fAUE 1WO THE DAILY NEWS. MlNCfe RfcWiRT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday. s by Prince RupVrt bally News, Umited. Third Avenue II. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall-or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For lesser periods, paid In advance per week .. 6y mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire 'and United States, paid In Advance, per year '. .'. ly mall to all other countries, per year , , ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per lnmtton .unit led advertising, per Insertion, per word Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Lix-al readers, per insertion, per tine Editor and Reporters' Telephone DAILY EDITION Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulation 3.00 10f BOO 1.40 it i Tuesday. AprH 35, 1933 i'UEMlEU MINE The Mining World and Engineering tteeotd throws feomo dotlbt on the interpretation given to the Prqmiqr Gold' Milling Company's recent report, which intimated that) the life of the big mine would end in about two years. The ftecord savs there is a considei'able amount of low giade ore available for treatment, and no doubt it was for that reason the tramway -was recently renewed. The comment on the report, after speaking of the property in the Kirk-land district which is paying well and the recently purchased interest in the Big Bell and Little Bell property in West Australia, says: "Altogether the report reads as very far from an expiring cry. We can scarcely believe that the developed tonnage in the Premier Mine itself really represents the ore likely to be taken out before the mine is closed down. The fact that recently much of the aerial tram has been rebuilt and a new 23-mile long traction cable put in, points to a continuation of active work for many years." Sneakint? of the Australian nrnnprtv, thp Wncr At iet fn . iiah Government report speaks of it as a huge iov-grado ffte-mtlling ore body 100 feet wide covering some 13 c.alhis of 24 acres each. The report of the president is a very conservative one and it is noticeable that the investing public do not take: Its pessimism very seriously for the Premier stock is still active and holding up well. CANDIDATE FOR SKKENM There are a number of good men whose sen-ices mav bo secured to contest the Skeaha riding in the Liberal inter ests. At $mlthers L. B. Warnei4, editor of the Ititeriof Kehnris often mentioned as a likely candidate. There is ttfeb it rumoi that an effort may be made to get Dr, Wrinch to reconsider his decision to retire. Doubtless if he Hid so he would be elected for he has given good service untl is highly esteemed in the district. In any event Skecnn will be .well represented for Dr. Bahlford is candidate in the Conservative interest and he is said to be an able mun. d. W. Latdler, local ma ager df the W. H Milkln Co. Ltd.. returned tl the city on the Cta!a this ahetnoen after havinn mfd th round trip te Anywt and Stewart erl companV -busl ess Monr.itN UADIO 8ETS Lxanuti) a new mo ttel radio nnd ihnn Sok at you, o:n m ours can have these new Improvements also. Mbdernitimt. with the new type tubes, speakers, tune or V b I u m e controls will give you these We Have the equipment, material and experience to do this at reasonable rates. For lnforma-tihn phone BlUe 820 LOOK FOR THE TOWER Superior a Radio Service 33C SerunU Avenue, Phone Blue 320 I'. O. Hoi IJ3 A. O. BARTLETT C. II. INSULANDER J EASTER AT KITSEGUKLA ihleHot Vitiate Crlebtites llsppy seasbh of Tear KlT8ltJkLA. Apri! 2o:-Wrtlt good choir, ltd by Walter WMley, a very happy time was tperit hi ti Kltsutilkla Church Ulte Bhster. i veryone in the village HMirtlly joinint in all the services. OoOd Friday morning Mr. tJMU- due the resident missibrusfy, aht! Alfred Kicbames. Joeii prtWeWt, 4ave addresses while tfte attthetns vere "there is Life For a Leak" and Ort-at is the LornV' In the evening the president of thr Bpworth League, eter Marls. vs. he preacher and bBtHlrrtteXl M setviee. faster Sunday morrtlnc the tnts-sionary preached from I. bor. 152i, followed bv Moses Jones, local oreacher The choir appropriately rang ''Christ Being Raised." -Christ Is rttoen" and "Christ Arose." Durlna the afternoon, by speeial Invitation the Epworth Leaglie inarched with their band to tike wt m the Salvation Army Hall service, where the church choir ' Again aan. At the evening service, conducted by the Qpworth League, Arthlir Howard, local preacher, preached 'from Psalm 118 and there was a .Unje of real fellowship. The holiday on Monday saw everybody com together at a tea so-Hal on a piece of ground cleared for the purpose this year and with games and band music a very en tovsbte BaMftUde was brought to a .' close. "Be thankful- for what you have and Uilak of those lm fortunate than yourselves.' John D. AMENDMENT TO BYLAWS CityhehittvVs Nifthtsoii ChafM ahtl Adds to Garbage By rtritJoHty Vote. Ihe tlty edUhtfll last night repealed the bylaw whereby rt charge is made h)if the rerhbVal of hightsttll nhd iamendett the" gaV bate byla whereby a forty percent is made In the charges fdr garbage service to make up for the loss In revenue by removing the nlghUtill 4vtrce. Bylaw amendments Along ... .1 , THEtlJAIliT NEWS !thi Itripit sivmsnrwl hi Aid. Casey. Under the nlghUfcll BylaV the city had ttllm.ateti to txMefct feVetiue totalling $1500. Undtr Aid. Carty's plait, this $1500 Is made up for by Iricroilirik Ihe irarbge ehar which had been estimated originally to bring in 4500. This end Vblild Havcbeen rnet Oy a 8!) l lifcftfcht lhirlftse all flrttUnd m the garbage charge but. in the interests to simpler bodk-keeping, the lft-r-rente as provided for in the bylaw amendment- It made forty percent, thus increasing monthly tarbafft service charges from 35c to 38c fs-r househclders. AH the euneil xctl Aid. Weseh Voted In favor of repealing Ihe by kw. Vhen th tSroprted ametidmfcrt to the garbage bytsto oame up Tor discussion. Mayor Stephens staled that he failed to see lift Justice In vitalising all the raidnU of the ' city in tttfr to UrWrldc a free ser- I vice for comparatively few cIUmto.. ii (He outlying sections who recelv-lite htfhtttll se'. Vibe "jWW help ; ing to pay for trunk sewers from I Witch Uttgr drW ntt tilrtes bene-1 fit. &layor Stephens, to rtpbr, de-! dared that property tone In the More MntrM tectleAs f the city were bearing Ihe brunt f taxation fo trunk sewers in addition to hav-Ing te pay mueh tlte hit hfeneral rag you will skow with pride taxes. Aid. Casey insisted that he more outlying property owners were paying a very falrtsharc of the taxes and were entitled to frVe nightsoll service. Following further wrangling between the mayor and Aid. Casey, when developed along very personal lines, the vote on the amendment ro lh barbig Bylaw iris taken. Aid. Pllltbury. Aid. Black. Aid. Basso-Bert, Aid. Casey and Aid. Rudderham voting in favor of the amendment with Aid. Wesch. 'Aid. Rochester and Mayor Stephen's aftflirist. It hiafty of us, eaafe'.to lar ntorr soui-dntroytng than AUee Feie MtDou$al. '4 Jtee nub CtJrum G4i 5l Ki -ttNJUAN,N.m This beautiful Gongolcuni Hug will he on display in the window of your dealer' store until noon next Saturday. Beneath t lie Cold Seal which identifies it us a enuinv Congoletitn Hug a -secret nUinhft has been placed. If you can (JUfcSS THIS NUMBER OH IF YOUH GUESS COMES NEAREST TO THE CORRECT NUMBER the rug is yours . . . aheoluteiy free. Consider what tills means to you. It means that you may he the proud possessor df a beautiful new rug . . . a rug that will gite astonishing service clean easily uud ulways look bright and attractive . at no cost at all. ' The full rattge tit delightful new Congoleum patterns Will be oil display during this Contest und the prices are tile loUelt In history . . . Wlty Hot Visit your nearest lioiiscftirnifiliihgi dealer and see them. Congoleum GOXD "MB"MTsBrsCj sea.i lm.lJfjrS Wui WodcVf BesbYaliie Homo (Furnishings CONOOIJEUM CANADA LIMITED - MONtltEAI. ' - trouble.1' - Tuesday, Apill 25 lEaster Services i r ... till in lissmgton United Chidrdi rORT BBSINTJTO Am . npvcwi miier servtrpx ... ,,M. ; the ,UUd Church. P tJ on Oood Friday .a e.1-;,isum opmti ttiHK was fl tfnlur, of nL ;mvtea. The churn. to anu onavrr lilies Bv tt v.. wiiraiiisai inn Advertise m the Dally Nen J i No obligation to buy fcalry into lhl ronlr.t U tlllK. Ihtre It no vtMf lion to puiriia anylklag w mntUi la purl nt-lhln. l:rotie tUiklt tU StktMi rhnr. AM ?hi rtml 4t Is Uthttr III Hark tthr ywu Ik Frin Hut tlUpUt. atk for so niy rrm ami record ur gttfts. If you uri the rorrrrt ntlmU uniUr the i.IJ Sl, of If )tKir gun U lh twrl tu id rt'trrrl nutn-Wrywti will fin thrpttt ru$. .rr.ciAi. nrm. if Hirritaar a Onoln (l. lulrum Cold Meal Kug iutint tkt prrirnl of thl rtvtlrtl, and liih tre lb ulnnrr of th lvi l(M( )ou lia he bplluO ol Uklbg lit I'M be l.itn lh JmU fiunlmt pHr A rwg ftk hmpi tri)r bought rtturnil layvu. 1ii rutiirat Ulll pa.lllH rlM Si M.rt nril 5IUrtl) Kimif rlll li derlarrU at AM the Mm iUy. Mlnninj MiiMbtr will l palJ In lha Utile .lu.lor ttr ll nl U tioWditpUjaJ. a V coihiiAt 1 I tisll II amiHBitHi Mi flM iMi tsi MiufMtiM and fr r" ' 4- a a Get your Requirements at MacKenzie's Furniture - Phone 775 Prince Rupert third Avenue m (it-