foa the Catala yesterday Mrs. Cor-ish and little daughter, 'r-'-rtt Tt who flt att hbn. will bel retursant hom laser. Wat 94 ,flp teortata, on board. CPU. as. iPftaecss Charlotte. Oai. WUham Palmer, was In port from i to S:M Saturday aJternooa sMthboaad af -te? ber first voyage of the season to Ssafway. There were ao pas-leagora oMeembarMwt here from the vessel which took twelve per- aopth from (his pert Again'1 delayed by having heavy freights for ea-nery points along the coast Vnton steamer Cardena. Oast. Brneat Corgeson, did not ac hoar, latsr. op hp rspan to Vaneottrer. Another steamer ar-rhtng from the outh on Friday was the Princess Adelaide. Cm S. K Oay. which arrived at 4:30 in the afternoon, sailing at 10 p. . on her return to Vancouver and waypoints ca Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 957 Phone 957 ! Spring lamb About 5 lbs. Legs, per lb. Spring Lamb About s lbs. Shoulders, per lb. Spring Lamb About S lbs. Loin, per lb. Leg of Pork pr Ife. Shoulder Pork- par lb. Leg of Vesl- per lb. Prime Rib Roll par lb. Rump Roast of Beef-pee lb. Lorn Veal Chops 3 lbs. for Round Steak. 3 lbs. & Baean. 1 lb Corn Beef per lb. Tomato Sausage per lb. Pot Roast of Beef per Ify ... Frying Chicken per lb. For Picnics -Tin of Head Cheese 3 lbs 25c 15c 25c 15c 10c 15c 18c 15c 50c 50c 5c Ifln lOcj If 30c! 40c i Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 TRt OOR Fort Garry Tea and Coffee You'll always want the second cup and worth it Sold Everywhere fifty Cdlfs a PoUflJ the Highest Standard of Quality In Red Packages jContaining Premium Coupons Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE good office safe. Gan be seen at Dally News. tfj FARM 120 acres with buildings, j best of soil. Bums Lake district, ofear Utle; $500 cash or near offer. Great opportunity for someone. Funneil, Prince Rupert, B.C. ttOUSES-F. 'l : FOR RENT W Hart. if FOR RENT Clean, furnished apartment. Phone Red 444.- VEWLY Renovated modern flat Rand Block. Max Heilbroner. tf iODERN ROUSE, five rooms and Bath, with Range, $16.00. Pbon 3. tf FOR RENT Store on Third Avenne in centre of business section. Will renovate to suit tenant Thomas McClymont (tfl PAINTERS ADJTING and Paperhangng 'Ue-Dex, Phone Red 303. PIANO TUNING lANOa Tuned S30. Walkers Mv sic Store. tf TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices w. a ASPINALL D.a (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Green 543 Exchange Block The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping st General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES rhone Black 120 WANTED WANTED l-foot oafe tuMable t&r outboard motor. R. C. Hawtes, Prince Rupert HoteL fife WANTED Second-hand' ran;, hand washing machine, bath tut!. Apply Box 178. Daily Mews. 134 FARMER, stogie, desires man and wffe as partners to operate farm. Small cash mvestment for addi tional equipment required. Jota P. Adam, Rosewood, via Terrace. BjC. LOST LOST Lady a grey feat hat with red band. Please retarn to Piib-Hc Library. PERSONAL 'PRJVATE" home Kindergartens pay. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg. HELP WANTED ItOW get a Goreranent Job, Tfee Booklet The UJCC Ltd, Winnipeg:' 1 OENTLEMEN Purchase Personal Drux Sundries by Mafl Bamtn Prates. Assortment of fifteen High Grade European InDorta-Qdfts sent postpaid la plain wrapper for $1.60. Cfelaferue Free. Adutts Only. NftSfcn&l Distributors, Box 443. Regina. Sask HAIRDRESSER PEU3L4XENT WAVING 1 -Oil" $30. "Rintlette" $100. NelMin's Cesnty Sheppe TAXI SERVICE TOMMY'S TAXI phone number U oiunged to 77. Stand Capitol Theatre Block. tt TRANSFERS "AMERON"S Transfer. Phone 177. Fur r It u re moving. Bohles bouaht Chairs for rent. Wood for sale; CLEANING & PRESSING i'RICES reasonswe Benkendorf, Third Ave., next door to Dally News. Notler ol Intmlen to Apply t ' rarta Land , ; tn Priaof Ruam Uad Ricdinr Dtf-utet of hsaa rour OoM rfSSfciL sal :f th Khutae Rlw on tha JEaat rerk.T aotta that I. WiSlua LT& ouoert of Vaocoufw, BC eeeqMtioa urn opmux MBar to aMty to prnaSntoa to purclMM tha MMwlna oaacrltwa iMa: OsianMo&c M a bom ptaad tm to dMaat trom tha WMhi poat cf tba Ww sida of Lot 1TJ; thuc vtatertf SO chains: taeam sewaiMtiy at ebama; thrnc atutwty 90 afiunal thence northerly 10 chain, sad aen tlmn 100 acrta. mV or Itaa. WILUAM LAO H AN Ot OILBXRT. Dated April ITth. 1. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamera Itart Prtnoa Aupar$ tor Vanoooi.rj T.S. CATAL. EVERY TUESUAV, 1:3ft PlAL Duo Vancouver Thursday p.m. T.8.S. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Due Vancouver Monday ajn. WraUr aaUings to Pdrt Blmpaon, Alice Arm. Anyox, Btevart sad KiA Purther Information rrgardlng ail saUinga and tWkaU st Prince Rupert Agency: Second Avenue. Phone 568 If yDUkpapw-iiae not arrive, telephone the of flea