paqh rotn HOLY WEEK OBSERVED Impressive Services at Fishery Bay On Naas River Athletic Activity Marriage of .Greenville Couple Another Feature of Proceedings' PORT SIMPSON, April 25: Your correspondent happened to be In Fishery Bay which Is the oollchan fishing grounds for all of the Nlsh-ga Nation, during the Easter Holidays and was deeply Impressed by the manner In which these people celebrated Holy Week. The writer arrived at that village on Good Friday Just In time to go to the nlng service which was observed In simple, solemn worship. The service had to be seen to be appreciated. The whole day had been devoted to religious meditations. The next day, Saturday, the people returned to their work in connection with the fisheries and, that evening, the Church Army of the Village of Gilakdamlks. under the native officers, took charge of the services and many appropriate quartettes and solos were rendered as well as selections by the church Army Band all of which were in keeping with the season. Easter Sunday broke a beautiful day and, with the early sunrise, came .the strains of the band and choir parading in front of the village singing and playing an anthem "He Arose! He Arose!" This was followed by a simnle service. The regular morning service was held in the church and the musical service was renderrd by the Klncollth choir under the direction of James Stewart. The anthems were "King of Kings' and "Worthy is the Lamb.and' there was a trio by Mrs. Arthur Nelson and Messrs. Stevens and Stewart. Reverend S Klnley of QUakdamlks preached the morning serrice. In the afternoon the congrega tion of Gilakdamlks took charge and rendered a splendid musical service, both by the band and the choir which rendered the anthem, "Bells of Easter." "Worthy is the Lamb" , and "Hallelujah Chorus.' .Captains James Adams, F. B. Talt and Lay-Reader Paul Mercer were in charge of the afternoon service At the evening service the church of Orcertvihad charge with the wf nsia-coaper preaenmp .and the mukes jjprogram was rendered by the Ormulile- choir including . the folio winnnumbera: Soprano soloT'! Know That My Redeemer Llveth," (Handel's "Mes siah"), Mrs. Johnson Russ. Chorus, "Since by Men Came Death" (Handel's "Messiah"). Duet, "O Death Where Is Thy Sting?" 'Handel's. "Messiah". Choruses, 'Thanks be to God' and "Worthy is the Lamb" ( Handel's "Messiah"). This concluded the religious ser vlee at Fishery Bay. Attending were about four hundred people from all over the district, some from Port Simpson, others from Alaska and from all of the other village on the Naas River. The Week FoUowing On Easier Monday the Greenville Citizens' Association, which had prepared, an elaborate program ex tended to all a hearty invitation to come to the village of Greenville, which Is only a few miles away, to celebrate the holiday. The association, under .the direction of Chas. Maeffefll a.nd .Fred McKay, had ar ranged a basketball tournament for which they had some very fine trophies representing the cham ptenshlp of the Naas River. The first game played in the men's division was between Greenville Athletic Club and a Port Simpson team picked up from Red Bluff and Greenville was an easy winner. The next game was between Kin eolith arid KUakdamlks. This was an evenly contested game and the result was in doubt right to the end but Klncollth was at the last able COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat, Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 68 Phones 551 to put in the winning basket which gave them the game. The two winners were now billed to play on the following day in the finals. In the women's or girls' division there were only two entries, one from Gilakdamlks and the other from Greenville. They were very evenly matched and the team from Gilakdamlks was always the more aggressive and, had they had better luck in their shooting would have won the series but, in the two-game series that they played. Greenville won both and they hold the title and trophy for this division. In the Juvenile division there were only two entries from Greenville and Klncollth and the series was carried by the Greenville team as well as the cup for this division. On Tuesday morning the men's finals were to be played and the Greenville and Klncollth teams lined up to play but, owing to some misunderstanding between the two. Klncollth, rather than play, withdrew from the series and then Gilakdamlks took the floor in the place of Klncollth, and. both teams being very evenly matched, played a very fast game. At the end of the game, it was found that both teams were at a tie and another ten minutes of jlay was agreed on which enabled the Gilakdamlks team to score the winning points which gave them the erles. All through the series was featured by very fast playing and showed the results of training. The officials and the players were very Stood and clean playing was prominent. Marriage Solemnized Right after the game, a marriage vas celebrated between the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis of Greenville, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam MacKay, also of Green- "ille. the service being conducted in the Anglican Church by Rev. Mr. Cooper. After the service a sump-' tuous banquet was served to about hree hundred visiting guests in the Community Hall, the Greenville Concert Band being in attendance. There were guests from Port 8hnD-1 -on. Ketchikan. Alaska. GUakdam-l Iks and Klncollth. In the evening the Greenville Citizens' Committee distributed the I orizes to the winners in a very tit-ilng way, and it was announced that' the entire, proceeds of the sports' program, werj In aid of the new ! church building and that they were I able to Realize something over ai hundred idollars, j a veryenjojaoie aance was new. the music being' by a splendid local orchestra. Steamship Sailings for Vancouver- Tuesday CarAena 1:30 pjn. Thurs. ss. Prince Oeorge 10 pjn. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 p.n.. Ss. Venture midnight April 14 ss. Prin. Norah .... prn. April 28 ss. Prln. Norah .... pjn. I'rom Vancouver Sunday ss. Cardena pjn Wed. ss. Prince Rupert 0:30 ajn Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide .. pjn. Ss. Venture pjn. April 10 ss. Prin Norah .. . ajn. April 24ss. Prln. Norah .... ajn. for Stewart aad Anyox Sunday ss. Cardena 8 pjn Wed, ss. Prince Rupert. 4 pjc From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Cardena 11:30 ajn nrd g 'padnH aauiij ss sinyx for Naas River ana fort Simpson Sunday ss. Cardena 8 pjn. From Naas River St Tort Simpson-Tuesday ss. Cardena 11:30 ajn. From Ocean Fan Wed ss. Pr. Rupert 9:30 ... ajn Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide ... pjn. , ..Ss. Venture pjn. For Ocean Falls Tuesday as. Cardena 1:30 pjn. Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 pjn. For Queen Charlotte Ulands April 7 and 21 ss. P. John 10 p.m. What to Roll... That is the question . . . until you discover how easily you can roll a more enjoyable cigarette with Ogden's Fin Cut Cigarette Tobacco. Easy rolling! Yes, bui that's only half the story. Wait 'till you light up! Then you'll know why Ogden's Fine Cut has become first choice with so many men who roll their own. Ogden'i Fine Cut is a real cigarette tobacco ... the kind that sells on its merits. No need to take our wofd for it. Just try a package ; . . use "Chantecler" cigarette papers with it OGDEN'S FINE CUT Ymnr pipe knotr Ogdrn't Cut fluK Baseball Scores "TILLIE THE TOILER" ( VMMAT-ri All I rut PiyuH.iw6 I MJOOT, TlCUSV mm JaTt 'WliT'VJISJK & f mM . i mi TO P UU OOT MOW Ml WJ VAStC C ? , .''A I CAM WW Canadian Press) American League Philadelphia 16. Boston 10. , St. Louis 3. Detroit 4. New York 10. Washington 11. Cleveland 4, Chicago 5. National League Brooklyn 0, New York 4. Boston 5. Philadelphia 6 ( Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L, Pet. Pittsburg 7 1 .876 New York 4 2 ,.607 Brooklyn 4 4 M0 Philadelphia 4 ft .444 Boston v 3 4 .417 St. Louis 1 5 J7 Chicago ft J7 Cincinnati 2 4 JUT AMERICAN LEAGUE New York 7 2 " .7TS Chicago 8 3 Mh Washington 6 1 Jt8 Cleveland 5 5 100 Detroit 6 5 JM Philadelphia 4 7 JW Boston 3 6 ' 3U St. Louis 3 8 .173 mi DAILT IfBTTl Tuday, April jj , FOOTBALL LINED UP Two Teams Already Entered For Senior League and Two More Arc Expected ' Two teams Canadian Legion and Regiment -are already entered for Senior 'League football this season, it was revealed last night at the spring organization meeting of the Prince Rupert Football Association. There -are prospects of two more Senior League teams and the outlook for the season is very promising. The closing date for entries has been fixed as May 1. the opening date of the season and which trophy competition will be run off first to be decided upon after the number of entries are known. It is planned to issue season tickets thLs year. Grounds and equipment are lr j god shape and arrangements are being made to have an exhibition j game next Sunday Douglas Fi iaell was elected sec retary-treasurer at last night's meeting, sun reding C L. Youngman resigned. Other officers tor the year are: Ikmoyan President. Ex-Mayor C. , II. O-rsne. Honorary First Vice-President. Alex Gtapperton. Honorary 8econd Vice-President. Gkot I In son MP. President. Bert Morgan. Vice-President. William Murray. Auditor Frank Vtckers I Board of Control J. A. Frew. O. W. Abbott 8 D. MacdonakL James Black and Oeorge Hill sr. SERVICE IS ANNOUNCED (Continued from Page li Inaugurated on May 15 with the steamer Prince Oeorge arriving Wednesday mornings at 10:30 from Vancouver via Powell River and Ocean Sails and the steamer Prince Rupert m Friday mornings at the same hour. The Prince Oeorge will leave Wednesday evenings at 10 o'clock for Anyox and the Prince Rupert Friday evenings at the same hour for-fJtewart. returning here at 6 o'clock Thursday and Saturday evenings respectively and sailing at 10 o'clock the same nights for Ocean Falla Powell River and Van couver. The summer schedule of steam era, starting June 21 northbound from here, will bring the Prince Oeorge or Prince Rupert from Van cojuror. Powell River snd Ocean Falls at 11:10 Wednesday mornings, sailing at 2 pjn. for Skagway and other Alsitka points, returning here at 7 am. Mondays and sailing at 4 that afternoon for Ocean Falls. Powell River and Vancouver. The Prince Rupert or Prince Oeorge wtH arrive at 11:30 Friday mornings from the south, sailing at 3 o'clock In the afternoons for An yox and Stewart, returnlnc here at 6 pin. Saturdays and sailing at 7 pjn. for Oeean Falls, Powell River and Vancouver. , The steamer Prince Robert will not operate this year and the Prince John will continue on the fortnightly service to the $oeen Charlotte Islands. TRAINS -'or the East Mondays Weaseadaya and days 9:30 Frl p. no from the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10:15 p-m. Tonight's train, due from the east at 10: 16 pm.. was reported this afternoon to be one hour late which would bring It In at 11:19 pm. CHARGES AT CHURCHILL Vessel Using IIuiImmi Hay Must Pay For Services Received There Mail Schedule Port OTTAWA, April 36 Minimum port charges effective in any Canadian ocean port will be applied to vessels entering Churchill during the present year. The following is a summary of the charges to be made at Ot.u renin : Piloting, a flat rate of $60 per ship; dockage, three days free ana $100 per day thereafter; wharfage, the minimum of other Canadian porta; storese,-equivalent to tolls payable in Vancouver; Sick Mariners' Furd. Sc. per net registered ton payable on the first three trips each year to any Canadian port; port warden's fees equal to those in Vancouver: tag service. ISO per hour; handling lines, same as at Vanroifver; fresh water. 45c per 1.000 gallons aiongsioe the wharf, with an additional charge of 38 for the use of a hose on the dock. Kectrto current for light will be furnished to vessels only by special arrangement. Kor the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Pr day . .4... ..-j.' 8:30 pja. rom the East Tuesday. Thursday and Satuf day 10:) pt For Vancouver-Tuesday llg) pjn Thursday , 9:30 pin. Fnoay s,:.. , ii prr April 14 and jgYS.t...!... pjn. Monday. ttdnafday and Friday (by train) ..... f. Frm Vancouver Senday . . lj Wednesday Frldav . . - April 10 and V 8:M pjn. PJD .. 9:30 am - ...... pjn a m. Tuesday Thuinay and Saturday by train' 10 15 pm. for Stewart and Anyox Sunday .... . 7 pm FOLLOW OUR LEAD BUY FOR CASH AND PAY LESS IMPRESS ORANOE MARMALADE, 40-os jar PRIDE OF ONTARIO HONEY. 5-lb. tin A "Lesson" in Driving 33c 65c Johnson's Special 1 tin FLOOR WAX. 1 lb. 1 DOUBLE DUSTIER . Value $1.35 orp SPECIAL PRICE OOVs The supply Is limited, so put in your order now. Jrders from out of town customers tven careful attention. The amity of our goods and our prices cannot be beaten. We guarantee you Usf action. The freight rates from wre are cheaper than those in the outh. MX WE ASK IS A TRIAL ORDER. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store We deliver all orders, It or over 317-19 Third Avenue West P.O. lot 573 Phone II MONDAY 8i TUESDAY Admission 15c & 50c TWO SHOWS 7 Si 8:15 ' uaasBBsaBBflaassUBin "LADV's m,.. .SUrUstlM THE RIB-TICKLING. L'ritf)Altiftire . i 1:1 "A LADY'S PROFESSION" With ALISON SKII'WOUTII, ROLAND YOL'NQ. SARI MARixy UOMANTIC DltAMA "HOT SATURDAY With CAKY GRANT, NANCY CAKUOLL. ItANDOLI'ii Doth Paramount Pictures 5C01 Added AttractionOn the Stage at 9:23 Masquerade, Taney Dress Dance C ontest Music by Mrs. Ulark'r Orchestra WEDNESDAY ONLY "SELF DEFENCE" esBaasHBaaaaaatBaaBasJBsaBBBaBsffw FOR ONLY $1 ?nn LVJV CASH The Kelvinator-equipped The Greatest Electric Refrigerator Value Ever Offered Here U the electric rcfriceiater ou luv besvt waiting fer. dftlfurtl and built t; a prfee that makes buying easy. The I'ui r King brings hi all that h new In rrfrn rt I tan ileaign. It eaves money and time pi" teete iimlth. And all IhH 41 rubir twi rapatity, porcelain enamel interior, wiut'-Ufqur exterior rtfrlcefatiwi rnsnrl m is h (169J0 oath. Polar Klnr with f ut foot eapatlty is $ttJQ. Oilier Krlvina(-r and General Electric model at vnon-prices with convenient term similar to ' thoie slf e ml for Polar Klnr ! cubx fool PAY $ ONLY 9 .00 Down BUnce iptesd over two ye in Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited Shoe Repairing Drinc your shoes to the Shu-Craft We rebuild them Satisfaction Guaranteed M. MacARTHUU Third Ave. Next Federal Ma Fresh Milk awl Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 -By Westoven . Pras' WS 0flll r9-: